
00111 32. Mission Parsable: Paris Protocol 09827; 2009;

Minho received the notebook. As I touched my hand, the light absorbed and disappeared, and I felt a long memory of Seochol in my head.

- Dad, can you read it to me in a scary voice?

If you give me a piece of bread, I won't eat it!

- We're fishing.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah!

The little four-year-old girl who was sitting on her knees during the young west season stood still.


While Seochol was there, he picked up the "Moon of the Sun" fairy tale book and smoothed his voice. After the fairy tale ended, I felt like my body was melting even though Min-ho didn't really experience it when the Seo galaxy kissed me on the cheek with a 'Here, a gift ~'. This is why everyone wanted to raise a daughter.

Minho stared at the notebook for a while, but Seochol smiled and said.

“Pretty old, huh? I'm old-fashioned. My daughter saved up some allowance for the first time. ”

The notebook with the bear sticker on the back was a birthday gift from a young Seo Galaxy to my dad. An actual detective's item that I've been using for over a decade as a way of cheating but replacing.

‘What are her abilities? ’

While Minho was curious, the scene of memories led to a recent moment.

- Dad, he's hypertensive! No beer until you quit smoking.

- But it's a galaxy...

Once a month, the whole family comes together to watch a movie. Every time I saw a film about women's romantic tastes, it had nothing to do with me. It makes me happy to be able to spend time with my daughter and my beautiful wife even when I'm done working with a hardened detective. However, it was too much to order chicken and beer and only cold and green juice.

‘You are so pathetic at the captain's house. ’

Minho remembered why he had received his notebook and started working quickly.

“Mr. Gong, do you know Seo Eun Sung's account address? ”

“Wait a minute.”

Minho stopped saying ‘thank you’ to the ball manager who found the information on his phone.

Ball manager with a straightened shirt.

In addition to pick-ups to the airport, Tea was able to prepare early in the morning. A familiar ball manager's outfit contained information about his propensity to always be a serious courtesy to his celebrities.

‘You don't have to be polite to me. ’

Minho understood it at a glance and felt sorry for him. And I looked at the notebook.

"Is there a sliver of the captain's eye? ’

It was a moment when I was curious about myself through these sledges. Minho clears his throat and glances at the window of the van. And I swallowed the groaning: "Kmm."

The captain's gaze at criminals who had been trained in all sorts of tricks was an innocent young man who seemed perfectly deceptive. In other words, it's a lie. Thanks to that, I felt relieved that there would be no need for a wise daughter to be beheaded.

‘The feeling of sincerity, without pretending to exist and not asking when, is a pleasant element. Good.'

In the meantime, Minho found an appealing element the next time he encountered and finished the fixation calculation. This time, I turned my eyes to get to know myself during Seochol.

Seochol is eager to learn SNS. When I met him, the experience in the notebook gave me an answer. That a fearsome homicide detective with 25 years of experience is only a father who works for his family. Didn't you even take a quick peek at those sad memories?

It made me feel more comfortable to deal with Seochol.

“This is your Seo Galaxy account, and you can add it to your phone. Just tap this address in the Internet window and you're in. ”


“Give me your phone. ”

Minho opened the SNS app himself and linked it to the account of the galaxy he created in the company. Soon, a recent photo of her taken at the scene in Paris appeared on the phone screen.

“Simple, isn't it?”


The pictures of the West Galaxy were mostly taken with intimacy with the steps. Min-ho felt her smile and said, "Whose child is so sweet because of the affection of her affections?" ’I felt delighted first.

“This is the strong river. ”


“See the cathedral behind the galaxy? That's probably Notre Dame. ”

“Nice building vibe. ”

When the two of them were focusing on the phone screen with similar smiles.


In the last picture of the Western galaxy, Seochol and Minho's complexion changed dramatically.

“Who is this? Why are there so many bullshitters? ”

“I see.”

Young French citizens surrounding the Western galaxy, smiling with V-shaped hands. Mostly tall and handsome. Below the photo was a personal quote, "With local amateur tennis players."

