
Great Surviver

Sunlight soaked through the curtain.


As soon as Minho opened his eyes, he turned his head to the warmth that he felt on his left side. Leaning on his shoulders, the sleepy little galaxy seemed to have all the sweetness that was present in the world, giving all the tenderness that would melt away.

If you move an inch, this exhilarating feeling will dissipate, and Minho only hears the sound of her breathing staring at the ceiling.

This is the Western Galaxy's room.

Last night, when I came in here nervous, I didn't notice where my desk was, the window, or the mirror at all.

‘This is her place, this is her place. ’

A wall with graduation photos from high school to kindergarten, a small decorative space with adorable cushions and teddy bears, books on one side of the wall, books.

Minho could not believe that he was lying together like this in a room full of the life of a woman named Seo Milky Way.

Such a beautiful and beautiful woman is sleeping with her arms around her chest. It felt like I was in someone's memory when I touched the loving item. But it is never a dream. I live to testify that this exhilarating feeling is never a fantasy.

Minho looked around the room with the light coming in through the window, his gaze stayed on the clothing branches scattered on the floor. That was proof that he and she were both naked.

Suddenly, I was worried that if she opened her eyes, this situation would be embarrassing. What should I say to you in the morning? What if it suddenly gets awkward? What if things got a little out of hand the other night?


The Seo galaxy, which was writhing with a pleasant groan, barely opened one eye. Min Ho, who was obsessed with all kinds of worries while looking at the ceiling, turned his stiffer head and looked at her.

The snow in the West galaxy, which was unable to open its eyes properly because of the sunlight, slowly opened and faced Minho's face.

“Min-ho, are you sleeping? ”

“ ……. ”

While looking at Minho with a clear smile, the Western Galaxy tilted its head and muttered.

“Huh? I think I just opened my eyes... Weird, weird. ”

Seeing Minho closed his eyes, Seo Eun-hye continued to smile and let go of his arms that were holding him tightly. She raises her torso, lifts one blanket, wraps around her body, and gives a tight face.

“I'm a little shy, too. But Min-ho, are you really sleeping? ”

At this point, I couldn't help but react.

“… sleep. I think I need to sleep. I've been so busy lately that I haven't been able to rest. ”

Minho put a blanket over me. Seo said as if it was a shame.

“I was going to start with a good morning kiss and get ready for breakfast. I don't think so.”

“Did I just say I slept well? ”

“Oh, really? ”

Minho raises her torso like a child, her bright smile cracking open. The bright light coming through the window on the second floor illuminates her white face. Minho naturally brought his head closer.

I kissed him, I kissed him again, I kissed him again.


The West Galaxy slowly opened its closed eyes and asked, looking at Minho's eyes.

"A little long for a good morning kiss, don't you think? ”

“Wow, long? Luckily, a pretty girl like this is sitting on a blanket right now, and that's it. ”

Seo Eun smiles as if she can't stop seeing Minho, who is making a face that your misunderstanding is so unfair. Then he pulled one hand out from between the blankets and pointed under the bed.

“Speaking of which, could you pick that up for me? ”

“That? What? ”


“Ah……. ”

It was Min-ho who blushed.


In the kitchen where two eggs on top of the frying pan are cooking beautifully. Minho sat at a small dining table, looking at the back of the galaxy preparing for breakfast, and he was wet with another sense of happiness.

It was just a little breakfast with jam, toast and egg fries, but it felt so new to eat it with my lover. It was nothing compared to the mornings I had experienced with my predecessors and seniors during my stay at the Games.

‘Is this how it feels to live with someone you like every day? ’

I was still imagining a future that might be somewhere far away, when Minho was smiling delightfully.

Somewhere, I heard a murmur of 'burp, burp’. Unlike Minho who was not conscious, the letter that was turning the egg upside down became stiff.

“Why, Milky Way? ”

“This is the sound of the gate opening.... ”

Minho suddenly changed his face. This is where her family lived before it was home in the West Galaxy. Anyone who comes in with a key at this hour is her family, of course. Probably her mother.

