
Mission Parsable: Macau Royal

5 Hours Ago - Middle Iceland, ‘Wild Wolf’ Headquarters

At 1 pm, the cast of 'Man and Jungle’ gathered at the Academy's headquarters to experience the jungle's rare ingredients, the final course of survival training.

All the way to the kitchen together.

“It's going to be huge, right? ”

“I don't know, I've been surfing a long time and I'm hungry. Now I think I can chew that caterpillar yesterday. ”

“Ugh, I'm just going to starve. ”

“Don't worry. Chef Sim will cook you a delicious meal. Leado's tasting? Isn't Pro Min-ho the one who's been acting so tough from the start? ”

In the conversation between Han and Hwang Ji-seok, who was walking in the lead, the winner lost his energy. As soon as the filming of the program was broadcast domestically, it was almost as if it was on fire. I just mourn that the center of the conversation is not me.

The Elite Winner looked back at the one walking behind him.

“Hey, Minho. ”


“Will you be active here? ”

“What do you mean……. ”

“How much do you like cooking? Do you already have a knife? What are you gonna hit me with? ”

The day he held his head in his hands, his eyes turned to a well-placed eating knife.

“Oh, this? It's Ore's brother's. I need to borrow it for a while while while I'm renovating the ingredients. ”

It was a ‘feeling of excitement’ that the young man with shiny eyes said that the Elite Winner might be strong once again. However, there was a feeling. There's one or two things he can't do.

‘Well, that's what people do. ’

In an hour.


The winner fries the rat's meat in olive oil, burns it halfway through the thermostat, makes a small insult and then turns his gaze toward the man in question.

Square. Tongue.

Seeing the man enjoying the attention of the steps with a rhythmic knife on the cutting board, I felt nothing but the taste of life without life.

“Brother, I sliced this onion into 0.2 millimeters thin. Soften the texture.”

“Wow, Min-ho. This is not a knife fight. ”

“Is it because of the great knife days? That's a pretty good cut. By the way, can I trim this frog? It can be neatly chopped into dumplings, right? If you're going to grill a snake, I'll put seasoning on it. ”

“Kee, pretend you know what you're doing. I could be the chief chef at my restaurant. Come if you don't have anything else to do. I'll hire you right away. ”

“I can't get a job because I'm busy. But I will often go out and learn to cook! ”

During the encounter between the abomination food and modern recipes seen in the jungle, a number of people clicked and swallowed. As the ‘Wild Frog Dim Sum’ and 'Smoke Snake Skewers’ of Shimmering Stone, which operated the fusion restaurant, the stock price of the guy who assisted him showed equal cooking skills, only went up.

The Elite Winner bites his lips while keeping his jealousy intact.

‘Kang Min-ho... …. Ain't that right, man? You're not even human. ’

Three Hours Ago - Refulse Bay, Parking lot

Survival after 27 hours on Hong Kong soil has exhausted both the cast and the steps. Ha PD was exhausted and said in front of the people standing in the parking lot, holding the assessment letter from Wolf in his hand.

“Here's your assessment of your jungle adaptability. You get two S's in a year, which is a few. Let's give it up for Seunggi and Minho! ”

“I knew it. PD, how many of us are there? ”

“Mr. Seok is A. Owner is only A. Ore Mr. B. The instructor was surprised that everyone was of high quality. Anyway, I have a feeling that we're going to succeed without any real challenges. All right, shoot's over! Well done everyone!”

After glancing at Minho, she lowered her shoulders and got on the bus without saying anything.

What's wrong with Seunggi? You don't look so strong. ’

Min-ho, who had no idea why his mental faculties were shattered, approached the HAPD thinking he would be tired.

“PD, I'm going to go separately. ”


“I have business in Macau. I'll see you in Seoul later. ”

After finishing greeting, Min-ho walked outside the parking lot, and the ball manager ran to the crowd on the one side.

“Thank you, Minho. The car was parked at the entrance. ”

Walking out together, the ball manager said with a face full of God.

“I was very confident about this shoot. ”

“Are you sure?”

“Worldstar, Im So-hee is already inspired by Leah Taylor's special appearance because of Min-ho. ”

He was always an anticipated ball manager, but now his eyes have become something of an ardent believer beyond his usual 'belief.' Minho tried to fix it up quickly, in order to develop into a ridiculous expectation.

“It's coming out for a while. ”

“Yes, wait. But it's ridiculous to think of the industry's best entrepreneurs when they invited Leah to do a 60-second commercial last year. Haha! ”

“Well, is that so? ”

While Leah was mentioned, Minho glanced at Blake on the side of the junction dock. I don't know how the operation changed, but Blake was currently waiting for the getaway car with Leah in a hoodie hat.

“Min-ho! Give me your luggage. ”

Kim Cody, who was loading the trunk of the rented sedan, ran to see Minho. Minho carried the backpack containing only the essentials on his back and handed the rest to him in a plastic bag.

“Hey ball manager, what's our flight departure time? ”

“It's 5: 00 a.m. I pushed my morning schedule backwards, but I didn't deserve a morning flight. ”

“That's enough. ”

“By the way, Min-ho, are you sure you want to do this without me? ”

“Sure, have a good rest with Siwan. I want you to do some sightseeing in Hong Kong. ”

Minho said Kim Cody was unpacking his luggage. I clenched my fist a little.

Immediately before leaving for Sedan, Minho sensed that Leah's moving vehicle was approaching by a fabulous limo towards the pier. Leah boards the limo, and Blake turns his head this way.

