
< 48. M Supreme (5) >


The cage of a tightly closed prison opens with the sound of scraping metal. The fifty-year-old black man, sitting with his head down as if praying on a hard bed on the inside, looked at the floor without a frown on the way in.

Commander-in-Chief of the Rebels, Singapore. Get ready to move.

Okon, a police officer from Zanzibar, who entered the prison, raised his head.


A hot beard, wild hair, or a ferocious predator's gaze, pierced Okon's chest like a claw. Okon tries to run into the opposing team, but in just a second, she has to feel like a frozen herbivore.

Singania slowly opens her mouth in a harsh voice.

I am the chief who led the Tuchi Warrior. We are the militia who have volunteered to protect the land of our forefathers.

Okon said, avoiding his gaze.

"That's not the case, all of you, since your warriors rebelled against the government.

Do you call the person who created the coup a government army? The Sultan Tribe's technique is unusual.

It was not a normal way of thinking from referring to the arrogant Islamic dynasty that had already disappeared hundreds of years ago in the old city of Zanzibar.

Okon confirms why Burundi's civil war ended like a lie as soon as he put him in prison, and actually sweeps his heart away from the rumors.

Rebel or Militia. Anyway, prepare your men for a negotiation.

The voice of Okon reminded me of the purpose of opening this door, and the eyes of Singapore shined.

The Sultan Tribe is our enemy. There can be no compromise with the Tuchies.

The color doesn't make sense.

Didn't the guards tell you? Your men have kidnapped actors from Niarugusu and are threatening eight different countries. It's not an Islamic terrorist group, it's a Burundi rebellion. I'm amazed at the world.

Ockon lets out a blow and flinches in case the opposing Pokémon gets angry. However, Singapore's mouth, filled with mobile handcuffs, was just as heavy as his eyes.


- Loaded.

As soon as she saw the ride in Singapore, Mills motioned with Harriet to leave. The electric fence of M'Kona Prison opens, and the bulletproof truck begins to move. Black vehicles followed him from the front and from the rear, as if he were escorting him from an external road.

"MI6, DGSE is silent.

Harriet Mills, who mentions British and French intelligence agencies that run the most active surveillance bases in the country that constitutes the Burundi Countries' kidnapping committee, said naturally.

Deputy Director Erik had already taken the player when he was dispatched as a special agent. If we force our way in here and fail, we'll have to take the blame for impeding the mission.


- No suspicious vehicles moving, good view.

After confirming the report from the radio, Mills finished the instruction, "Go to the surveillance team and secure the safety path."

And be silent on the outside only. They're gonna be listening in on the whole operation.

What about the one Hans is babysitting?

Harriet points to the black sedan that the Orientals are riding in among the escort vehicles that appear to be side mirrors. Operation Agent Hans was driving in a car with three people from China, Japan and South Korea working together.

You don't know what you're doing. Or there's no more Nodes and listening resources than any other institution.

If that's the case, I'm sorry.

Deliver it to Hans later. Leave it alone so it doesn't get in the way.

Sitting crouched in the back seat of a cramped sedan, Agent Baek Seung Bum, who ‘ran out of listening resources' pressed the button on the communicator and said in a low voice.

“We're heading downtown now. ”

- Any information on the three people being exchanged?

“Nothing yet. ”

- I hope Seo Eun-sik is included.

“Boss, what if one rebel does something crazy?" You did something crazy yesterday, didn't you? I don't have one of those handguns. ”

- You don't need a gun on that mission. Those CIA operatives over there look like hot pants to you?

“No, but · · · · · · · · ·. ”

- It's not just the kids in China and Japan. Given the vibe of the Situation Room, there's a whole area of the Operations Plaza and foreign intelligence agencies. If anything should happen, you should never interfere, just watch closely. I don't want to start with an agent's death report less than three months after I was assigned to an overseas part.


There are no Korean speaking agents in this car, so report openly. As he continued to mumble, a Japanese dispatcher in the seat next to him saw him with sharp eyes. "Thori, Itzlily Hot," he pronounced, as if it were hot, in the eyes of the denunciation of what he was doing in front of the CIA operation.

Sanjivar, Tanzania - Karum Square

Here we are, guests.

Minho paid 300,000 shillings to the taxi driver who used it all morning and got out of the car.

Thank you, Knight.

You're really good at Swahili. Be sure to check out the tea party stalls on Market Street.

I will.

The taxi driver smiled and left, knowing he was coming to visit the area.

‘I wish I was here for a reason. ’

From ferry docks to prisons to downtown. Unlike Dare Salaam, the roads were quiet, so it was not difficult to pursue a procession of CIA operational vehicles.

Minho put his backpack on his shoulder and glanced around.

‘Even if this is Europe, I believe it. ’

An African island in the middle of a beautiful sea called the Mediterranean Wind. The city was packed with shopping centers and hotels, among other things.

