
00135 37. Mad BB + 9827; + 9827;

Monday morning.

Minho, who was lying on the table, opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was the side of a standing galaxy sitting under a sunny window.

Her cheeks and ears were slightly exposed through the hair that was still damp and not dry. She turns her face like a sunflower towards the warmth with her eyes closed to make sure she hasn't woken up.

Covering his little mouth, he yawned cutely, and the way the galaxy opened its base toward the outside of the window gave Minho another glimpse than the confusing points of last night.

‘There's no place that isn't beautiful that cooks and cooks. ’

Minho stood up on the table with a happy smile. The galaxy turned its head, feeling popular.

“Huh? Minho. Why are you coming from there? ”

To her who was surprised to walk out of the kitchen, not the bedroom, Minho asked her instead of explaining how Jung-nam "followed intelligence more quickly than instinct."

“Why are you sleeping here? ”

Minho's gaze turned towards the T-shirt that the West Galaxy was wearing. My heart thumped even though I knew I was wearing shorts on the inside in a loose-fitting outfit that came down to my thighs like a dress because it didn't fit.

“Surprised? I had a situation. ”

Seo galaxy approached Minho.

“We've got trouble. I think Writer Hong might have noticed. ”


“Yes, when you get a chance, don't make fun of me. He threw it in front of me last night and just left... ”

Minho gently closes her eyes and opens the head of the clustered galaxy.

“Writer Hong is reliable. Tell him to throw it away often. ”

“I got hit by the rain. ”

“Aren't you grim? ”

A nodding galaxy. After a full night of looking closely at her gorgeous gaze, Minho finally lost his patience.

“You must be sick because you can't see the galaxy. This is therapy."

I kissed my lips lightly.


“Yes, treatment. ”

Minho once again kissed the mouth of the galaxy looking up at him. She smiles and asks.

“So you're cured now? ”

“It's not enough, but I'll stop. Milky Way, you don't know how scary it is to sleep in front of a man at night? She's got to be pretty. ”

“Oh my God, Min-ho shouldn't be sick. ”

It wasn't intentional, but when Minho naturally got the eloquent tone from her, I thought that Minho might actually get sick.

“The sergeant said it was scary. ”

At Minho's muttering, the galaxy closes its eyes and puts out its lips.

“If there's a cure, I want to be sure. ”

“Right? When I do it once.... ”

It was at that time when Minho was trying to take her lips seriously.


A cell phone on the table in the living room announced a text message. Minho ignored the sound and tried to kiss the lips of the galaxy.

Beep, beep, beep.

The letters and Minho stimulated the nerves in succession.

‘Ah, you got the mood. ’

Minho lifted her cell phone after finishing her third light kiss.

How's it going? The local filming process was delayed and the galaxy was pushed for two hours. Tell him to relax and come out.]

[By the way, Min-ho can take you to the station on his own? I don't know if it was good at night, ha-ha!]

In many ways, it was the text of the writer Hong, the great man among the eunuchs. Minho told the Western Galaxy that she was right.

“Galaxy, writer Hong says we're behind schedule. ”

“Yes? Then why did you contact Minho instead of me? ”

Minho checked the last letter.

[Have some fun for two hours. I've been so lonely wanting to see Minho.]

I felt like I wasn't the only one who had a sergeant. Minho told the galaxy with a mysterious look on its face.

“Enjoy your breakfast. ”

7: 30 a.m. After finishing preparing to go out, Minho sat in the living room and waited for the galaxy to come out to change.


The door opens and the galaxy holds out its head.

“How does it look? You don't think it's me, do you? ”

“I don't know if it's all covered.... ”

Min-ho smiles as she disguises herself, not wearing a scarf on her face, but pressing her hat firmly.

“Come here. ”

Minho took off the hat that the West Galaxy pressed on, untied the scarf and tied it properly around his neck, saying.

“The problem seems more suspicious than not disguised. ”

“But if you do this, you'll see it. ”

“Just go, because you don't want anyone else to see you until you leave. ”

“How do I do that? ”

Min-ho, who asked her not to worry, carried the backpack on his shoulders and walked out to the porch. Then I put my hand slightly on the Braille watch.

The hallway is quiet, but there is a buzzing sound in the front house.

- Sister, where's my tire?

- The conch was carrying it.

- Sister Sora! It's for you!

Minho confirmed that the funkyline members of the most dangerous company were busy with makeup and opened the door.

“Come on, Milky Way. ”

The two lovers who were secretly dating stood quietly down the hallway in front of the elevator.

- Honey, I'll be right back.

- Drink up and come in early.

- I want to eat it. I eat for work.

At the end of the hall, you hear a door open. Minho grabbed hold of the West Galaxy's hand and opened the emergency exit door because the elevator would arrive early.

