
00114 32. Mission Parsable: Paris Protocol 09827; ⁄ 9827;

* * *

"I had a happy dream. Confessing to the galaxy, kissing her, loving arms, walking around at night. The dream was so vivid that it felt like it was actually experienced......

Minho opened his eyes while he was asleep with a happy face.

The body fell unconscious, wearing only its upper half on the bed. While sleeping, the lower body across the floor was very agitated.

I was relatively fine until I got out of the restaurant and got into a taxi last night. However, I couldn't remember since I got drunk and fell asleep suddenly.

"Why did you escort the galaxy back to the lodge? ’

With that in mind, Minho, who was burying his head on the bed sheet, found a galaxy that was sleeping comfortably right next to him, a distance from his nose.


Last night's memories hit Minho's head.

I walked down the street with the galaxy, wanting to get out of the cab and take a walk. The hotel room didn't arrive until much later.

- Rest well. I'll call you tomorrow.

I dropped her off safely and turned around, and she grabbed the edge of her shirt.

- I'd like to talk to you by morning. Can't I?

- Ugh, if the galaxy talks like that...

I walked into the room pretending I couldn't win and sat next to the bed. It was the last time she thought she was too cute to hold her hand while rubbing her sleepy eyes. Until then, the memory after the nightmare was dark.

Minho's head turned.

His clothes remained the same, with the exception of his jacket on the shoulder of the galaxy in which he was wearing a dress. I don't know why the self-cams are running out of batteries under the bed, but the other luggage was on one side well.

‘I just forgot to tell you. ’

I was able to confirm that I did not make a fatal mistake in alcohol. I opened my eyes as I was talking.

But last night's work.

It was definitely not a dream. The problem was that she was more likely to not remember what happened yesterday than she was drunk.

‘Then I'll pretend I don't know. ’

Talking about her unusual drinking habits is not a man's courtesy.

Minho glanced at the sleepy face of the standing galaxy again, and when he met her lips that were covered in light pink, he suddenly swallowed and drooled.

Last night, I couldn't help but notice a kiss I had when I was drunk. Such sweet moments will probably never be forgotten.

When I saw the time, it was 6: 00 a.m. I told the coach I was going to be late, but I didn't tell him I was going to be out of town, so it was time to go back and fix it.

‘We should leave a note and go. ’

Minho covered the duvet instead of the jacket and headed to the bathroom to help the West Galaxy sleep. I washed up and came out and packed my things. Trying to get out quietly, she turns around and slowly opens her eyes.

“…… Min-ho? ”

“Ugh, Milky Way. ”

While Minho was hesitant about what to say first, the Milky Way raised his torso and sat up.

“I'm sorry. We were supposed to talk till morning. I slept alone, didn't I? ”

Minho was surprised by what the West Galaxy said. I was worried about what I wouldn't remember, and never thought about what I would remember.

In order to eliminate fatigue, the galaxy with a large base asked.

“What time is it, Minho? ”

“Six o'clock. ”

“It's time to get ready for the shoot. ”

She tucks her sleepy head back and gazes at Minho, her eyes barely open because the morning sun is not ripe.

“Is that puffy? ”

“A little.”

“Min-ho, you're not smiling, are you? ”

“I don't really know. ”

“Ugh…. ”

Minho carefully asked her, rubbing her eyes with her palms.

“Do you remember what happened yesterday? ”

“Yes? What happened? ”

“Get in that taxi……. ”

“Was I so nervous that I couldn't turn my head like an idiot? ”

Even though I was so drunk, the film didn't stop. Tingling Minho turned his footsteps and approached the side of the galaxy.

“You remember everything? ”

“I remember.”

“Well, then, I'll be honest with you... keys, kisses... ”

Seo Milky Way smiled at Minho.

“I really don't remember Minho. ”

The galaxy continued to speak to Minho who tilted his head.

“You said you were practicing for the competition in the morning? Hurry up.What if I don't win the competition because of you? ”

“Galaxy. What do you mean, you don't remember?" ”

“This is a gift for you to play well. ”

Seo galaxy got up from bed and kissed Minho's cheek. Minho was stiff like a robot for a moment, and he was embarrassed to see what was happening.

- I heard no one's going out until the galaxy graduates. Kang Min-ho. I respect the dream of such a galaxy......

- I like it.

-... out of respect. Huh? Galaxy, I must have blacked out and couldn't hear you. I beg your pardon?

