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After capturing the energy of Son Gohan’s Super Saiyan, Spopovich and Yamu were very excited. They moved towards the Babidi Spaceship at full speed, and said happily: “It’s unexpectedly simple. With these energy, Majin must be fast Will wake up!”

“Yes, Babidi will definitely be very happy!”

More than 2 meters away from these two people, East Supreme Kai and Goku followed closely, and Vegeta and Broly followed closely.

“Kakarot, what are you kidding about, whatever these people are doing, hurry up and fight me!”

Vegeta was very reluctant, and Goku had to turn around and said to him: “Vegeta, there is a more powerful Majin Buu over there, don’t you want to see and see?”

“Don’t want to perfuse me!” Vegeta reluctantly followed along, the unknown powerful opponent, this is really hard to resist for Vegeta who loves fighting all his life.

After Goku and the others left, Piccolo and Krillin stayed in the arena of the World Martial Arts Tournament and waited for Son Gohan to wake up. Spopovich and Yamu simply absorbed the energy of Son Gohan, not at all hurting him, and gave it to Kibito. After Gohan recovered his physical strength, Son Gohan woke up.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Son Gohan saw Videl’s caring eyes.

“Student Gohan, you… are you all right!” Videl asked softly.

“I’m fine, thank you for your concern.” Son Gohan stood up and thanked Kibito at the same time, “many thanks, take action for help!”

Krillin at the side looked at Gohan with a “win” face, “I also said that you two are nothing, Gohan, you hide deep enough!”

Son Gohan and Videl were blamed by Krillin about being sorry, but Piccolo was at a loss. He urged: “Go, let’s go now, and we can catch up with Goku and them.”

After speaking, he flew out first, and Son Gohan asked Videl a few words without worry, and then followed Piccolo to chase him.

Looking at Son Gohan, Kibito was shocked, and secretly thought: “The strength of this youngster is really deep and unmeasurable. It is incredible that there will be a human with such a powerful force, and I think he can help us defeat Majin Buu!”

As the crowd left, the blonde host immediately looked bitter, and it was enough for Goku and others to leave. Now even Son Gohan is gone. At this time, many audiences stopped buying.

“Hey…Don’t go, what do you do after you leave the World Martial Arts Tournament?” The blonde host’s face became very ugly.

The audience’s scolding became louder and louder. Someone even moved towards the host and threw various sorts and varieties of mineral water bottles. The host quick witted in an emergency, holding a microphone and said solemnly: “Every audience present, Goku Lord, go chasing the murderous You’re a criminal, I believe that no matter what bad person meets Goku Lord, he will definitely be brought to justice!”

“Yes! Goku Lord is the strongest!”

“Goku Lord keep it up!!!”

Under the host’s on-the-spot performance, the audience’s enthusiasm was mobilized again, which made the host greatly sighed in relief.

On the other side, Piccolo and the others caught up with Goku entire group. They asked East Supreme Kai and said, “East Lord Supreme Kai, what exactly happened?”

At this point, East Supreme Kai is not concealing it either. He explained: “The sneak attack Son Gohan on the arena is the puppet of the demon Teacher Babidi! A long time ago, when the human on Earth just learned to walk, there was a deep in the universe. The evil demon Teacher, his name is Bibidi…”

“One day, the Demon Teacher Bibidi Creation produced a terrifying monster, which is Majin Buu!”

“Majin Buu has no feelings, only knows about destruction and killing. It is a monster whose survival is to make terrifying… Majin Buu was created by Creation for several years, a large number planet has become a death planet…”

After listening to East Supreme Kai’s words, Vegeta didn’t care, said with a smile: “hmph, this kind of thing as far as I’m concerned is a trivial matter!”

“You are wrong, Vegeta. At that time, we had 5 Supreme Kais. They all had amazing powers. They could solve the expert like Frieza with a single punch, but in the battle with Majin Buu, God of Four Kais was killed. dead……”

“Even Bibidi who created Majin Buu was afraid of its power, so while Majin Buu was sleeping, he sealed it again. Bibidi has a son called Babidi. Now Babidi is in Earth. He is trying to gather powerful energy to come. resurrect Majin Buu!”

After explaining everything, everyone followed Spopovich and Yamu to an empty mountain.

On the edge of a gravel in the middle of the mountain, there is a very strange white building. Before Spopovich and Yamu came to the building, the white building suddenly opened a door.

Kibito saw the white building, immediately understood it, and whispered secretly, “It turns out that it is. Babidi hid the Spaceship underground. No wonder we didn’t find it!”

At this time, two silhouettes emerged from the gate of the white building.

One was unusually tall and had two Antennas on his forehead, and the other was only the height of a 2-5 years old child, but with big eyes and looked like a mouse.

The two people walked out, Spopovich and Yamu greeted them flatteringly, and handed the weird instrument to Babidi.

In the distance, East Supreme Kai saw the burly man behind Babidi, and was shocked: “That’s…Dabura! Didn’t expect Babidi to take back King of Demon Realm Dabura!”

“King of Demon Realm?” Krillin complexion became ugly up: “There really is Demon Realm Ah! Isn’t it very difficult to deal with?”

East Supreme Kai nodded, “Yes, in this world, the strongest person may be among you, but in Demon Realm, the strongest person must be Dabura!”

“However, the most terrifying thing is Babidi next to Dabura.” East Supreme Kai added: “In terms of power alone, he is indeed not worth mentioning, but he can use all kinds of terrifying magic, and cannot be underestimated! Even Dabura is. Take orders with him…”

Piccolo asked suspiciously, “Is his magic strong enough to make Dabura obey his orders?”

“No! He just manipulates the Evil Thought and desires in others’ hearts. This is Babidi’s most terrifying magic. Dabura, Spopovich and Yamu, as well as his other subordinates, are all controlled by him in this way!”

On the Babidi side, after he got the weird instrument that Spopovich and Yamu gave him, he was very happy: “It is full of energy, very good, so Majin Buu can wake up, hehe, you are useless, go to hell !”

With just a look, Babidi made Spopovich suddenly self-destruct and die. Yamu saw this scene and immediately ran away, but Dabura was already ready. He threw an energy ball at the moment Yamu ran away. It was blown to pieces.

“Good job, Dabura!” Babidi glanced at the direction on the cliff and said, “As I expected, Yamu and the others brought a lot of feed, including the one who killed my father, Supreme Kai!”

Dabura sensed the position and said, “They are still planning to keep hiding. There are 8 people in total. Except for Supreme Kai and Kibito’s energies, the other 4 have extremely powerful energies! Otherwise, I used to put other People are dealt with, and then we can introduce the four-people into our Spaceship!”

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