
00118 32. Mission Parsable: Paris Protocol No. 9827; 2009;

"Fortune of all seasons 20-1 ‘First Love Date’"

The date scene began with a long distance shoot.

Minho and the West Galaxy stood on the trails of the park, with streams to the left and small shops to the right.

“Reddy! Action! ”

Minho began to walk along the signals of Kwon PD, looking at the camera that was filming himself and the West Galaxy from a distance.

“Milky Way, what do you usually say when the script reads' Fun Conversation '? ”

“It's just a daily story. Ask for a broadcast station lunch menu or talk about the TV I saw yesterday. I like Men G, but I'm not sure if he's interested or not... ”

“Man G is very interested right now. ”


Seo Eun folded her arms around Minho's left.

“You have to show it in this way before it will appear on the screen. ”

The acting director said that shining in a typical scene that represents a happy occasion is the expression of actors. Minho smiled unknowingly as he tried to pretend to see the Western Galaxy.

“I'm not pretending yet. Galaxy, there's no microphone. Shall we just relax? ”


“Eating with them. ”

Minho pointed to a food stand stretched out on one side of the cow. French-style street food with a spicy aroma caught the eye of the galaxy.

Minho in front of the stand ordered one.

A scoop of wheat dough mixed with milk and eggs came up on a hot round iron plate. The thinly spread dough quickly cooked and dried. There, even the bananas and chocolate syrup were added, and the crepe quickly settled.

Here you go.

Minho reached out to the galaxy with the crepe in his hand. The Seo Galaxy at Behr Moon was amazed at the taste.

“Wow, it's sweet! Try Min-ho, too. ”

Minho also asked. Crispy, salty exterior and soft, sweet interior texture stimulated my palate. The crepe disappeared shortly after receiving the residence. Kwon PD, who was monitoring from afar, said the picture was fine and asked to proceed.

“Minho, go over there. ”

I watched the postcards and t-shirts at the souvenir shop, talked about how the beautiful look of a French kid who came to the park with his parents, walked down the hallway, and 'had a really fun time.'

Minho felt like he was enjoying a legitimate date. It was fun even though he was stabbed in the chest.

“Cut! End of shoot! ”

At sunset, the filming of all the scenes ended. At the same time, all the steps were cheerful because the Paris locke schedule had ended.

“You're finally going to Korea! ”

“I never thought I'd miss miso soup and kimchi so much. ”

Minho had already missed Korea for a week in Paris, so the mood of the drama steps that had stayed longer than a full night was understandable.

“Well done, Minho. ”

Minho, who was sitting on a bench near the lawn, quickly approached the ball manager and said.

“It's a 9: 00 flight, so I'm a little busy. ”

The schedule that needs to go to Zurich. Jim was carried by Ricky Hahn, the overseas chief of staff, so he just had to go. The ball manager, of course, asked Minho when he didn't see the galaxy that was supposed to be next to him.

“What about you?”

“Writer Hong has something he needs to talk to you about over there. I'll be right back. ”

“Save time and I'll get out of the car and wait by the entrance to the park. ”

“Yes, sir. I'll be right with the galaxy. ”

Shortly after, the Seo Galaxy walked with the Hong writer. Writer Hong immediately approached Minho and said.

“You said you were going to Interlaken for a photo shoot. That 'd be great.”

“It's work. ”

The red writer who tapped Minho's shoulder shone his eyes with a smile.

“Work with the right people is not just work. ”

She knew something, but she couldn't even tell what it was. Minho greeted the writer with a cool feeling.

“See you in Korea, Hong. ”

“Min-ho, take a good picture! Be careful with the galaxy. ”

After greeting the steps, Minho and Seo Eun headed to the entrance of the park.

* * *

Passengers boarding the Flight to Zurich, Paris...

Minho pulled out his laptop as soon as he sat on the plane. I was going to take a look after transferring all the footage because my selfie chip was full.

Save what you want to collect, delete what you don't want to see on the screen. It was stored as a digital file, so editing was easier than I thought.

Standing in the seat next to him was tired or struggling to sleep as soon as he wore his seat belt. The ball manager, who had not yet adapted to the jet lag, began to doze off in the front seat.