Within, Minho's gaze stopped for two vehicles on the other side of the road. Six white tourist outfits were scattered into three groups walking towards the square.

I followed behind one of them, touching the Minho Braille watch with the hat firmly pressed.

- Surveillance team one, we have visual contact.

You can't see the voice of the other party passing the radio from a distance. But when she held Bishop's mirror in her hand, Minho was convinced that they were CIA operatives. While walking slowly, Bishop gave another opinion.

‘If the deal goes well today, the chances of another hostage being released are doubled, right? ’

This is why Minho followed us to this region, besides the possibility of a Western galaxy.

Minho saw two agents stopping in front of the general goods store, pretending to be picking things and turning naturally. Bishop's analysis was that the plaza in front of the Islamic religious building with their vision was the place where 3 hostages and Singapore would make a deal.

Minho also went to the entrance after discovering an open-floor cafe without a window while thinking about where to look. Then I heard a mysterious French language and stopped.

Where is the transport vehicle?

Approaching 5 km.

Minho had no choice but to turn away from the conversation of the French Foreign Secretary sitting in the chair first.

‘There was DGSE. Let's get moving.'

Minho, who searched for a suitable place to watch and took pictures that looked like a tourist cell phone and wandered around, had to find other surveillance teams from the CIA and take a further step back. There were many buildings around the square, but it was all on the first and second floors, so there was not enough room for surveillance.

At the very least, Minho walked toward two white people with a strong British accent, shaking his head as he passed by the entrance of the shopping center.

Johnnie, have you heard that Asian officials are on board a CIA transport vehicle?

No way.

We shouldn't be in this hot place in the morning. We should have been comfortable on it.

Sitting side-by-side on an open-air restaurant bench, they were British intelligence operatives. Minho had to sigh.

"It's everywhere. I didn't hide it in the right place. ’

Minho passed them by and entered the shopping center on the third floor, thinking that the highest place would be better.

After a while, Minho came out through the locked rooftop door and felt his breath blocked by the heat of the sunny day. The mid-summer sunlight experienced in Korea is a refreshing sunshine compared to the murderous heat here.

“Ugh, Sauna's Sauna. ”

Today, I was relieved that I had not borrowed sunscreen from Tina before coming out and became black in two days.

Minho, who approached the rooftop ledge, took a look at the square where many tourists were coming and going.

Hostage exchange is well visible, with multiple exits and entrances. The city's busiest core in Zanzibar.

Bishop told me that the Rebels didn't set up that place for nothing. It is not easy to completely avoid the pursuit of all intelligence agencies, even if you get Singapore out of here. People on that street will act as buffers to prevent it to some extent.

‘But if black guys like yesterday run away, there are a lot of people, and I can't catch them without leaving. ’

On the other side of the square, a CIA operations truck stopped in Minho's view while he finished searching roughly where the insurgents were likely to leave.

‘Have a good day. ’

Minho touched the Braille clock, which was playing a listening role, and began to carefully examine the progress of the CIA's operations.

The transport vehicle has stopped on one side of the road. Mills in the passenger seat pressed the button on the communicator and said:

Report progress.

- Surveillance is ready.

- Alert team one, northwest perimeter.

- Team two, stand by southeast.

- Overwhelming team is clear of the launch node.

Mills confirmed that she had less than five minutes until the scheduled time of the hostage exchange, then opened the window behind the seat and ordered the delivery to begin.

The back door of the vehicle was opened. Two men in police outfits and a man in a wide cloth covering his entire Islamic body stood down.

Mills taps Harriet on the shoulder. Harriet turns her head as she opens the rear door through the side mirror and looks at the movers on the move.

From now on, I'm going to report in real time to the control room, so if there's anything unusual, let me know immediately.

Yes, sir.

Mills clears his voice and opens his mouth with a radio in front of him.

This is the commando team conducting the operation. It's 1: 26. In front of the statue of the square, Singapore, local police and one of the agents will begin their movement.

Okon, who was walking towards the square with his left arm in his hand, took a look at him from the moment he left the prison, not a word.

I don't know if he's angry or careless.

I can confirm that the treatment in prison was not too good, but it seemed to be too stiff after 6 months of release.

Arriving in front of the statue, Okon shouts to those passing by, receiving a signal from a black CIA agent disguised as the same police officer.

Step aside, we're on official business!

Citizens standing near the statue hurriedly opened their streets as police shouted.

An agent holding Singapore's right arm looks around sharply and finds a small bus converting into a single passenger car approaching the center of the square.

Public transportation in Tanzania, known as the Daldalla.

An agent who instinctively expects the rebels to ride, operates a communicator in his ear, briefly reporting, while holding the right arm of singania tight.

I came into view. Please Direct.

- All operations teams stand by. Identify the hostages first.

