
Smarter, Prologuer 9827;

That night.

Minho called Father Yoon Hwan after a long time. I'm proud of the bottle and bandages I've received over the past few months, and I'd like to ask you some questions.

As soon as you hear the tone, you hear a thunderous voice.

- What are you, a speed bump?

“I don't have a boyfriend yet. ”

- I want to see my grandson as soon as possible, so don't call me if that's the case. Busy.

“You're always at home. ”

- Looks like you're doing all right. Hang up.

Minho shouted at his cell phone in a hurry.

“I admire my father! Please don't hang up! ”

You got three minutes.

“Things that could use their abilities. I couldn't use it right away because I was touching it. ”

- Have you ever dreamed of becoming an item owner?

“If you had told me earlier, I wouldn't have panicked. ”

- You know as well as I do what you find. I think you can be recognized by the owner of the goods.

Min Ho was overwhelmed by Yoonhwan's blatant disregard.

“Do you think a bottle of water makes you the ultimate alcoholic appetizer? You might wake up the next day sober. ”

I've been working on my hobbies lately. Can you help me?


- There's a bottle of wine in the back cellar that tastes like Bordeaux wine if you put water in it. You know Chateaux? Whiskey, brandy, ginger ale are rolling around in there somewhere. Take it with you when you find it. I just prefer soju no matter what I eat.

“ ……. ”

The Pokémon was at a holding level that was sharply deflected. The difference between the person who had evolved his abilities two months ago and the father who had now begun collecting artifacts and the last 20 years was very large.

Minho thought that the roof would still be the same as what he had in his father's vault.

“I found a car. ”

I found an old plane stuck in the countryside. Fly around the neighborhood if you get hit by an Air Force radar. Don't forget to ride the parachute as it may break.

Minho lost his words for a moment.

“… me, Father. ”

- What's the matter?

“Just sell some of what you have. How much? What would you sell for a billion? ”

- For what? There's money in the garage.


Min Ho decided to hang up after asking him questions about his reaction to the seedless lubrication.

“Where can I find a decent item? Now that you have so many fathers, tell me the secret. ”

- Your dead grandfather cleaned up most of the old stuff that went around the auction, and until recently, he almost wiped out everything I had left. So it would be a waste of time in a professional auction house.

That's why you couldn't see the auction site if you looked at it.

- Oh, there was.

Suddenly, I heard a voice of lubrication over the phone.

- There was one thing I didn't want to go to because it bothered me.


- I knew a little professor about a year ago. Some of this professor's legacy goes to charity auctions. I hate to say it, but he was pretty capable. Just like the clock owner.

If it was a pocket watch, it was still useful until recently. It's worth 300 million.

“What's your address? ”

- 2,000.


- If there's anything to go on, it's coming. We can't give out advanced information for free.

Since I said 2,000, it won't be 2,000 won. I can't believe you're doing this kind of business in one word.

“You said you're full of money. ”

- No, I don't. Hang up.

“Oh, okay. Okay."

- I'll text you when I make the deposit.



Minho had no choice but to become weak when he spoke to his father. After finishing depositing to smart banking in the middle of the night, a text message arrived 'Tiring ~’.

[August 13, 10 am. K-University Civil Society Hall. I'll let you into my acquaintance's participation, face to face.]

‘There's still three weeks left. ’

Expensive information, but the calculation of the money value is a definite circumstance, so you should be able to get some good stuff. Minho regained his mind, swallowed a drop of passion and lay on the bed.

It was just when I closed my eyes.

The phone rang to confirm it was my father, and there was a strange number floating.

- 9898, right? He lives right next door.

“Oh, yes. ”

It was the man next door who met my voice a few times. Did he say taxi driver?


- I have to go now. I don't have room in front of me. Can you pull the car out?

“Wait a minute.”

The parking spot was a tight neighborhood, so I had to put it in a tight space to keep the roof close to me. The space allocated to this listing was difficult to use due to fixed parking of the game console.

“It's a long way to park. ”

Minho, who woke up on the bed, was shaken by the feeling of his head twitching. A drop of the spirit of aphrodisiac began to circulate throughout my body.


The closure of the eyelids was that the body was ready for sleep. What should we do? We should pull out the car.