Minho, who took off, put on his earphones and started watching the video, couldn't overcome his fatigue, so his eyelids closed.

In the meantime, the videos on the laptop screen that no one has seen continue to play.

[Kang Minho Travel Self Camera, 0m 13s]

“Yes? Is it being recorded? ”

Min-ho's face appeared on the screen that was shining his knee.

“Hello, everyone. I'm Kang Minho.”

[2m 21s]

“Ah, can you hear me? This is inside the airstrip. ”


“Minho! ”

“Oh, Taekyong. It's been a long time."


“Yun, say hello to the camera for me. ”

“Bar, good to see you. ”

[10m 3s]

“I've arrived in Paris. You see that? ”

I saw the florist ‘Bonjour ~' next to Minho, who stopped in front of the flower shop while walking the road.

Would you recommend a flower for me to go meet a really beautiful woman?

[14m 47s]

“That's the Seine that goes into the middle of the island. The island of Cité is situated on a river that feels like Yeouido. Notre Dame's Cathedral is just around the corner. ”

A really beautiful woman, Seo Galaxy, appeared on the screen.

“This is Seo Galaxy, the drama character I was telling you about. I'm delivering an item that I lost to Korea and waiting for dinner. ”

“Hello, I'm also a fan of Minho. ”

[23m 9s]

“I didn't know what was good, so I ordered you a restaurant menu. You don't take pictures before you eat food, do you? ”

He nodded his head and swayed his eyebrows after eating lemon sauce.

A surprised face with a different spice flavor, a happy face with sweet flavor, and smiling at Minho's eyes eating the same food in front of him on the screen.

[43m 22s]

“Is this how it's supposed to be? ”

The face of the galaxy was captured on the screen with a rustling sound.

“Can you see? Minho is playing the piano. ”

A dreamy silent tune flowed out of the screen. Seo galaxy angles and zooms in on Minho onstage.

“Minho, if you fall into something, put all that effort into it. I say no, but when I look closely, my eyes are dazzled. Isn't he adorable to you fans? ”

[1h 2m 25s]

Minho was lying on the edge of the bed on the screen. The calm and polite voice of the standing galaxy flowed from the screen.

“Minho couldn't get over his sleep. I survived somehow, but Minho didn't. ”

Seo galaxy touched Minho's eyebrows.


“Hmmm... ”

“Come up here, I'm tired from sleeping there. I'll pretend I'm not ashamed. ”

Knock, knock.

The sound of the knock shook the screen. The selfie cam climbs onto the table and the angle changes to a sphere that illuminates the entire room.

“Milky Way, are you there? ”

On the screen, I saw the galaxy running to the edge of the visit.

“Ho, Writer Hong. Now I want you to go home quietly. ”

“What's wrong with your tone? ”

“I had a drink. ”

“With who, Minho? ”

The galaxy nodding immediately.

“What happened? ”

“In a taxi……. Aah! I can't tell you this! ”

“I didn't know galaxies were so cute when they were drunk. Minho must be thrilled. Wait. ”

Hong Eun-suk's face appeared on the screen as he swung his head at the door.

“No, who is this? Were you in the same room with Minho? Oh, oh, oh. Galaxy!”

Seo Eun-hyun ran away and put on a blanket. While looking in the room, Eun-suk chewed his tongue.

“What, Minho is unconscious. Too bad.”

In the room, Seo Eun-suk faced the duvet and said.

“I'd like you to leave. ”

“Do you want to be alone with Minho? It's worse than it looks. ”

“Oh, no! ”

“Okay, I'll get you out. I didn't expect you two to get this much better. Did the restaurant work? ”

The embarrassed galaxy slightly pushes its head over the duvet.

“Hey, Writer Hong. ”


“I confessed. ”


Hong Eun-suk opened his eyes wide and asked again.

“You mean the confession I think? ”

Nod. Nod.

“Wow, Milky Way. You thought about it and then you yelled. ”

“But I'm not sure if Minho heard that. ”

“What's that supposed to mean? ”

“I was sleepy too, so I couldn't figure out when Minho was asleep. ”

Hong Eun-suk's gaze was directed at Minho, who was wandering around in a dream country. I pricked my cheek, but there was little response. I can't even slap you like this.