“How dare you put your hands on the shoulders of the galaxy? You see this little guy right here in the middle of nowhere? I'm not interested in taking pictures. ”

As the Seochol said, the young man seemed suspicious from the treatment of his gaze. Minho only remembered seeing the young man's face the last time he filmed a cameo.

“Captain, this person is not a local tennis player, but rather a continuous actor. ”

“Excuse me?”

Minho quickly manipulated the phone screen to find pictures and linked articles. Louie de Lanyon. It was definitely on the drama list as a French model active in Korea.

“That's right. Model AT-Enter. I made an actor debut this time. ”

“Wait, this article... ”

Under the link, there was a spark in the eyes of Seochul when he saw the headline of the associated knight.

“Do you teach the galaxy tennis? You want to give me a private tutoring session? ”

“Tsk. Louie, this guy's bluffing. ”

“Isn't that what you think? I don't even know the tennis player. I have to show you how to catch something like this. ”

“I mean it! Just shout!”

Minho shouts, "But why are you so angry? ’I met Seochol who became a face. I felt overwhelmingly immersed because I was so immersed in my daughter's tendency to love her in the notebook.

“Ugh, this French guy doesn't look so good for the Milky Way. ”

Minho, who scratched his chin and slapped it with a smile pretending to be nothing, thought, flashed and clapped his hands.

I can show myself, even if I'm not in the middle of Seochol.



“Let me tell you……. ”

Minho said something in a low voice. I was listening to Seochol ‘Yes, did you?’ I nodded.

“I heard Detective Lim, a Tall Amateur, lost to you. Okay, well, if it works, I'll let the galaxy skip lunch. ”

“Thank you!”

“But you need my racket? ”

“The idea that a good person used to be a racket owner helps me a lot. There's just a surge of strength, and I... ”

Seochol is checking Minho's face to see if the other person is serious. Minho recognized that the best way to break through the interrogation during Seochol was honesty and honesty, and showed no lies.

Seochol called Minho.

“Follow me.”

Minho followed Seochol into the gate.

The ball manager looks stunning as he watches. I can't believe there's a young man in Korea who can get along with Seochol at the Iron Wall. It was as amazing as any miracle Minho had ever performed.

After a while.

Minho opened the gate.

“Goodbye, Captain! Don't worry about the galaxy! ”

Min Ho boarded the van with the back door open.

The ball manager glanced at Minho as he came out with a tennis bag that he had never had before.

“Minho, what's that? ”

“Captain's collection. ”

Minho tapped his bag with a satisfactory smile. This was an integral sporting goods to defeat the fast-paced French model because it was too close to the Western Galaxy.

‘Europeans were joking about EU food. ’

While giggling, I was able to borrow as much of the racket as I could, as well as the collections that were shining in the rooms of Seochol. It was great not to be here like this.

Gloves. Knee protectors. Hats, shoes.

This alone will give me a good experience of using my favourite products. At this point, my shoulder was already excited with the expectation that I would be able to take it to the next level just below my father.

The van has started.

Minho put the stretched load next to him and leaned against the chair.

‘Anyway, I have a lot of work to do. Zurich's visit to the vault, the self-camera footage for the fan meeting, and Louie's not letting this guy anywhere near the galaxy. ’

It was something I couldn't give up, so my responsibility became heavy, but my expectations increased.

“Have a nice flight. I'll see you in five days, Minho. ”

The ball manager's van stopped in front of gate 3 Incheon Airport. Min Ho waved his hands and put all the clutter into the carrier, and entered the gate dressed in a convenient outfit that only used to be used for love and selfie equipment.

At the lounge, which was on the other side of the glass window, we saw a group of E Sports Representatives. Players in other genres don't know and aren't very friendly, so they only reached out to the delegation director and coach to greet them and loaded the cart.

I don't have anything to do. Can I get a video for a fan meeting? ’

However, most of the ship's vessels, although Minho did not know, knew Minho.

“Kang Min-ho! I had fun with that youth journal. Coming out next week? ”

“No, it's a special feature. ”

“Who are you going to see next at 24: 00 medical? ”

“We don't know yet because the shoot is in three weeks. ”

Minho was busy exchanging stories about the broadcast with everyone he met. After just finishing the conversation, Minho, sitting on the bench, sighed and took out a selfie camera and selfie cam from the backpack.


