
The Unity League and the Flaming Men.

Coach Ahn's glasses, which were distracted by the game check, shimmered with the sunlight.

“Min-ho, you? ”

“Can you make it a replacement? ”

I looked at Minho with surprising eyes. Minho didn't want to join the team a few days ago, but he felt like he was having an affair.

“The director may be sensitive to the costs of the reunion. Wouldn't you rather cheer instead of overdoing it today? There's a league game left.”

“Don't worry. The hole will never work. ”

Min Ho was not very good at sports two years ago. I admitted it, and all I had to do was walk the line.

When he thought about it, his eyes widened when he saw the woman who appeared behind Minho. Seo Milky Way smiled and approached.

“Hello, I followed Minho. ”

“Garam's been coming since morning. He's really here. Nice to meet you."

It wasn't until I saw her that I realized why Min-ho was suddenly going to do it. You want to look good in front of a beautiful woman, because that's a desire any man can have. However, as a coach who didn't like to just rate E sports as skill-driven, he could not trust unknown folklore.

“Go to the next quarter. It's okay to run for a while as a replacement. ”

Even though Minho ruined it, he thought it was enough to catch it in the second quarter.


A quiet man quickly followed Minho to the tent appeared on the basketball court.


Minho bowed his head as the West Galaxy bowed.

“Mr. Seo?”


“Wow, it's good to see you. ”

Calm John was surprised by the fact of the beautiful Western galaxy, even though he had no toilet at all, but soon he managed to manage his face. It was because I instinctively felt that any woman other than the one who was about to become my wife should be treated like a stone.

“What about you?”

When Minho asked, John's gaze pointed toward the lawn.

“Stay with the director. I'm here to call you Seo Milky Way. You want to play basketball? You know how to do that? ”

“I know how to do it. I don't know how much. ”

A calm expression on Minho's confident face said, "Oh!"

“Did you do something in the army? I'll have to give you one when you're out of the game. Basketball is a bottle of Jem.Shall we go soccer or something? ”

Calm John thought about what he was going to do, and his gaze stayed on the other side where S1's coach and reserve players were sitting.

“That's right. One of our newcomers, FPS, was a basketball player in high school, and he's the dominant. I didn't ask you to have fun on this day. ”

Minho's gaze was fixed on the one person who looked like he could only play basketball, even though he was sitting in a body shape.



“Looks like we're gonna have to put you in the race for the game to get a little tense. ”

“Are you serious?"

“Of course.”

Since I've been watching Minho since her debut, I was only surprised that she would exercise.

“If he goes in there, he'll never win. ”

“There's no such thing as an absolute battle, brother. ”

Minho brazenly insisted.

The first quarter ended marginally with a score of '18 to 19’ with a leading of S1.

A three-minute break.

KG players noticed that the Milky Way had arrived. Especially Karam, who was a fan of the West Galaxy among his direct descendants in Pentathom, cheered vigorously.

“Davaak! Please sign the Seo Milky Way... ugh! ”

Minho grabbed Garram's neck and pushed him back.

“Don't even think about getting signed today. ”


The galaxy smiled, looking at Garam with its eyes wide open.

“What if you left me signed? I wanted to do it, but I strongly discouraged Minho from helping the game league. I'm sorry, Min-ho. If you win, I'll give you a fever. ”

“Ah……. ”

After returning to his taste, he widened his eyes when he saw Minho wearing the vest with 14 number tags.

“Min-ho, are you going out? ”

“That's it. ”

“What about position?”

Minho bounces his head off the basketball that was rolling.

“Sounds like an Old-Round. I'll just try and fit in. ”

“Oh, Ollie? Who, my brother? ”

Garam snorts.

I said, "Don't look at me like I'm playing basketball. My body is still running week after week because of my basketball sense. You see the scoreboard? It's a quarter to 10. I'm an Ace of KG. Basketball genius.”

Minho glanced up and down the stream. Number 23, protection on the right wrist. He even wore an Air Jordan, and it looked like he was impersonating a famous NBA player. Just do something about the ship.

“I saw you shoot a one-hand earlier. But after you jump, you throw the ball as high as you can. Bunny? Throw it as soon as you jump. That's why you have a 30% chance of success. ”

“30%? ”

“You threw 16 and got five. ”

Garram shakes his head, "That's ridiculous." Even the coach, who didn't check the game carefully, heard this conversation and shook his head.


“Hey, he's not the daily basketball director. ”

“Minho must have missed the first step in a row. Five out of 18. ”

“Oh, Coach...”

The halted strangler looked at the galaxy, which was about to burst into laughter, and suddenly he turned around.

“You know Minho's basketball game. So you recognize these shoes, too? ”

Garam is proud to show off the NBA player's carved basketball shoes as he leaps up to Dunk.

“A clumsy '92 model! A treasure I paid for in Auction! ”

Minho glanced at the basketball boots.

“Isn't that Air Jordan 8 in '92? It's attached to an X-word Velcro, but it doesn't have yours. Are you a cop?”

“Is that possible? ”

“Ah, model number nine. Don't get me wrong. Number nine is a model that was launched when your admirer briefly retired for the Outdoor. ”

After realizing that Minho was full of basketball knowledge, Garram had no choice but to retreat.

In the meantime, the three-minute break is over.

With three league players from different genres. Minho, who had been replaced, gathered in one place.

The coach didn't say.

“Defensive first. At your level, you make fewer mistakes, and the scoring team wins. ”

I was ready for the second quarter with my hands together and shouting for a fight.

I shouted brightly at the players entering the West Galaxy.

