
Deep Dark History

After the story ended, Jung Myung also watched the video while the advertisement went out.

“Wahaha! Minho, this is hilarious! Let's move on to the last story. Is that okay?"

Minho finished preparing his mind. As long as the video remained, it was known later, and I thought it was a breakthrough.

It would be less tiring to properly explain the situation at that time at this opportunity.

‘There are ways to avoid it. ’

After listening to the story for more than an hour, I realized that it's only natural not to make a duvet face in a situation where I want to be a duvet. It's better to wrap those childless days as memories.

Let's do it! ’

[On-Air] is on fire.

“This is the story of the damage. It's Minho next to me... ”

I read the article on the bulletin board. The Earl smiled silently as well as his PD.

“If you're in front of a computer, try searching for videos. In fact, it's a bummer, bummer. ”

Jung Dong-mook, who had a smile on his mouth, asked Min-ho.

“Tadasha, how did you leave this video? ”


Minho said, watching an explosion of text pour out on a monitor that could see real-time reactions.

“I had an early KG Phoenix national tour fan meeting. I was the youngest kid to play with the bragging organ. At that time, I went out and danced thinking I had to work hard. It came out of some quality. ”

[This is the dance of legend!]

[Dance for me.]

[Too bad it's not on the radio]

Minho continued to speak calmly, as if he was never ashamed of the letters.

“A magical choreographer with a groundbreaking twist? ”

Jang Dong-kook laughed and mimicked Min-ho's dance.

“Shhh! ”

Minho was not embarrassed by Zhang Dong's evil mockery. The moment you make an angry face, you lose. Minho said, staying as calm as possible.

“For those of you who want to learn, you have to bend your arms, attach them to your forehead, and move rhythmically. Step by step is the point. ”

[Oh, Kang Min-ho. It's so cheesy, it's so real.

[It's addictive!]

A professional dancer, not a gamer?]

Many of the listeners' reactions were favorable. Minho was relieved that the results of the explosion were not bad.

Meanwhile, I heard the news to Jang Dong Myung's PD, and his face turned pale.

“Oh! Gentlemen. Kang Minho is ranked # 1 in the Sword! ”

PD has turned one of the monitor screens to the main portal site. Minho was a little surprised to see his name was first place. The company would have loved it.

Related searches are also ranked? ’

‘Kang Min-ho's Choreography’ and ‘Kang Min-ho's Magical Choreography’ continued, and ‘Kang Min-ho's Lee Seol’ also ranked the search terms. What happened was that what had already been featured on the video site appeared first in search.

“Hey, it's not easy for a cast to take the top swordsman on the radio. ”

He admired that the show was over, and he pointed to Minho's watch.

“Minho dancer. If that's the end of it! ”

“I had a lot of fun coming out today...”

Jang Dong-kook nodded his head and showed Min-ho's dance again. Minho continued his remarks quietly.

“... It's been a long time since I've seen you. I want you to remember my dance as a memory. ”

“Did you hear that? Let's keep going to the top of the Blade! ”

Jang Dong-kyung shouted excitedly and began to say the ending.

“Guys, it's almost 4: 00. I'll see you tomorrow at 2: 00 if you cry. Goodbye, everyone."

Minho put down his headphones. [On-Air] turns off the light and sends you a greeting that the steps have done well.

Jang Dong-mook smiled and raised his thumb.

“Min-ho, you're so radio-sensitive. ”

“I've done this before. ”

“Programmers and broadcasters. It's the ultimate dark horse. ”

“Not yet. ”

Min-ho woke up from his seat and smiled meaningfully.

“See you in round two. This time I will definitely be number one. ”

“I want to be number one on the list. ”

“Suck it! I'm annoyed that I'm actually going to do it. ”


Minho stepped out of the booth with the satisfaction of finishing today's schedule, and the vibration of the phone rang and held in his hand.

Minho's eyes widened as she confirmed the sender's name.

“Minho, congratulations on top of your swordsmanship! ”

The ball manager walks away with a full face smile.

“Radios are painters when you're on the radio. I think it's a good idea.”

“I see.”

Minho hurriedly said with his eyes fixed on his cell phone.

“Go down first. I'm gonna go talk to him. ”

Minho ran out of Huddak and picked up his cell phone in a single run to the unlikely corridor.

[It's Yeon-hee. I was surprised to hear from you on the radio, and I called your house, and my dad gave me this number. Call me when you get this.]

