
00116 32. Mission Parsable: Paris Protocol 09827; ⁄ 9827;

Minho's reaction, which began at the same time as the thundering of the door hook, was like a similar lightning bolt. Minho grabbed the shoulder of the West Galaxy and swung and sat down in a chair. And I whispered quickly.

“Stay still. ”

As the West Galaxy turned its head toward Minho, the chair was pushed up and seated in front of the practice PC.

Minho raised his voice, posing as if nothing had happened.

“Look, WCG Korea ranks second with 1 gold and 3 silver. Hey, ball manager! ”

The ball manager just walked into the room and assumed there was some movement, but he couldn't quite figure it out. Rather, my face was brightened by the fact that there was another happy face in the room.

“…… Seo Eun-sik? There you are. You know this week's dramatic response is a joke, right? They're up 3%, haha! ”

“Welcome, ball manager. ”

Seogalaxy also greeted the ball manager with a happy face. It wasn't until I saw the ball manager who suddenly appeared that I realized why Min-ho was behaving. Her smile bursts out and covers her mouth.

The ball manager, who dropped his suitcase on one side, looked at Minho with pride as if he had met her in a week.

“Thank you very much, Minho. You've got so many schedules, you can barely practice. Finals. ”

“I got lucky. ”

I had a feeling that the two subordinates had volunteered to leave because they were fishermen. Minho greeted the ball manager with a light smile.

“I'm sorry to start talking about work as soon as I get here, but I need to contact the company quickly. When Minho's appearance was decided, he decided to sign a contract with the QBS Drama Bureau. Check the terms before meeting the Director over there……. ”

“You're in charge of the details. ”

The appearance was determined anyway. Minho left the annoyance to the ball manager. The ball manager, who was holding up the contract and sorting out the requirements, covered his mouth and lowered his voice.

“Lim So-hee said, This drama is still in its early stages of development, so it could be a weekly salary. Minho and Seo Milky Way said they liked it too. The viewers noticed that part like a ghost, so the viewership went up. We're going to have an extension discussion, so we're going to go ahead with the smoke. ”

“That's too much. I didn't formally learn acting. I don't watch a lot of drama, but no matter how pretty and handsome the actors are, they don't like it very much. My favorite idol was playing footsteps, so I couldn't even look at it as a fan. ”

When Minho said this, the ball manager nodded, "That's right."

“It's not urgent, so take your time. However, I am confident that if Min-ho learns the full length of the act, she can continue. ”

“I think so too! ”

The Milky Way galaxy, which was actually looking at information about the WCG game on the monitor's screen, swooped in with a glancing smile.

“At that time, Min-ho was acting naturally. Like a cheater, right, ball manager? ”

“That's right, I thought you were possessed by an adulterer.... ”

The ball manager realized the mistake and quickly added.

“... I understand, but you were talented in acting. ”

Min-ho shook his head to the side and to the side, giving the Milky Way a gentle glance that asked him if he was really a cheater. It was only because the agent's disposition remained intact.

Minho coughed and told the ball manager.

“Don't trust me too much, it's not a gift. ”

“Of course.”

Minho groaned as the ball manager nodded without shaking his eyes at all.

“Oh, Seo Milky Way. ”

The ball manager was very curious to see the West Galaxy.

“An Yi-hyun and Seung-ho are all interested in Seo Milky Way. What will happen to Loveline if Minho shows up again? ”

The ball manager became a fan of the drama and became as excited as a viewer wanting to know the background.

“I don't know. The story is in Writer Hong's head. Please do not teach me well except the information I need to catch a character. ”

“The wife I saw together said there was going to be a real blind relationship, starting with seven. What did he say? My wife is a drama buff and I'm really looking forward to it. Women's viewers must really like this. ”

“There are a lot of cool guys out there. ”

Seo Eun replied and looked at Minho. Minho remembered her confession in the taxi and smiled naturally.


The word "cool guys."

Minho recalled the male lead actors he encountered on the talk show before the show.

An Yi-hyun, an actor with a white face and a handsome blossom. Charismatic earthquake lake with intelligent appearance. At that time, when I thought that this was all about targeting female viewers, I came up with a very important problem.

