
─ ─ 213ze 48. M Supreme City

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Tanzania, Niarugusu - Refugee Camp

Dawn rises.


A CH-47 helicopter called Chinook sits on a sunny ground. A large helicopter door opens with two propellers, and people begin to step down in turn with a full load of supplies.

Minho, who was wearing a doctor's gown with a red cross, got off his helicopter full of medical supplies and threw his eyes at the refugee camp in front of him.

Thousands of tents under pristine skies. A short time ago, there was a galaxy standing on this earth.

Dr. Lee. The U.N. Camp is this way.

Min Ho hurriedly walked away from Mills' voice.

Mills suppressed last night's grudges and followed Eric's orders for a short time with a disguise and a passport. Minho was disguising himself with the latest stiffness solutions developed by the CIA to look older.

Negotiation in exchange for hostages and relief items.

The Hidden Post in Zanzibar hands over two hostages that were not handed over last time, and this one moves directly to their camp to deliver relief supplies. The subject is Dr. James Lee of the Doctors Without Borders. Here was Doctor Lee's pseudonym.

Minho walked in front of a barracks cousin with the UN inscription and found two kids walking with their mother's hands in their hands from afar.

Are you not Dick and Nia? ’

The two boys who were taken together because they were so tired of seeing the last picture of the galaxy, remembered their faces unwittingly. I wanted to say hello, but now I only waved my hand with my heart because I was a disguise.

Mills came to the side of Minho, who had put down the plastic box that was brought to the UN barracks.

Dr. Lee. Once you enter the jungle, then your judgment will determine the life and death of this relief team.

When Mills in uniform spoke in a stern voice, medical volunteers from the actual Red Cross focused on Minho. They had no idea who they were.

‘This is my burden again. ’

Min held on to Bishop's reassurance that he would not lay a hand on those going to neutrality.

Burundi, Maccaba - Entrance to Pansire Valley

A procession of five jeeps was moving over a densely jungled road between the forest and the vertical ridge.

60 km west of Niarugus Refugee Camp.

Minho, who was on the lead vehicle, had a compass in his hand and confirmed that only one kilometer to the west galaxy was left.

Tanzania's borders were so far off that no one could get help from here. Minho stopped at a rebel outpost that was guarding the valley entrance.

Passport and Certificate of Affiliation.

Minho replied in English to the soldier who asked him in short English.

Members of the Red Cross.

During the passport check, other soldiers searched all over the jeep for weapons and hearing aids. Since they had already been searched twice on their way here, everyone on the Jeep was familiar with it.

After the procedure, the soldier gestures at the entrance to the outpost. Unpaved paths were revealed as the fences opened.

Minho drove a jeep up a crooked mountain road and scanned the surrounding terrain.

A fortified building on a jagged cliff. There should be a bunker in the basement and a camp there.

‘Now 500 meters. ’

As Jeep arrived in the void in front of the fortress, forty soldiers in Beremos who were standing in front of the building welcomed the Red Cross volunteers with their arms extended.

The doctor everyone. ”

The soldier smiles with a wrinkled face. Minho clenched his fierce fist and released his emotions to start acting as a disguised doctor.

‘Bishop, JB. I want you to make sure that you can move without making a mistake. ’

The ring on my left hand and the mirror on my left chest gave me warm energy at the same time. Minho, who had a bag of medical kits in his hand at the jeep, told Tunga.

I brought relief supplies at the request of the Tanzanian government. I'm Dr. James Lee, head of MSF, Doctors Without Borders.

Hello, Dr. Lee. I am the Commander here.

As Tunga gazed at his men around him, the various medical items that were in the jeep trunk began to be transported into the fortress in turn.

Masden, a Black Emergency Relief Coordinator from the Red Cross, is approaching next to Minho.

Dr. Lee. Where do you want to set up your practice barracks?

You heard, Commander? Where do we start?

Here, here.

