
Ones Arguine

* * *

“Hey, are you him? ”

A low, striding voice wraps around the room. From the moment they entered, they were in an atmosphere that drew and unleashed different air.

The Force is no joke to you guys in session. ’

Minho looked around at the six people sitting in the waiting room of the live performer in the back room of the cafe.

Yoon Yi-sul from vocals. Abnormal for lead guitar. And the four session men with the anomaly.

“The screen is good, but the reality is much better. ”

“… Brother. It's not a girl, it's a girl. ”

An ideal point to Minho was heard by one of the session men.

“Oh, yeah. Why is it so dark in here?

“So take it off indoors. You're wearing sunglasses at night. ”

“It's a man's pride. Don't touch me."

Minho slowly looked at the four session men who seemed to say, ’We are artists.' They were the best Indian musicians who recognized the ideals as the ones who learned music under them.

I heard that he was forty years old, but no one felt that way. I heard that you can live young if you play music constantly, and it seemed like the right word.

The first man who saw the wrong place turned to Minho.

“Sanghan, she's the one who complimented you for drooling all over your mouth, right? ”

“Yes, sir. ”

Cyndie, who wears sunglasses, looks up and down at Minho. Minho bowed and politely greeted.

“Please take good care of it. ”

“Okay, let's see what you got. ”

In the face of Simdae and other session men, who seemed to be bored to death, there was an expectation of how Minho would produce it.

Minho was rather excited about how those eyes would act as a burden. It was because the song of Yoon Yi Seul was drawn in my mind in a perfect way.

Minho pointed to the ideal first.

“The beginning of this song is about you. because when the drum goes pale and the cello starts and the violin starts, it has to go from the lead guitar to a completely different sound. Give me the guitar, bro. ”

Minho accepted the guitar and bounced off the accompaniment melody that was buzzing in his head. The eyes of Simdae who was looking at it shined.

“I can't believe you feel the same way about guitars. ”

“I told you, you're good. ”

Minho, who was thinking about the composition of the song, whether they evaluated him or not, immediately said the next step.

“When the lead guitar disappears, verse 1 begins, and Yoon Il-sul's voice must match yours. ”

At the end of Minho's words, he pressed Cindy to add the melody, as if he knew. Minho flicked his finger.

“That's it!”

Simdae smiled.

“The song was fine, roughly speaking. Who said anything about that? ”

“It's me, it's me. ”

Suddenly, Yoon Iseol, who was named, bowed his head and did not know what to do.

“Did you really write that? ”


Simdae looked back at the song and smiled when she saw Minho. Then he smiled brightly and said to Yoon Il-sul,

“Bravo. Good. Good. Good ability.”

“Thank you, sunbae. ”

Simdae stabbed him in the side with an abnormal case.

“He couldn't even memorize guitar chords when he was Lee Seong-yang's age. I memorized the girl's number like a ghost. ”

“Hey, mister! That's not true!”

The bombs erupted among the session men after the incident broke out. I looked very familiar with how he teased me every time. By the time the laughter calmed down, Simdae opened her mouth to the session men who were sitting next to her.

“Anyway, the song's fine, and I like the direction he's making it. It's going to be a fun stage in a long time. ”

Three musicians nodded and began to trust Minho.

From then on, it was a fourteen thousand.

The cellist and the violinist had their hands and feet slammed because they had been playing classics together from the beginning. Along the improvised melody, the original song was rich in harmony.

Minho raised his thumb to a drummer performing a rhythmic beat with a snare.

“After the deem is over, the beats should come in as big as at yo points. ”

“Like this? ”

Actually, Chuck, that's good. The conversation with the skilled person was overwhelming.

“Good, good. ”

Minho tapped the stick into the air following the drummer's movements. Everyone followed his signal as if he was in the same band from the beginning.

Yoon Iseol, who was singing in harmony, was just amazed at Minho's magical production sense. I felt like I had done music with such a pleasant smile before.

“That's enough. ”

When the composition of the song was finished, Minho said.

“I just want to say one last thing. Just enjoy it.”

“A young friend knows all about it. All right, let's unwind and have some fun. ”

When Simdae put her hands up, everyone's hands were paired and high-fived.

Live from Cafe ONCE.

Suddenly, the stage is full of people. Guests focused on the rare event where band-level people played.

The matter was to get Mike first and understand.

“It was originally in my order, but I wanted to introduce you to a really good song. You don't have to be sorry. My friend, Kang Minho, composed this song and produced it himself. ”

The Simdae who was behind raised her voice and interrupted.

“I've had enough of your songs. You're the only one who's sorry. ”

- It's true, it's true!

- Yes, sir!

The ideals pointed to the players, especially while the regulars were laughing loudly.

“You all know what I'm talking about. This is one of the four members of the cafe, the Syndicate Captain. ”

The agenda introduced the remaining sessionmen in turn who were leading the charge. Whistling and cheering appeared at the same time as ONCE's touch. Then he pointed to Yoon Iseol who was standing right next to him.

“This is Miss Yoon Yi Seol who sang the song in the first place. Yeah, I took back the song that you didn't react to very much. Take a look at how it gets better. ”

The guests' gaze was all towards Yoon Iseol when he left with the guitar.

In front of Mike, Yoon Iseol took a deep breath once. The hand grabbing Mike is slowly trembling because of the tension. Reality was confirmed late.

Oh, my God, they're playing my song together!

Suddenly my mouth was dry. It was enough for the drowsiness to swallow.

‘It's okay. You didn't make a mistake when you practiced in the back. ’

Even with this comfort, it was quite a burden to return to the stage that had failed two hours ago. I felt sorry and anxious to be together, even though I had fun being together for the first time today. It was a fear of mistakes.

I took a deep breath again. I was ready to try my best.