“Haha…. ”

The real reason why the embarrassing video was not greatly embarrassed even though it was public. It was because there was an embarrassing story to be found out.

Jin Yeon-hee.

At some point, the memories of the time when I was deeply buried in a corner of my heart lifted my head. As the spring wind melts and sprouts sprout. As soon as I heard the name, my excitement grew.

Minho pressed the call button with his trembling fingertips.


The signal seemed too short a time. I don't have time to think about what I'm going to say if I suddenly get it.


Then you hear the sound of a handset. Minho opened his mouth carefully.

“It's me.”

“… Minho? ”

First love, Minho smiled unknowingly at her voice.

* * *

For Minho, his first love came during the summer of the third year of middle school and when he was thinking about his career after graduation.

Minho decided to go to high school rather than join the gaming team immediately, and looked at the curriculum to study behind the scenes. Meanwhile, an elderly man in the neighborhood recommended a person who was famous for being number one in all schools.

Partnering with the same school that was already teaching several children in the neighborhood. That's her, Jin Yeon-hee.

She was a praised model student at school and an active and kind daughter at home. She was like an idol in the neighborhood that took the cuteness of adults by herself.

She came with a bunch of references from day one and pressured Minho.

Minho was ashamed to learn from his comrade, but he went crazy and aimed to quit school. In fact, she was prettier and bluffing.

A uniform and a ponytail. Clear, flawless skin. Even a grumpy face grinning at the tip of his nose when he was focusing on something. The night I met her, all I could think about was her, and I couldn't sleep easily.

After the summer went on and the midterm exam went well, Minho's classes were not over. In addition, the two of them became as comfortable as they were childhood friends.

Unlike Minho, whose emotional expression was awkward, she was always cheerful.

She suddenly raises her head to explain the problem to Minho who was asleep, or takes away the drink she was enjoying and smites with a smile. Even when I messed up the house and listened to my father, she was smiling on her knees together.

She used to make fun of Minho, who had a fluttering face every time. However, I did not lose my smile by my side.

When Christmas Eve came, Minho decided as a man. I confess.


Pure times when I didn't know exactly what it was like to like someone. That was seven years ago now.

Minho sat in a cafe overlooking the Han River and waited for Yeon-hee with trembling emotions. I had a schedule for the evening, but I couldn't wait until I reached out to the ball manager and came straight from the radio station.

Arriving at the cafe with an appointment at 4: 30.

I still have half an hour before she gets here, but I keep slipping through the entrance.


My throat burned and I swallowed a drink.

‘Why are you so nervous? ’

Memories are to be refined and corrected. At that time, even though I was trembling, it often turned out to be nothing. It was the same with the clip taken a long time ago.

However, the work with her was still alive. When I thought we'd meet again, my heart felt so small and my heart trembled without any reason, the space in Iran was so colorless for seven years.


Minho turns his head, startled by someone's call.


Minho stood up.

The seventeen girls, whom I thought I had forgotten for a long time, are now standing before me as a lady. Nevertheless, what remained of the old impression made Minho's heart skip.

“Wow, you're so tall. ”

Yeon-hee smiled at Min-ho.

“Your father was tall, too. It's jealous DNA."

Although the words didn't come out well because of the panic, Minho tried to keep his smile on. Nevertheless, the feeling of stiffness did not go away.

“Yeon-hee, you're done, too. ”

“Well, now you're a socialite. ”

“Just sit down. ”

Minho pointed to a spot and threw his gaze at the menu board in front of the counter.

“What would you like to drink? ”

“Huh? I'll take this one. ”

Yeon-hee is already sitting down, drinking the ice tea she was eating. Minho turns his head from the menu panel and raises his voice without his knowledge.

“Hey, that's mine. ”

“Shame. I'm thirsty because it's so hot out there. ”

Yeon-hee who drank all the remaining drinks seemed fine put down the cup.

“I'll have another one of these. ”

“You look exactly the same. ”

“Huh, really? ”

Minho laughed. I felt a lot of tension that I was holding at once. Minho quickly ordered two glasses of iced tea.


Yeon-hee winked thanks for taking the cup. Minho asked Yeon-hee to shut up.

“How have you been? ”

“I just graduated from college last year and came to Korea. ”

“Were you still in America when you left? ”


“Then you must be very good at English. ”

“You did well before you left. ”

Just as I met my best friend once, the conversation became clear.