The question in Masden points to a large site on one side of the fortress.

The Tuchians in Maccaba will love it. Thank You.

Minho knew. This practice, which will take place over the next six hours, is a stunning show to soothe and comfort the people. After seeing it with my own eyes, I couldn't help but feel disgust.

Fortunately, Bishop's calm lies above the boiling fury. Minho, who sank the minute, asked the corner.

I am an emergency care professional. Is there anyone in particular I should be looking out for?

Wouldn't he? This way.

Minho followed Tunga's lead to the fortress. Minho had to postpone the tense mood because five soldiers with rifles followed him behind his back and pressured him.

At the entrance, the corner turns.

You should also examine that bag.

Minho gave the first aid kit in his hand to the soldier at the entrance to the fort. After a thorough search of Minho's arms and legs, another soldier makes sure he doesn't have anything suspicious in his possession.

First Aid Kits are just first aid kits, but they don't contain anything else.

After the inspection, Minho enters the entrance of a fortress built with dirt and stone. Long trenches from east to west caught Minho's attention for the first time.

Concrete fortress can be hit directly by enemies approaching from below the cliff. Bishop and JB both argued that entry to the ground was too damaging for the deployment of soldiers, such as those involved in World War II.

You know we're protecting a special guest. I need you to see how healthy they are in here.

In public, the corner demanding health checks of the hostages stood in front of a stone staircase heading toward the underground camp and pointed inward.

Sunny, take Dr. Lee with you. I have to meet the Tutsi villagers at the clinic.

The soldier called Sunni was in a different mood from the other soldiers. Minho estimates that the opposing team is wearing a shabby military uniform, but an NRC mercenary supported by the Revolutionary Army.


The door to the underground camp is open.

‘There's a galaxy down here. ’

Minho took a step with a trembling heart.


I opened my eyes to the sound of drops falling. It was quick to break the boundary between day and night while you were still in a space where little light came in.

What time it is, where it is, who's next to it.

I didn't like to think of anything.

‘You can't do this. Minho told me not to be afraid. ’

Standing with his head clenched, he opened his eyes to straighten his mind.

- I'll be right there to see the galaxy.

Minho's voice is like a fantasy.

- I'll be right there. Let me show you this face that the Milky Way wants to see.

‘What are you saying, Min-ho? Where am I?'

I didn't believe it. No matter how great Minho was, this was a remote part of Africa that even she didn't know where. It's impossible for him to come here without a miracle.

Seo Eun-hwa wiped away the flowing tears and revived her energy. As long as Minho's voice that I heard last night is still alive in my ears, I have enough strength to endure it.


Mmm · · · · · · · · ·.

Leaning back against her head, Leah is powerless, too. She sat helplessly until she reassembled her cell phone and radio and contacted them, hoping that there was something to do and that there would be a way.

Leah. Are you okay?


"No, I called to see if you fainted.

Leah, who looks up to this voice, smiles helplessly.

I wonder how I would have survived in here without the galaxy.

It's the same for me.

Even though skin color and culture are completely different, just being together makes me this reliant. Seo wondered how much more he would have been willing to have Minho by his side.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

At the sound of the door opening on the other side of the camp hallway, the galaxy and Leah leaning against each other were startled.

It's not dinnertime, right?

Are you trying to check life or death by communicating again?

Looking out of the cage, feeling curious, someone in a white robe appeared in front of them.

“Hello. I'm a Doctor. ”

In the crowd of black soldiers, the gaze of the galaxy was toward the hallway, with a clear voice that was completely unthinkable. As the light lit up in the dark hallway, I could see the face of an Asian who looked like he was in the middle of thirty.

Suddenly, I frowned at the flashing light. Then the standing galaxy once again felt strange that the Asian face was very familiar.

Do you see anything? Me? The old Minho is over there. ’

The moment I thought.

