
Iron Helmet!

“Min-ho, should I call you? ”

Yoon Iseol, who quickly bounced the guitar to harmonics and finished tuning, looked at Minho. Minho, who was embarrassed by his selfless eyes, was also somewhat calm.

Ten wins by that discount.

As long as you have the key ring, it's only a matter of 30 more minutes. There was no need to use Yoon Yi-sun to negotiate this. Minho, who was ashamed of herself, who was trying to take advantage of her, quietly replied.


Yoon Yi Seol smiled at those who were watching.

“The song is called 'Again’. A savior helped me organize. ”

Minho shakes his head urgently from the side where the camera can't be seen. The arrangement is only possible in a space called ONCE and the rumors are not good.

“Hehe. Okay, okay. ”

Yoon Iseol's eyes looking at Minho drew a crescent.


Yoon Yi Seol's voice flowed from the guitar accompaniment gave a luscious melody to everyone's ears.

“I like the song. ”

“Who are you? You're really good. ”

While the spectators were moved, Minho closed his eyes and fell into a three-minute music trip.

Oh, my God!

When Yoon Lee Seol finished singing, the small space in the corner of the arcade turned into a live stage.

Yoon Yi Seol said he was sorry that there was only one song to be heard among the spectators shouting for encol. The songs of the past that were working for the album were not as straightforward as‘ once again ’.

“Do something! ”

“Yes, Sister! Just one song!”

I looked at Minho, not knowing what Yoon Yi Seul would do, because the heat was restless.

Minho was also worried because she was sure that she would continue to be sorry for her good nature if she just woke up.

‘Maybe that song I heard on the playground would be okay. ’

People wanted it that much, but I thought I could play it with them. Minho approached next to Yoon Iseol.

“Do you have a harmonica? ”


Yoon Lee Seol pulled the harmonica out of the guitar case. As soon as Minho accepted the harmonica, he felt his expectations for playing something he had forgotten for a while.

“You know that song you sang? Stars that sparkle. Let's try to jog my memory. ”


It was a duet that was not planned at all. However, Yoon Lee Seol got into a pose because he was excited, not nervous. Minho next to her looks at her.

Thump, thump!

The song began with a rhythmic beating of the guitar body.

With the humming of Harmonica and Yoon Iseol flowing out, the spectators became quiet as they became audiences who were obsessed with music at once.

The immersion that even the rowdy BGM ringing in the arcade machines has become a chorus for this song. Minho breathed harmonica with a grim heart, and Yoon Yi Seol continued to sing with a happy smile.

“Awesome. This is going to be a huge response if we run this video promotion. ”

DoPD, who was obsessed with cell phone games, turned his head to Cho's words.


“Oh, PD! What the hell are you doing? Min-ho invited an amazing guest. ”


DoPD examined Minho and Yoon's theory with an unappressive glance.

“Well done. The goddess and her knight in the arcade. I'm going to hit the ground. ”

“I don't like subtitles. ”

At the end of the song, the spectators cheered louder than before. Minho waited for the sound to calm down, then said.

“If you want to hear more, come to the streets of music tonight. Ms. Yoon Yi-Seol's performance is at 6: 00. ”

Yoon Iseol thanked Minho for his embarrassment in public relations.

Minho sat on the helmet seat.

“Let's get it over with and go to ONCE, because we're going to finish it sooner than we thought. ”

Around the time of 2 p.m. in the fierce battle of Minho, 60 victories were built. Since then, Yoon Iseol fought alongside him, and the producers gladly agreed with Minho's suggestion that if she won, she would win the second place.

It was an uncomfortable thought of how well a woman would do it.



As she took the fifth consecutive round to victory, the hot choreography quickly poured in the cilantro. An interview started last season with the Ironclad winner and a supreme undefeated champion.

Minho, who was high-fiving the winning Yoon Lee Seol, said a word after seeing it.

“Pretend you're not up against them, but stick them to me. You have to play a game to get a picture. ”

Choreography closed his ears and turned his head. Yoon Lee Seol grabbed Minho's arm as if it was fine.

“If you lose, you lose. I'll try to learn, brother. ”

“Ha, good boy. Good boy. ”


Minho accepted and retreated because he had enough to achieve his goal.

Cho Cho chose a regemery character from Brazil against the Chinese girl in Yun Yi Seul. And from the very beginning, she was driven to victory.

“Wow, you're really good. ”

Yoon Lee Seol looks at the target with a big smile after losing the first round. I was obsessed with winning because of the smile that I had to melt like a spring snow. The will of the superhero was defeated all at once.

“Hahaha. Is that so? ”

“You're the best in here, right? Take good care of her."