“I'd be in trouble if I found out I was here, right? ”

The galaxy, which was embarrassed by Minho's cautious question, nodded up and down.

“How angry would the captain be if he knew? ”

Minho had a hunch that he would come after himself more terribly than jumping from the second floor to catch the culprit, with minimal dough in the West Galaxy's eye.

“Is there somewhere outside the front door? ”

“Yo, the garage next to the bathroom. Your window is big. ”

Minho noticed the sound of footsteps coming from the front door by touching the Braille watch. It feels like you're halfway between the front door and the front door.

‘We have to get out of here. ’

I put the backpack next to the table on my shoulder, and I approached the galaxy surrounded by apron and hugged him lightly, meaning not to worry.

“Minho... ”

“See you later, galaxy. ”

Minho ran to the front door to get his shoes, and stood across the living room like lightning in front of the warehouse. I reached into the warehouse after showing a gesture of "I'll call you" to the galaxy looking at me.


I opened the window to the sound of the front door and ran out. As soon as I came out safely, I heard the conversation between Seo Galaxy and Lady Lim Hyo-ju.

- Mom.

Daughter. You weren't sleeping?

- Where's Dad?

- Goodbye. Your father said the hospital meal was terrible, so I came to pick up some dishes. The big guy's got such a short mouth.

Minho quietly made his way to the wall in the garden.

- Oh, my God, that smells delicious. What's up?

- I was gonna eat something simple and go to the hospital. Why don't you ask me to do the dishes?

- You said never wake you on your morning off. Then why are there two eggs? Lots of toast.

- Hungry. Hungry.

‘Khh, Milky Way. It's a fight.'

Supporting the struggling western galaxy to make excuses, Minho looked to see if anyone had walked past the wall and down the alley.

- Don't you feel ashamed to see Minho when you get fat?

- It's okay, Min-ho.

- You're confident.

- Whose daughter, then.

- Oh, my daughter. Minho must be sleepy because he sleeps like a bear when he sees you in the morning.

- I didn't see anything!

- You didn't see it? Did you see yourself sleeping on the set?

- I'm not watching this! And imagine if your daughter were to close her eyes next to you with this face. She's a beauty in the sleeping forest.

Very well, I'm very happy to have a beautiful daughter.

- Mommy!

Minho leaped over the wall and stood on the road. Focusing on the mother's conversation, I thought that the bright side of the Western Galaxy, sometimes seen, might be because it resembles her mother.

Don't you get tired when Minho is with you?

- Don't make fun of Min-ho. Go ahead and eat fried eggs. I'll take care of Dad's side dishes.

* * *

Sunday afternoon.

Minho drove a parachute to the NBS station to participate in a pre-departure meeting with the 'Man & Jungle’ producers. Minho, who was slowing down for the signal stops in the distance to a stretched bell, had to look ahead and swallow his groan.

A huge billboard covering one side of a 15-story building. How about you? V5], the more I saw him stretching out his hand from the sky toward his cell phone, the more I looked at him, I couldn't help but get confused.

“Who are you? Don't make that face. ”

Tom was hanging from the sign on the other side of the building, chanting [wholeheartedly, beyond]. This side is creepy, too. Even though it was because of the money, Tom felt like he was suffering from Korean advertising.

The billboard of the building remained visible beside the traffic lights, but Minho could not make eye contact with them in the advertisement.

‘Maybe this.... ’

In the aftermath of a video with 3 million views over the past few days, I saw the article that dream youth wanting to overcome the limit are looking for an extreme sports training ground. But it was just a story, and it made me feel another way to face my billboard occupying the actual street.

“Am I leading the way? People follow Kang Min-ho's lead? ”

[Signal will change soon. The rear vehicle is raising the RPM, so watch out for the flow of departure.]

The radio flashes.

“How about you, BB? Why don't you push the boundaries with me? ”

[WARNING: Driver has artificial symptoms, resulting in increased heart rate. Be careful with Excel controls.]