“When I drink, I'm a sleepyhead who doesn't know the world. I got up the courage to drink, and I don't know if it's been delivered or not. ”

“I'm sad. I got you a present. ”

Seo Milky Way held a flower by the head of the bed. Hong Eun-suk looked at the white flower called Marguerite and was amazed.

“Minho is very romantic when he sees this. He's got a face that knows nothing, and he's doing everything he can. You're good at sports, you're good at acting, you're smart. It was because of the cotton that attracted Minho. ”

“I'm not a cheater. ”

“Who said anything about cheating? It's a male lead. ”

Eun-suk asked the Western galaxy, looking at the flowers for a long time.

“Milky Way, did you know you see a lot of flowers with those flowers? ”


“Come on, you know what? He loves me, he doesn't love me. You know, ripping off every single leaf. Try the galaxy. It's no big deal. ”

I came out with a blanket as if I had decided to stand on it.

“I don't have to think about it. I have to decide. ”

“Decision? I love you, don't I? ”

The West Galaxy began to pick one petal at a time.

“I confess again. Let's pretend we don't know. I confess again."

Eun-suk chuckled, covering his mouth with the pure spirits of the western galaxy, which lay right in front of the target to confess.

“Oh, it's too bad I'm the only one seeing this. Minho would feel more attractive if he saw this... Huh? What's with the camera? ”

Eun-suk's gaze was on the camera. The galaxy that was grabbing the petals replied politely.

“It's Minho's. ”

The angle of the Selcam on the table is fixed to the galaxy. The face of the Western galaxy, looking at the flowers with a very serious face, was clearly captured on the screen.

“Let's pretend we don't know. ”

The hand of the Western Galaxy, which was picking petals, stopped.

“Oh, my.”

Hong Eun-suk was amazed. Seo Eun-hwa picked the last petal.

“I'll wait until Minho wakes up and confess. ”

Hong Eun-suk took a picture of the petals falling on the duvet and putting them preciously in between scripts.

“Milky Way, can you repeat this? If you show me this charm, Min-ho will die of gumbo. ”

“What kind of tradition is this? ”

“Look at the camera and tell me. I've been hiding. I've been hiding. ”

“What are you doing?”

“I had a dream. I got my hands full. ”

“Like this?"

“Okay, okay, now tell me. ”

The West Galaxy looked into the camera and insisted that it had a ghost dream with a baby-like pronunciation.

“Awesome cute! Min-ho, if you look at this, you'll be thanking me forever. But what's wrong with galaxies? You do what you have to say, and if I tell you to do it, you're a drunk. ”

“So only drinks with close friends. ”

“Anyway, let's talk about Min-ho's filming on the last day tomorrow. ”

Eun-suk Hong, who was waiting for Min-ho to wake up for a while, strangled her on the pillow and fell asleep.


The screen of the selfie rolls around the floor shaking wildly.

* * *

Ladies and gentlemen. PinAir CB-537 arrives in Zurich in a moment.

“Yaaawn! We're almost there. ”

Minho opened his eyes after he fell asleep. The video on my laptop was playing something I had just shot during the WCG competition.

“This needs to be corrected on the plane to Korea. ”

Minho gently shakes the shoulders of the galaxy while sleeping next to him.

“Galaxy, here we are. ”

“I wonder... ”

Minho smiled, muttering an unknown word and seeing the galaxy that could not wake up easily.

“We have a little more time before we land, so get some sleep. ”

Minho silently watched the beautiful woman until she fell asleep and cast her gaze at Zurich's night vision, which was revealed out the window.

Lienheart's private vault, right? ’

When I saw the city, I remembered the safe number I had heard from my father. Minho had already felt the expectation of what a superior item would feel like.


object: Fool's Daughter's Detective Brochure

effect: a sled of the eye of a homicide veteran detective.

object: 4 sports favorites

effect: the motor sense of professional players is exercised.

space: Pierre, Music Salon

effect: I can use the Chopin technique of the pianist who loved this stage.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Paris is over. The Zurich episode isn't going to be that long.

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