The first master suddenly smiled after Yoon Yi Seul.

“No, let's pretend you don't use your feet as much as Chini does. ”

He said this without his knowledge. But what he does is he uses a character called Capoeira. Of course, I lost three consecutive rounds and handed her the victory.

“Thank you, thank you for watching. ”

“No, I won't be beaten by my skills. Ah-ha-ha!”

He scratched his head and disappeared. He had no choice but to make a scene.

“DoPD, we'll be done in no time. We have to find a way……. ”

He turned his head and was speechless when he saw the monitor stone was light.

When he sang, DoPD, who didn't even move, stood behind Yoon Lee Seul to support him just because he was good at playing games.

Cho Cho made a decision.

“The last 10 wins go alone, Minho. ”


DoPD, mixed among the spectators, shakes his head.

“Tell Minho to stop. The remaining 10 wins go to her. ”


Cho looked at DoPD because he thought he heard it wrong.

“You don't know what viewers want. ”

“What do you want? ”

“A girl who plays well. ”

“The viewer I'm thinking of and the viewer you're thinking of is a little different. ”

DoPD listened to Cho and showed Yoon Yi-sul a hand gesture to continue.

Before 3 p.m., Yoon Yi Seol won 100 victories by winning the last contestant. Minho in the back cheered.

Completed on. Game on for 5 hours and 48 minutes. I won 100 Iron Helmets, so I'll see you next time.

What the announcer said on the actual broadcast came to mind because it auto-replayed in Minho's head.

“Good job, Lee Seol! Best, best!”

Minho lifted his hand and liked to leave the arcade. He only enjoyed the game for an hour, but Yoon Iseol whispered in Min Ho's excited reaction.

“This is really good, right? ”

“Of course. It's hard to get off work after one meal in this program. Oh, pretty one! ”

Yoon Iseol glanced up at Minho, who covered her head, and was shy.

“Shall we go to ONCE now? ”

“Yes, brother. ”

Once the goal was cleared, folding the shot cool immediately was the ‘Clear by Turning on’ method, so the background was straightforward.

While Yoon Yi Seul was taking the guitar, Minho held it in his hand to return the key ring.

DoPD was sitting in front of an iron helmet and enjoying a farewell game to send a lonely girl away.

“This has been very helpful, DoPD. ”

“Good work, too. I should have won 200 if I thought I could do that. ”

“Don't be so scary. ”

“Tell Yoon Yi-sul thanks for being here. ”


Min-ho, who took out the key ring and placed it next to DoPD, stared into the puppet's eyes. An empty eye that would suck itself out right now. Once the bandaged side is revealed, you can only feel the anti-AT field spraying.

[You're not gonna die. I'll protect you.]

Minho nodded and replied to the character's words.

“Thanks for your help. I can't believe I made you serious. Farewell? Let's say goodbye for a moment. You must hate me for saying this... Khh! ”

Min-ho hurriedly shut up while he was speaking. The influence of the key ring that I had been patient with all along came out as a "Medium 2" ambassador.

DoPD manipulated the lever with both hands and looked at Minho with an unappreciated gaze.

“You're ducking out of nowhere, Ningen. ”


As soon as he asked in a language he didn't even know, Minho was shocked and took his hand off the key ring. Fortunately, the cameras have withdrawn. Watching was a DoPD.

“I... I'll go. I didn't have a conversation today. ”

“Shame on you. Tell me when you have the courage. I'll show you the good stuff. ”

“No, of course not. ”

DoPD waved his hand as he watched Minho quickly retreat.

“Bye bye.”

Leaving the arcade with Yoon Lee Seol, Minho looked at the key ring next to DoPD. Something that allowed you to experience a deep world that was just a cute little character doll from afar, but you've never seen before.

Sayonara, Ray. ’

* * *

At 3: 30 pm, Cafe ONCE was quiet.

Since the musicians' concert time was late at night, Min Ho and Yoon Seul, who had obtained a non-metabolic permission from the cafe manager, immediately went into production.

“From here on, you can feel the beating of the town with the guitar Percussive, and the drum can follow the doom-doom-doom-doom.”

Minho was standing right in front of the stage, occasionally immersed in music imitating the sound of clumsy instruments. Yoon Iseol, who was playing the new song on a melody, laughed at him, shaking his hands in the air like he was delusional.

“That's enough.”

Min-ho woke up from a vision.

“This song better lead to your emotions. ”

“My emotions? ”

“I think this is the best way for me to hear your smooth and pretty voice. ”

While Yoon Lee Seol blushed his face in praise of Minho's voice, the direction of the curve was set like water.

