
Routine, Work, and… 9827;

* * *

The demonstration ended late at night.

Minho dresses without a fuss thanks to the ball manager who packed a bunch of T-brand quarterly clothes last year. Nevertheless, not many cuts received OK signatures from photographers.

‘I'm tired of just standing here. ’

The style of the photo shoot needed to be tailored to the order of the party filming the ad. That way, the style will go up to Im So-hui's room early in the morning and get paid.

“Well done.”

“The ball manager, too. ”

Minho waved his hand at the ball manager who was leaving with Ben. I had to prepare for an interview that I didn't finish today the day after the photo shoot.

I feel like it's going to be a really hard week. It was only after last week's hard work at Uchili that I knew whether or not it would be worth it.

“Pick a bottle of marmalade, have a drink and rest well. ”

It's just one drop, really.

"If you eat it, won't it grow? ’

It was around the time I reached the front door where I turned my back and went up to my place. Minho found a shimmering shadow next to the entrance.

Someone who's leaning against the wall and twitching.

She was a little girl with a tight hat. I felt like I was holding a guitar on my back as I got closer.

Is he a musician? ’

The streetlight reveals the face underneath the hat.

“Hey, Lee Seol. ”

Yoon Lee Seol opened his eyes to Minho's voice. She gets up from her seat in a hurry and smiles.


“Oh, I'm here. ”

I asked and answered, but I didn't think this was it.

“But why are you here at this hour? ”

While yawning, Yoon Yi Seol hung up on the guitar.

“I wanted to tell you something. ”

“Tonight? ”

“I just finished a new song today. I wanted to tell you the first time, so I went to the Gamemakers' Home Page and looked up some addresses. ”

No, what's so urgent about coming here at night and waiting?

“Let's make a phone call. ”

“Then it's no surprise. We're still on lockdown time, but if you're not back by 10: 30, I was gonna postpone it for tomorrow. ”

Seeing Yoon Lee, who had no idea how long he had waited until 11 o'clock, Minho apologized and thanked him on the other hand.

Helping her at the cafe was just the beginning because it was fun. It was worth thinking about when it was enough to keep someone vaguely waiting.

“But I'm really glad to see you like this. It's good to be surprised, right? Right?"

Yoon Lee Seol liked that he did not take a bad step first.

Minho was delighted to see it. It was just Yoon Iseol who thought it was cute, but now I have feelings. If a sister like this is waiting at home, her commute to work will be enjoyed.

“Is that a new song? ”

“Yes! I wrote it in a few days. ”

Yoon Yi Seol's eyes smiled shyly and suddenly I was sleepy and passionate about music. Min-ho faced his eyes and felt like a corner of his heart was being cleansed.

“I don't want to play guitar where my brothers and sisters are. ”

She points at the window of the inn and shrugs.

“Is there somewhere quiet? ”

If it's a good place to play.

“There won't be anyone in the playground in front of you. ”


She grabbed Minho's arm first, clasped her hands together, saying that it was really good.

An outdoor specialty stage with a faint streetlight. Yoon Lee Seol, sitting on the jungle gym in the playground, became a solo audience and took a deep breath while looking at Minho sitting on the swing.

“Oh, I'm nervous. ”

“What is this? Assess it like ONCE and make yourself at home because it's not that stage. ”

In Minho's words, Yoon Yi Seol smiled brightly.

“That's why I'm more nervous. Thinking about you... No! Thanks to you!”


“Oh, I'm in front of a good producer like you. ”

“It's okay. It's okay. I'm just going to watch today. ”

Minho deliberately threw down rice because he had to go to the cafe to give professional advice about the song. Now I was just going to treat it with a pure heart of listening to music.

Yoon Lee Seol put the guitar on his knee and pulled something twisted out of his pocket.

“There's also a harmonica accompaniment in the middle. ”

Minho stands up at the swing while she puts a harmonica around her neck. She had a light of affection on her harmonica.

Yoon Lee Seol became a rabbit's eye surprised by Minho's sudden movements.


“No, go on. ”

Minho pointed to Harmonica while managing her pretending not to care.

“Is that your theory? ”

“Yes, it was my grandfather's. It's old, but it makes a good sound. ”

After finishing preparing, Yoon Iseol rode a tight beat with his toes and immediately bounced off the guitar rope. The soft tone hits her first note, and the color turns on her face.

“The song is called 'Sparkling Star.’ ”

Oh, man.

After Min Ho's welcome clap, the song started with Yoon Yi Seul's humming.


Minho was impressed by Najik from the introduction of a clear sound. This is what a good ear looks like. It was a melody that was captivating enough for the cells that stimulated emotion in the body to tremble as soon as I heard it.

Whoever did this, the most beautiful instrument a man can play is his voice. It was exactly the same with Yoon Yiseul, who was glamoring inside the quiet playground.

Even though she could not give a professional assessment, Min-ho was confident that this song was good. After verse 1, she closed her eyes when she thought it was only Harmonica and guitar.

Starry night.

A one-of-a-kind theater called a playground.

Minho was intoxicated by the beautiful ensemble that was in his ears. At the end of verse 2, I was able to escape from the wet melody.

“Well, what do you think? ”

“I like it. ”

“Is it true?"

Yoon Yi Seol tightly clenched his fist ‘Yes!’ I took action. She lowers her guitar and grins as she walks around on the jungle gym. Then I thought that murmuring another melody was probably a good nightmare.

Did you come up with an idea? You said singer-songwriter. He's really talented. ’

He smiled, then shy, wrapping his cheeks around them. He also held his smile so that his shoulders were swollen. Seeing that little bird made me feel refreshed by myself.

