Possessing Nothing
Chapter 101
< Reunion -1>
Where catches . The walls much thicker Whether know can eopeotjiman , the end to arrive rather than better . Lee looked at a floating mini map on one side of the field of vision .
Finally, the leading roads total of four dogs . Currently the Lee Sung-min in a way that is chwigeol and jangdeuksu , the old lady hyeolhyeol . Lee Sung-min is another way your dog stared .
Four of the way of the two dogs yellow dots and red dots to coexist there . And the other way, the one yellow dot two dogs were , the last remaining , the way red is only one point ? There . Lee Seong-min stared at the road where only the red dot remained .
‘ Who are you ?’
Who Is Doppelganger . Way to one million Doppelganger remains that if that the way that other people are all to Doppelganger was killed tteutil emitter .
‘ Is it good luck ?’
Maybe already back Sogo is dead, it Maybe . Such ominous foreboding is to assail comes . Lee sucked his lips and swallowed the ominence . I see a different path . A road with only three people . People and the Doppelganger together with length one . Doppelganger two in length one .
Only Doppelganger that way one is excluded . Either the end must choose do . Currently the Lee Sung-min is located in the road going to be that it is the right and the left . That of the left side of the people and the Doppelganger was , the right side is a man three were .
The mini-map bodeon of Lee Sung-min eyebrows flinch trembled . Yellow dot -year-old dog to another approaching there .
What should I do ?
This is the worst case . That yellow dot three dogs are hoyeon tea instead , the tea hoyeon that his followers would . Cha hoyeon If I greatly question is not are . Cha hoyeon also the Lee Sung-min and remember you ‘ll . But her followers by those mine ? They are the Lee Sung-min left two would think not .
‘Even if you sell the name of the magazine, it does not seem like you can believe it .’
The distance between the yellow dots is close . Soon , if you encounter it . Or already at each other when captured Map know . Lee Sung-min is left the way hilgeut saw . Doppelganger and the people street quite apart there .
” Shit .”
이성민은 강기에 덮힌 창을 오른쪽 벽으로 향했다. 정말 최악의 경우라서, 이 벽 너머에 마두 둘. 독고귀검과 마랑철권이 있을 지도 모른다. 어쩌면 위지호연과 백소고가 있을 지도 모르고, 극천도나 무쌍괴협이 있을 지도 모른다.
Nothing is certain . I do know . Window, the entire wound around which the Chezy changdu finally converge . Day the line to a portion of agglomerated is Chezy smaller , less it was condensed .
[ Hoo .]
It reports the heoju surprised to hear served . Lee Sung-min This recipe exceptional skills with that adhere to it , but thought , No way to do this in Chezy tune that nicely not know did because .
[ Reaching the Distinguished Flying is a land together impossible . How to be in geonya ?]
“I ‘ve done it before .”
Lee responded while staring at the window . Lee Sung-min reached the status of the unprofitable . It is impossible to tune the river so far only if you see the status of the state as a status window . Practice of Lee Sung-min Distinguished Flying water level characters who LESSON nine thousand Promise window , Mooyoung talhon This all eight had sex .
But that than otherwise . Lee Sung-min is already rather far ahead of the state- reaching memories were . It was a weird thing . Head remember there , the flesh and boiled the Distinguished Flying it fully unfold can not . It now is also the moment was the same . If the original is not possible not to to be because the inner hole is consumed large .
But recall . The abdomen emptiness is lifting is but Lee Sung-min’s mind did . Lee Sung-min is the window caught the hand continued to force French got the pitting poured and poured . Lubia was tongue-tongued, and he was silent . The cohesion at the end of the window was dark purple .
‘The spirit world is definitely different .’
Then it more than this fast was part . Lee Sung-min is bitter smile smiled . That was it . Lee Sung-min is a red color to the flesh made of the wall towards the window, cried my .
[ Funny guy .]
Lee Sung-min of the window wall went off tert time , heoju the kkeolkkeol laughed he said .
Lee Sung-min is a breath relax and drove punched the wall walk went . Pitting the largely drained thanks to dazzling dizzy felt . The leg strength good fit does . Lee Sung-min was trembling legs hold the can lower lip bodied is chewed .
‘ I can not help it .’
Lee took out a potion from the space pocket first . And I took it at once . It’s only in the body, blood is a little bit gone, but , potions are consumed by pitting are not restored did . The convergence to restore order to the Meridian breakfast need for it is the time not .