“Here I am, Milky Way. ”

Tong Yang's voice was strong. Seo Eun asked me again, I thought I heard it wrong.

“Mi, Minho? ”

As I hear footsteps coming from behind, the Asian man looks at his mouth with a finger and says, "Shh." And he spoke English.

From now on, I will check your health. I need your cooperation to get me out of here safely. I'm Dr. Lee from Doctors Without Borders.

Three male actors who were trapped in the room next to the Asian shout also regained their minds and turned their eyes to the hallway.

The gate of the cage opens as one.

With four armed soldiers slaughtered behind the Asians, treatment began.

Minho dropped his medical bag inside the prison and headed for the corridor.

Captain Sunny. I am an Oriental person, so I will practice in my native language at ease. because if you're stuck in a bad place like this, you don't know what kind of condition you're going to have if you don't go into more detail.

Sunny nods briefly.

Min Ho approached the Western galaxy with tears. Looking at her, who had been overwhelmed by the pain, it hurt like a thorn in the corner of her chest.

‘Mr. Galaxy.’

I finally met her, the one who missed and reported for a long time.

Minho sat in front of the Western Galaxy and smiled softly.

I don't know if she knows. that many of the processes that he had gone through to get here would never have been thought possible by others. However, Minho never wanted to tell me that his actions were not a miracle.

It is a miracle that the Milky Way, which would have been trapped in it and cried every day, kept her moving and confirmed that she was alive like this.

“How · · · · · · · · · ·. ”

The western galaxy, which seemed very surprised, was a stuttering horse.

“How did you get here? ”

“Let me check your blood pressure first. ”

I took the pumped blood pressure device out of my bag and wrapped it around the arm of the galaxy, and Minho whispered very little.

“Keep up the good work. I'm a special agent undercover to save her lover, and you're her lover. ”

Then I raised my voice and asked.

“Are there any wounded or sick places? ”

The West Galaxy shook its head. Minho quickly said, manipulating the instrument and the pump, pretending to look at the blood pressure readings.

“You may have a lot to ask, but I'm not sure yet. But there are so many people trying to save everyone here, and you have to tell them after I'm gone. ”

“I will.”

“And this. I want you to wear it. ”

Minho took out the pressure device and handed the ring he had on his left hand over to the galaxy.

‘JB. Protect her. ’

Seo Eun took the ring without fail and her eyes widened. Are you proposing to this? ’Eyes mixed with excitement and confusion in the question.

Since I can't tell you what it's like to have family abilities and because the ring is a powerful item, I just stood up with a look on Min-ho's mind.

This is unfortunately far in the last 20 days. Now I can't talk to the galaxy any more than I can see Sunny. Approaching Leah next door, Minho originally initiated a full-scale act to serve as a disguise here.

Leah. Are you hurt anywhere?

You · · · · · · · · · ·.

I guess not.

Minho closed the pressure device on Leah's arm and quickly said as soon as she saw Sunni looking at the inmates in the next room.

That's who you think it is. Blake sends his regards.

My God.

Calm down.

Minho looked at Leah's blood pressure and said.

Very low. Hypotension, any dizziness? I think I lost my blood sugar because I didn't eat properly. For now.

Minho took the sap out of the medical bag.

Hold this for me.

You handed the sap bag to the West Galaxy and stuck a needle in Leah's arm.

You must be correct for at least 1 hour. That should cheer you up.

Leah also nodded, knowing Minho was in disguise.

After entering the emergency care, Minho felt that Suni's surveillance was loosened, and he touched the outer wall, which the West Galaxy had previously mentioned.

‘Indeed. Beyond this is a love space. ’

Vision darkened, and the face of a man who hurriedly radioed from the communication facility inside his head.

Stop being so reckless!

- If we don't leave now, the fort will fall.

When the chief of Singapore was young, it seemed that the comms who were giving him operations orders were probably the masters of this place as a love zone. I was still alive somewhere, so I could find a way for the galaxy to contact me without needing to train myself.