Okon is a little nervous. I've only heard rumors that the Burundi Rebels are fierce, but the encounter was something that no police officer in the resort could experience.


A passenger car stopped in the middle of the square. I can see three people tied up, with their back doors open and their black cloths tucked away. As I took off the cloth of one of them, my face appeared.

The agent said to the comms.

Identification of Asians in their 50s. Takakura Keno, I believe.

One by one, the cloth was torn off, and the face of a 54-year-old Spanish hostage named Russell Pierce, a 46-year-old Canadian hostage named Ellen Montez, was revealed.

The driver's window opened and he gestured to me that a black man with a mask on his face would come closer.

On board three hostages and four armed men. Are you approaching?

- Approval.

The agent looks at the Ockon. He started walking 10 meters slowly, leaving Singapore in the middle.

The back door of the passenger car and three other people just two meters in front.

The black man in the driver's seat said in English.

Hand over the Commander.

Hostages First.

A Japanese hostage was pushed out of the passenger car. Takakura, who was drenched in cold sweat and drenched in horror, ran to the agent's hands and tangled behind him as he looked around.

Send the Commander. One of us is getting out of here. The other one will be released when we get off this island.

I can't do that.

Remember, there are still five hostages left. Our patience is not long.


- Autonomous reconnaissance has begun. Just do what they want. I can easily track a car.

The agent follows orders from inside his ear and releases the arm that grabbed Singania. Okon fell from Singapore at the same time.

Commander, get in!

Singania began to move in the black voice.

Walking toward the passenger car, leaning in because the hands inside the cloth were encased. Intelligence agents disguised as tourists from all over watched the movement of singania as they breathed. Among them was Minho, who was on the roof of the shopping center.

He looked up at the driver as he approached the driver's seat.

You · · · · Post?

As Singapore recognized the face directly behind the mask, the eyes of a black man called a post glowed.

Well done.For your return, all the militia are ready to fight back. · · · · · · · ·

The Tutsi Warriors Have Kidnapped a Civilian? Those who took care of our brothers who fled to refugee camps?

In Singapore's colder gaze, there was a reprimand as to where the pride had gone. I was embarrassed by the look in the eye of the post facing it.

Where is Ado? He's in charge of your task force.

He died proudly in battle with the Revolutionary Army.

A sudden question asking about the position of the platoon commander blinked his eyelid. Singapore gazes at the snow of the Uva.

Do you expect me to believe that?

It's true.

If that's true, I'm sure this is also true. Your chief is no longer me. Am I wrong?

Commander · · · · · · · · · · ·.

Singapore caught up with the lies of the hurriedly protruding postage. The embarrassed letter became an urgent face, shouting.

Hop on, Commander! No time!

He sighed deeply and confirmed the location of the two police officers behind his back.

Tell your new leader. The end of a proud Tuchian warrior is a peace of death.

A rope of hermetic falls beneath Singapore's feet, pretending to be stumbling in the sky. The post that saw it lifts up the gun that was hiding inside the car door.


As she lowered her stance, avoiding the angle of the incoming bullet, she started running back to the back of the passenger car.

Everyone in the square is startled by the sudden shooting.

An agent in police uniform said, reflexively withdrawing his gun.

Shots fired! Escape from Singapore! Escape to the North!

- I'm watching. Backing up the overwhelming team. Did you hear what we talked about?

It may be a Tutsi language, but it is thought to be the story of an inner traitor.

- It's complicated.


The passenger car has begun its sudden departure. The agent retreats, protecting the Japanese hostage, and grabs Okon's nervous arm.

- Change delivery operations. Aerial reconnaissance aircraft tracking rebel passenger cars. Everyone else, go after singania!

Sanjivar, Tanzania - Market Street

Minho was watching Singapore as she fled to a dense alleyway, lying flat on the roof. Then I overheard the conversation, grabbed Bishop's mirror in my head, and quickly organized it.

"You've had your fill of rebels?" The two you saw yesterday, the ones against kidnapping. Those passenger cars want to profit from kidnapping. ’

It was obvious who was leading the rebellion. Bishop's analysis continued that if Singapore were to board that passenger car, it would have been used as bait to draw out those who idolized leaders. And it was a natural way to die.

Once the hostage exchange went wrong, intelligence agencies in each country and the Tanzanian military borders sought to pursue Singapore.

"Espionage, that guy. ’

The propensity of Singapore that you just saw is uncompromising and straightforward. In the course of complex reasoning and thinking, Bishop sent a final analysis that if Singapore is captured, it will surely die. A massacre or a suicide.

Cruel as that sounds, renegotiation is only meaningful if he's alive somewhere. After confirming that there were no galaxies in the passenger car that appeared today, Minho decided that she should do her best to do whatever was possible.

‘JB, help me. ’

The energy to warm your fingers at Minho's request. However, there was also a hot warning that it would be even more difficult than yesterday.