At the end of the Korean drama's performance improvements, it must be connected to someone. There's always a kiss scene. If you don't connect with yourself in the drama, someone in the West Galaxy will kiss you. It is natural for a person to fall asleep on a blanket and split into pieces.

“Why? What's on my face? ”

“No, Milky Way. ”

As Minho continued to stare, the West Galaxy smiled and looked at him. I just glanced at her lips, which had just failed to steal, and my heart pounded.

‘We have to do our best for this shoot. It would be nice if Hong seemed cool enough to think he had no choice but to join the heroine. Please, JB! ’

It was Minho who insisted on patting the ring.

WCG Pentostom Final Stage.

“Everyone, I'm Kang Minho! It'll be dawn in Korea, but let's give it a try! ”

Han Yong-jun Caster shouted that his throat was bursting.

On the stage, Kang Minho and Rio Mou sitting in the match box were compared to the big screen. China was ahead of the medallion in the corner of the screen with [China Gold 2 Silver 2 Dong 1 and Korea Gold 1 Silver 3 Dong 2].

The tension of South Korean athletes watching could change to second place as a result of the match.

“Come on, everyone! Go Kang Min-ho! ”

Han Yong-jun, who was raising her voice of support, turned his head toward the audience seat in surprise at the words of the field PD from the earphones.

“Dear viewers, Can you see it?”

When the camera illuminated the woman sitting among the Korean players, it appeared on the screen as well. Impressions erupted among the foreign commentators in her appearance, with a striking aesthetic, which is the military aesthetic.

She looked at the camera and waved the Korean flag with a V-letter.

“The ‘Fortune of the Four Seasons’ drama, which is popular these days, Seo Eun Ha is here to support the Korean team. He said he spent some time in Paris. Kang Min-ho, you can't lose! ”

Liu Mou's eyes widened when he saw the goddess on the screen. I asked Minho through the chat window.

- Minho. Who is she?

Min-ho, who was untying his hands, grinned at the English question.

- My friend.

- Zhēn de ma?

Rio, who responded in Chinese, was so surprised that he sent the chat back.

- Really?

Minho waved his hand looking at the Western Milky Way. When the Seo Milky Way was happy with Minho and waved his hand, Rio's face changed. Min Ho smiled clearly in jealous eyes. In fact, if I said it was more than a friend, my eyes would pop out.

- Good luck, Liu.

- GL, Minho.

Chat was interrupted because you were asked to enter the room where the game was going on.

“Players are ready. WCG Pentathlon Final, Game 1! Here we go."

The first match of the five-game three-way winner on the map 'Lost Temple’ was easier than Minho expected. With the help of the early dropout, it was rewarding to develop your practical senses and show your old skills almost exactly as they were.

On the contrary, Rio Mou, who was feeling the pressure of the world stage, was not as good at my skills as he was at practice with Minho a few days ago.

- GG.

In the third match, Rio's declaration of defeat came out.

Overwhelming Victory.

Commentators from each country praised Kang Minho for proving his class in the Korean Pentathlon.

“GG ―!! ”

Han Yong-jun suddenly stood up and shouted.

“Everyone, Korea has won 1st place with Kang Minho's gold medal! WCG wins! Win! ”

Minho ran out of the booth and turned his head toward the Korean vessels. South Korean athletes jumped to the group below the stage.

“Minho! ”


Kim Yun Yeol and Lee Taekyong who were at the front ran for ages, followed by the coach, director, and other players who participated in the game.

“I knew we'd win! ”

Minho, who enjoyed jumping among Korean athletes, looked at the galaxy standing underneath the stage. You secretly point at your lips and raise your thumb to say it worked wonders.

Big smiling galaxy. Minho's mouth, facing her happy face, naturally smiled the same as hers.

‘Maybe galaxy, goddess of luck. ’

The road to the finish is clear, and the last opponent is easy. It was unfortunate for them and for themselves that Lee Taekyong and Kim Yun Yeol did not perform their usual skills.

It could have been a fit. However, Minho wondered if it was because all of this was really blessed by the Western Galaxy.

* * *

The next day, the last scheduled day in Paris was bright.


Min-ho got up from bed, looking at the watch next to his head. 7: 00 a.m. I had to get ready for the shoot in an hour.