I pressed the power button.

“Ah, can you hear me? This is inside the airstrip. These are the guys that are leading the WCG, and I'm going to play the Pentathlon. Well, you know WCG stands for World Cyber Games, right? ”

A person's face was captured on the small screen of Selcam, who was shining a light on the players.

“Minho! ”

Lee Taek Yong, a fellow Pentathlete, recognized Minho and ran.

“Oh, Taekyong. It's been a long time."

“I saw you go to school. ”


“You were in class with Jinkyu. ”

Minho realized that he was also talking about TV and smiled.

“This is the third runner-up from Pentathom Island Hair. Taekyong, say hello to the camera. ”


“I'm filming a fan meeting. ”

Lee Taek Yong checked the camera that Minho was holding in his hand, then trimmed his clothes and caught the pose first.

“It's for Lee Taek!”

“It's too sacred. Do it naturally."

“Sunbae, can I edit this? ”

“Of course.”

During the shooting, Kim Yun Yeol also came inside the gate and faced Minho's camera.

“Hey, sunbae. ”

“Yun, say hello to the camera for me. ”

“Bar, good to see you. ”

“Why is it so frozen? Ladies and gentlemen, that's a WCG Pentathlon partial winner. ”

“No, Mr. Minho is the winner. ”

Minho realized, looking at the two followers who continued to be nervous in front of the camera. Most people find it awkward to point the camera at them. He was just unconscious because he was used to shooting private VJs.

“Tickets, everybody! Get out of here!”

Minho turned off the camera and put his hands on the cart, shouting at the coach, confirming that more than 30 people had gathered.

- Guests flying FS-17 Air France to Paris, please proceed to Gate 12.

Is this it?

Minho lined up in front of boarding gate 12, where Air France began. Kim Yun Yeol and Lee Taekyong, who were following right behind the gate, saw two stewardesses assisting in the boarding process in front of the gate, and their eyes widened.

“Outside, I'm a foreigner. ”

“Do you speak English? ”

Yun Yeol Kim shakes her head to the left and to the right when asked about Lee Taek Yong. Lee Taek Yong's gaze was on Minho.

“I don't speak English that well either. ”

Minho answered and took the ring out of his pocket and put it on. Whenever I had a chance, I continued to recite English, but the awkwardness of hearing it automatically translated through the ring disappeared a lot.

"Shall we check?"

The French stewardess reached out to confirm the ticket. Minho gave out a ticket, saying.

Have a safe flight. Do you have any allergies to board meals?

The fluent French language that emerged from Minho's mouth surprised the stewardesses and the two followers.

The stewardess smiles kindly and replies.

Boarding meals are two types of beef sauce and chicken bulb. Please check the brochure in front of your seat for more information.

"Oh, thank you.

After saying ‘Mercy ~’, Minho's jealous gaze came in.

Lee Taekyong told Kim Yun Yeol.

“Wow, Min-ho, I'm not kidding. ”


“There's a saying that you're a genius with a good head and no talent. You haven't seen The School, have you? It was not a joke that Mi-ho did in class there. You should have seen him make fireworks and fly around in gym class. ”

Minho, who is located in the general seat of Air France, first checked the scheduled flight schedule on the front screen.

Arrival in 10 hours.

In order to comfortably close my eyes, I removed the jar from my backpack.

“Wait, Paris. I'll fly you out in the blink of an eye. ”

* * *

AirFrance's FS-17 has landed on a runway at Charles de Gaulle airport, a European transport hub connecting the world with Paris.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived in Paris. Thank you very much for your time with Air France. We wish you a comfortable journey to your destination.

After the broadcast, Minho got up from his seat with his seat belt on and opened up a big base. I pulled the backpack out of the shelf and ran into a group of stewardesses escorting passengers.

Thanks to you, I came at ease. Thank you.

Are you not a Korean customer? You speak really good French.

"Really? Hehe.

I just wanted to say hello and take my foot off. However, Minho felt a strange emotion twitching for her with a different body and face.