“Stay hidden for a minute like this. ”

Minho shrugged and raised his finger at the mysterious gaze of the West Galaxy.


After hearing the sound of going down the elevator, Minho leaves the emergency exit again. A second elevator has just arrived and has just boarded.

“Minho, can we leave without meeting anyone? ”

“Of course. Don't worry. ”

Minho pressed the underground parking button while holding the clock in his hand. Pretending to check the time, I finished checking who was going up on what floor.


“Get out of here, galaxy. ”

The fifth floor door opened and Minho grabbed hold of the western galaxy's hand and came out. She was surprised to see the elevator stop again on the fourth floor.

“How did you know who would mount it? ”

“I had a feeling. ”

I took the next elevator down from the B1 floor and then took the emergency exit down to the B3 floor where Minho's car was parked.


“Wow, I really haven't met anyone. ”

Minho, who opened the passenger seat of a classic convertible car, a beloved horse, and a bandage, said.

“I feel so much better with the galaxy. Is that what affection is? ”

“There's no such thing. ”

“Here it is. I'm so lucky to have you around every time. ”

At Minho's words, whistling and prowling, he only smiled and asked no more. There must be some secret about Min-ho, but now it was better to see Min-ho enjoying herself like that than to wonder about it.

Yeouido parking lot right in front of the Han River.

Because of the cold autumn weather, Minho sat on a bench with the West Galaxy, where few people went for a morning walk.

Hot bagels and creamy kidney bread, orange juice, and coffee from an early bakery. It was not a fancy meal, but it was a pity and a pity that this short meal we had while talking together.

Seo Galaxy looked at her phone and turned to Minho.

“It's 9: 00.”

“Oh, already? I'll start it.”

Minho returned to his car and started the car, tapping the steering wheel and lifting his eyes.

“Huh? What's wrong with him all of a sudden? It won't start. ”

“Really? You can take a taxi around the station. ”

“No, you can't. Hey, Band-Aid. What?”

Minho listened as if the car was talking.

“Ahh! You can't leave the steering wheel to an unwell driver because you can't get a kiss from the Milky Way? I should have told you earlier. ”

Minho muttered softly to himself and the frown of his eyes said, "Who are you talking to? I looked. ’

Minho smiled and gestured to get on her. Then I put on my seat belt and slowly brought my head closer. Glug glug. I only started it after I closed my eyes with her and the more intense ‘emotion’ that I didn't have before.

After a deep kiss, I pressed the button on the radio while standing slightly awkward.

“How's the weather today?”

With a whistling frequency noise, the voices of the deaf paralysis began for her.

[Start the driver simulator.]

Minho looked at the green glowing radio.

‘Did you just eavesdrop.... ’

[Among the features of this car, there is no option to 'start with a kiss'. With human thermal energy, ignition of the engine is overwhelming.]

Minho glances forward with a stabbed look at the indifferent machine sound.

“You heard me. Okay, I'm sorry. ”

“Yes? What is it, Minho? ”

“Oh, no. Can we go to the drama studio? Let's go, banda. ”

After exiting the parking lot, the car gently raised the RPM and joined the Olympic Boulevard. Seo Eun leaned against the back of the car that was accelerating comfortably and suddenly turned to Minho.

“Yes, I heard a little script from Hong next week about a coincidence that Alain and I met in Korea. That's where I have to drive. Minho is next to me. ”

“Did you have a galaxy license? ”

“As soon as I graduated, I won it for my dad. I don't want to drink and call my surrogate. But I haven't been able to drive since. ”

“That's a bronze license.”

“I think I need some training from the instructor. ”

Minho also asked empathically because it was the same before he met the paralysis.

“Well, do you want me to train you on the road before you shoot? ”

“Can I do that? ”

Seo Eun opened her mouth carefully toward Minho.

“I heard that driving relationships fight no matter how much you love gold. ”

“Don't worry. I'm never angry. ”

Minho looked at the radio. As long as there was the world's only AI driver cultivation system and bandages, education would have been laid down and eaten.

Do we still have to fight the galaxy? ’

* * *

Minho found the action school ‘SSONG’ near Paju for a camera test of a movie scheduled for 2 p.m.

“What's the scenario? ”

When asked by the ball manager who was driving the van, Minho put down the script 'The Real’ which he had read all morning.

“The protagonist is from Special Forces. ”

Overnight action masterpiece where a protagonist retires for some reason and earns a living every day and gets caught up in illegal races.

The story was simple, but the actions focused on each scene were no joke. It's like watching a Thai movie with a world-renowned martial arts action.