Lee took out the corps from the space pocket . He split the coronet in half and put it in his mouth . Then the mouth into the great tribulation just halves just melted neck goes . Originally an elixir if you take the Meridian breakfast and the pitting taken , however , a black heart with Lee Sung-min is that the process wildest need not . Taking great tribulation end of the half pitting the right of Lee Sung-min in the abdomen piled .
” Huh !”
This use to re-aged college to majeongseok not take without put it . Juhwaipma of risk also concerned but , in a hurry when the pitting right to recover also intended there . Had non is interrupted full kicks . Definitely great tribulation stage Shaolin most beautifully elixir only half of Lee Sung-min is consumed for pitting mostly restored it was .
“ Juhwaipma is to nourish . Heoju of words to fit the map do not know . “
Totally not trust does . Lee Sung-min is pitting the restored that hagoseo confirmed immediately forward ran out . Yellow dots the two dogs , such as the location was , now is Lee Sung-min , which is where the so far did .
How did a run .
We are seeing two engaged . As a back view seen when . Lee Sung-min in the chest around for stomp jump . Pure white mubok and gray hair . Lee Sung-min was her appearance knows there .
White Shepherd .
Sogo back and attack that is black with mubok mouth was dwelt . Only big In terms than jangdeuksu greater . Sword hwidureuji no man ‘s fist to use , its a gangmaeng attack directly suffer without seeing ppuninde is also a bust this sol to so it was intimidating .
‘ Fist . Is it Marrang Tekken ?
Sogo back and marang Tekken is a weapon not used without the top body for Mutu has beolinda the point was . However, the attack methods of the two were quite different . Sogo is back to Mooyoung talhon default by pleasure and the environment , focusing rest breaks without if pro lead , marang Tekken is slow and were heavily . Both of who it lead hagieneun determined early seems though , Lee Sung-min The view back Sogo is a bit woosehanga wanted .
But that does not mean that the situation is not good . And its a bit away from where , skinny, skinny man in arm along stood . He is coming with Lee Sung-min Report an eye finely floated .
It is an insulting insect .
I could not recall anyone other than a poacher and a singer . Nectarine pole or two Warriors goehyeop what it looks like is I do not know , they were back Sogo attack why not . In fact, standing in the man his belt, the long sword hanging there .
The light industry unfolding of Lee Sung-min in the leg strength went .
Until earlier if luck was nice , now not . I did not know that I would encounter the insults and the Marang iron fist on this road . Dont quite that bad luck to be without it , marang Tekken and the dokgo gwigeom not hapgong did was that .
So that it is marang Tekken the gangjja ryeotgi part because . Another is a weapon not without bare skin on Mutu is ilgagyeon so , the marang Tekken directly come forward one time to see gyeorwo want to fight has come .
‘ Even if I win here … ‘
Sogo back the lower lip bodied is chewed . Marang Tekken is great but sticking , back Sogo is that more marang iron fist half be enough excelled . Easy to knock number but a big variable happen unless one hundred tambourines are with marang iron fist in a fight to win reap can be will .
The problem is the insult and the sword . Dokgo gwigeom is a tea hoyeon follow their followers among the most outstanding high rating received was a stick . A thorough , if the state moreulkka , the marang Tekken trim down after the dokgo gwigeom fight if the back Sogo survive possibilities are infinitely less .
“ Marang the Tekken hagoseo subdue his life have if threatening … No . This is not possible . Dokgo gwigeom two of marang Tekken life to worry about Lido there . “
But I could not give up . Sogo back is yet death could could . She has them standing clenched an iron fist marang stressed . Back slightly protruding in marang Tekken face is distorted . Dokgo of gwigeom subtle smile back and forth set out , so the embarrassment danghage And there yeolbul the kkeuleotda .
“I have a bitch … ! “
Angry voice chew spit bojiman marang Tekken is the Sogo back the attack that received it was at best . Then during ,
Koo Woong !
Big sound was . Dokgo gwigeom This was the reaction of one hundred Sogo shoulder startled she trembled . Him because of small gaps being created is though , the sound surprised it marang Tekken also referred to the same back-Sogo has seen a break as an opportunity to change is there was .
“ Someone ohneungun .”
The poetry eagle muttered . It marang also Tekken , highly baekso felt . Someone at high speed approaching it . Who is it ? The eyes of Baek Soko were shaken a little . Her in real worst is coming to hyeolhyeol old lady or … It was during the Wei Ji Hai year . If so , if even a miracle happen unless one is back Sogo survive possibilities there will be .
