
Uchiri Daily Mission

Waggle, waggle.


“I know. I can drink without noticing my grandmother. Of course.”

Old man Huang lowers his phone and takes a shot of rice wine. The deck has been open since the morning.

“Yaaa! It's been a while. ”

“It tastes delicious. ”

This next door seed and Park across the street raised their elongated thumbs. The old man, who had called another friend, returned to his seat.

After tasting the bean curd, Lee said to the old man, following Makgeolli.

“It's been a long time since Ms. Yoon has been able to perform well. Did you reconcile with her last night? ”

“No, I went to Grandma's town. ”

“Ugh? Then who did this before? ”

“I have a special guest for Naga. You know those guys down in the mountains broadcasting? ”

Oshora comes out of the kitchen with a plate of muffins. She puts an empty plate on top of the table and places a well-baked bean curd.

“Enjoy, sir. ”

“Thank you.”

After smiling, Osora hurriedly returned to the kitchen. Yi pointed to Oshora.

“That wretched city whore? ”

“No. There's one more bachelor. ”

Old Huang gladly smiled at the kitchen. He cheerfully took a drink and put down his cup.

“On a day like this, we should call Jean. ”

“Mr. Jang? ”

“Oh, you know what? Drunken inspiration. ”

Old man Huang tugged his tongue out at his words.

“This old man remembers a lot. You had a portrait last year. ”

“Oh, right. It's Jean's house in the middle of nowhere. We don't know when we'll get hooked. Watch out for the booze. ”

“Aigoo, I don't want to drink. Have a drink.”


That led to the drinking of the elderly who sat down to chat with the bean curd.

Minho was grinding on a millstone, sweating red. Yoon Hwa-jeong's grandmother had finished refining the raw materials yesterday, so the supply of materials was urgent. Oshora, who had just delivered the bean curd, said while picking up the dishes from the dishwasher bin.

“Jonathan, that won't last 10 minutes. ”

“Are you still coming? ”

“All the elders of the village will come. ”

You see a slight tiring glow, but she is single. This will be completely unedited.

On the contrary, Min Ho was depressed. It's nice to hear a compliment, but the job never ends. I wonder what it was like to treat only one adult.

But I couldn't say anything about a man's ego. Minho pretended to be unfaithful.

“Wait a minute. I can bake a heatsink with this. ”


The grinding is busy.

The two of them decided to serve here, not on the bypass side, because some of the village's elders were coming.

“I brought it.”

FD opened the back door of the kitchen and handed out a box of ingredients. Min-ho, who had all the beans sharpened and put them in a bowl, examined the ingredients. Oshora, who finished the dishes, approaches the side.

“What can I do? ”

“You can cut, right? ”

“That's enough. ”

Minho gave Oshora carrots and onions. And he made fun of his hands to trim the pork.

Meanwhile, the door of the courtyard opened and an elderly man entered.

“Mr. Hwang! I heard you could eat as much as you want today. ”

“Hey, Mr. Kim, come and get it. ”

Cho, who was conducting the shooting in the courtyard, rushed to radio or beat up the growing number of senior citizens in the house.

“There's going to be a feast. I'm sure you're talking a lot of stuff, not joking.

I can't hear a backbeat over there! and blended in.

Four hours later, the master of the classical battle finally appears.

“Ugh. I hate you. ”

Minho sat in the shadow of sperm and sighed.

Old man Huang called out to his friend. When he called his friend back, he had to shake the frying pan without rest.

‘But I'm done mining potatoes. ’

The results were overwhelming, and because everyone was shaking with a ‘like’ sign, neither the PD nor the PD acknowledged success without words.

“Oh, my God. ”

Even Oso, who suffered alongside me, struggled to keep his head down. She wasn't doing too well either. Serve, wash dishes, trim vegetables. In the middle, I sat among the elders and sang Trot.

But after a hard time, rest is sweet.

“Here I come, I see, I win. ”

Minho smiles at Oshora.

“That's enough, right? ”


With a big smile, she raises her thumb. Oshora was clearly a broadcaster who was tired and smiling like an octopus.

“But, brother. ”


“Can I tell you a scary story? ”

“No, don't. ”

Minho instinctively shook his head. This is not something you should hear.


Oshora points to the watch.

“It's only 1: 00. ”

Minho, who was wrapping his arm, felt a chill emanating from his back.

“… you're bad. ”

“Heh heh.”

The shoot is scheduled to end at 12: 00 p.m. Despite the mission's successful transition to 8: 00 p.m., anxiety remained.

I'm not a pleasant opponent either. You can get farm work and livestock work anytime for the remaining 7 hours. Just because the broadcast is out doesn't mean the broadcast is over.

“Minho, where are you? ”

Minho was surprised at the old man's walking voice. Osotra, who was lying down, moved to get up.

“You need more rest. It was just me.”