Minho fell flat on the floor of the square and stared at Takakura, trembling with fear. How scary and painful would it be if he was released and he was still trapped somewhere?

“JB, I think you should step forward rather than judge my moment. I don't care if you don't die. ”

In response to this voice, an instant burst of hot energy emanates from the ring. Minho relieved his whole body of tension so that the agent in the ring would use up all of his body's resources.

A man with a white cloth wrapped around his body hurriedly passed by the pedestrian who was dragging an orange cart at the bottom of the market. The cart was struck with a thousand feet at the end of the cart, and the cart collapsed along with the noise of the coup.

The orange rolls over the bottom of the trench.

Singania falls to the ground, cuts through the rest of the torn cloth and stands up. After a long run down the alley, I hid in the shadow beneath the dirt wall and swallowed a sigh from my chest.

Slightly looking out, you see a white man on the move, vigilant in the middle of the market.

I looked up at the idea that if I ran in this direction, I would be stuck. I had to find a long-distance UAV trying to get up on the roof and stop thinking.

Where do I go? ’

It was safe in the marketplace for now, but if we can't get out of here, we'll be discovered someday. You can still do it, but you have to do it until.

After waiting for the white man to disappear, Singapore began running in the opposite direction. That was when he came out of the alley next to a stone wall covered in moss and grass.

“Hey, you! ”

Two men with handguns found Singapore and rushed in.

Don't move!

I could feel it aiming at me, so I had to raise my hands in the air, five meters away. It suggests that they are trained to lower and narrow.

Singania shakes her head.

Intelligence agents on the force, traitors in rebellion, and the hostile Holisario Revolutionary Army.

There are just fewer and fewer.

As soon as I learned that Ado was gone, I had to return to Burundi Fortress. Whoever holds the privilege does not even have the authority of the chief. That's why I heard the postal mail tried to kill me in a hurry.

‘There's still a chance. ’

But it's just hope. I had to get out of here before I could make a move.

If you want to catch me, you have to kill me.

Singapore is determined to jump into the stone wall at the risk of its own life, waiting for the moment when they are most shaken. The two whites stared at themselves with a slightly tense gaze as they conveyed their intentions, though clumsy.

Surveillance Team 2. Currently in Singapore.

One of the two began to report to the left wrist mounted communicator. As he was about to gamble, Singapore was startled that someone in a black hat was approaching from behind the stone wall without a sound.

- Don't move.

The opponent whispers in Tucci's language, causing the movement of singania to stop reflexively.

The black hat arrives near the stone wall, picking up the watch in his hand and muttering something, he puts it in his pocket and raises three fingers.

Three fingers were folded, one after the other. In addition, Singapore's heart rate has risen gradually.


A black hat that jumped out of nowhere. He leaps over the wall like a cheetah and kicks an agent's wrist.


Another agent, surprised by the landing black hat, turns the gun on him. You twist your torso as if you were waiting for a black hat and reach for your arm at a speed that is hard to see.

The Black Hat grabs the pistol and pulls it apart with its fingertips. As soon as the handle is free, it plunges a single blow into the target's sharp point. Agent down in an instant. Another agent drops his gun by kicking his wrist and lunges for counterattack.

Singapore takes a step back to stop it. However, the reaction of the black hat was astonishing.

Suddenly lowers like an eye behind your back, and lightly dodges the first attack. The user grabs the opposing team's neck and pushes it against the wall. Kuang, an agent with a visceral concussion, falls unconscious.

“Phew. I'm nervous. I've never seen you move like this, JB. ”

A mumbled black hat turns its head in a language you know nothing about. We couldn't tell what he looked like because he was hiding his face with a handkerchief, but he was telling us that the skin shining through the gaps was not white, but a golden man.

Gina? "Is this it?"

"Gina? Oh, that's another Chinese word. This place calls all the Asians Chinese, right?

It was a fairly natural reason for the man who had just become the most skilled hunter and crushed two agents in a heartbeat. What's even weirder is that it certainly speaks the Tutsi language for the first time in my life.

Singania recalled which of the tribal warriors she knew spoke with such a light accent. But there is no such thing.

Who are you?

Commander · · · No, I'll call you Chief. I am a Korean citizen who was kidnapped by all of the chief's men.


You've never heard of it. because I knew where Burundi was. ‘Peak wavelength’. Oh, that's not a Tutsi word. My name is Kang Min-ho. It's hard to pronounce, so call me "M."

The Asian man rummages through the arms of the agent he overpowered and finds a communicator and sticks it in his ear. Then you bow your head toward the agents. “I'm sorry, Agent.” He mutters an unknown word, pointing toward the alley.

Shall we talk while we move? British agents are nearby. We need to get out of here now.

Oriental to start moving. Singapore followed behind him as if he were possessed by something.

< 48. M Supreme (5) > End

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