I slapped him on the cheek and caught him off guard.

With the instinct of a self-awakening racer and the help of a roof, the drive is about three meters long.

‘It's actually just water. ’

Minho wondered what to call him when he drove like this. Maybe it's possible to drive a legendary drink at zero blood alcohol level.

Lee Hong-chul, who was circling around the classical car, was a little surprised by the name of the owner on the windshield.

“I thought you said you were a gamer. How much do you make riding in an alien car? Then why aren't you here? ”


The gate opened and Minho dressed in churning walked out. Lee Hong-chul intuited that he would be forced to walk straight towards himself.

“I'm sorry I'm late at night. Suddenly, I was out for the night. It's about the taxi... ”

Lee Hong-chul was stuck looking at Min-ho. A stumbling block in the snow. It looked like there was a lot of water on my face, but I didn't have enough time to hide my hangover.

“Just... turn it off. I'll take it out.”

Lee Hong-chul, who looked ridiculous, put his hands on Min-ho's shoulders.

“Hey, bachelor. What are you doing drinking? ”

“Don't get me wrong. I'm drunk, but I'm not drunk. ”

Minho opened the door behind Lee Hong-chul, who looked like he was looking at a madman.

“I'm worried that I won't be able to measure the alcohol... Shut up. Don't.”

The car started gently and made room for the rear car to exit. Moreover, I finished parking in a small space on the other side of the street, as if it were a measuring knife.

Lee Hong-chul kicked his tongue but had to admit it because it was a very clean ride compared to the one he was making fun of outside. With 20 years of experience as a taxi driver, that was quite a sense of driving.

“You're making me drink and drive. ”

Lee Hong-chul pulled the car out of the parking lot. I stood next to Minho's car and opened the window.

“Bachelor. I'm sorry to wake you up at night. ”

Minho opened the window and replied.

“No, I parked the wrong car. ”

“You still shouldn't drink and drive. ”

“I'm sorry."

Minho's eyes, which were bloodshot when he opened the door, were restored as if when. Lee Hong-chul was surprised by it and asked.

“Huh? I don't think I'm drunk at all. ”

“I didn't really drink. Drive safely. There's a slight floor across the intersection in front of you, so you might want to avoid that bumper. ”


Lee Hong-chul looked at the dark side, but instead, the floor was just faint in front of him.

“Anyway, it's often at night, so stop in front of the other car without parking it. ”

“Yes, sir. ”

“Of course.”

Lee Hong-chul, who was greeting and running forward, widened his eyes as he glanced at the rear mirror. Minho staggered to the gate as if he were drunk again.

“You pretended you weren't drunk by that little bird? However, young people are useless...”


Lee Hong-chul, surprised by the sound of the bumper in front, stopped the car.

One side of the asphalt in the fork is recessed. I must have done some plumbing work and filled it up.

“Damn, these bastards aren't doing a good job! ”

Lee Hong-chul, who was furious at the fact that Bumper was gassed, tilted his head after recalling Min-ho's words that he had just heard.

“You saw it there? ”

No matter how good the eyes are, it's hard.

“You didn't tell me what you saw during the day. ”

Lee Hong-chul got in his car and disappeared to the other side of the road.

* * *

Last Thursday morning of July.

Minho got into the van of the ball manager who was waiting outside the house, met a stranger and stopped. A young man in his early twenties got up and greeted him in his car.

“I'm Kim Siwan, who will be in charge of Cody from today on! I'll do all sorts of errands, just ask me to do anything! ”

His voice was loud, but I felt a lot of tension in the process. Minho was amused and greeted because it was like a new employee greeting in front of his boss.

“Nice to meet you, but is it just me? ”


Siwan Kim nodding loudly. Minho had not yet noticed that Steps other than the ball manager were in the van.

Are you a candidate for the fixation program? ’

Given the survival of the losing team by round, it could also be an early investment. Minho got into the van with a look on his face because he believed that much.

Kim Siwan smiled brightly and said.

“Make yourself comfortable. I'm young.”

“Excuse me, how old are you? ”


Minho said without any pressure because he was about the same age as the rest of the gaming team.