I waved my hand as it meant, "Good operation." I looked at the beach to see if Blake had anything to say to me.

“Wait a minute, ball manager. ”

Blake opened his mouth to Minho as he walked along the beach.

Nathan proposed a new condition.


I am willing to support Mr. M's personal activities, unless it is against American policy.

Can you be a freelance agent for the CIA? If you are wanted for causing trouble, no matter what your father says, you will never be able to live the same life now.

‘Unless Korea loses its beauty products. Let's leave the admiration for spies to admire. ’

Minho shakes his head without a thought.

Blake stares at Minho with his sad eyes, then stretches out his hand as if he had finished clearing his mind.

It's so good to see you again, Minho.

Me, too, Agent Blake.

I was surprised that Blake's pronunciation of the name 'Minho’ was more proficient than morning, and Leah suddenly reached out her head as the limousine spear that had stopped on the beach road descended.

What are you guys doing? We should kiss and break up. Don't you two watch movies or something?

The people standing on the beach began to recognize Leah's face as it was. Even after Leah shortened the time of goodbye, Blake shakes his head and asks Minho.

May I meet you next time?

If you're in a relationship.

Every journey has its own secret endpoints that travelers don't know about. In one of them, just, again....

Blake's metaphor is that of a secret CIA base around the world. However, it was not a small Korean neighborhood, and it was unlikely that we would stumble upon a secret CIA base in this vast world. However, Minho nodded his head at the expression of her regretful expression.

Oh, my God, Leah!

Leah Taylor? Oh!

Blake sees people rushing towards the limousine.

Minho waved his hands to say good-bye and turned his back.

Thirty Minutes Ago - Central Macau, Hostel Street

“Is this it?”

In Macau, which is full of beautiful buildings, Minho took a short breath in front of the ‘White Tiger’ merchant's lair introduced by Ungsan.

Bang, bang.

“Excuse me. ”

As I knocked on the entrance of the old three-story cement building pretending to be a hostel, a man in a cashier's costume walked out from the inside. With the tiger tattoo on his forearm, Minho found out that he was one of the guys I met briefly last night.

The tattoo artist looked up and down Minho and said in English.

I don't do business.

I heard you can watch even if you don't do business.

Who told you about that?


The tattoo asked me to come in. Just above the first floor and stairs, there was a room that looked like a lodging business, but the stairs to the third floor were blocked with bars.

Glug, the sound and the iron bars open and Minho steps up to the third floor. The third floor, which was all green with an interior wall, had a space as wide as a warehouse.

Minho smiled as he saw a stack of dusty boxes lying on one side of the iron box he had seen at the mansion in Ungsan. There was a lovely artifact in there to finalize Hong Kong and Macau.


A middle-aged man, judged to be a white tiger, appeared guarded by two tattoos. Unlike Woongshan, who was a gentleman-style figure, Minho stood in front of a man in the early forties who had golden teeth that looked like a typical villain in the Hong Kong Noir movie.

It's nice to meet you, Ungshan.


So, are you here for something you want?

Minho pointed directly at the box in Ungsan.

I want to buy 500 million pink dice in there.

Dice. Louie. Open it.

One of the tattoos opened the box. Minho's eyes lit up when the blue dice in the glass case appeared.

The tiger, who handed the case to his servant, opened the lid and looked around.

Polishing class. Looks like the dice were used by someone with a name. Would you like to take a closer look?

The white tiger picks up the dice with his hand.

Minho who refused because of the risk of being bitter when he touched the sword remembered what was good at first and accepted it.

With the feeling of being caught in the hands, I turned around and became in the middle of the casino.


A well-flowing man shouts with a prominent Barney girl dressed next to him and a booty in the ‘Big Small’ dice game.

- Double bet!

A slightly older looking man participating in the game smiled, glowing calm eyes in front of him at a wager with a risk of being rewarded up to 10 times the stake.

- Triple bet!

When the man came to the conclusion of an extreme wager that allowed him to be rewarded 30 times, people stared at him.

Who's the owner? ’

Minho shakes his head to see the memories because the owner didn't talk like a sword. As I got rid of the feeling of being in the middle of the casino, the memories disappeared and the view of the dusty warehouse caught my attention.

There's no rejection! ’

Minho couldn't help but be surprised to see the dice that still didn't feel bitter. It was full of luscious charm as it hovered around its original brilliant color and red aura. There, I was eager to find out if I might be able to tame a high-end item and buy it quickly and return to the hotel.

I'll live right away. To which bank account should we send the money?

Bank? Account?

At Minho's words, White Tiger and his two henchmen exchange their gazes and start laughing nonstop. While I was confused about the reason, White Tiger opened his mouth.

Only Ungsan can trade with a healthy account in this industry.

Yes? Then what….


White Tiger rubbed his fingertips and showed a gesture of banknotes.

Minho looks at the opponent with an embarrassed expression. The process of transferring domestically and internationally created a separate Swiss account, which is useless. Even if I went to the International Exchange Bank right away, I absolutely did not have time to find 500 million in cash.

But you can't give up the dice.

Minho suddenly felt a warm energy gushing from the dice, digging his wrist.

The dice vibrated and handed over the doctor.

- Money. You can make money.

Minho was embarrassed by the sound of a hallucination and turned his eyes to the scene in the memory he just saw again.

A man who bet 30 times wins and raises his hand. The man who took the greater risk and won was the master of this dice.

The scene that captures Minho's gaze strongly. This was clearly a mission from the dice.

Mr. White Tiger. Do you have any injuries?

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

While working on the same side, it was a little late because it was blown into two parts. [nonsense response]

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