“Hold still. Just a guitar, a drum, and Cindy. I thought you said the company hired musicians. Tell him I'll make him feel acoustic. ”

As the story about the song was being told in earnest, time passed quickly.

“… we don't just divide the vocal into other elements, we just divide it between the points we need to delicately call and the points where we want to maximize our affection. ”

“Oh my God! How can you know my song better than me? It feels more refined than I intended it to be. ”

“Huh? I just realized...”

“Amazing. How did you study music? ”

“That's the thing, Lee Seol. ”

Minho scratched his head in amazement of Yoon Yi Seul pouring out. It was the same musical orientation as the owner's wife once, so it was only possible by itself, so there was nothing to say.

“I like the music. ”

“That sound again! ”

“It's true. I can't see anyone else's music like yours. ”

“Just my music, right? ”

Is it a mistake to feel her face brightened? Minho pointed to a clock that was almost 5 o'clock.

“We have one hour left, so go get ready for rehearsal. ”

“You'll see, won't you? ”

Yoon Iseul looks at me with a mix of expectations. Minho smiled and replied.

“Of course. Whose stage is it? ”

“Thank God. Wait a minute, brother. I have something for you. ”

Yoon Lee Seol pulled something out of his pocket.


What was in her hand was an invitation that she handmade.

[HY Music Street Performance. Special Event of Yoon Yi Seul with producer Kang Min Ho! Starts at 18: 00.]

On a card with only one palm, the location and timing of the concert were written like a broken egg. On the one hand, Yoon Iseol, who plays guitar, and Minho, who directs it, is a cute picture.

It felt more like a thoughtful letter than an invitation.

“I took the time to make it this morning. If he didn't come, I'd give him a squeeze. Hehe.”

Yoon Lee Seol, who expresses his intentions, smiled at Minho's mouth because his heart was cute. I remember getting a letter from an unnamed chodding in the service of the military, saying, "Hello, Mr. National Guard. For him, it was more than just an invitation, it was a pleasant gift.

“What a producer. He's just a local brother. ”

“I'm not.”

“Thanks anyway. ”

Yoon Lee Seol put his guitar on his shoulder and jumped off the stage. I can't balance it out. "Oh!” I was shaking. Minho quickly grabs her arm, struggling to find something to unconsciously support.

“It's a sham if you don't listen. ”

“I'm sorry."

Minho became a carrot and pulled the guitar from the back of Yoon Lee Seol who lowered his head.

“Let me get that for you. ”

“Oh, it's okay. ”

“If you fall on your way, you won't be able to stand on the stage. If I come to help my program and I get hurt for nothing, I won't be able to face it. ”

Minho walks out loud. Yun Yi Seol, who was looking at his back, did not mean to, but when the results came out of nowhere, curled his hands together and said, “Yes!” I cried.

“What are you doing? You have one hour. ”


When Minho opened the cafe door and shouted, Yoon Yi Seul was scared.

The Hongdae street venue was already packed with people. A number of fans came to hear rumors about HY music as well as popular singers.

Minho turns away and heads to the tent behind the truck because people were camping in front of the stage truck. I walked and looked at the sign on the truck.

“Hyo Kyu is coming today, too. Used to be a big fan. ”

“Hyo-Shin, be nice to me, too. You want me to say hi when you get to know him a little better? ”

“No, you don't have to. Thank you so much for wearing it so cold in the middle of winter. Now there are a lot of grateful idols like that. ”


Yoon Yi Seol smiled. Minho, standing in front of the tent, handed her a guitar.

“Lee Seol, you wear warm clothes in winter and summer. But people will like it enough. ”

“Even if you sweat? ”

“Even if it's red. ”

“I will. Hehe. ”

“Good on stage. ”


Yoon Iseol, who shouted loudly and waved his hands and disappeared. Minho waves his hands together and turns around and looks at the man staring straight behind him, tilting his head. Among all these people, he was only aiming at himself.

"Huh? Did you hit me on the way here? ’

A man in a decent suit approached Minho in the early thirties.

“You're Kang Min-ho, right? ”

“Do you know me? ”

“I'm a resident of HY Music. ”

Min-ho, who received the opponent's business card, was curious when he saw the title that said producer. And the curiosity turned into a slight shock when Jung-min looked at the screen of his cell phone.

During the day, the scene of Yoon Iseol and duet was flowing into the rectum. Video views were also significantly higher than in a few hours.

“I want you to take your hands off Yun Yi Seol. ”


object: Character Keyring in DoPD

effect: In the field of delusions, she excels at her abilities.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I'm going to try and use it as a goal every day this week. ^ ^

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