I turned on the TV and turned on the channel to check the weather first. When we stopped on one news channel, a weather forecast came out.

Today in cloudy weather....

“Okay, no rain. ”

It was good news that an outdoor shoot was scheduled.

Minho opened the curtain in the hotel window and checked out the bright blue sky.


I played the selfie cam and captured the view of Paris outside the window.

“See? Perfect weather to go out in. I arrived Tuesday evening at French time, and it was a week later, and it was Monday. I didn't realize Paris had such a good vibe. ”

Minho checked the indication that it was 91% full of the storage capacity of the selfies, then looked outside more times and quickly said.

“I have a drama shoot today. When you're done, go straight to Switzerland to reschedule your photo shoot. Let me introduce you to a different view of Zurich. ”

I turned off the screen by waving my hand at the camera. Even though I put in high capacity memory chips to make sure I had enough pictures, I already filled them up.

“I took a lot of pictures, myself. ”

Minho smiled. As I turned away from the window, I noticed the two successors who were still wandering around the dreamland. Those subordinates scheduled to leave tomorrow for a tour of foreign vessels and groups in Paris.

As he entered the bathroom and took a morning shower, Minho recalled the many missions he had been given before he left.

‘The selfies for the fans were faithful. You just have to finish the spectacle today to set Louis an example. If I go to Zurich tomorrow and go to Grandpa's safe.... ’

Roughly what's important has to be solved.

“Well, there's only three days left. What's the big deal? ”

Lucky Goddess is with us. After washing, Minho changed into a fresh casual garment sponsored by the T brand and packed her bags. Kim Yun Yeol woke up and said to Minho, rubbing her eyes.

“Ahem. Are you leaving already? ”

“Yes, I'll see you in Korea. Take care of the car. ”

“Goodbye. ”

Minho waved his hands to Kim Yun Yeol, who lowered her head and closed the door.

As I walked down to the hotel lobby, the ball manager who was sitting in the break room hurriedly rushed to pick up his luggage.

“Let's go. Chief Ricky Han has supported the vehicle. ”

The ball manager pointed to a car parked in front of the hotel. It was an outstanding design in South Korea, but it was a commonplace national sedan of Poussin.

Minho loaded his luggage in the back seat and got on the passenger seat. The ball manager started the car and said,

“The shoot will take place at the restaurant in the morning and in the afternoon at La Villette Park. Kwon Woo-cheol PD has agreed to keep you on the night flight to Zurich. ”

After hearing the description while driving familiar to the ball manager, Minho felt like he was wandering around Seoul in the middle of Paris.

Near the island of Sites.

In front of the building with the sign ‘Pierre’, there was no room to set foot with broadcast equipment vehicles and steps. The ball manager was impressed by the look of the restaurant.

“This place is pretty fancy. I feel like I'm looking at a piece of art. ”

“It used to be a salon that listened to music. ”

“Of course. The atmosphere is different. Being a chef at a place like this. If you're good, we'll get a lot of food ads. ”

“It's only five minutes away. ”

Minho's gaze remained on the parasol next to the broadcast vehicle. Standing in the actor's seat, the galaxy was looking at the script.

As I headed straight for Parasol, I encountered Kwon Woo-cheol PD, who had just come down from a broadcast vehicle.


“Mr. Kwon PD. ”

Minho paused and greeted Kwon PD.

“Let's do the rehearsal at 8: 30. It's a sudden addition to the script, but it makes sense to me. I liked Min-ho's acting last time. You heard Min-ho reacted well. ”

Min Ho listened to 'Yes’, but his heart was already next to the West Galaxy.

“You're done, right? ”

“Oh, Min-ho. ”

Kwon PD, who approached Minho, covered his mouth.

“I finished talking to the Director, confirming the extension from 20 to 24. I don't know how Writer Hong wrote it, but it's possible to increase the gravity from 13 paintings. ”

Jin PD disappeared into the restaurant, and Minho moved back to Parasol.

“Oh my, Min-ho!”

This time, Hong Eun-suk, who was talking with Cho on one side, summoned Minho.


Minho is at the parasol, right? ’Then I turned my head and found myself and sent a signal to the smiling galaxy asking for a little while.