Minho watched VJ catch up and breathed. When you take a break, you can make a weary face, but if you don't, you should always look lively. We don't know when it's going to be on.

“You called.”

Even though you drank rice wine, the old man said that the color of his face did not change.

“Yes, well done. It's been hard on old people, hasn't it? Your face is so puffy. ”

“No, it's okay. ”

“Forget it, you'll be fine if you eat this. ”

Old man Huang gave something in a Coke Petrel to Minho according to the paper cup.

It was the old man's personality that continued to give something to the people around him. Once I sent the famous bean curd, I called all the villagers and threw a banquet. If it was bad, Yoon Hwa-jeong's grandmother secretly made a mung bean patch and escaped to the city to feed her son.

“What is this, sir? ”

Minho examined the liquid poured by the elderly Huang. I could see the poison coming in through my nose.

“Hey, have a drink. It's a good thing.”

Old man Huang was staring at me, so I couldn't stop drinking. Minho was forced to shove it in his mouth and swallow.

“I ate it and made our first son. This is very powerful. You're burning up.”

“Knng! Knng! ”

The elderly Huang has raised his thumb with confidence. Minho grabbed his neck. Even though it was just a sip, the power was not a joke.

“It's made by Jean, who's good at drinking, but famous in this neighborhood. I can't even save her anymore. ”

I had no idea what a good drink would do to my energy. I felt like my stomach was getting tender already. But I already ate it. I endured it because it was good.

Old man Hwang smirked and patted Minho on the shoulder.

“How's it going? You're coming, right? ”

“Yes? What? ”

At that moment, I felt a ball of fire boiling in my stomach. Age full of blood. The mysterious energy recoveror, who was‘ encouraged ’by Old Man Hwang, made the body of Minho so hot as to be young.

Early July, when the overwhelming heat comes.

Minho needs the valley he jumped into yesterday.

* * *

“I'm PD! ”

Lee Do-jin, who went out of town and came back, immediately chased after me at the town hall.

“Aren't you being too harsh? ”

“Why would I? ”

Lee Do-jin waved the license from the cotton office.

“If you tell him, he'll do it. I don't have to go! ”

“Really? Writer Kim. Why didn't you tell me? You stepped on our doorstep. ”

Writer Kim who woke Lee Do-jin in the morning looked embarrassed. However, Lee Do-jin noticed the protein. Of course I knew who the plague was.

“A young writer.”

“Yes… four? ”

“I want you to hold on tight to the PDs next to me. ”

When I saw my fist curled in a fierce glare, my PD raised my hand.

“Whoa, whoa, easy, easy. ”

I told the camera director.

“Keep filming, Dojin. Don't turn the camera off. Yi Do-jin rush. Violence against Step. Subtitle bun! That's how it's gonna be. ”


Lee Do-jin backed away as if he had no choice.

“Let's see if I get hit again. ”

Because it was the attraction of this program, I and the PD both smiled unnoticed.

Lee Do-jin saw a strange sight on the floor of the hall after the commotion ended.

Baked fish, grilled meat, crustaceans, and even tasty dishes were piled full of lamb as if prepared by a priest. However, it was a rare occasion for people. It's even more beautiful when I see the gritty girl 7 and Park Jin-seok with something bruised.

“What did you do this morning? Is this how you prepared me to eat? ”

“There was a mission. ”

The girls are approaching on the other side of the road. I knew right away the grass was dead.

You failed. Your role will be to take care of the atmosphere.

However, I did not see any members.

“Where are my Aces Minho and Conch? ”

“It's Grandma Yoon Jeong's house. ”


“Here's what happened. ”

Guyeon, the youngest, told him about this morning's work quickly.

“Oh my. He's just... ”

Yi Dojin smiled as he understood the circumstances of the hall where only flies were blown into the barrel where all the elders of the village had gone to the Emperor's house.

“If it's a Makgeolli party, Lady Yoon will be in trouble later. I don't know if that's enough to expel Senior Hwang. Haha.”

He said as if he felt sorry for her at last.

“If I had known this, I would have followed Minho. I cooked along with you for no reason. ”

“I've been really busy. I've been really busy. ”

“That's all that's left. Ehhh.”

I looked forward to agreeing with all seven remaining girls on her pitch.

“I told that secretary that I... ”

Park Jin-seok, who was sitting in the kitchen, was half mesmerized. Circumstances you could stand out for. It also presented a fusion of rural and urban cuisine. Park Jin-seok glanced at Bibimbap, which was flavored with stir-fried chicken and roasted beef with a hint of pizza cheese.

However, the tastes of the elderly were just the bean curd. Why is that?

The question was only lost when Steps brought a plate of bean curd and tasted it.

Flavors beyond imagination. There was definitely a perfectly differentiated flavor.

‘I couldn't beat one of the antlers. ’

The difference is admissible. It was two days in a row.

Now all I can think about is the low-level way to cast body gags while mining potatoes.

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