
Airbus One.

00: 15 - Korean crew member ‘Inan’

“Here you go. ”

“Oh, thank you. ”

Inan smiled at Minho, who was relieved to receive the water bottle.

“You must be thirsty. ”

“I needed more than that. ”

Due to the difficult regulations on the aircraft, there are quite a lot of guests looking for water immediately upon takeoff. So it was no big deal, but Minho was expressing his gratitude.

‘That's very kind. I feel different from the drama of being a cheater. ’

On the way to the landing, I had a pleasant imagination of having to ask for autographs and photographs while I was filling out my entry report, and then I tried to get back to the crew waiting room.

“Excuse me, sir. ”

Michelle, who was heard from the secretary as a figure of interest, suddenly called out to her in Korean.

“Yes, sir. Can I help you?”

“How do I use 'Wi-Fi' when I need internet access? ”

Against Michelle's attentiveness in non-French language, Nanan showed the crew how to connect to the server in a gentle voice.

“You can pay with a credit card. Goodbye, then. ”

Inan stepped away from Michelle and met Kang Min-ho sitting next to her. I smiled again and asked.

“Is there anything else you need? ”

“It's okay. I'm just going to sleep. I'm going to leave like a rat. ”

“Rat dead? ”

Kang Minho said with a grinning smile.

“I like it quiet. Anyway, thank you. I'm glad you have the Korean crew. ”

Don't be so polite. Inan left Minho thinking that he might become a big fan from today.

00: 25 - Mannered celebrity ‘Kang Min-ho'

Minho glanced at Michelle checking her mail on her laptop while pouring water into the bottle.

Whether it's dealing with Korean entrepreneurs or a child who is obsessed with the world's water supply. My attitude was very consistent. That said, he had his own set of standards, and now he couldn't say that he wanted to go through them and see the affections in her bag.

I also tried to simulate conversations in advance with the clock. I asked why I came back. Sneaking, sneaking around, I was faced with the same case of entrepreneurs. I couldn't find a reasonable and understandable answer here, so I kept getting stuck.

‘This is the first time I've ever had such a difficult conversation with an item owner. ’

When I saw the bottle emitting a subtle light indicating its synergy towards the lovebirds right next to me, I was tempted.

Minho decided to simulate it one more time with his pocket watch. I opened the lid thinking of something to talk about. When I looked into the future for 5 minutes with the sound of a thud, I saw the right situation and decided to try a new method.

Michelle opens her bag and picks up a sample of her perfume and starts laying it on the table. A flask of light flashes through her open bag under the seat.

Minho pretended to look elsewhere and waited. About three minutes later, a girl and her parents stopped by Michelle's bathroom.

‘About now.'

Tiny turbulence. The fluctuations in the gas during the flight stimulated the child's parents' protective instincts. Not enough to lose balance, but reflexively grasping a girl's arm. That's why I grabbed Michelle's arm right next to me.


A sample of the perfume she was holding in her hand falls to the floor.


In time, Minho's hand moved and he received the perfume bottle. As if I was looking at my backpack and I accidentally held it in my hand.


Michelle thanked me for the bottle. Minho pretended to be a basic manners and began to pull things out of the backpack again.

- Current air pressure is passing through an unstable compartment. Ladies and gentlemen, please wear your seatbelts while you are in your seats.

The seatbelt lights up with the pilot's broadcast.

Secondary turbulence has arrived from here. Minho actually lost his balance with a short groan when he took out his laptop from the backpack and stood beside him.

So I naturally put my left hand in Michelle's bag on the floor, and I reached out my fingers like lightning and took them to a glowing bottle. Suspicion is zero because you helped me once.


The bottle was on my lap, and the light disappeared at the same time. Minho's eyes flashed past his fond memories.

Do you think you can follow the natural flower stock made by melting thousands of flowers?

- But, Michelle. We can't mass produce with a process like this.

- Perfume is a way of expressing myself. I can't give you my father's recipe like this.

Controversy in a glass tube-filled spice manufacturing facility. Minho stared at the emerald perfume bottle on one side.

That was the last essence left by her father, Michelle's lover and famous perfumer craftsman.

Oops, I'm sorry.

Minho apologizes to Michelle. Michelle waves lightly, without even looking at Minho, and focuses on sorting the samples.

Behavior is better than words.

"Wait, what about the artisan's perfume? ’

Minho looked forward to the synergy and held the jar in his hand. The process of shaking the bottle a few times. Then I opened the lid.