While I was stumbling through my memories, the galaxy looked up at Minho, standing in a distance where I could feel his breathing and tremor.

“I like you, Minho. At first, it was just a little bit of a crush, but now I like it a lot. I keep thinking about it. It's weird, right? I've been seeing Minho for a long time. ”

Her shy confession with a subtle tremor shook Minho's heart. After saying the same thing last night, she looked at Minho with warm eyes.

“Now you remember, right? ”

“Gee, I remember. Enough.”

Since we checked each other's feelings, we didn't need a lot of words. That's why I remembered Minho staring at the galaxy, holding his hand for a while.

The Milky Way likes itself.

It's not a dream! ’

Minho naturally wrapped his arm around the waist of the three galaxies. I coughed softly at her.

“Mr. Galaxy.”


“What the hell? I feel s-energetic enough to get a kiss on my cheek. You know, E Sports is a mental fight. I don't play well with these fuzzy gifts. How did this happen...? ”

Seo Eun smiled greedily. You nod slightly up and down with a red face.

Glug, she closed her eyes.

Minho was so excited that he kissed the second - or cameo - film together.

The refined sensation of the braille clock increased, and the wine produced no spirits, but the sweetness of the lips was no less dazzling.

In the room of Hotel ‘Etuan’ 307, I climbed to the green heat of those who took the first steps of love.

After a while.

Minho stepped out of the hotel's elevator and was startled by checking her phone.

[Call me when you wake up.]

A short text. However, it creeps me out when it realizes that the person you sent is in the middle of Seochol. The one who came in with the special order to take off the French scepter was the one who did the trick. The West Galaxy is next to a man in a position that cannot even compare to Louie's beating.

‘Is Korea 2 PM? ’

I also asked you to remove the horn. Minho immediately picked up his phone and pressed the green button.


I greeted him in the brightest voice possible. I heard a voice in Seochol over the late heartbeat of a foreign call.

- So, how's it going?

“Of course, sir. As soon as I got here yesterday. I'm going to give you a warning, and I'm going to give you an example from your next shoot. ”

Minho thought about how to bring up the story of becoming more intimate with the galaxy.

- I get it, but you know what? You know that part of the show where the galaxy shows you were in? I was wondering why Kang Min-ho's "Seo Milky Way Kiss" appeared in the real-time search term.

Minho's footsteps as he walked into the lobby stopped.

- I took another look at the seventh verse, and it's a little different than you said.

Seochol was silent for a while. This energy is conveyed evenly even though it is thousands of kilometers away. Minho, who was shaken by anxiety, said in a low voice.

- Louie, make sure you take care of it.

“Yes, sir! ”

The choking call ended in a minute.

‘I didn't get to the point. ’

I decided to keep it secret in public because of the scandal, but I won't keep it a secret from my father because of the right nature of the galaxy. Minho thought he should ask you to keep it a secret in the house until the end of the drama in the West Galaxy.

* * *

It was 7 am when Minho arrived at Montparnis station.

I bought a great sandwich in front of the station, even though it was just baguettes, ham and butter, and I went to the place where WCG would fall by inhaling the storm.

Soon after walking a block, Minho showed a large, five-story convention center in front of her eyes. If the other buildings you saw in Paris had a European feel, the center would have the appearance of a modern large building like the Yongsan Station in Korea.

After finishing his breakfast at the hotel, Minho looked around to see if there was a cafe. Then I found the foreigners gathering at the entrance of the convention center, and I said, "Huh? ’I opened my mouth.

Familiar faces will stand out.

BBC's documentary team. PD Rachel and her steps were interviewing other foreigners.

I told you to call me when you got to France. ’

I exchanged and received emails, but I couldn't even reply. Minho approached them with a greeting because he could now speak a foreign language.

The atmosphere is good. The FIFA players playing from tomorrow are expected to continue to win the European league.

Interviewers were speaking English with a strong Russian accent. Minho stood next to Sam, an acoustic knight holding a long microphone.

Minho Athlete?

It's been a long time.

I was glad to meet you with the other steps. In the meantime, Rachel's final question followed.

What do you consider to be your biggest competitors in the competition?

China and Korea.

Which of them are the potential winners?

China is strong in all disciplines. South Korea is as big a wall as any sport, because it's one step below Kasna Fifa.

After the interview with the Russian coach, Rachel turned her head and her eyes widened.


Nice to meet you.

Hungarian right out of the ring. Rachel has embraced her culture. Minho was slightly nervous, hugging familiar with Rachel like that. I was afraid of the agent's instincts that got worse as soon as I drank the foreign air.

