
< 48. M Supreme (3) >

A five-minute walk down the street feels like a university landscape for relatively new buildings. Minho arrived on one side of the Humanities University facility in front of a white painted building called "African Archaeological Historian."

Tina peeks around and opens the door inside.

A secluded warehouse space with only a few students carrying black people who look like administrators and majors.

Minho followed her into a meeting with the entrance manager. I immediately started looking at myself because I was an Asian with fewer numbers than white people.


Tina steps forward and says,

I went on a short exchange-travel with an exchange student because I had to check on Veronica's class materials.

She speaks skillfully to the manager in Swahili and gestures to Minho in the hallway. Minho walked inside the exhibition shed, looking at archaeological artifacts separated by African regions.

Feather accessories that might have been used by native Africans, ivory sculptures modeled after fish heads, and nutrient-rich works of art in flat rocks. There were all sorts of historical African artifacts in the shelves.

I was told to take you to the Central African section.

Tina stops and points forward.

‘There it is.'

Minho knew as soon as he arrived. A piece of spicy clay that looks beyond the glass. Even without touching, the energy was clearly transmitted. You only need to use it because it was tamed 15 years ago.

Was the item you were looking for a pottery?

Following Minho's focus on one place, Tina looks at the pottery pieces. Tina asked when she read the description, 'Clay with the Maquar method.'

But where are you going to use this?

Minho, who saw that the lock was on the latch of the glass shelf, took out the safety deposit box specialist's stethoscope from the backpack, hung it around his neck and roughly replied.

I want to examine the model of the tribe that lived there a little more carefully.

Are you trying to collect clay mixtures to analyze neutron radiation or spectroscopy?

"State, what neutron?

Tina, who specializes in alien terminology, has no idea because she's the daughter of an archaeologist family. Minho was reluctant to answer wrong. Luckily, however, the topic quickly got caught up in something else.


Tina looks surprised, pointing at the lock.

It's locked. How do I get it out?

Tina, who lowers her posture slightly, mimics a bad deed, speaks in a low voice.

I can't help it. I'm gonna distract the glass a little bit.

Tick, tick.

Tina's eyes widen, watching Minho simply break the lock with a thin pin.

· · · Huh?

It's worn out, I just put a pin in it, and it opens.

Really? Thank God.

In fact, the bottom and endless excuses seemed acceptable to the naive and friendly twenty-something young lady.

It didn't take me two seconds to open the glass door, pull out the clay that fits into the palm of my hand, close the door again, and lock the lock. The custodian of the entrance did not notice, of course.

Minho put the stethoscope back in his backpack as if it was nothing. Tina said to Minho, "Why did you put that on your neck all of a sudden? 'I had a doubtful look. Minho replied with Swahili.

I was wondering if I could listen to the vibrations inside the clay. I don't know how to investigate, but I can feel that when I make this bowl, I've been working with scallops to draw a line.

"Yes, but you recognize it as scallop jogaby right away. · · · · · · · · Huh?

Tina was surprised to learn that Minho speaks fluent Swahili.

Did you know the language here?

Tina's eyes were originally large, but now the expression 'lake-like eyes’ was expanded to show that this was actually the case.

I learned a lot from my father, haha.

At this time, it was perfect to sell the name of Yoon Hwan.

The long-standing division of anti-tourism languages in Central Africa developed into their own languages, scattered to tribes around the time the soil was created. Swahili, one of which is used in Tanzania and Kenya.

‘That's enough. ’

Now get out, Tina.

Pretending to walk out after the tour, Minho crossed the entrance, and his gaze stayed on the old brown tube TV Jim was watching. News from a local Tanzanian station was streaming in the background of a video that was illuminating the UN Secretariat.

At the bottom, a subtitle said [2: 00 p.m., a press conference for the counterinsurgency of Foreign Secretary Bernard Membe was scheduled]. Jim yawned and turned the channel right away.

"Press conference"?

1: 28 on the clock. There's only 30 minutes left. I wanted to see it in person, but I had no time to rent a car and go.

"Tina, I'm sorry, can you take me there?

Tanzania, Daresalam - Ranged by Morogoro Road.

Tina shakes her head as she looks at a crowded motorcade on the road into dense areas of the UN Secretariat, hotels and shopping buildings.

Dare Salaam is often stuck in traffic due to the lack of development of roads. Especially on the busy side.

At this rate, you won't be able to arrive within 10 minutes, right?


Minho insisted and said.

I'll get out of here. It's a long way to walk. I'll take care of it when I get home.

Are you sure?


I remember the route roughly from the map on the plane. Minho opened the car door and went out into the street.

See you later.

Tina waves to Minho and turns her car around and disappears.

The streets were as crowded as the cars on the road.