Michelle turns her head for a moment as she sighs during the shock in Korea. Minho surrendered to the crisis with a smile that said it was nothing, and again smelled the intense floral scent that was brewing in the jar.

This liquid combines botanical fragrances such as flowers, plant leaves, fruits and bark with animal fragrances such as musk, civet and castorium. Inspired by the flavor of the ultimate aroma (), which was born based on more than 600 ingredients, Minho opened his mouth without him knowing who would see this expression and quickly closed his mask.

This was subtle, although the nostrils could be paralyzed by the nature of the perfume that leaves a strong fragrance. Nevertheless, the whole world seemed different, giving her bright joy in her heart.


I felt like I was sitting alone in a room full of rainbow pollen. No, I actually saw pollen in front of my eyes.

Minho realized the true value of the bottle. Ability to transform recipes into liquids that remain clear in your head at any time. And the aphrodisiac and the fermentation solution. It had a special effect only on itself.

If he knew how to make Coke because he couldn't, he could taste the Coke in a bottle as much as he could.

Minho, who found a new use and liked it, felt the fragrance fading away and the recipe that was clear began to fade from memory.

Like the fermentation solution recipe learned in Ph.D. village, it didn't take much time to figure out that the recipe for this also needed to be reliably memorable.

Minho's eyes turn towards Michelle and her bag. It has a curiosity and affection that is clearly different from before.

01: 00 - Oriental Doctor ‘Moon Ji-eun’

As soon as I connected to the WiFi, I pressed the button on my mobile phone.

“Hee-cheol. ”

- Uh, did you hear Chae? I don't like the sensitivity. We can't send live video. Professor Ha wants to see you in advance.

“Okay, I'll take a picture and send it. Have the charts arrived?”

- She's out of the country like a mother, but she'll be back for a few more days. The teacher didn't have to be a passenger.

“I'm here for work. ”

Weren't you returning home for your 24-hour medical shoot on Wednesday? Kang Min-ho, you're excited to see me in two weeks, right?

Her hand was slightly flickering while holding the phone. Lee Hee-cheol, who would still be in distant Korea, could not have noticed it, but she became frustrated by the thief.

- Why aren't you talking? Are you ashamed of yourself?

- About who? The guy who slapped the doctor? I'm in favor of this marriage.

“Joo, Joon Sung is awake. I'll call you later!”

When I heard the voice of Professor Ha from the side, Moon Ji-eun quickly confronted and pressed the End Call button.


With a sigh, he turned his gaze away from the patient lying in the first class bed. The child who couldn't concentrate on one spot only turned around and didn't make a face, but she patted her head and apologized.

“Sorry I sold your name. Suddenly, his name came up, and I panicked. ”

The child only groaned that he didn't understand, and there was no answer.

This patient's name is Shin Junsung. He was adopted into a French family. The reason I wanted to take my child to Korea to make a diagnosis and treat it was simple.


Moreover, in order to communicate smoothly, I had to speak Korean. The disappointing choice of parents for French healthcare workers who could not confirm the outwardly exposed condition was, of course, where Korean speaking medical staff were available, and the Association of Domestic Physicians recommended Professor Hausun to be the best diagnostic in Korea.

“If you go to Korea, you'll be able to fix your illness. Professor Ha can be a pain in the ass, but he's good at finding disease. Mom and Dad only sleep for three nights. Just bear with it. ”

He smiled brightly as he swept over the poor child's head and became depressed.

“Aren't you bored? Want to have some fun with the teacher? ”

I opened the shelf and took out the box because I had obtained a toy from my French parents that Joon-seong usually liked.

“What do you like? Drawing? A shape-shifter? ”

As he pulls them out one by one, the crew passes by in English behind her.

Better. How was Michelle?

You speak good Korean. It doesn't require much service.

Who is the celebrity?

"Kang Min-ho? Polite. It was impressive, and the more I watched, the more glamorous I was.

When I took out the puzzle piece and waved it in front of his eyes, his eyes widened.

Min-ho is on this plane? ’

01: 30 - "Kang Min-ho", the young man who slapped the doctor

Minho watched carefully for 30 minutes and finally caught his breath when he stood up to go to the bathroom.

‘You have to touch it as long as you can. ’

A plan to make sure that the recipe is imprinted through the ring when the knowledge of the love product flourishes.

