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Everyone looked up, and a black spot in the sky was gradually turning into a human form. Before flying to the front, a loud voice came: “Kakarot! Before I Vegeta defeats you, you can’t imagine running away alone!”

The visitor was Vegeta. After training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for a year, Vegeta finally left the customs not long ago.

The first thing Vegeta did after leaving the customs was to find the location of Goku. After arriving, he found that Goku was going to leave Earth by spaceship.

Landing from the sky, Vegeta put his hands on his chest, coldly looking at Goku, “Kakarot, where are you going?”

“Simply put, Frieza’s Big Brother wants to come to our North Area to do things, are you interested, go and beat him up together?” Goku leaned to Vegeta’s side and said crudely.

Frieza’s Big Brother?

Vegeta said that Bulma has an older sister that he can tolerate, and Frieza actually has a Big Brother, which is absolutely unbearable Ah!

“Go!” Vegeta’s face remained nodded.

Goku was satisfied and nodded, and the Ruzi swayed Vegeta’s shoulders and got a free thug!

Everyone went to Spaceship. According to Jacob, the route of Spaceship was set in the North Area branch of Universe patrolman. Because this Spaceship was improved by Dr. Brief, the speed was much higher than that of the previous two generations of Spaceship, so from Earth to The Galactic Patrol North Area branch only needs 2-2 days.

Spaceship rushed out of the atmosphere, and after a short accelerated warm-up period, it began preparations for a superluminal transition.

Bulma excitedly looked at the outside scenery through the display screen. The vast Universe was quiet and far away. A little bit of Starry Sky in the distance was 1000000000000 and suddenly moved towards her side. Every bit of radiance was drawn into a straight line at this moment.

The superluminal transition…began!

Fortunately, Spaceship has a leisure area and a training area. The 2-3 days of sailing is not boring. Besides training, you can still play with Bulma in front of Vegeta, which is simply elated.

After the last turn, Spaceship finally started to slow down. At this moment, everyone has been sailing for 2 and a half days, and soon they will be able to reach the planet where the Universe Patrolman North Area branch is located.

“Ahead is the Cape Star where the North Area branch is located. The level of technology here is top-notch, plus it is the branch of our Universe Patrolman. This is also the Central Star ball of this Sector!” Jaco proudly introduced.

Bulma listened to Jaco’s introduction, she put her face on the huge display screen, pointed to a disk-shaped Spaceship in the picture, and said, “Is this Spaceship yours?”

The disk-shaped Spaceship is very large. Although it looks very small on the display screen, if the entire planet is used as a reference, this Spaceship can be regarded as a super large spaceship.

Spaceship’s all around has a circle of brackets extending out, like the sharp claws of a crab. There is a huge blister-shaped transparent top cover in the center of the top. The top cover has been opened, and many single cabins are densely packed. The spaceship moved towards the North Area, where Cape Star is located, fell.

“Hey, this Spaceship is familiar!” Jaco also leaned forward to check, always wondering where Spaceship had been seen before, but he wanted to do not raise.

Goku couldn’t stand it anymore and reminded him aloud: “Idiot, it’s just the Spaceship of the Frost Demon clan. People are invading the branch of your Universe Patrolman North Area!”

The planet located in the North Area branch of the Universe Patrolman is a technology planet. If you drove the mothership to land, you would definitely be bombarded by all the anti-aircraft firepower of the planet. After all, such a large mothership is a moving target. .

Therefore, the forced landing of a single-cabin spaceship can disperse the anti-aircraft firepower of this planet, and although it will also cause a lot of casualties, is Cooler the kind of master who cherishes the life of a subordinate?

“What… bastard, these people dare not pay attention to our Galactic Patrol!”

When he was beaten to his hometown, Jaco was the first to roll his sleeves and quit. If it weren’t for Bulma, he almost drove the Spaceship into the mothership.

Bulma stretched out the take action and pressed a button, “Let me see what the Power Level of those aliens are. We have a large Power Level scouter from Slug, which can be used to detect the enemy’s strength!”

In fact, for Goku and others, even without the help of Power Level scouter, they can judge the strength of the opposite side from the enemy’s Ki.

“On that local Spaceship, the strongest people have 180,000 Power Levels. There are also 2 170,000 Power Levels, 5 people with 60000-6 Power Levels, and the rest are scum below 7 Power Level. “

Standing behind Bulma, Goku looked at the big screen and said that such a Power Level is always invincible when placed in Universe any place, but in the eyes of Goku, it is like a group of kindergarten children playing at home.

At this point, the detection results were just transmitted to the big screen, which is exactly what Goku said.

Bulma glanced at Goku admiringly, while Jaco looked solemn and his hands trembled: “The intruder… actually has a Power Level of 180,000?! It must be the person I met last time, it’s over, this is over… “

“Hmph, this kind of trash can scare you like this!” Vegeta put his hands on his chest, coldly looking at Jaco, said.

Although Jaco has always regarded himself as a super elite, his Power Level is less than 100,000.

The strongest of the Galactic Patrol North Area branch can only be worth 160,000 Power Level. The backwardness of the high-end Power Level from the very beginning is doomed to the direction of this war.

This is Dragon Ball World. The gap in Power Level cannot be filled with quantity!

Jaco looked at Vegeta with contempt, and said, “What are you dragging, you are just a guy with a 70000 4,000 Power Level!”

The Power Level scouter on Spaceship not only detects the power level data of the enemy, but also displays the Power Level of several people on its side.

Jaco has already checked everyone’s Power Level Value. Except for the non-combatant Bulma, the bald head and child only have a Power Level of 20,000. The value of Vegeta has just been mentioned. Obviously it is only 70000 4,000, and it’s 2 5 80000. .

As for Goku, the Power Level of ten 40000 is not very powerful, but it should still be useful!

“Hey, in the end I still want a super elite to save the world, so let me go out to stop them, you find the opportunity to land on the ground to support the people in the branch.” Jaco said decisively.

Vegeta heard Jaco’s words and almost wanted to slap him to death. Goku ignored Jaco’s ignorant, and just touched Son Gohan’s head, and said, “Gohan, that 180,000 Power Level guy, leave it to you. I’ll send you to the ground later, how about it, are you confident?”

Son Gohan looked at Goku, cleverly nodded: “Don’t worry, father, I’m very strong now!”

Since accepting the potential of Planet Namek Grand Elder, Son Gohan’s Power Level has broken through 100,000 long ago. This year he has followed Goku and trained. Naturally, his strength is to advance with leaps and bounds, even if it encounters 20 or 10000 Power Levels. The opponent also has the power to fight.

Hearing that Goku was going to let the 8-9 years old child fight alone, Jaco immediately got anxious, pulled Gohan over, and said to Goku: “Are you crazy? Let your child go to death?!”

(The author is traveling in Nanjing today, and the second one is more likely to be later.)

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