
Fashion Actuary

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In the room with the nameplate "Director Miranda Song" on the desk.

Team Leader Choi was watching the woman who looked so elegant that the word Elegance matched.

The mannequin in front of her is not wearing anything, and her expression is very serious.

‘When you touch something like this, it's motive or death. ’

Despite her young age in her late 40s and working much more vigorously than any other designer, she was a legendary designer who was the number one motivator and first in her career to raise True Fashion as an industry tower.

Team Leader Choi carefully sat on the couch and waved his hands to Kim Soo-young who carefully opened the door. And quietly waited for Miranda's work to be done.

I was excited to see what other works would come out this time. What she made was a design that resembled her personality and was haughty.


At last, Miranda wakes up from silence with her snoring voice mixed in.

“Where's the sample? ”

Kim Soo-young, who was waiting outside, opened the door immediately. After placing the clothes she just brought on the table, Miranda picks a few of them up and puts them on a mannequin.

The blouse in solid colour was harmonized with a two-piece with striped lines. A scarf of Buffalo CheckMooney was worn around the neck and a check pattern bracelet was attached to the wrist.

“What do you think? ”

When Miranda asks, Team Leader Choi, who was sitting earlier, looks surprised.

“What, did you know I was here? ”

“I thought you said you hated that fragrance brand. ”

Team Leader Choi smiled bitterly and replied.

“Cubism style? The stereoscopic is cool, but it doesn't look like much fun. ”

“It's boring, right? ”

Miranda looks around the room and sees the air again, thinking. Then he flicked his finger and said.

“Mix Match ~”

Miranda walks into the closet and opens the door. Inside, there were dozens of women's jackets hanging neatly. One of them she picked up was a knitted jacket.

Team Leader Choi glanced at the jacket on the mannequin.

“Isn't that the sweater Miranda cut? ”

“Now it's a jacket. ”

“When did you design this? ”

The sewing line in the middle of the sweater's clothing was asymmetrical, showing off a different line despite its fine pattern. Team Leader Choi admired it and raised his thumb.

“Complete ~”

After stepping down, Miranda no longer asked for the opinion of Team Leader Choi.


Miranda yells out the door.

“Tell them to come all the scarves and two-piece design teams! I'm going to confirm it before I take my 10 line photo! ”

“Yes, sir. ”

Kim Soo-young hurriedly went out, and Choi choked his tongue.

“Is this a meeting? I'm going to be a jerk to all the hardworking designers since morning. ”

Miranda looks tired, sitting in a chair.

“Are you here to scrub in on my work? ”

Since her narrow-eyed gaze was a sign of her intention to simply say the essence, Team Leader Choi said with a fabulous expression.

“Your recent resignation from your scandal. ”

“We're done talking about it. ”

“Even so, I think the Executive Group has concluded that Miranda is the only one qualified. I have to fill the vacancy, so I'm sure of it. ”

“Enough nonsense. Isn't the marketing team busy? It's payday. ”

In a high-pitched, neurotic accent, you feel a chill in your room. Team Leader Choi woke up to taste again.

“Take a good photo and call me if you need anything. ”

Team Leader Choi waved his hand at Kim Swim, who was busy dialing the phone, and came out of the hallway.


Then, he faced the back of a man who was leaning down with his hands on the wall.

‘I think I saw the model earlier...’


As I was trying to speak, the phone in my pocket rang. It was Park Myeong-guk, vice president, checking the caller. Choi, who was looking around, entered the men's room and tried to speak in a low voice.

“Vice President.”

- Uh, Team Leader Choi. Have you met Team Leader Song?

“Yes, Miranda doesn't care. ”

- I can only empower you if I get confirmation that I'm not going to do it myself. Did you know that more than half the directors have a crush on the Song Team Leader?

“Don't worry, we're working on it. I found a way to avoid the obvious denial in Miranda's mouth. ”

- If Miranda can't be on your side, you have to let her go. The T-brand will sell just fine by making it now. You might need some young blood.

After the call, Team Leader Choi bit his lip.

Vice President is bold. And in order to get on that line, I needed to be brave.

Choi immediately wrote a text.

[Tell him to get started.]


Minho was in an awkward situation in the hallway right next to Miranda Song's office. I haven't been able to move a step since I touched the outer wall.

If the behavior I wanted to know if I could just touch it from the outside of the love space, it was a root.

I can't move! ’

It was the most important reason why images of clothes flashed in my head after they disappeared like a faint light had been absorbed.

At first, my mouth just opened up in the flood of images.

Her outfit had a bold flower pattern, and the outfit of the entire galaxy that she had with her was reincarnated into a minimalistic cistern. Every pair of clothes I encountered tangled up with each other and came up with an unusual design for New York's fashion week runway.

But then again, wait a minute.

I kept feeling anxious that something would happen if I didn't organize the design and spill it out, but I pushed it from the corner of my heart.

This was similar to a feeling of exhaustion without returning it if only one of the beverages listed in the line in the similar refrigerator was crooked.

Once you think about the design, it is in a situation where you want to take your hands off the pressure that you will never be able to move until it changes to the completed form.

"What the hell is this guy? Genius, fashionista? ’

My head was getting more and more complicated, and now I was combining the fashion of people who passed by. I felt like I was going to meddle in the fashion of everyone I've ever met in my life.

Minho stared at the place where Miranda's secretary, who met her in the elevator, was sitting. Luckily, I wasn't too busy calling to care about this place. I definitely had to take my hands off it now, but it was as addictive as being hypnotized. I've already had ten more of these combinations to deal with by the time I'm done directing them.

“Kang Min-ho!"

“Yes… four? ”

Minho stepped away from the outer wall due to the ball manager's loud voice. After taking off my hands, peace came to my mind in a flash.