“It's just a stone for Minho. How much would you like to create a custom role when filming CF? ”

Minho was concerned about the scenario because he knew that if he didn't get satisfactory results in the camera test, he wouldn't be weird if he failed the audition.

‘Anyway, I started working, but I'm not excited. ’

It was accepted only when I heard that I was meeting various experts before preparing the film, but I didn't see any favorites. The short lines of the test scene that were filmed today were only forced to memorize because of the ring.

‘I'm full, too. You don't want to be in the movie. Come to your senses.'

I met fans who really liked what they were doing yesterday. It was Minho who was not very motivated even though he insisted on trying hard.

A van arrived in front of a rectangular building in the form of a gym.

Minho found more and more people on one side of the building receiving their license plates. Approximately 100 people.

“Do they all audition? ”

“You said you'd pick an extra one to do the heavy lifting. Minho can go to the main hall. ”

Minho stepped out of the parking lot and looked around the front door of the action school.

On one side of the main hall, which had a floor as wide as the playground, there was a large camera set that was different in size from the TV camera. There was no light of affection seen in the filming steps that were exploring in between.

You turn your head toward the stuntman at the action school, relaxing on one side.


When the disappointed Minho became a hyena looking for a love item and was wandering around the main hall, there was a person calling out to him.

“Kang Min-ho!"

The stuntman Kim Woo Hyuk, who had a relationship with the laptop CF, approached. Kim Woo Hyuk, who was fit and strong, held Min-ho's hand and waved greedily.

“It's been a while, this. I knew this would happen when I shot the ad. Oh, you've been doing well in the last three months? ”

Since he's a professional stuntman, I've been checking his condition by pressing on Minho's arm muscles.

Minho did not work harder, but after experiencing a lot of active work, he felt better in 3 months. Did he have a little more muscle tone than he did when he had the flutter?

“I heard that you are testing and auditioning for cameras. ”

“I have to pick Jo. ”

“Jo Yeon?”

What's the lead? ’In Minho's eyes, Kim Woo Hyuk said as if it was natural.

“Mr. Shawn has been invested in Minho's story. Do you have a screen for our CF? I showed him that.”

“Is that so?"

“As the movie grew in size, it was a test that I planned to create issues before cranking and satisfy investors……. ”

“Speak your mind. ”

A new person stood in front of Minho, beating the back of Kim Woohyuk. In the early forties, Songdoha, a man with a sleek impression, greeted Minho.

“Welcome, Minho. ”


Although I am not as muscular as Woohyuk Kim who sends me, I can hear the feeling of intimidation even more because I have a stubborn and different body size.

“Minho, wait a minute. ”

Songdoha gestured and called Minho to the back. And he said in a low voice.

“Our biggest investor is here today. By the way, can you do a few more stunts? ”

“A few…. ”

Minho asked Songdoha, who was looking at her three fingers.

“Was the performance set? ”

“Minho accepted. ”

“I've seen the scenario, and I'm not sure I can digest all the action in it. I don't know how much of a car is possible, but I need a professional guide to get my bike online……. ”

Minho asked me what kind of expert I could introduce. However, he replied, tapping Minho's shoulder, saying, "Don't worry at all."

“With all my worries. You saw Minho's stunt sense at that time. In fact, it's an action that any young Korean tough guy can roll hard for a few months. ”

Minho was surprised by Song Do-ha's creepy confidence, and the explanation followed.

“The problem is flow and acting. Action films use both dog and sona handheld techniques. It's not just the camera shaking the window in front of the actor that makes sense. at least as stable as the audience is willing to admit, and the camera has to follow. You know the actor from Hong Kong? It's fun just to punch because your face is still alive with all that movement. ”

I shook hands with the look of trust as if I saw it from Min Ho, Songdo.

“Let's make a movie that says, 'This is awesome.’" ”

“Well, I'll do my best. ”

“In that sense. Woohyuk, call the kids! Let's start with the rooftop brawl! Hang Min-ho's wire. ”

“Wow, Wire? ”

Minho's eyes saw a pulley rising to the ceiling and an action school step touching the rope.

“I am PD. The pilot viewership synchronization will be clear, but you'll have to confirm that you'll be comfortable with Minho. ”

The ball manager entered the building on a call regarding Minho's schedule this week.

“You know you're not Min-ho these days, right? My body is wealth.I 'll see you on Friday... Huh? Minho!”

The ball manager opens his mouth as he looks inside and pauses.

- What is it?

“Minho is going down. ”

Minho fell from a rooftop tile while fighting stuntmen on the third floor. Between the arms of the second-floor handrail and the sound of thumping, the two stuntmen fell down on the mat on the ground floor.

The ball manager was surprised by the heart-bearing movement and was relieved to see the wire wrapped around Minho's waist.