The cold voice of the paralysis cuts Minho's jokes like a knife.

“… Got it. ”

Minho sighed more than one shot of the radio and then left the car in line with the signal turning green.

“Yes, sir. We're here now. We should be up in about five minutes. ”

- Slow down. We ate dinner together and ordered food.

I parked my car in the basement parking lot of the NBS station and ended the call with my PD subordinate. Minho, who was walking down the hallway with the elevator, stopped walking when he saw a familiar idol coming out from the inside.

A little tall, little Barbie doll.

“Ha Yeon.”

“Min-ho? ”

Gu Yeon, who had filmed the arts several times, approached her members.

“Are you on your way to the recording? ”

“Yes, it's our new song! Say hello, sisters. This is Minho...”

“Kang Min-ho! ”

“Min-ho! Hi! I've been looking forward to meeting you. ”

Four girls dressed in stage uniforms similar to uniforms and gathered around him made him disoriented without a chance to greet Minho.

“I saw 'The Record of Fortune’. It's so sad to be narrating in Park Jung-ho's song. ”

“Me, too. That's what Min-ho arranged, right? I loved that song. ”

“I……. ”

“I……. ”

I looked lively and lively after finishing a difficult live broadcast like a group of young friends among the three girls' leaders.

“Get out of the way!"

Guyeon waved her arms and chased away the members who approached Minho.

“It's been a long time since I've seen you, and your sisters are crazier. Get in the car. I want to talk to Minho. ”

“Ha-yeon, are you doing this? You didn't even give me Minho's number. ”

“So, are you going to be a teenager instead of me? ”

In this sentence, the atmosphere subsided. It seemed to empathize that the members of the expedition were the hardest of their skills in portraying the youth journal in 3D.

Gu Yeon, who was watching members walk towards the van, turned around and told Minho.

“Min-ho. Can you just help us out for once? ”

“What, do you need help? ”

“We're not farming anymore because it's winter. I experience it here and there in preparation for spring. I can't wait for the PD to harass me. I don't even remember when we succeeded. ”

“She seemed fine. ”

“You don't know she's been filming half the time, do you? Chief Dojin didn't come out in the winter to film a movie, so Sora is struggling alone. ”

‘Dojin, you ran away. ’

Watching Woolsang's rescue session, I wanted to invade the Youth Journal and clear out the evil mission of the PD. But Minho knew.

‘Once you set foot in that hell, you never know what excuse you're gonna have to put on. ’

I have to be vigilant of my evil schemes every time just by the 'condition of the master,’ and I appear in the youth journal. I don't think so.

“I have a lot of schedules. Whenever I get the chance……. ”

“I promise.”

Gu Yeon lifts her pinky. Minho made a promise and felt sorry. After a few days, I was not in Korea, and I was confident that I would never have time to go out to the Youth Journal to digest fixed skills during filming and drama.

“Come on, Ha-yeon. ”

“Yes, brother. ”

Seeing the kite walking to the van with her droopy shoulders, I felt sorry for the nineteen girls, even though the viewership was high.

The Youth Journal was the first variety he appeared in. It was hard, but that's how attached I am.

‘Let's go when we can, after the hustle and bustle? ’

Maybe one summer after spring. Minho thought so, and entered the elevator.

After walking next to the van, Gwen found a masked man waiting in a hideous place and nodded her head.

“My brother said yes, I am PD. ”

“Very good, Ha-yeon. What about recording?”

“Here. But can our foreign countries follow your schedule? You've been so busy lately. ”

“Don't worry. I have everything coordinated with the PD. When the program's over, where do we meet and start? ”

“I feel sorry for deceiving you. ”

“If the New Year's Eve is confirmed to broadcast on January 1, Korea's top stars can also cast. Since Minho's status is that much, I'll make sure to treat her as well, so only Ha-yeon can keep her mouth shut. Until then, it's a secret to everyone. You know that, right?