How have you been?

After the island, the broadcast was busy.

Minho, who gave her a hug in reply, was surprised because he felt the stickiness of trying to seduce the beautiful beauty of Eastern Europe by surprise. Even during interviews in Korea, the wind doesn't come out that twitched.

"What's going on? ’

It was Minho who became anxious after being silent.

Minho. What about the Korean team?

"Oh, I'll be back soon. I came first to say hello to the BBC mark.

"Really? Sam. Let's take a break. Minho, can I talk to you for a second? Coffee's on me.

Rachel went to a cafe on the other side of the street, delighted to meet her hometown friend just because she could speak Hungarian.

Outdoor terrace at Cafe Büllery Awards.

Coffee in Paris didn't feel like Korean chain coffee. The color was very dark, and I only smelled it, but I felt like drinking it, so I showed an appealing coffee aroma.


Minho handed over the coffee that the waiter brought and made an impression. The aroma is good, but it's too bitter.

Rachel, sitting on the other side, smiles and asks.

Doesn't espresso suit you?

"This is espresso?

The espresso cup I saw in Korea was two fingers long, and it was the size of a square foot. To Minho, who was pouring in the sugar cube, Rachel took out a piece of paper.

Korea Team Interview Questionnaire. Can you forward it to me?


It was a relatively simple request for coffee. Minho looked at the ring, handing over a cup of coffee that tasted better with a sugar cube. Not only Rachel, but also the crooked cafe girl who was spelled on one side, as well as the unknown French girl across the street, did not have any special feelings.

That doesn't mean the agent's other instincts are gone. The structure of this coffeehouse was immediately identified and placed in my head.

‘Anyway, it's weird. ’

Rachel said after a cup of coffee.

I interviewed other Korean players while preparing a documentary, but no one answered as well as Minho.

As soon as Minho raised his selfie, he thought of his nervous followers.

Unlike foreign athletes with a free mind, Korean pro-gamers who really work hard at games are not familiar with the situation in front of the camera. Probably would have been the same if he hadn't been on the air as well.

Minho pointed that out to Rachel.

Most Korean athletes are young and tend to dig with one focus. There are only experienced people on the air who can speak smoothly, and they're often pushed by talented newcomers to the league. They either retire or they work as a commentator at the game station.

"Yes? Then what kind of question do you have to ask to feel like the interview is over?

Ask Lee Tae-yong, a crazy high school student. So let's start with the rapid rush strategy that you use often. If you ask him questions about how to deal with it, he'll talk to himself for more than five minutes. Game fans will love that.

Minho's fluent Hungarian language became smoother the more he spoke. As the cup was empty, Rachel took a note out of her bag.

This is the address of the hotel I'm staying at. I'd like to see you alone this evening. It's like a drink.

Minho's eyes widened as she listened. The meaning of this word was clear. Why not seduce her with an agent's wind?

Minho acted and wondered if he was mistaken. He felt the warm energy from the ring spread throughout his body.

Then, by hand, she politely pushes the note Rachel handed over to the other side of the table.

What the hell?

Minho experiences the same phenomenon as the owner of the item he experienced on the Braille watch. A horse popped out from his mouth.

"Rachel, you are in love with a woman who is attractive enough but more attractive.

Minho could not believe it was an agent who said this. While the warm energy disappeared and he couldn't help but look at his face, Rachel wakes up smiling.

That attractive woman. I envy you.

After a proper hug and a proper greeting, Rachel leaves.

Minho stared at the ring, sitting on the table again. This agent, once he gave his heart to a woman, may have been a purebred loyal to her alone.


South Korean sailors from the hotel just passed by the café. Minho got up on the call of coach Jin.

Kim Yun Yeol and Lee Taek Yong from Pentastom are on the front line. AOS team ‘SK Frost’. The FPS team ‘Monster’. The title of the fighting game. Football and racing players were also seen in turn.

Minho remembered interviews with Russian coaches as he walked among them. Korea's overall victory will be difficult. As long as I've received a gift from the West Galaxy to cheer up, I need a picture of South Korea winning this contest. That's the price of a kiss from a lover.

“Isn't that right, JB? ”

The ring seemed to glow.

‘…… For some reason, the wind is gone, but what does it feel like to be so brazen? ’

Minho must be mistaken. He laughed and ran to the leading Kim Yun Yeol and Lee Taek Yong.

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