A sparkle that no one else can see. It was also mysterious, adding even the faint light of Harmonica, which was shaking from Yoon Yi Seul's neck.

It's like, "Come here. Aren't you curious? ’And Harmonica seemed to be calling to herself.

“Lee Seol.”


Yoon Iseol was so nervous about what he would say to Min Ho's bad call that he was surprised to see his gaze around his chest.


“Yes!? ”

“Can I just blow it once? ”

“Boo, boom, boom, boom! ”

“Haha. Kind of. It's my precious grandfather's.”

Just then, I saw that I was heading towards Harmonica wearing her neck, and Yoon Iseul's face lit up red.

“Here. Here you go. It's okay to sing it once. ”

You quickly take off and hand over the harmonica. Then Min-ho, who was frowning, turned pale.

“Really? Thank you! ”

“Ahem. That's it. ”

After receiving the harmonica, Lee asked Minho to close his eyes for a moment.

“But do you know how to handle harmonica? ”

“Maybe this will be limited. ”

When Minho took his mouth to the harmonica, she tried to get back at him with her right hand. I touched my lips with my left hand.

“That's indirect……. ”

Then I held out my tongue to see if my lips were dry.

Meanwhile, Minho was looking for the ability of Harmonica, a favorite product. I saw that the faint light had vanished and felt what the power of this affection was.

Seeing that the musical impression does not come to mind, it seems to be related to a simple performance. Nevertheless, I could see that my grandfather cared a lot for her when I saw the warm emotions that had never been felt before about Yoon Yi Seul.

Minho bites Harmonica in the mouth and surrenders himself like a guitar.

A small music box that breathes, drinks and sounds.

Yoon Yi Seol's ears were deafened by the soothing sound of a musical instrument flowing from the palm of his hand.

“This is the song I just sang. ”

The melody of the introduction that Yoon Lee Seol called Humming flowed through Harmonica.

“Huh? This Harmonica ‘la’ is flattened, so I have to be careful. You know that? ”

Minho was obsessed with playing harmonica and had already fallen into his own world. Yoon Lee Seol watched Min-ho as she sat next to him and began to accompany the guitar to harmonica notes.

A duet nobody listens to.

Yoon Yi Seol felt more satisfied than any stage. I felt as happy in music as I did in ONCE.

“That's nice. I really like it, brother. ”

Minho was playing the melody at the top of the harmonica, and he heard Yoon's theory. Minho also nodded. I knew her music was really good.

After I finished playing, I enjoyed the evening together. Even though I could just sit still and hear the squeaking of the swing, I felt like I was being whispered and told a story.

In fact, we talked about small candles in our own space. Minho was a little greedy.

It's such a good song. Why don't we play more beautifully, more beautifully, more beautifully? You can't do it here, but you can do it there.

Minho picked up a taxi for her and flashed the intention just before parting.

“I have a Hongdae schedule next week. Can I hear it again from ONCE? If you don't mind, I'll be sure to tell you. ”

“I promise!”

Yoon Lee Seol only got into the cab after placing his pinky finger and stamped it several times. Minho waved his hand at the starting Yoon Iseol.

I kept thinking of Harmonica on the way back to the lodge. He squeezes his hand like an air guitar and whistles.

‘It was fun.'

Harmonica was as attractive as the guitar. There were 50 notes on an instrument that was only a hunk in size, and even when he took a breath, he heard a sound.

Yun Yi Seol inherited the harmonica when she was very young and increased her musical sensitivity. If I had handled an instrument since I was a child, would I have been able to do as much as an idealism or a euphemism?

“Arthur, Arthur. ”

Minho shakes his head.

I couldn't sing even if I played it. I've never heard of garram, which is not a good quality, but I've never heard of it.

‘Anyway, I found out today. ’

It was a night when I felt like I was going to faint as soon as I lay down in bed.

It was when Minho had just arrived at the door of the house, singing a nostril.


I got a text on my phone.

Minho, who had opened the inbox, found that there were already several characters.

[I'm on my way to Seoul after the event, thanks to you today! I'll see you at the interview next week. I'll give you a big push in return.]


It was Oshora's text. The unresolved nightmare in the lion's head turned into a phone cover-up. If Oshora had helped me, I would have secured the quantity.

Minho [I'll believe you, comrade.] and then checked the following text:

[Did you get a good demo? This is a picture of a male model taken with me last year. Take a look.]

A photograph was transferred of the West Galaxy and the male model holding a pose. Seo Eun was naturally pretty, but the male model did not have the same impact as the Seo Galaxy.

That's why they must have replaced it.

Minho posed like a male model while walking. Then I took a selfie.

“Hmm... I'm not even grinding, am I? ”

The crisis was that it might be the same if I didn't work really hard. Minho said to the Seo Milky Way [Please take good care, Mr. President! If I get into an odd pose, I want you to stab me right now!].


In the meantime, one more text arrived.

[I promised!]

It was Yoon Yiseong's text that even put on a pinky emoticon. The musical part is definitely like a genius, but the outside part is just a grumpy girl. She was a girl with enough potential to emerge as a national sister in the eyes of Minho who had deep knowledge of Idol.

[Good luck getting home. Be sure to bring the harmonica that day. Let's text.] replied directly.

By the time she had just grabbed hold of the door, Minho realized one thing. Turns out the schedule for next week is to meet all three of them. The snow will definitely be magnificent, but the body is still unaware of how empty it is.

‘Well, if you work hard, you'll be fine. ’

I was very tired because it was a long day. I left my worries as a homework assignment for next week and opened the door to my listing.


object: Granddaughter Love Harmonica

effect: Yoon Yi Seol can play songs composed calmly.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

It's been a little longer since the chapter that tried to deal with the short life expectancy was considered a candidate for Bittersweet.

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