“Sure. And you can just call me brother. ”

“Yes, brother. Please take good care of him. ”

Minho was once again surprised to see the clothing branches that filled the back seat.

“What the hell is this? ”

The driver's ball manager laughed at Minho's reaction.

“Surprised? Sponsored by the T brand and fundamentally sponsored by the company. From now on, you should think of it as a walking billboard and get dressed. Please talk to Cody when you usually go out. ”

Minho shrugged his shoulders when he said the walking billboard. On the other hand, it was annoying to think that getting out of the house in rough clothes was limited.

‘If it becomes popular, it will be natural. Do I have to care about airport fashion? ’

Happy annoyance is welcome.

“You've made it, me. ”

“We've just begun to receive reasonable treatment for our abilities. Haha.”

The van departs with a cheerful laugh from the ball manager.

“The schedule is, as you know, ‘The Smart Game’ opening filming and production group talks. I heard the Pentathlon is scheduled for tomorrow. ”

Minho nods.

“I spent three days getting help from my subordinates. You'll be fine as long as you practice finishing at night. By the way, the cast outlines are all there, right? I don't know any of them until today. ”

“As far as I'm concerned, there's a lot of struggle. I heard a rumor about a performer you might know. ”

“Someone I should know? ”

“You know the NTV sign, Announcer Jung Seo-yeon? ”

“I know. He's like the first masterpiece. ”

It felt like picking one person for each job, so I anticipated that an announcement might have an emotional connection.

‘She's the smart broadcaster. ’

It was a short time on a quiz show where I appeared to test coins, but I also rode a strange airflow. I felt as excited as I could see her again. She was also the first woman on the show to feel excited. Of course, I've seen other attractive women since then.

‘I'm not dating a woman. You don't have to wait for a girl to come. Hehe.’

It was Minho who drank Kim Chik soup for no reason.

When the van stopped in the parking lot inside the NTV station, Kim Siwan in the back seat asked behind his clothes.

“Manager, what should I wear for Minho? ”

The driver's ball manager turns his head.

“Pick something really cool. Min-ho can get some celebrity teas among the ordinary participants. ”

“Then I guess suits are better. Here, Min-ho. ”

Kim Siwan took out his suit and gave it to Minho. The Italian logo was an impressive garment.

“That's not the T brand. It looks like a very expensive brand. ”

“My older brother was going abroad, so I came to meet Minho's size. ”

“It's my first day. Do you even know my size? You must have a lot on your plate. Good luck in the future, Kim Cody. ”

In Minho's compliment, the ball manager glanced at the rear view mirror.

“Even if Siwan looks like a novice, he still has a lot of eyes to take care of clothes. ”

Kim Siwan smiled brightly without saying.

Minho changed into a suit and got out of the van. I was trimming the clothesline, and a young man stepped out of the other parking lot in the window.

‘I saw it somewhere. ’

The user turns its head to look at the target. Skinny jeans that stick to your rugged hip-hop hat. The touching walk was a typical wrapper.

“Is Jinkyu a participant too? ”

Minho was disappointed when he recalled the talents of excellence he encountered on the radio. I think it was yesterday that he was going to write a dissertation about himself, trembling, but it was almost two months ago.

Jinkyu did not find Minho and disappeared into the building with the manager.

‘It was a bit of a bloodbath. ’

There are athletes with similar tendencies to Jinkyu in the Pentagon. If you touch them gently, they won't tolerate your anger, so you have to drive the Warlords out and take a disadvantage blow. Min-ho grins, thinking that there's no better food than the one you already know.

I had confidence that if someone had to fall, I could fall later than Jinkyu.

The ball manager who got out of the van looked at Min-ho's body.

“You're making such a fuss. ”

Seeing that the ball manager put something on his eyes during the first fixing, it seemed to be an automatic calibration. Minho robbed the sleeve with a shy look on his face.

“Expensive clothes, I guess. ”

“You liked the hangers. Haha!”

The ball manager starts walking into the station with an excited look on his face. I can't stop laughing all morning. Kim Siwan, who had a suitcase, also followed.

Minho looked at the two people who were walking ahead and felt different from before. You know, it's just one more person, and it feels like a team that moves around to get things right.

‘I feel like I've become a real celebrity. ’

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