“Good morning, Writer Hong. ”

“You look gorgeous today. Who are you trying to show me? ”

Min-ho was not embarrassed by the words of the Hong writer who made a cheerful smile.

“It has to be on the screen. ”

“Oh, for the viewers? ”

“Of course. Kwon PD said it was a good response. ”

“That was a good response. Who doesn't love such a lovely couple? ”

The red-hot writer seems to know something. Minho only coughed and didn't answer because he decided to keep it a secret from the outside world.

“You have to play Min-ho often in the future. He's a man who's been cooking on trends lately. I think Minho fits in there. ”

Minho smiled and talked for a while until it was almost 8: 30 before he arrived at Parasol, because he had to be seen by Hong writer.

“Hello, Minho? ”

Seeing the galaxy greeting with a gentle eye, I felt like my heart was cleansed. After finishing her makeup from a professional stylist, she was showing off her dazzling skin in the morning.

“I'm late, aren't I? ”

“You deserve to be late, Hehe. Writer Hong is so chatty. ”

Min-ho, who was sitting on the standing side, asked.

“Didn't you bring Minho's script? ”

“Oh, I remember everything. ”

“You got it last night. It's going to be quite a dose, but it's amazing. ”

Minho answered appropriately because he could not reveal that it was because of the ring's absolute memory.

“Maybe you don't have enough acting experience, so you have to memorize it well. ”

At 30 minutes, one of the steps came out of the restaurant and called out loudly.

“I'm going to rehearse! ”

"Fortune of the Four Seasons 13,19-1" Reunion of First Love 1 "

Minho stood inside the restaurant kitchen and waited for the signal from Kwon PD. The name of the character to be played is' Alain ’, a Korean adopted as a child in France. Last time, he was a chef's assistant in Remembering, but a few years later, he is now working in this restaurant as a chef.

The letter was sitting on the inside table while visiting a famous restaurant with friends in France.

19-1 on standby! Minho, let's start with cut. All right, Reddy, action! ”

The camera starts spinning with the signal.

An extra acting boss raises his head toward the kitchen entrance.

Alain! Alain!

What's all the fuss about?

Oh, my God! My next time performer didn't show up with a cold. I have a VIP reservation and the store is out of music right now!

Min-ho, who was tidying up the dishes, turns his head.

Who is VIP?



Minho lifted a white towel, dried it, and came out of the kitchen.

Cooking is good here, but I keep telling them to do something else.

Sorry, sorry. Just once.

The scene that opened the cabinet next to the kitchen and put on the dress and hat was as smooth as the rehearsal.

"Phew, what are you looking at? ’

Before starting, the choreographers gathered and heard the conversation in Minho's ear.

- Writer Hong, you went to Paris, right? How much French do you speak now, Minho?

- Native enough to be a French actor. Can you understand that better than Louis the Frenchman?

- Huh, I should have starred.

- I mean it.

Luckily, the ratings were good.

Kwon PD stood up and shouted.

“Cut! Okay. We're going to the next scene! ”

This time, Minho quietly moved to the stage to prepare for the next scene. Kwon PD began filming '19-2’ where the West Galaxy enjoyed a meal with its French friends.

‘I didn't think I'd play this piano again... Huh? ’

Minho was startled when he saw the people sitting at the table in front of him. It was a blurry crowd at the time of the extras.


Pierre Gravy, the actual owner of this restaurant, appeared to be politely bowing down to Minho. Next to Pierre are two more old gentlemen who appear to be his age.

I came to listen to you play. This is Reno Jube. This is Jean Joan. Everyone misses Jan's piano.

I don't know who it was, but they were French elders, so Minho, who politely greeted them, remembered the name Reno Jube was familiar with.

"Ah, the orchestra. ’

Last time, I was the owner of a phone number that was written on the note that came to this restaurant.

Senior director of the Paris Jupiter.

I didn't think to contact him at all because he seemed far away and high. Minho felt like he had seen Jean Joan somewhere, so he stumbled upon her memory.

‘I saw you on TV this morning. It was like a news interview.... ’

Minho thought of a subtitle that was stuck under the old man's face.

Deputy Mayor of Paris.

He was a taller man.

“Well……. ”

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