“... I listen to the radio a lot because I don't know Korean, but I heard a lot of names from somewhere. I did a search, and it's just your face, right? The video…”

“Erase it from memory. ”


Yeon-hee smiled because her belly button fell out. Minho folded his arms and turned his head out of the window as if to do whatever he wanted.

“But Minho. ”


“Do you have a girlfriend? ”

It was a question that had to be stopped. Seven years ago, when Christmas Eve came to mind, Minho couldn't answer.

“And you?"

Yeon-hee smiled shyly at Min-ho's question. She was different at this moment, though she only knew it was her own to be ashamed of.

“I'm seeing someone. ”

The first love I've encountered in a long time is loving someone else. Why are they nodding even though they are full of regret?

Yeon-hee who was shy disappeared and cheered up again suddenly pushed her head to Min-ho's side.

“Why don't you answer? ”


“Don't you have someone you like? ”

Minho thought about it. Some people liked it, but the relationship was not advanced enough to call it a girlfriend.

“I don't know.”

“What? Min-ho, you're just the same. ”

Yeon-hee frowned and glanced at Min-ho's face.

“At this point, your face was forgiven. On the radio, he's got a sense of humor. Celebrities make good money. ”

“What are you evaluating? ”

“It's weird that you don't have a girl you like. Be confident.”

The two-hour conversation had to be closed because of Minho's schedule.

Yeon-hee stretched out her hand to Minho as if she was sorry. She shakes his hand and says,

“I can't say I'll be in touch often in the future. I think I'm going back to the States with him. ”

“Live well. ”

“You, too. ”

It was enough to know that Yeon-hee was sincerely helping herself. I don't know about anything else, but the look on his face was not different from the look on his face every day.

Minho just found out. Regrettable, yet refined reasons. If it was a woman who really liked him, even if it was love with another man, I sincerely pray that she will be happy forever.

“Thank you, Yeon-hee. ”

In fact, Minho was thankful for clearing his mind.

“And now forget about it. ”


“Christmas Eve. That day. ”

“Oh, that? ”

Yeon-hee said with a big smile.

“Idiot, do you think your first love will be easily forgotten? ”

Seven years ago, Christmas Eve.

On the snowy night, Minho stood in front of her house full of excitement. Inside the coat was a bundle of flowers that was too thick to hide.

“What are you doing?"

Min-ho's security to hide it somehow was hardened by the appearance of Yeon-hee with a smile.

“Ah……. ”

Minho was standing there for a long time. Yeon-hee waited silently with a warm face as the snow piled up underneath her feet.

The sadness stayed for a moment, and Minho's face, which was looking at Yeon-hee, was red for no other reason than cold.

And a confession of courage.

“I like it.”


It was Pinzan of Yeon-hee who came back.

“Are you saying no? ”

“You can't say no. I answered that a long time ago. ”



In retrospect, all the actions that made Minho's face turn red were her confessions.

Minho picked up a bunch of flowers that had fallen off the floor and handed them to Yeon-hee. And he hesitated.

“We're one day from today, right? ”



Yeon-hee said as if she was sorry.

“I'm an immigrant. ”

“Uh, where? ”

“America. I don't know when it will come. So I'm sorry. The answer is...”

I couldn't ask why he didn't tell me. Minho's tears poured out on Yeon-hee's face.

I conflicted a hundred times over what to say. Then Minho said.

“Good. When we meet again, if no one is dating, then let's get married. ”

“What the hell. ”

Yeon-hee nodded her head while wiping her tears with a wet voice. The conversation of a sixteen-year-old who was pure seemed to stop it.

Seeing her with a smile, Min-ho was a little more courageous. Then I approached her.

“I have to check. ”

Lips and lips that cling to application. It was frozen and cold, but the cheeks were all hot and sweet.

That was the day I confessed to my first love and was rejected. Nevertheless, it was my first kiss.

* * *

“… people below are considered Laptop Advertising Models. We want to put Minho at the top of the list, thinking he's right. ”

Head of Advertising at KG and head of the meeting with the Head of Public Relations.

Minho was lost in thought.

When the bear remembers that day, he realizes he was really stupid. It was immigration. I had to go anyway. Then why didn't you get along with her before?

If the time of confession had been much more advanced, would Yeon-hee's long-standing heart still have remained in another country?