” What is that guy ?”
Sogo is back behind the ball can not . But it was not the Marang Tekkwang and the Hwajeongguk . Marang Tekken is now back Sogo busy concentrating coming to know who to see the number did not .
“ Murimmaeng guys in the window to write this guy Was ?”
The insulting eagle so mumbled and pulled the sword . Window . No . Chwigeol the Warriors are goehyeop Mutu Fargo , jangdeuksu the ax writes , pole nectarine is a also used . Window … Window . Hundred Sogo remember on the other side , someone came up . One people . The window to write the unattended knew there was .
“ See, the young look … I do not know what he is doing . “
The poisoned eagle so mumbled and headed forward . Coming to the who , but do not know , he me who do not know a guy is interested in were the same . Sogo is back behind looking back would like to urge felt . But it is was not .
” Will I kill first ?”
“No need !”
Dokgo gwigeom is to marang Tekken asked , the marang Tekken rough voice replied . I hugged the answer and laughed at the answer . Then the
Cauan !
Like a flash binary shoot the sting of dokgo gwigeom and search hits . The attitude of the poetry and the inscription did not fall a little . He is then in place firmly stood speed appeared to lunge take found . Relaxed laughing building was the dokgo gwigeom snow was thin . He ‘s now blow over , your opponent extraordinary not proficient with that stick that was found .
” Who are you ?”
The dokgo gwigeom asks . Marang of Iron Fist to attack back Sogo is a few steps back and retreated . Sudden third parties to intrude marang Tekken also directly to the bag Sogo is dalryeodeulji did . He breathed a while back and saw a man attacking a white sogon , apoisoned sword .
Lee Seong-min .
SOGO is one hundred two eyes big books open Lee Sung-min of the like seen . 1 years ago saw the like . There is no big difference in appearance compared to that time . By the way , why . Why is that such a , 1 years ago compared greatly to the growth that is like no visible bigger does .
Lee Seong-min did not look back . I wanted to see the facts . Back around , a hundred tambourines . I wanted to say hello to the sister . A long time that , well neunyago jinaet . So to say wanted . But it also could could . Right in front of dokgo gwigeom and the marang Tekken is . Lee Sung-min is a gap if it seems dokgo gwigeom is that the gap miss but the attacks added to .
” Sister .”
Lift the window . Both hands clipped . The rate Godfrey , but conflicts dokgo is gwigeom of Lee Sung-min attacks without difficulty found accepted . Although the dokgo gwigeom Doppelganger is a chwigeol logos fell even , in dokgo gwigeom proficient than chwigeol who is not . Lee Sung-min is feeling the dokgo gwigeom strength is , he ever saw any unattended Throughout most strong . Full Moon under the gum ears and dokgo gwigeom Compared few could off had.
“It’s been a while .”
I do not see the face of Baek Sogo . Lee Seong-min stared at the poetry . Then he said slowly . That horse are the Sogo back shoulder finely tremble . 1 a year . Only one year . 1 years ago compared to the back Sogo obviously been stronger . But already in the ground right in the back Sogo skills is one that in two hours has was given one big not developed did .
However, Lee Sung-min is whether .
Sogo back is incredible the number did not . 1 years ago I saw the priest strength is that the degree was not . Then Lee Sung-min is also a chojeoljeong close is it , but , somewhere in that unstable feeling had river . But now ? Now Lee Sung-min is highly baekso surprised about stronger there .
“… Sa … Priest ? “
Why are you here that beggar ? Sogo is back him to ask , but I wanted , now the situation is that the question has split not fit does that knowing was silent . Dokgo gwigeom is back Sogo and the Lee Sung-min while watching a laugh shed .
“ Was there a priest for Jukkul ? That’s the first time you ‘ve heard it . “
Dokgo gwigeom of the sword sippeolgeon the speculum is sotguchin . Lee picked up the window with both hands and chose to breathe . I will not believe you tell me that you are the acquaintance . Then back Sogo stand to take the battle damage do escape . I had it a break line will think not .
If so, you may wonder .
Your opponent is hateful . One never fought the enemy without is relative . Excellent the verification how to contact that tricky already a few or one experience saw . Lee Sung-min knew instinctively . In front of which dokgo gwigeom is , now more than himself is strong that .
Can I do it ?
Re- emerged on the question , Lee Sung-min is a step forward to extending that answer was instead .
I have to .
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