“KG wins! ”

Her cheerful voice was also conveyed on S1's bench. Thanks to this, not only the KG player but also the S1 player was burned.

It's one summer. Today was a hot day.

The second quarter began with KG's preliminary election.

Garam, who ruled as an Ace and served as a tower, gave up his first pass and thought because he was a rebel against Minho's skills.

“Let's go, Minho. ”

Min-ho smiled brightly as she asked me to try. I felt the familiar air as soon as I stepped on my coat, so it was natural to flick a basketball.

‘I think the ball is attached to my body. ’

Of course I did.

The body rushes forward and the ball follows without any objection. Minho reaches the opponent's coat in an instant, without any paint moves, one person approaching to stop him.

Minho bounced the ball twice on the floor on a three-point line, even the team members were delayed in a sleek move. And he shoots the ball straight at the basketball court.

Get out of here!

Goal entered by surprise while drawing a clean parabola. Minho, who realized he had already gone in before shooting, adored the wrist protectors that made him in a professional condition.

“Did you... did you play basketball well? ”

Ga-ram, who still hasn't come over the coat, was amazed. What he couldn't do was show a sign to Garram that Minho should go back.


Garram nods.

“Everyone, Defense! It's an inversion. Let's keep this score! ”

21: 19. It was the moment Minho climbed the Commander Tower with just one play.

S1 exchanged passes and crossed the coat. Turra Minho, a tactic dedicated to individuals without the need for regional defenses, fell into a conflict over who to mark.

‘It's convenient to shoot straight and somehow be near a three-point line. ’

Minho's choice was the shooter's guard mark. The S1 player who was aiming for an opportunity to come and go right in front of him was trying to play basketball, but Minho's current state was not at an interesting level.

Rather, the player under the huge goal looked threatening.

“Stop them!”

Garam shouts to his centerpiece companion, but S1 simply takes a pass and shoots him down.

21: 21. Garam handed the ball back to Minho.

Minho drove the ball to the center line and slowly looked around his coat. Be aware of only number 15. Other than that, there was no one who could stop him.


A ball that left its left hand and touched the ground, then passed over with the right hand drawing a V-letter. The eye looks straight ahead, but as you twitch your shoulder to the left, the opposing team is stunned and reaches for you.

Minho turns to the right and breaks through. The Norman Chance stands at the three-point line and sprints toward the big man standing below the goal.

‘My timing is much faster. ’

The ball left Minho's hand. The ball that was hit and emptied into the backboard was scored.

24: 21.

The coach who was watching the three-point shot in a row jumped up.

Minho met his eyes with the tranquility sitting on the bench of S1. Calmness nods at the gesture of asking me to send the person I mentioned earlier.

“Defense. Defense! ”

Returning to the back of the coat, KG takes advantage of the opposing team's catapult failure. A colleague who won the rebound passes to Minho.

“Minho. Score big this time. ”

Garam ran forward and said. Despite his slow pace, Minho was faithfully watching SmallForward's position as he was guarding it, and he felt that he had a basketball sense.

Minho grabbed the ball and crossed the center line and the players of S1 shook.

Minho blindly sees two men running to mark himself, pushing the ball inward. As they reach for the shot at the three-point line, the two men rush in and interrupt.

As I jumped up in the shooting motion, I ran as hard as I could to disturb Minho's view as I could.

Minho jumped up and down, confirming that Ram was a normal mark and passed.

“Your left hand-! ”

Garram fires a jump shot with a loud shout.


The ball bounced off of the basket into the hand of the big one, 15 times.


Minho shakes his head. You believe in a 30% chance of passing. Garam scratches his head because of Minho's bitter gaze.

“I'm sorry. My left hand's a little loose. ”

“Your left hand is just your girlfriend. I told you to jump and throw. ”


S1's coach, who was watching the referee, raised his hand.

“Replace fighter! Number 6, Dongho out. Myeong Woo Man 9. ”

Minho's gaze, which returned to his backcoat, was also directed at the appearance of Shinwoosung, who was wearing number 9.

“There you are.”

Garam stood next to Minho and asked.

“Do you know him? ”

“No, but basketball is good. ”

“Whoa. Muscle joke. ”

A muscle that looks firm on a neatly shaved head. Xinwoosung stood on his coat with a confident gaze.

Mysterious star who received the ball and started dribbling at the same time as the whistle signal. You gently bend the guard and dig underneath your bones. Garram, who was standing under the goal, intercepted again, but easily turned around to make a Norman chance.

“No way!”

Minho hurriedly stopped Shin Woo-sung from shooting.

Myeongwoosung slammed into his body, not caring. At this rate, Minho felt like a foul and left in a hurry. However, unlike what I thought, my body was slow.


Unlike Minho, who is stumbling and pushing, the unevenly balanced mysticism strikes a lay-up shot.

All right.

He was also called to the foul. The score again tied to 24: 24 when the mysticism cleared the goal with basket count.

Shinwooseong looked at Minho.

“You seem a little off, but you don't have much stamina. ”

Leaving this behind, Minho rubs his shocked shoulders as he looks at his bridegroom returning to his coat.

It was natural for my body not to follow me when I was in a hurry. Senses are pro bono, but they're average.

The game that seemed unilateral became interesting.


“It's a deep story!”

In the meantime, a shout is heard from the bench of S1. The Simgayeon, who was with the supervisors, came to the basketball court looking for calm. As the beauty stood one by one on both coats, the atmosphere in the coat became even more stringy.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I'm a little nervous about the holiday season. The next one will probably be on Saturday. [nonsense response]

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