Possessing Nothing
Chapter 125
Lee Sung-min’s earlier before the exit exited the north to the gates again entered . Lee Sung-min’s back ohdeon according Spa Obama to heotuteum shed the landscape looked .
“ This is a travesty .”
Directly with the small , but in the north the best way metropolitan areas , the teurabiah for mineral Mado well known was . So mineral Obama now , like the ruins turned abandoned the teurabiah Report surprising choice but did not .
“ In the north and the small , but the story also mudeonhi I heard . Blood thyme … Stupid radio guy . “
Mark mineral streets muttering at the end of the Lee Sung-min him hilgeut saw . That word means , mineral Mark the blood Chunma know that as group heard since .
“ Have you ever met a blood soul ?”
” Long ago .”
The spirits spouted .
“ Almost ten years not before . Bonjwa is the madness aldeon former is one , Wireless guy a teurabiah as grounds also hold before because one you mean . “
Gwangcheonmae made a bitter look as he remembers the blood of the time . At the time of blood Chunma are brilliant talent shining little was sticking . Spa Obama at the time the blood Chunma report , soon good the opponents line is that thought .
“ You’re in the north to see two days left Do you see ?”
The spearman asked Lee . Lee Sungmin slowly nodded his head .
“ So I bonjwa also see the work report I want .”
” Are you trying to meet a bloodless horse ?”
“ Old as before even if the relationship was a bastard , but rumors have heard only ppunyiji guy and despair that it knows . But seniors are am the body was once met talk about the share ‘d like . “
Spa town and deliberately , as Danilo need not show . Press the space datuge it is when mineral Mark by it jundamyeon much help Although you will .
– You worry about what there will be .]
The heoju said .
[ A city Jenny Ella a region , fucking is Jenny Ella attention getting there . As the press compartment of Richie how you want the river without knowing as much as Jenny Ella ‘re not .]
Lee Sung-min is the top hilgeut saw . Press the space workhorse has yet to head up wandering there . Bother Lee Sung-min side looking to go necessarily did not .
Spa town and the three days after , the north gate, near the inn back to meet the promises held . After that , the sparrow left immediately . Mark mineral is wide at the ground what the blood Chunma find the idea that the eggs can be , but no , it’s mineral springs town was the problem .
Lee started walking slowly . He is human is rare, deep in the alley came , the sky height floating in the press compartment workhorse is the Lee Sung-min miss not come along .
“ Only to see you gonna ?”
Lee Sung-min is the top up watching asked . Then workhorse the wings stumbled flops . Lee Sung-min is a workhorse beyond which the press Cannes La drilled seen .
“ One another and meet like it is the same thing that I think . How are you? You Where that if you say , just go find not . “
As at the end of workhorse is quick and down to come down . Lee Sung-min of up to eye level down on the raven beak open . Around for snapping beak several times, smashing , vodka and karanghan voice singing instead came leak .
“ Freaky little kitty .”
Raven is a wild Turo coughed .
“ What the hell what that imposing Will ? Others a lifetime dedicated to create a heart by stealing the topic … ! “
“ Correctly, not the guards ? What you did not do is your fault . And I have wanted to have been it ‘s not . “
” That weird kind of way … ! “
“ I have a lot to ask you .”
Lee looked at the crow eyes and said . Then the crow’s beak closed .
“ My body in the heart . This replaces what I possibly I do not know . So I want to hear it from you who made it . “
“ So speaking , I of course tell me that you think would ?”
“Have you met and talked .”
Lee Sung-min is uttered party crow wings around for flip laughed .
“ Gates outside called it . Then I go look will do … “
” No . I do not . “
Lee responded quickly .
“ I just have in the city a few the moon during the stay I’m thinking . Or a vampire queen in residence gadeonga . “
” What ? ? “
“ Quinn me quite like example one look . He told me that he could stop by at the mansion at any time . It should stay nowhere eopeuni , queen in the mansion back anything be all right . “
” This guy … ! “
Workhorse over the press compartment distance units that were felt . Norm of reaction by Lee Sung-min is the conviction was obtained . Teurabiah in the press space is free to act can not . Teurabiah If you are outside the Eine through a raid to the degree possible but look , the city inside it can not .
“ Gold matap owner Lloyd .”
Press the space the look frightened trembled .
“ When I got this heart into my body . Dungeon on the floor dying Lloyd I’m squatting played nine . “
“ Futile done squeezes .”
The press Cannes this galmyeo coughed .
“ Anyway, I mean . I had a heart in my body then … Lloyd did not know him . What happens if I tell Lloyd about this ? “
” Fuck you !”