“The song I'm going to play is called 'Once More’. It's a song for everyone who's tired of everyday life. ”

She met Minho's eyes, standing among her guests. The first person to sing Bravo to his song. He's my first fan and a strange man.

- You like music. So that's it.

That's it. That's it.

The tremor stopped like a lie when I realized I wanted to show him a good live, looking at him with excited eyes.

‘Whew! Let's go! ’


Song started with a fluttering guitar note. The ‘once again’ melody caught everyone's attention from the beginning when Yoon Yi Seol's unique tone was added to the strange rhythmic accompaniment.

When Cindy's soft cord was placed on the cheerful rhythm of the drum, customers started to shrug their shoulders.

By the time the violin and cello were about to give everyone's ears glamour, there was not a single person sitting in the café.

Even the mouth of Minho, who was watching, smiled satisfactorily.

“Yuck, I love that song. ”

“Awesome. You can even sing with that beauty? I assure you, it's only a matter of time before it rises. ”

“I've got my own camera. Should I put it up? ”

“Pull it up!”

Even though Yoon Yi Seul's live was over, I didn't know that the crowd was still excited.

After finishing the LIVE, Minho turned his head to those who were talking.

“Sanghan, you said Fei doesn't fit in this neighborhood anymore. Hey, you made it. ”

“I'm not there yet, brother. ”

“I like to be on a lot of broadcasts, but I come here sometimes. How would you like to play like today? Found a treasure like snowflake. ”

Yoon Iseol, who was turning to the compliment of Shim Dae Hui and handing over the juice, heard Sareh giggle.

Minho gave me a napkin with a bloody smile.

“Eat slowly. ”

“Well, thank you. ”

Yoon Iseol glanced at Minho, turning his head again and fixing his gaze at the juice cup.

Minho, who looked at the clock, said.

“I should probably get going. ”

11: 30 at night. It was time to go back to the lodging. Minho stood up and greeted Simdae and Session Man in turn.

“It was the best. I'll come back next time. ”

“Yes, you've done well. ”

I waved my hand to show that I'll call you later. Minho turned his head, showed his thumb to Yoon Iseol, and walked out of the cafe.

“Oh... there...”

Yoon Lee Seol couldn't say a word while looking at Minho. Simdaemun, who was watching her like that, said disgusted.

“It's hard to meet a producer like that. Follow him and get his number. ”

“I'll give you the number. ”

Seeing the issue, I pulled out my tongue as if it was pathetic.

“You say that you don't know how to meet her. ”

Simdaemun pointed to the missing side of Minho.

“I can feel it in my head. I don't really care about that type of thing if it's stuck in one. Then I need you to keep shining your face next to me. ”

Yoon Lee Seol hardened his mind and put the guitar case on his shoulders.

“Thank you so much for your help today. I will continue to work hard, sir! ”

“Yes, it is.”

In her greeting, Simdae and Session Men waved their hands with gratitude. Yoon Lee Seol coldly ran out of the cafe.

After leaving the cafe, Minho stopped walking in front of the "end of pig" of the chicken house. I also won the game, but I thought I heard the grumbling of the underlings who would provoke me to a pulp.

‘He snores less, especially when he is fed full. ’

Min-ho ordered five chicken takeouts as she approached the order outside, thinking she might buy some chicken for dinner. Then at the entrance of the cafe, I found Yoon Lee Seol, who was carrying a guitar, rushed out.

Are we going home? ’

Yoon Iseol ran around and ran to the street. Well, it was too late to hurry.

“Goodbye, Lee Seol! ”

Minho waved his hand at Yoon Yi Seol, who was passing by the store without thinking much.


Yoon Iseol, who was running, turned his head in surprise at the sound. Meanwhile, I stumbled on the ground.



Minho quickly helped her up because she wasn't falling ill, but it was quite embarrassing.

“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. ”

Yoon Lee Seol shook his head while his face became a carrot. Then he spoke in a crawling voice.

“I wish you were gone already. ”

Yoon Iseol, who lowered his gaze deeply, said.

“When can you listen to my other songs? ”

“Yes? Hmm. ”

It wasn't hard to hear, but Minho thought about it for a while because there were restrictions on similar products.

“Anytime at this cafe. ”


Yoon Lee Seol lifted his head and gripped Minho's hand. Then I was startled by his bold actions and put my hand back on him.

“I'm sorry. ”

On the stage, she was so calm that she came down and was a shy little sister. Do you think it's pretty like a lively letter but with a different feeling than a hairy Osora?

“Feel free to call me much younger, brother. ”

Minho felt his heart melt away because he said he was a whispering brother. It's a familiar word, but I feel better when I hear it. At least it's a weird misconception that he's recognized as a big brother.

“Should I?”

I have become quite friendly while preparing for the stage, so I will often be able to stay in touch.

“Can you give me your phone number? ”

Yoon Lee Seol took out his cell phone.

“Well, well. ”

As soon as I called the number, the phone rang in my arms. After finishing saving each other, Yoon Yi Seol bowed his head.

“Thank you today, Minho. Please don't hesitate to answer any questions. ”

“Well, well. ”

Yoon Lee Seol disappeared to the other side of the street, waving his hands.

Minho just gladly watched Yoon Il-sun. Is that what it feels like to have a little sister? Anyway, it wasn't bad.

“Here comes the chicken. ”

Waiting for the chicken I ordered and holding his hand, he took a light step towards the lodging.

It's like a night to dream.

Minho walked the streets of Hongdae at night, murmuring with Yoon Yi Seul's "Once again."


space: Live Cafe Once

effect: The cafe owner's wife. It only produces music that resembles her musical personality.

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It's the first time I've left a review for Joara.

Sweet dreams, everyone!

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