‘What's the point now? ’

After finishing the theorem that it was the first love and did not come true, it is because of the tenderness that comes because it did not come true.

“What do you think, Minho? ”

Minho quickly woke up from his thoughts. I was wearing the ring, but I was still remembering the important discussion.

“I used to advertise the same brand of keyboard when I was a member of the gaming team. ”

“Then I have more points to appeal to. Okay."

The meeting ended late at night.

“Well done.”

Min-ho nodded silently at the ball manager's greeting. There was nothing hard about my body, but it was a video of my first love.

“We'll get you to your place right away. ”

Min-ho left the meeting room to check the time. She took out her phone and saw that there were five text messages and her eyes widened.

I quickly opened it to see if it was her.

Min-ho, when are you going to finish?]

Wait in the choreography room.

[I don't even have time to answer.]



Minho reminded me of his promise to play Pentathlon in the evening.

“Hey, ball manager, wait a minute. ”

Min-ho ran to the choreography room on the fourth floor and opened the door. The fire is extinguished and the inside is quiet. I closed the door again because I thought I'd already been pissed off.


In the meantime, Minho looked at the ring of his left hand without knowing the placement of the objects inside and the landscape clearly remained in his head. Then I remembered that I saw a shadow lying in the corner begging me to sleep.

I opened the door again and lit the fire. Oshora was sleeping coolly next to the mirror, wondering if she was tired from choreography.

“It's a conch.”

Minho approached Oshora.

“If you sleep on the bottom, go back to your mouth. ”


Osora opened her eyes to the light and popularity and found Minho's face.

“Older brother? Yaaaahhh!”

“I've been busy with the meeting, sorry. ”

“Somehow. I can't help it, it's work. ”

I stared straight at Minho as if he were suddenly reminded of Oshora who stood up.

“You're hiding something from me, right? ”


Osora grabs her phone on the shelf, finds a video and sticks it out. On the screen, a muffled video was playing on the radio for a long time today.


“The back drum. You want more guidance on the Pentagon now? ”

Min-ho, who thought the road would run wild, was bold. Osora kicked me in the tongue.

“Whoa, that's so cool. ”

“There's no need to cling to this. We'll get along just fine. ”

Osora shrugs, shaking her head as if she couldn't take it.

“That's right."

Minho flicked his finger.

“I have one for you, too. I think it was accidentally photographed on my phone when I was filming the youth journal...”


“Your saint. ”

Oshora panicked and rushed to Minho's cell phone. However, Minho's reaction to wearing the ring was similar to that of a trained agent.

A simple response to grab Oshora's left arm and twist it to the side, shaking the center as it is.


Osora lost her focus while grabbing Minho's side.


Minho suddenly seized Oshora's falling body, realizing that she had later defended unconsciously.

Thanks to you, they both lost their balance and rolled the floor. Min-ho swung away for a moment and fell first. It was an agent's instinct to protect his important goals.


The coup d 'etang!

Minho looks at Oshora, lying on top of him. I tried to push her for a bigger impact than the shock behind my back, but I couldn't get up right away because she was holding the collar tightly.

“What was that? ”


“My brother's arm is sticking out and I just feel sick. ”

“Why are you jumping in? ”

Oshora's innate figure was also conveyed to Minho because she was only wearing light clothes because of her choreography practice. Usually, he would have ridiculed and finished it with "heavy."

I didn't know if it was because of the sadness about the first love I met in a long time or because I followed the courageous disposition of the ring owner. Minho said something unusual.

“If I haven't heard from you, why did you wait? Do you like me that much? ”

The agent's instincts make me feel very shortsighted.



“Yeah, I just... ”

“Then I'll just... ”

Minho puts his hand on Oshora's cheek. And I took my lips slowly. It was confirmed that Osora was shrunk, but she was not a doctor of rejection.

Signals we didn't notice seven years ago. At this moment, the agent's instincts were clear.

Osora closes her eyes tightly.

The moment your lips and lips are about to touch.

“Minho! Where are you? ”

You hear the ball manager's voice from the hallway. Minho swung his head and lowered Oshora to the ground.

“I'm late today, so I'll teach you another time. ”

She sighed as she saw Minho leave the choreography room waving her hands. Her face was red as a scarlet.


relic: Agent's Ring with Trained Instinct

effect: Everything you hear in your ears for one minute is clear to remember.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

The final volume of the chapter was vague, increasing the amount of Hanwha.

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