“Yeah, but what about that pro you're going to? ”

“I heard the concept from HaPD for a moment, and our youth journal is just a picnic. That way... ”

Na Glory PD kicked his tongue once and replied.

“100% pure, authentic wildlife experience. ”

Min-ho in front of the meeting room with A4 paper, 'Team in Use,' found a cast drinking coffee at the end of the hall, and he showed his hand in gratitude.

“Brother Ore! ”

“Hey, Minho. A cup of coffee?”


Min Ho received another cup of coffee from the vending machine.

“Last time I lent you my knife, I made a really useful cooking scene. ”

“Anytime. If you're Minho's brother, I'd like to take him to my restaurant. ”

“Well, that's not all, sir. ”

“That's about right, brother. ”

This talented chef, who became close to Hong Kong as he practiced survival, loved Minho just as much as he did. And so is Minho.

“By the way, did you hear where we were going? ”

“I haven't heard. PD said it would be fun to keep it a secret. ”

“I think it's a very difficult place. That's what experts get for training on the island. I only trust Minho. ”

“I'll take care of it. But, sir, why don't you take your cookware? ”

“Of course. What other skills do I have? If Min-ho catches anything, I'll cook you as much as I can. ”

“Thank you, sir! ”

Minho opened the door of the meeting room, having a proper conversation with 'Brother, Brother’. I greeted the HAPD and producers checking something in front of the laptop first, then approached the other performers who had already been inside.

“Seung Gi.”

“I'm here, Kang Minho. ”

The winner looked at Minho and continued to talk to Hansoo, the model next to him.

Actor Hwang Ji-seok motioned to sit next to him.

“Minho, this ad is really great! ”

“Oh, that. ”

Minho chose silence over bragging because of a disgusting billboard.

“I don't know if you're going to Hollywood. You brought Leah Taylor with you last time. ”

“I've never played English before. ”

“If I could just take action, I'd see it. Anyway, after the meeting, my wife asked me to get her autograph. Is that okay?"

“Of course.”

Minho looked back at the four actors who were going to explore the jungle with him and predicted a rough situation. Survival training has greatly benefited from your favorite products, but is no longer available. If there's anything better than that, it's physical strength. But this alone lacks something to challenge the vastness of Mother Nature.

Winners with experience in deployment had the best survival skills, and even I, a swimmer, was adaptable enough not to say "for women." Especially when it comes to crossing the water.

The key was short, but even sports enthusiast Hwang Ji-seok was building his own area of expertise, and deep minerals were more reliable than anyone in this area with regard to food management essential for survival.

What about me?

It was not particularly unique. Agents' abilities would be useful if they were to survive in hostile areas rather than jungle survival, but I've heard this program is purely survival in nature.

‘This is the time to stop broadcasting, to throw me in the wild and as a training opportunity. So when I came back, I took the General's sword! Hehe.’

Minho had a good attitude.

In five minutes.

“Looks like everyone's here. So let's start with a briefing of where we're going. ”

He was the head of the Man & Jungle team, a choreographer, and he manipulated the laptop connected to the Beam Project to map the world on the wall. Once clicked, a dozen markers were displayed on the map.

“These are the unique natural attractions that we set out to design and target for our first program. ”

As the photos expanded in detail, the landscape of the mouth opened up.

A magnificent photograph of the Alps in Samaria Canyon, Greece, across the Sahara Desert in Kilimanjaro, starting with a table mountaintop in Cape Town right.

Here, they quickly passed through Central Asia, Oceania, South America and North America, as well as photos of the South Pole's natural environment.

“Well, it's not like everyone lives in a neighborhood. ”

I nodded as if I agree with the murmuring of the deep mineral.

Meanwhile, the bottom was talking.

“The planning intent of Man and Jungle is simple. Like Columbus, Captain Cook, Magellan and Eriksson. Exploring, challenging and overcoming your own limitations. You want to capture your own process of finding the Arctic. ”

There is always anxiety behind the words of the PD, like selling drugs. This was the truth that Minho had been feeling with his body while experiencing many talents.