Minho who was walking diligently next to an outdoor stall filled with signs, tropical fruits, necessities and bottles of water mixed with African and English regretted even putting sunscreen on the scorching sun in the sky.

Should I wear a hat? ’

I looked around the general goods store on the street and stopped in front of the stand with my hat on. A wide brim hat looks appropriate, reaching out and grabbing it first.

“Execute Me, Eye Pulse. ”


I turned my head to the old Korean pronunciation, and I noticed a strong man in his early thirties waving his shirt in sweat.

“Are you Korean?”

“Huh? You, too? I'm sorry, but this hat is mine. ”

Minho had a hunch that the Korean man he encountered in this far-off land would not be an ordinary identity. I gently touched Bishop's artifact in his left pocket. Analysis suggests that business cars in white shirts dressed like corporate suits wanted to visit the area, but were likely not rigid tone and angled body.

‘Well, it has nothing to do with me. ’

You can be sure of who you are if you keep watching, but now I have no reason to care about people who stumbled across me by accident. Moreover, it is more annoying for the opponent to notice because he did not seem to know that he is a Korean celebrity.


In a man's question, the merchant raised three fingers and shouted "300,000 Tanzanian shillings" in English.

“300,000? Hold still · ·”

The man rolling his head as if he were calculating the exchange rate, said.

“150,000 won. Well, it's an Indiana Jones hat. ”

This muttering man cried out.

“Two Expansive! ”

After all, a man starts looking for money in his pocket after a deal with 250,000. I was proud that I had cut a lot.

Minho held a plain looking baseball cap in his hand next to his coveted hat. The merchant used to draw two fingers and chant ‘200,000' in English. Minho saw "cheap, 5,000 shillings" written in flying Swahili, under his hat, and asked in that language.

How many times do you sell 5,000 shillings?

The merchant flinches and says with a nice smile.

You've got it all wrong, sir.

10,000. Give me a water next to it.

Swahili in Minho draws a tight line that says no more negotiations. The merchant nods and agrees that the merchant can't help but look bright in this area.

The guy who saw Minho buy a baseball cap for 10,000 shillings and wear it on his head said, "Huh?” I was surprised.

“Wow, if it was that different, I should have bought that, too. ”

“Is that so? I'm busy. ”

Minho disappears with a bottle of water in his hand. The man puts a safari hat on his head and asks the merchant.

“Water, service? Mitu, Mitu. ”

“5,000 Shillings. ”

“Ha, this nigga looks like a Dongdaemun puppy. Here you go."

With less than three minutes left for the press conference, Minho arrived in front of the street where the UN headquarters were located.

“How many cameras are there? ”

Bustling with newspaper journalists and citizens on national television. Half black, half skinned. That's why, even if they tried to get close to people near the control line placed in front of the UN building, they couldn't.

There. What are you doing?

Soldiers who were guarding Minho against the outside wall of the UN building, who were trying to get inside somehow, immediately reacted and stopped Minho.

"Oh, I'm sorry. There's no control line here.

Stand back. The journalist is over there.

An opponent wearing a Tanzanian soldier's mark gives you a sharp look.

‘I can't get close enough. ’

Minho switched routes and approached the French station reporting from the outskirts. I touched the Braille watch and listened to it to check journalists' news reports.

· · This area is packed with reporters waiting for the results of meetings in eight countries that have now heard the rebel statement.

· · · The way to pay for your body is also local. Country to country, group to group.

· · · Local analysts may argue that the insurgent war supplies have run out and made the final gamble. Our CNN exclusive will be interviewed shortly.

What do you think, Bishop? ’

Minho asked Bishop for his opinion and when he saw people walking out of the UN building, he turned his head.

Officials from different countries showed up around middle-aged people with black skin in suits. While I was somewhat happy to see two people on the South Korean side, Minho stopped to see one person on the U.S. side. Bishop's intel tells us he's the Deputy Director of the CIA.

You're saying he came in as a counter-terrorism agent, hiding his identity? ’

Tanzania's Foreign Minister approaches the control line with a stack of microphones set. As the flash erupts, the press conference begins.

Leah Taylor, Takakura Keno, Ellen Montez · · · · · ·.

Bernard's voice began to speak the names of the kidnapped actors one by one. Minho has an African accent, but his heart is frowning when he pronounces the Western Galaxy.

We have received confirmation that their status is fine. There are three demands of the rebels. I can't tell you the details, but I can tell you that I will partly accommodate their demands as a result of the meeting, and you're willing to release three people.

Minho could hear South Korean officials whispering behind his back because he was focusing on hearing alongside the ability of the Braille Clock.

- Director Hwang. Do you think the galaxy will be included in the exchange of three with the chief of singania?