Lee Sung-min of the backlash yijuk the press compartment Quack and screamed shouted . As the press compartment and Jenny Ella adversaries than to Lloyd Black Heart existence it is known that more horrible disgusting was the one . Old wizard, Lloyd ‘s heart worth out view will , no way that your heart you want to study in it . So if as a press compartment lifelong studied reached the non different to the Wizard meolttunghi deprived of this form is discarded.
“Do not you? You a heart to honestly tell jundamyeon , a Lloyd’s of heart about to say what you do not . “
“ This freak . Do you want to deal with me ? “
” No . It’s intimidation . “
Lee Sungmin quickly spit . Raven is just as fit to body twists . The longer the wings Map Street flops without a land away from claims about roll .
” Son of a bitch .”
The crow opened his beak and spit out .
“ I swear you can Do you ? I will not tell Lloyd , and other mages about the existence of that heart . “
“I swear . It’s not difficult . “
Lee responded immediately . Raven’s eyes through the Lee Sung-min bodeon staring at the press compartment vibrating trembling voice said .
“ I have a black heart from implementing wanted it ‘ predator ‘ and ‘ evolution ‘ is .”
” Find easily tell you .”
“… Other beings heart to eat to the heart of the master the knowledge you gain can have . Flask such a force was purified lumps eat even when not purified but directly own that the three could not . “
That horse over Lee Sung-min’s Eine a sseudeon baekbo priesthood and Gong , Chezy . And the great tribulation just been taking when refining process without directly to the abdomen force ssatdeon that made sense .
“ Through him the heart continues to evolve . More strongly , more angelic . My lovely daughter , Eine has a heart to heart with the body hayeotgi configuration because , the heart with the evolution of the possibility of literally unfold can not . But it is impossible for you . It is fucking human flesh heart foil because only you . “
The figure of Iine who changed the form of the limbs freely , and made the tentacles and the wings in the body . It reported Lee Sung-min is also just in case you want the tentacles dislodge try but looked , Lee Sung-min’s tentacles eject number did not . It was because Lee’s body was completely different from Ie’s .
” That in addition to the other thing ?”
“… The heart of what extreme the possibility of containing should be . Predation by repeated that the evolution that the purpose of containing and , I have him by creating wanted it all the more present superior Ultimate is vital . Heart created even and that the ultimate is some place that you know . That possibility is ambiguous because it is . “
“ Eventually You well know not the military that .”
So to answer the Lee Sung-min ‘s voice has to hide can not disappointment damgyeotda . That ‘s Lee Sung-min to answer the pressing space of a crow beak snapping hammering shouted .
“ Fucking in the chest coming apart your heart if you check more details to know you can dont !”
“ So I give thought not .”
“ The teurabiah only themselves to look . I will surely … ! “
“ Yes .”
Lee Sung-min ignored Prescahn ‘s words, which were shouting in a cold- blooded voice . Then he lifted his foot and stepped on the body of the crow . Ppajik , to the sound with the crows that bodies horsepower is scattered .
“ Eventually correctly the answer is not ‘ve got .”
Predation and evolution , and possibility . Called macrophages that are very gaze things were . The human heart is to eat it as a human living on a Lee Sung-min In a horrible was the one because . However, the evolution and potential side, straw, this is it was .
First of Eine ambushed received when . And later when I fought my sword ears . Eine with the fight Lee Sung-min is the Chezy realized , the sword of the ear in a fight at the time for Lee Sung-min impossible to changro reached .
Death to avoid to evolve if ? To overcome can there is a possibility given your heart to the body evolved Will ?
“ Maybe it maps do not know .”
Lee Sung-min is a bitter laugh thought . Eventually it went off swinging ppuninga . Lee Sung-min looked down at his body . But this one as much as you confident that you can there . Training in spiritual world . During the 2100 years there , the sisters did not receive the help of the heart . There is that it is strictly Lee Sung-min ‘s I was in the spirit , because .
“ Now, where John Ghana ?”
Lubia , who was hiding inside Lee’s body , asked in a weary voice .
“ Let’s go back to the central district .”
I went to the north and met the spirits . Such a meeting undergone over further over the north out of it meaningless felt . So back to the Central District of return of the year, the rest of the time sending I was thinking .
Lee Sung-min is in the central district heading there when , mineral Obama in the eyes irritating the guys tighten standing captured beat knocking there . The first, the tramp beat knocking , then followed bustling restaurants and a pub go back beat beater that was repeated .
“ Blood Pegasus is where whether ?”
