
Zhang Zhang Zhang Fei

Minho is tossing and turning inside the van. He's accumulating a lot of fatigue from two days of filming a night. This did not resolve in a short sleep in a car going from the province to Seoul.

“Oww. My back. ”

Beds are better than the seats in the car, and the beds used to be the best.

“My ball manager. Are we there yet?”

Min Ho, who raised his head with his eyes to think that he should sleep well at home, felt confused at the moment. I fell asleep in my car. So I'm supposed to be inside Ben... Where am I?

The old house? ’

Hard earthen walls and pitchforks. The roof is made of straw and reed. It was somewhere similar to the structure of the country where the youth journal was filmed.

A mid-day light pierced Minho's eyes, squeezing the gap in the window. It was definitely not a dream, given the stunning sight of it.

“What the hell is going on? ”

I got up and looked around calmly, and I saw furniture in the '70s, and jars with bungles on one side of the wall. It was clear that it contained alcohol.

There were so many of them. From juicy tablespoons like makgeolli to luscious fruit liqueurs dipped in apples, peaches, plums and apricots. The owner of this room seemed to have worked just as hard as the traditional liquor.

Hold still.

That looks familiar.

Bottle of whiskers!

Minho thought of the jar he picked up in the lungs and stuttered. Then I realized that the clothes I was wearing were not the original clothes and was surprised again.

I was dressed in a garment made of cotton. Even the feel of my underwear is very attractive. I'm wearing a different outfit. What a pervert would kidnap himself and change his clothes.


Minho stutters his face with a firm, wrinkled hand and walks out the door. And I looked in the mirror next to the door, and my eyes opened wide.

‘Could that be... me? ’

The man in the mirror with the beard on his forehead. After touching his face with his mouth open, he followed his own actions.

Minho was clearly the one shining in the mirror. I couldn't understand why this happened, but it did.

‘This is a dream. Dream! "

Min-ho's determination empowered his palm. Smack your cheek when you wake up from a normal dream!... and just clap your hands together! I hit him.

I couldn't tell if my hands were just gross or if I was having a gross dream.

“Ugh! What the hell? ”

It was then.

“Jang, are you there? ”

You hear someone's voice outside the door.

That's good. That guy out there can tell us what's going on.

Minho opened the door and shouted to the one who came.

“What the hell is going on? … Huh?”

I lost my strength at the end of the horse. When I look out the door at the opponent, I see the name stone and the memory of someone's head lightning.

“Yellow Lake?”

“Who else could it be? ”

An old man with a thick skin on his face, like the video overlapped, and 50 years later, a man with a younger, smoother face swirled together. The young Huang elder, Huangdajo, smiled in harmony when he saw Minho, who was only eye-catching.

“Chang's condition makes for a big drink. Don't just eat the delicious stuff by yourself. Call me too. ”

“No, sir. That's not it...”

“Oh, that's enough! Just give me the drink you asked for. ”

The young Huangdajo shook his hand. When he pointed to the bottle, Minho was able to guess the current situation.

Circumstances that seem to go back in time. You must be possessing someone else. The old man who called himself 'Jang,’ was looking for a drink. A bottle is a common object that has been trampled on ever since the shape of an open house.

"Got it. It's the sickness in your lungs. ’

That was the keyword for this weird thing. I also recalled what I had heard the other day when I asked about love and belongings.

- Items you just don't know, but they are unique to the person who used them. It's hard to say, but it's better. This is it. If you can find it and keep it, take it.

Minho grumbled. I wish I had been kind enough to teach you.

‘It was hard to have. Chet.'

If the bottle, which I thought was an item, felt like a qualifying test to take advantage of it.

As soon as he realized the situation, Minho incredibly easily got used to it. He was also a professional gamer. The RPG, which is a classic of gaming, has been greatly outdone by its abilities.

Role Playing Game! Role Sharing Entertainment!

If this is a so-called mission, you are now acquiring an artifact through a character named Jang. As soon as he perceived this strange situation as a game, Minho was more than capable of handling it.

Minho's gaze returned to Hwang Da-Ho.

“Liquor? I'm drunk, as you can see. I can't seem to remember... What was it? ”

He naturally spoke when he thought he was going to imitate Jang.

“Oh, please stop drinking when you have something important to do. Hey, that's it. ”

“Aha. I remember. Yeah, that was it, right? ”

Minho followed Huangdajo's finger for a drink. I caught the vibrating smell of yeast collected from a jar full of shells in the room.

It seems to be stuck inside. When I took it out, I saw Yellow Lake screaming.

“Stop moving! Do you have the bottle next to you? I pointed to the third left shelf, but Jang crossed it! ”

Even though it was hot in the age of fire, Minho pretended to be weak.

“And a temper! I was gonna give you another one for free. You don't want to give it to me? ”

Zec glanced at Hwang Da-Ho and changed his face.

I turned my head.