- One of those bottoms, PD. How am I related to the PD?

- It doesn't really matter. She's college motivated. Should I just call her my family? ”

“Fortunately, I've found one of those candidates for your first expedition. Do you know the word" trail "? ”

“Isn't this a walking trip? ”

In response to the winner's answer, he nods.

“That's right, it's a journey we've been taking through the natural paths created by someone else. ”

The next screen was on the way down. A mountain range of endless stretches. Its vastness overwhelmed those who were watching, even though it was just a screen.

“A quiet evening away from home, a day in the woods, and a day in the mountains with friends and colleagues. This small feeling can also be the beginning of a very special journey. right here.”

Minho was convinced that the mountainous ridge would never be geographic. A strange tree that will pierce the sky and a strange pile of rocks. I didn't have time to ask where it was because the enthusiastic descriptions in the bottom continued.

“Let's take a new path, not a set path. Time to experience it with your body, whether it's a harsh road or a shortcut. If you think differently, wherever you go, you get amazing and exciting things. ”

Isn't that the other word for your trouble? ’

The screen shifted and illuminated the vast expanse into the mountain.

Minho had to tilt his head. The word written in English in the middle of the void was a little strange.

The Eastern F-Mountains... Trails... Trailblazers... Competition? ’

The lower class said.

“You see here? 3500 km in length. This is the entrance to the Appalachian Mountains, which is the eastern foothills of the United States, and on December 12th, one of these mountain ranges will host a competition to pioneer and race the new route, moving 200 kilometers in a full moon, to create the most beautiful course, the fastest weekday and everything else. It wasn't originally a candidate, but it was also recommended by Wolf Instructor, who trained you recently for survival. ”

The winner asked with a curious face.

“Does the competition mean that there are other people participating besides us? ”

“Yes, hosted by National Geographic, the U.S. team of professional survivors and trail experts from around the world are participating. ”

“Is it your goal to go and win? ”

“Absolutely not. We're only interested in participating, and we're only interested in finishing. We're going to find our own Arctic.”

Among the rowdy cast members, the winner said.

“200 kilometers, if you think of it as a mountain, it's not that hard in the middle of the day. Generally, military officers are naturally trained to deploy 400 kilometers in six days with a captain. ”

In saying this, Hwang Ji-seok and Han-suk became a little relieved. However, the next photo shown by the lower class froze all the performers.

“Our destination is the Great Smoky Mountain." From here, 200 kilometers of forests are abundant wildlife and more than 100 species of native trees. It's one of the animals that lives here. ”

Minho saw an animal in the middle of the forest. A giant bear holding out its head. Armed with a spiky color, not a moon bear from Mount geography, it lies within that compartment.

Heart Ore scratched my head and asked.

“Hey, PD. Isn't that a beast? ”

“An American black bear. It's smaller and more shy than its predatory grizzly bears in the west, so it doesn't attack people when it's distracted. ”


“Records show that over 100 years, only 30 black bears have lost their lives in this neighborhood. ”

“Not a single one of us has died in my majeondong for 100 years. ”

Minho froze slightly to the top and raised his hand in case he couldn't say anything.

“Yes, Minho. ”

“You told me to finish. So, some of you are giving up? ”

“Last year's record shows that only a quarter of the team that challenged was successful. But don't worry. The best experts have been in constant contact with no casualties, no more deaths. ”

While training in Hong Kong, being so kind, caring for the cast, and having my face blank, the appearance now literally reminded me of the face of an angel.

Not ordinary people. 75% of professional groups are at risk of giving up. Minho felt it was the perfect opportunity to overcome and train Mother Nature. As long as you're careful with the black bear that's not a threat.

"Should we run?"

I told everyone who was shocked when I was downstairs.

“The briefing is over. Eating with a tail bear that has been airlifted from the horizon especially in the sense of a successful adventure……. ”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Data collection took some time to slow down. It's supposed to be a long episode. More than I expected. Next one comes up on Tuesday. I think it'll be night.

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