The mineral spring constantly asked for it . The craziness but how the effects were . WAN him doentong beaten paejugo , by which the guy a collar grab a fist all instantaneous . This guy just blood Pegasus Bag Wireless Where that had come to blows because .
In fact, it’s great that the secret to it was not . Spa Obama Blood Chunma in the shelter for spoken of him a collar jwigoseo the instructions left . I did not forget to put a damn on me if I lied .
It is a guide in the blood Chunma abode is , the central district on the outskirts of the old was homes .
” Well .”
Tempted to reply, the doorknob to open in example on mineral Obama drifting dark drink in the smell of the nostrils jandeung painted grimace . Inside the squeaky sound and with a woman excited moaning sounds heard were . Spa Obama ‘s face while contorted tree around for stride hear I the room got .
It was a spectacle .
Rooms have floor this bottle nadwinggulgo , the room inside at least strange smoke filled the car was . Spa rolling smoke spewing a censer hilgeut saw .
“ Drugs to alcohol , to women . Completely broken ‘re abandoned . “
The movement of white radio stopped at the murmur of the mineral spring . He is under laid a groan reudeon to the woman toward the hand stretched . Eye circle stand open a hundred radio bodeon woman , the radio back in the hands weighed down even scream committed not just to die abandoned .
“… Who did it ? “
Bag Wireless chuckle smiling sound tipping body raised . No nothing presence did was naked , he shame one feels not . Spa Obama as a spooky distorted eyes a hundred radio saw . Shoulder from the die cut in the back radio left the eight reports mineral Obama tiny moan sounds shed .
“ What the hell are you doing ?”
“ Roughly … 10 years but Not ? Someone else in the house indulgent come notgoseo is to hunsu afraid of you . “
“ What are you doing with Will I asked .”
“ In Assisi Is .”
Back wireless said , sitting down in bed . He hands soaked in the pitmul the bedspread roughly wipe deep breath and drank . Spa Obama tsk and tut deoni car with closed windows toward the hand stretched . Then closed the windows snapping deoni opened , Spa town in the hand according to the room inside is full fill that drugs of smoke out of got through .
“You are too busy .”
Bag Wireless chuckling laugh said .
“10 years on, only to meet bangapgi are together … So it is rude to Not ? “
“ The bonjwa earlier that the font looks you even more .”
“ This is my house . And here is my house not even , I do who among the elderly have seen the bar ‘s not . “
“ Alternative Why do broken ‘ve Will ?”
“10 years ago ttokgateu counties . Others say listen without self questions just ask it . “
Wireless bag that around for muttering the floor toward the hand stretched . Deolgeureok distance and sound with the flask is dungsil deoni reminded of wireless back into the hands flew .
“ With the qualities of despair and reality , and despair will only . More to do with neunyan to think alcohol drinking began , therefore is fun enough even drugs, I tried . The woman also holds it . “
“ So this form is the rate of that slippage would … ! “
“ The gwonjangbeop writing I left the eight lost . Is not enough to despair ? “
“ As a one-armed enough to survive can have .”
“ I have rather a look .”
The wireless answered with a smile .
“ Small Chunma and tea hoyeon if I met the elderly even in the end to agree to be going .”
” This freak !”
Mark mineral beoreok yelling while committing the radio back towards the hand stretched . The back wireless did not avoid the tension of the span . Quattrocchi dangtang to the sound with the wireless back- body bed above were wallow .
“ At best a single defeat with !”
“ Who defeated detractors NED is important to Can not .”
“ North to the city stuck while the world is a broad forget that yiguna shape . The wells as small in area as King is reigning looked truly the best under heaven that would had mistaken Will ? “
“ Let’s say we know the fountain .”
The radio back- cut arms with hands surrounding replied .
“ I says , Tao . I had no idea of stopping in the north . Someday southward and really the whole world the most challenging reporting wanted . I am confident there . Given a similar age unattended in a more or better he is none eunikka not . But … TT have 20 2 fed to the chick defeated will . If it was just a defeat , it could have been overcome . But … It was not. . Small Chunma , that monster has to be absurd enough talent and strength is himself a genius called Dawn here or herself on to the collapse haetjiyo enough . “
” This asshole like him .”
Spa Mark this galmyeo coughed .
“ Small Chunma , that bitch twenty as two did ? Eli, you are a freak . Age has replaced what ! Now I earlier before the 20 three cheomeok is a guy jilppeon dwe did ! “
“… That’s another What are you What sound ? “
The blood Chunma eyebrows jjinggeurimyeo asked .
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