Minho is holding a coin in his hand, dropping it on the floor, and he spits out the typical ambassador, "Oops, this" and bows down. Touch the Braille watch to check Michelle's trend and put your finger on her favorite perfume bottle.

The name of the craftsman's essence is Paradise.

Infused with a leave-in fragrance called modifiers, followed by a base fragrance that is based on dreams. Combining volatility in combination with aromatic resin and crystalline fragrance.

The ring's power was used to mutter and concentrate, imprinting it in my head.


Meanwhile, Michelle's bathroom door opens.

I haven't memorized half of it yet, but Minho had to look away, pretending nothing had happened.

"Paradise. Should I call it ecstasy if I change it to Han?" ’

Minho, who remembered the recipe until she disappeared, muttered as Michelle sat next to him, holding the jar in her hand while keeping silent.

After shaking, the bung is opened.

The fragrance of flowers never smelled like apricot or fermented liquor.

Is it done? ’

However, I didn't feel the ecstasy that was flying so much pollen as before. Relief that the recipe is unstable. It would take Michelle a long time to wait to go to the bathroom again, but she had enough time. This way, once or twice, your recipe memory will be perfect.

- Hans crew. I hate to say it, but I can't urinate strangely. My bladder hurts from drinking wine.

Minho then touched the Braille watch, so he had to think about whether to remove the ring as soon as the conversation in the hallway came into his ears and began to be remembered.

You don't look sick.

- I think my eyes are a little blurry. I'm dizzy.

- Please, sit down. Take a deep breath, because the air pressure differential might cause your body to fail to adapt.

I thought the conversation was over, but the crew's short screams echoed with a sudden thump.

Hans, what's going on?

Mr. Coppola suddenly fainted... I thought you said there was a doctor in first class?

- I'll try the intercom.

Michelle, who was working as a laptop for this commotion, also looked up. A man fell down between the corridor between the second and middle seats and only his feet were stretched out. Michelle rises from her seat as she sees the crew rushing to the curtain.

Where are we going? ’

As Michelle walked forward, Minho glanced back at the bag under the seat. Now that people were interested in the situation ahead, it was also an excellent opportunity to touch it publicly.

However, I postponed the conversation I overheard with the Braille Clock, and I thought that Coppola might need urgent treatment.

"I'm sneaking around. I'm making an opportunity. ’

Minho put his hand into the backpack in his seat, not the bag in the seat next to him, and held the Emergency Medicine Report of Choi Hyuk, who was supposed to return it this week. Then I got up and saw Michelle meticulously questioning the crew.

"An old man suddenly fainted? The doctor's on his way. Breathe properly. It doesn't seem like a big deal.

The passengers who purposely spoke aloud so that she could be heard throughout the back car became slightly silent, buzzing with anxiety.

Min-ho who was walking forward suddenly thought that she went out on purpose to aim for this effect.

I met Michelle's returning gaze. Cold eyes. Minho clears his throat and moves aside to pass through her.

As I approached the curtain, one of the crew blocked the front.

If you are going to use the bathroom, please use the tail.

I was wondering if I could see Mr. Coppola for a moment.

‘What's the matter with you?’ In the face of the crew, she couldn't believe the explanation that she was a celebrity who embraced the knowledge of Korean emergency medicine specialists.

I have an opinion on blurred vision in urinary dysfunction and want to communicate it to the doctor. My dad had similar symptoms on the plane.

Hans inside opened the curtain to Minho's voice.

Yes, yes. Coppola was the same.

I went through the curtain by selling and cleaning up my father's circulation that never came out of the house. Since he had Choi Im-hyuk's love product in his hand, Min-ho knew as soon as he looked at the 70-year-old who had fallen down.

I think it's the scopolamine.

In Korea, the so-called 'chimite’ is an elixir. The side effects of this medication, which contain the parasympathetic neurosuppressant scopolamine, were also quite common reasons to come to the emergency room in Korea.


With Hans and other crew members who didn't understand the explanation, Minho began to talk step-by-step.

See that hangover medicine under your ear? Transdermal Absorption Patch. This intoxicant contains an anticholinergic called scopolamine. In fact, the medicinal ingredients go through the skin and circulate through the bloodstream... ….

Minho, who had removed the seasickness medicine that was attached to the old man's neck, was surprised to see a woman walking out of second-class seat. She was a typical Asian beauty who showed much finer lines than the clean and neat appearance of a female crew member.

“Teacher? ”


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