“Oh, Jean knows I'm in a hurry. Just in case. Do you understand?”

Minho nods, sweeping his heart away when he feels weak to drink.

“Yes! Of course. Here you go. ”

Huangdajo took two bottles of wine from Minho, opened the lid and tasted the scent. Soon, I looked satisfied like a sunny cat.

‘Isn't that what this is? ’

It was the energetic aroma ( ) fed by the Emperor when he became super-death by bean spreading. That liquor, which was specially made by a seasoned artisan, was mixed and swiped over his head as if the book page had spread out what the combination cost was.

Efficacy could be defined in one word.



Heads up, men!

Yellow Lake grumbled.

“I'm having a hard time working in the fields lately. Father wants you to have grandchildren first. What kind of feeling is that? This will solve everything anyway. ”

It's good for the man, but I explained it to him in person. I put a nice drink between them and shared the friendly laughter of the men.

Mission successes? ’

It wasn't harder than I thought. Delivering liquor to the old man who came for the artifact test. Now that the work is done, it was my turn to get out of this situation. However, Huangdaoho, who thought he would go back, said to Minho.

“Like I said, I'll talk to my brother-in-law. So-young may be different, but she sounds like iron. ”

Brace, brace!


Min-ho felt her heart rushing with the words "brother-in-law." Yoon So-young, grandmother's sister, Yoon Hwa-jeong.

“You know I would never be tempted by alcohol, right? I'm arranging it because I know who Jang is. Well, when you're a family, you might even get a little more booze. Hmm. Hmm. ”

It was Huangdajo, clearing her throat with a smile.

‘This is a real mission. ’

The Remnants of the Artifact's Delights!

Jang, who was stuck in the corner of the mountain, was only drinking, remembered to be with the old woman who fell in love at first sight.

“Come to the mill later in the evening. I'm also interested in the son of a man who owns Gunnut Village, so Jang grinds well first and makes it his favorite dish. ”

Muscles!... Muscles! …

My heart was beating louder.

“I'm more of a craftsman than you are. Well, good luck.”

The Yellow Lake disappears, and Minho sees the sun go down in the middle, as if it had quickly replayed the video. The evening of our first date at the mill, Jang's wind, came quickly.

Since it was a test by an artifact, Jang's spirit said, "Go be with him!" ’I felt like I was leaving my back.

“Okay, Jean. ”

Minho greeted the room full of bottle jars and moved to the mill. Then I suddenly looked in the mirror and came back.

“Phew. This is our first meeting. We can't do this. ”

Inside the mirror is a picture of Zhang in the daytime. It was a typical rural senior citizen with a stubborn beard covered in hot hair.

Minho was not a fashionista. But when I used Jay Kim's scissors, I had my own eyes, and I was able to see the people of the broadcaster and know how to dress better than before. From the looks of it, the appearance is clearly disliked.

‘If I meet the elder brother of Hwang like this, I'll be the only difference. ’

I needed something concrete.

Minho looked around the room and found something like ‘Pomade’ hairwax next to the mirror. When I opened it, it was a lump of oil that flowed with shine.


The hair oil that anyone who knew a little bit about fashion in the '5-' 60s had. I didn't know much about style, but I put it on my head and did the creation for a few weeks because I was a little bit trained.

It was so messed up that I had to comb it for a long time before I could pass it back neatly. As I turned my head back, a bright forehead appeared.

"Oh, he's so handsome. ’

I never thought I'd find such fancy gear hiding in a pile of fur!

Minho tried to shave his beard with scissors, but for some reason he stopped feeling like a famous foreign actor or just trimming his beard. When I looked in the mirror again, there was a Mediterranean woman who could work even now on TV.

“Hey, Jean. He's really handsome.”

Where is the completeness of fashion? I was just wearing the same clothes as before, but the feeling was clearly different. Min-ho, who was self-absorbed, turned and laughed like a model.

Now it's time to go to a successful meeting.

On the way, I picked a wild flower instead of a rose, held it in my hand, and thought of various comments and headed to the mill. About the time I got there, I heard someone's story as I walked along the road.

“I don't like Jang. Are you trying to sell me to a drunk? ”

“Aigoo, what a sale! I'm sorry to hear that, brother. Just meet him. Jang is very good at what he looks like. You're a distiller in the city. ”

“Hmph! Even though everyone in town knows you stink of booze and whales! ”

“Gosh. They say it tastes better than a cripple. You say people are genuine?”

One of the two people who was getting on the lift walked out onto the street and ran into Minho. A virgin with a seemingly innocent look stopped and asked.

“Who are you?”

Surprised she was the last gate of the day.


Minho straightened his voice and stopped to introduce himself. I've only heard of Zhang Zhang. I don't even know his name. The answer was ambiguous.

‘If this looks like it. ’

I remembered the name of the feeling that resembles Zhang's lively appearance. I'm sorry about the real guy, but whatever. He's on a mission.

“Jang Dong-gun.”

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