- The first exchange usually comes with the lowest value. It depends on how our country is represented to them, but it's likely to be included.

Exchange? Really? ’

I wanted to hear more information, but the baptism of journalists' questions was mixed up like noise and could not be heard properly.

‘Jeong Cheol-min, a little more help, please. And I'm going to try and keep up with that sense of humor. ’

After a long time, I asked for a kindly request, calling the name of the Braille Keeper, and a warm energy appeared on my wrist. I heard a blurry voice in Minho's ear because my senses were wider than usual.

- When do you want to meet Sanjivar · · · · · · Prison · · · · · Departs · · · · · · · · · Tomorrow · · · · · · · · ·.

- Take risks from neutral areas · · · · · · · · Exchange · · · · · Rebel sides · · · · · · · · · · · · ·.

It was then.

A strange sound echoes like an echo in Minho's ears from afar, because all the sounds around him were heard loudly with extended hearing.


The agent's ring on your finger has gone beyond the warmth to give you a warm warning of what it sounds like.

The sound of the gun loading and unplugging. That's the sound of a rifle, not a pistol.

Who wants to attack this place? ’

Minho turns his head, startled, looking left and right. The relatively low buildings on the third and fifth floors are enjoyed across the street. It's hidden, so it can't be seen by the naked eye, but somewhere in there.


When she heard it again, she turned her head to the top of the large supermarket.

Found it.

But at that moment, the Braille clock ended with the sensation that had increased for seven minutes.


Minho immediately took out his watch.


Two minutes from now. When Erik Dyer, deputy director of the CIA, stands in front of the press, the attack begins. A black-skinned man aims at him with a rifle, but reflexively lowers his posture due to lack of finesse with a sniper rifle, he is not harmed. However, a black man in a suit, who was guarding nearby journalists and other nationals, fell through the roof.

Minho's heart, who saw the future of Abigail, was beating unconditionally. Judging for some reason later. Now I had to find a way to stop the bloodshed.

‘JB, Bishop! ’

The warm energy flowing from the ring and the mirror crosses.

Yun warned us not to do anything dangerous. 48 hours will give us an artifact to find the Milky Way. However, if hostage exchange is not established with this case now, then there is no turning back if the rebels make extreme choices.

‘I'm sorry, Father. Even if I get hurt, this is... ’

After 10 seconds of figuring out the situation and thinking about it, Minho firmly made up his mind and pressed the hat deeply.


Minho turned around after the number of vehicles in the newsroom and jumped between the building and the building, covering his face with a handkerchief, revealing only his eyes.

On the fifth floor, on either side of the UN building, an armed soldier stands guard.

Minho leans into the alley and examines the soldier who blocked his access to the meeting hall with Bishop's mirror. I also carefully looked at the future of this intervention. Everyone was staring at the press conference, so no one was watching this place.


The soldier's head turns as he throws a can out of the alley. The soldier who stared down took hold of the protrusion on the wall and reacted one step later to Minho's movements as he flew away.

Agile suppressive action that thumps and lifts the neck.


The collapsing soldier's eyes widen without screaming. Minho quickly said after placing the fallen soldier in his seat.

"I'm sorry, I just need 10 minutes to pass out for the people.

Meanwhile, Eric Dyer starts walking out for press conferences.

Minho stole the assault rifle from the soldiers and aimed straight at the large supermarket rooftop.

Eric opens his mouth where Mike is surrounded.

I am the U.S. counterterrorism regulator. We analyzed that it creates anxiety to stop the Burundi rebellion from helping more refugees in their final objectives. Including trying to prevent Burundi's escape from home · · · · · · ·.

‘One, two, three...'

Minho waited like a knife for time.

Two seconds before the accident, they show up with AK-47's on a rooftop rail. Minho immediately shouted, imitating the voice of a fainted soldier who had previously been mirrored using Bishop's original abilities.

Market Rooftop! Beware the Invasion!

The user fires three warning shots. As soon as two of its opponents appear on the rooftop, it startles them to hide again. Towards the large market rooftop, both guards and soldiers on guard started firing with their guns pulled out.

There was chaos all over the press conference area, but no blood was shed.

No, thank you.

Minho handed the assault rifle back to the soldier and ran off to the other side of the alley. As a result, a stunned soldier found an enemy and stopped him. There was no risk of being caught after the chaos calmed down.

Moreover, for now, it was more important to catch the two men who would start running from that rooftop. Once we've captured them and turned them over to wherever they are, we'll have an accurate analysis of the situation.

‘7 minutes to turn the Braille clock back on. The lap clock is nine minutes. We need to narrow it down as much as possible. ’

Minho jumped out of the alley and ran to the other side of the road.

< 48. M Supreme (3) > End

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