I shouldn't have done that.

“It's not like that. Goodbye, PD. ”

Min Ho climbed to the second floor, hung up his running leg and slapped him on the side. The stuntman's fist then staggers back, grabbing onto the ledge and passing through his body, rising straight up.


Minho pushes the opposing Pokémon under the jaw with his shoulders. Shocked stuntman Kim Woo Hyuk became even more glamorous than this.

- Who are you people?

Minho's experienced eyes caught on the test camera as he breathed, looked around and prepared for the next danger.

The ball manager swoops behind the monitor and lifts his heel. I was impressed with Minho's close-up face and ambassador.


Songdo sent a stop sign and ran down the ledge.

“Minho, that was great. You can hang on to the wire, but I didn't know you could really jump in and catch it. ”

Minho, who received a satisfied look in Songdo's eyes, shakes his head. Suddenly, I forgot that the instinct of the ring that popped out was hanging on the wire. Thanks to this, my arms are only sore with the power to hang off the rails.

Songdo approached the camera again and summoned the people with the number tags on one side. And I played the video that I took as a test on the monitor.

“Did you see that? When the action is summed up and the actor is immersed in the situation and performs, you get this one-take action scene. Think of it as stunt man taking over. We have to disconnect the screen. It gets awkward. I'm going to audition one by one in a little while, so you can think of this as a guideline. ”

Those who watched the video in droves were the actors who volunteered for the audition with confidence in their actions.

The young actors from other action schools, who took acting classes in the planning and theater department, let go of the wire and looked at Minho coming down from the second floor.

“I thought that Kang Minho was playing in a trendy drama, but I'm not kidding. ”

“Have you seen that CF? I think it's worth a shot. ”

“I think I practiced a lot to show you this. You don't know how to breathe with stunts once or twice. ”

He glanced at the investors who were watching the test work as he was satisfied and raised his thumb to Minho.

“Minho, you were the best. I want you to get ready for the next scene. ”

“Huff, huff. Yes…… ”

After a total of three test footage were taken, Minho landed in a recreational area in the back yard of the action school.

“It's worth it, but I think we should do more exercises before we go in. ”

A series of shots that fell off the roof, collided with five sturdy stuntmen in tight spaces, and rolled around the floor running the jumping pole, bringing physical discharge even after just 30 minutes.

I felt like I was using unused muscles because my whole body was messed up.


The ball manager brought a cool drink and handed it to Minho sitting on the bench.

“You have a crush on Minho, right? If the C.F. of the car comes in here, it's gonna be crazy. ”

Seeing the ball manager who looked like he was having fun, Min-ho realized at that moment. Who became the number one fan after debuting in the entertainment industry.

“ball manager, please put the morning into your schedule as a fitness or sport. I think I need to work on my training before the movie. ”

“I understand.”

While resting and waiting, Minho found a car stopped at the side of the parking lot. The appearance was a regular car, but the inside was clear except for the driver's seat.

Stunt car? ’


Minho, who saw one person get out of there, got up without him knowing.

“I'm going in. ”


The ball manager was impressed when he saw Minho walking back to the main hall instead of drinking a drink. Professional looking for work as soon as you finish filming hard work. You have to watch and learn that.

The ball manager followed Minho, remembering the name of the PD and the executive team that had not been contacted recently. I'm gonna try to get the phone in tonight.

You raise your hand to see the car stunt team leader entering the front gate.

“Over here.”

A man in his mid-30s in a racer's safety outfit looked and said at the people who were growing up for the audition.

“Park Jin-young is in charge of evaluating car action today. Once you have been operating more than 5 years in your typical career, please join us. Let me give you just a few precautions for the overthrow test. ”

Most of the audition participants changed their look when they said they were doing a flipped stunt test. Songdo felt their frost and added.

“We're not going to look at your driving skills, we're going to look at the performance of your car as it rotates. ”

Park Jin-young said in Songdo's eyes.

“Wearing equipment well is not dangerous. You see this thing I'm wearing? It's called the Hans Device, which is a great safety measure to prevent neck injuries. Now that we have a set of the same.... ”

Park Jin-young asked for auditions.

“Who would like to go first? ”

Everyone became deaf and dumb, and some teeth came forward raising their hands.

“Me! I really want to ride! And I want to wear that Hans device so badly! ”

Minho, who showed me a cool stunt and disappeared, walked forward. Park Jin-young looked at Songdo and asked.

“I don't have his number card. Who are you? ”

“Uh, we're starring in a movie. ”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

We moved it to the third week of cotton, and we changed the performance cycle accordingly. I'm expecting another day of road pay... but I'll challenge you four and a half times as soon as I get better on the line for quality.

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