A series of familiar processes that were moving to lightly unwind and carry out the agency's secret mission directly to one or several of them.

‘Lightly... ’

Suddenly, the thought that came to my mind was not imagination, but a memory of someone.

Minho stared at the ring. As soon as I stepped on the soil of Europe, the agent in the ring felt stronger.

‘Calm down. International sexual harassment could be a hostile name file. ’

Minho got off the plane with countless' patient 'in mind. In order to be comfortable for the next decade or so, the ring had to remain on. I had no choice but to restrain my instincts.

When I finished entering, my coach told me that I had packed all my luggage from the baggage carrier.

“I'm taking the limousine bus from exit two to terminal nine. ”

In a bus heading downtown Paris.

The current time here was 3 p.m., but Seoul was 10 p.m. Most of the seated crew fell asleep because of the jetlag and the tiredness of the long flight. He was just looking out the window at Minho Bay, which was perfectly adapted to the jet lag due to the mood adjustment of the anecdote.

The exterior of the distant Charles de Gaulle airport itself was a contemporary building, but the language within it was all foreign. Even the broadcast from inside the bus was followed by French and Italian and German.

I had not seen the famous landmark in Paris yet, but it was enough to start the excitement of the journey. They were both exhausted but surprised by the strange language scenes.

However, Minho was confident.

After staying in Seoul for a while, I felt like I was familiar with the language as if I was experiencing a dialect. I felt like I could wander around freely without a tourist booklet if I didn't feel anxious about the strange instincts of the ring twitching in a different way than in Korea.

Minho paid attention to the ring.

‘Calm down, Agent. This is not the Cold War where you used to work with a license to kill. ’

The bus ran for a long time into downtown Paris.

“The Eiffel Tower! ”

One of the players sitting in the front cried out, and the sleepy ones opened their eyes and looked out the window.


“Look at the size of that! ”

His gaze remained on the iconic Eiffel Tower of Paris, far beyond Minho's window.

A gigantic 324-metre iron tower that rises magnificently over the cool open green terrain makes the spectators below look like servants visiting a giant country. The trees on the side of the road that had been carved into a square like a pruning, and the French who were sitting on the bus on the second floor were also new.

‘This is Paris. ’

Minho admired the realistic city.


When the bus entered the city and was moving to the location of the delegation accommodation, a text was sent to the mobile phone that had finished roaming before departure.

[Minho, I think I've just arrived. Where are you?]

It was a letter from the West Galaxy. Minho immediately started writing back.

[It's on the way to Montparnasse Station. Unpack at my place…….]

Minho, who wrote so far, asked the S1 Tiger Games coach sitting right in front of him, Jinsung Hyun.

“Coach Jean. When can we train? ”

“Why? Start practicing today? ”

Minho sat on the side line and looked at Kim Yun Yeol and Lee Taek Yong who were unconscious. In that condition, training itself is negative.

“Rest well today. I'll give you plenty of time tomorrow, so start your training. Overseas competition comes first with body and mental management. ”

Jin said, Minho nodded. The WCG will be scheduled for a three-day local adaptive training, Saturday preliminary, and Sunday main tournament.

[…… unpack and have some time left. Would you like me to get your notes for you now?]

The phone rang as soon as I sent the reply.

- Min-ho!

The voice of the galaxy was conveyed beyond the mobile phone, much closer than it felt on an international phone.

- We're shooting in Saint Germain. I'm almost done with my scene. Would you like to come here? If you're having trouble finding it, I'll send you a pickup.

“No, I'll go ahead and call you. ”

Hanging up the phone, Minho took out a tourist booklet and looked for Saint Germain. University of Sorbonne, University of Paris 6, University of 7, and an elite educational institution called Grangejol. It looked like a place that matched the West Galaxy somewhere.

Minho's face lit up with another expectation.

A city filled with exotic buildings and romantic vibes. I felt like I could experience things here that were completely different from those in Korea.

‘You can find a different one. ’

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

It's your first time overseas, so maybe you'll get a feel for Paris. This side has to work so we can go to the jungle later.

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