Minho wiped his heart out. It was the first time I had been so reluctant. It was different and intense, but it seemed to have gone too far.

There seemed to be extreme obsession with being obsessed with something that would affect space. When I touched my love toy, I only had a sense of belonging, but at ONCE I also had a fantasy of playing music.

‘There seems to be a big difference between people in how they treat what they like. ’

The ball manager looks around and asks.

“Isn't this the design studio director's room? You want to say hello?”

Minho was in a hurry to react to the ball manager who was practicing admiration of 'You're fast too.’ I didn't know if I'd just have to go into Miranda Song's space again.

“I was on my way to get a drink. ”

Minho immediately started walking pointing towards the break room.

“You're here early, by the way. ”

“I found the parking spot fast. What about you?”

“I'm in the waiting room. I'll be out in a minute. ”

Min-ho was relieved when the ball manager followed him without a doubt. After sighing like that, I had time to take a look at the ball manager's outfit.

I didn't observe it consciously. The remnants of Miranda's redesigned space were still vivid, which is why I couldn't clear my head right away.

“Somehow the ball manager will look good in leather. Retrospective.”


The current ball manager was a very ordinary outfit in a white southern room, but the imaginary ball manager was wearing '80s retro-style leather.

The ball manager glances at his clothes and says,

“Well, I used to get laundered in everything I wore. I was modeling when I was a little taller. I had a friend set up an Internet shopping mall and took a few pictures. ”

A ball manager who pulls up a collar like a model for no reason. Minho was curious.

“What happened to your friend's mall? ”

“I'm having a chicken house now. Let's go sometime. The fried clothes there are really crispy. ”

I hope you didn't ruin it by using it as your model ball manager. ’

The last time I heard Minho say that she might become a singer, Minho smiled. His dream past story was really diverse.

Min-ho in front of the vending machine asked as he talked.

“What would you like to eat? ”

“No, I'll pay. All of this can be deducted for company expenses. ”

Minho stopped the ball manager from getting the bills out of his pocket.

“It's okay, this one means something to me. ”


The ball manager tilted his head and found the galaxy walking from the photo shoot. When she saw the ball manager, she ran for a month.

“My ball manager. You parked fast. ”

“I've been through a lot more Russian than this when I was running with my previous handler. Haha.”

Meanwhile, Minho, who took the drink, handed out an orange juice bottle to the Western Galaxy.

“Is this okay? ”

“Thank you.”

The West Galaxy smiled and accepted it.

Minho glanced at Miranda's redesigned underwear rather than gladly smiling at her.

Surprisingly voluminous, the shape of the galaxy remained in my head.


As the immersion was unusual, so was the stimulus.

The three of them sat around a table in the break room.

“There's a table in the waiting room. ”

The A4 paper drawn by the Milky Way had detailed photographic schedules and names of the steps.

Minho looked at the time and looked at Jay Kim's participation in the morning make-up time and turned to the ball manager.

“Is Chief Jay Kim coming? ”

“Mr. Lim said he would give me some strength yesterday and must have kept up with his schedule. The KG fashion team will arrive around 10: 00, so I expect you to come with them. ”

He was the best reinforcements at the moment. Minho glanced at the galaxy with a satisfied expression.

“That's great. I won't worry about breaking up today. ”

“Oh my, I'm worried about Min-ho. ”

Minho's eyes were filled with trust, and the nightmare of the lion's head that gave Oshora was refreshing. While I was practicing my hair drying every morning to save waves, Jay Kim's skill level was still around 2 or 3. You can't mess with an angel's head with this.

"Don't leak anywhere. Please come, Chief Jay Kim! ’

Minho desperately prayed to reach the ears of the wind-like man.

“I think it's time for both of you to leave. ”

The ball manager points to the clock on the break room wall at 9: 25. It was only a matter of time before the design studio filmmakers met.

“Galaxy, where's the meeting? ”

“I used to do it right on the set. ”

The Milky Way stood up after checking the time.

The ball manager grabbed Minho's arm before he woke up. Minho's eyes whispered in his ear, "Why?"

“You look great with Seo Milky Way, so try to make a good scene in the coupling notes. Im So-hee's specialty is that it's good for SNS. ”


“Seo Galaxy's followers, created with company accounts, have been blowing up a lot lately. What's good about connections? ”

Minho turned his gaze to the galaxy, which began to move to the scene.

‘It's nice, though. ’

Im So-hee wondered if she could take the picture she wanted intentionally. I've never done it before. You are neither a runway model nor an actor.

“I'll try. ”

“I like the sound of Minho trying. I've never been disappointed. ”

"You can be disappointed for once! ’

Minho followed behind the galaxy, pressing his roaring voice. The ball manager was an avid fan who admired the belief and walked Minho out.

Minho stepped out of the scene and saw that one side of the wall had been transformed into an autumn setting. When I saw that the steps with the lighting and reflective plates were preparing for the rehearsal, I finally felt that the full picture work had begun.

“Seo Eun-hyo, is Kang Min-ho here? ”

Inside, one of the steps called out to the two of you loudly.

“Here you go. ”

In reply to the galaxy, Step approached and said,

“The Director has sent me a message from his office that the meeting is going to be longer. ”


Minho recalled the pressure he felt in the love space of Miranda Song. It was nice to think of the image of clothes as being a design genius, but the outside was a bit uncomfortable.

Step points out.

“I'll walk you through it now. ”

“We're close. We'll take care of it. ”

Seo galaxy looked back at Minho.

“Let's go, Minho. ”

Minho hesitated to follow behind the galaxy and organized his thoughts.

‘If you just sit tight and don't say anything, it won't be a problem. The shoot starts at 10: 00, so you only have to wait 30 minutes. ’

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