Minho thanked the communicator in his memory and stopped. In memory, the love space beyond these walls is connected to the underground tunnels leading down the mountain.

‘I should also report this to the Situation Room. ’

Min Ho stood up, feeling his gaze on his back as Sunny stared back.

Here is the end of your practice.

Minho, who moved to the next room, found an actor with a puffy face and frowned. He confirmed that he is a British actor named Nicholas Bloom because he had memorized all the personal information of the kidnapped actors before he arrived.

Why is he like this?

Uselessly rebelled.

Minho asked, and Suni pointed out that it was natural for the commander to use violence against him.

This is very irritating. There are no bacterial infections, but they need absolute stability. Is there a clean room around here?

Heal yourself in it.

Even with Choi Hyuk's emergency medical knowledge, Nicholas was in a position to sigh.

You're going to be sick, but you have to be patient.

Minho, who put in a broad injection of antibiotics in case he didn't know, and handed the ointment to his face, finished a simple treatment for the other two actors, Melville and Deng Chao.

Come out. I'm closing the door.

Minho walked out of the room. Watching the iron door thump and close again, I cast my gaze at the machine box at the end of the hall with the operating switch.

It was an old fortress investigation, not electronic, but manual. A structure that anyone can open with a key. I thought if the Special Forces got in, we could get the hostages out in 30 seconds.

Minho, who walked out of the underground camp in the hallway, turned his head to the room where the Western Galaxy was. The Western Galaxy, holding a sack of sap flowing towards Leah, met Minho's gaze.

It was short, but the warm gaze got tangled.

“Don't drink with Leah. ”

Minho whispered a slight smile at the mouth of the Western Galaxy.

Sunny, who was opening the door in the hallway, turned his head and gave a distasteful look.

What did he say?

"Cheer up, you must speak as a doctor to a mentally unstable patient.

"There must be some misunderstanding, but we don't want to harm the hostage. He even asked for a doctor.

‘Probably not yet. ’

The door to the corridor closes, and darkness returns to the camp.

Sitting with a dazzled face with a bag of sap in his hand, he cast his gaze at the ring.

It's not a dream, is it? Minho really came to see me. ’

Leah, who was lying on her back, glances up at the galaxy. Then I asked myself a sudden thought.

Is that the guy from before, the one the galaxy told you about?

Yes, she's my girlfriend.

After saying this, I couldn't believe I met Minho here, so I pinched my standing cheek.

Mr. M was the galaxy's lover? Small world.

Mr. M?

The galaxy tilted its head as if it had never been heard before.

Didn't he tell you about Macau?

Leah stops to mention Blake. It was because I sensed something happy on the face of the galaxy holding the ring in my hand. With a woman's intuition, it's 100% Blake's defeat.

What did the ring say? Engaged?

I don't know. · · · · · · · · I couldn't prepare my mind.

Seogyun was surprised at himself, nodding his head that it was okay.

That's right. I told you to stay in it. ’

The other finger was loose, so he wore a standing ring on his left thumb.


My eyes widened because I felt my ears brighten. I looked around frantically with a strange feeling that all the sounds I heard were clearly remembered in my head.

A lasting phenomenon for one minute.

Though it's funny to think about it, I feel confident that I can accurately recall the number of drops I just heard in a minute and the interval per second.

Suddenly, a warm energy flowed from the ring and I was startled. It wasn't even a stove, but it was really warm around the left thumb. As the energy spread through my body on my arms, I felt a clear, blurry thought.

Alternating patrol times for underground camps are 90 minutes. For about two minutes of alternate time, a plan to steal the weapon and get out of here quickly came up and vanished.

It's like when you touch that outer wall, you get all these feelings and thoughts based on experiences that she doesn't know.

"That's strange. Why are you so comfortable? Is it because of Minho? ’

I forgot that I was being held hostage, so I went to rest.

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