
everyday, cosmetic, and...

“Mom, Mom! ”

Izzie, who was waking up in the morning with her scattered daughter's commotion from the morning, asked what she was doing. Yoon Lee Seol hurried to stand in front of Mother.

“Where's the dryer? ”

“Next to the living room mirror. ”


“What brings you up in less than seven o'clock? ”

“Day with Min-ho...”

Yoon Il-sul said, 'Yikes!’ As she smiled, Izzie smiled. The two mothers who resemble each other looked awkward for a moment and exchanged good looks. Lee Lee quickly realized that the angle of the ladle in his hand was rising.

“I'm going to hang out with my friend Sunyoung. He's been really depressed lately. ”

Ji-eun looked down at Yoon Lee, who was pitying her for not giving her excuses. She put down the ladle in her hand.

“I see, my daughter. ”

Nod. Nod.

Yoon Yi Seol looked innocent and relieved. And... the Smash of Mother's Back flew away.



Yoon Lee Seol stroked Arin's back and inflated the ball.

“Come on. I was supposed to work on a song with the owner of the river. ”

“Sweetie, you're so dumb. Do you think mom hit you for going on a date? I think Kang Minho is fine. I helped my daughter get a job when she graduated from high school. You don't look weak. ”


Izzie got up and asked Yoon Ik-hyun, her son, who came out of the room.

“Son, how does your sister look? ”

While yawning, Yoon Ik-hyun looked up and down Yoon Lee Seol.

I don't know where the towel fell, but the water came out of my head. Pants were on the outskirts, but their tops were literally pajamas. No matter how much I added the positive score to my family, the total difficulty of 'uncovered' was overwhelmed by my sister's whole body.

“It's an artist, an artist. If I were the head of the river, I'd only want to play real music with my sister. ”

My sister, who poured milk into a cup with a chic expression, added a word.

“Funny music, too. ”

Yoon Iseol, who was pouting his lips, muttered as he glanced at his brother.

“Pan. Now pay your allowance. ”

“Whatever. That's enough from my dad. ”

“You're not kidding! ”

After leaving the kitchen, Yoon Lee Seol stood in front of the full-body mirror, past the living room with a uniform family picture. And I lost my words.

“Ah……. ”

It was embarrassing to go out like this.

Minho, who was looking in the rearview mirror, found Yoon Iseol, carrying a guitar to the entrance of the apartment complex. Even though I was wearing shorts on a plain blouse top, my skin was really white and noticeable.

“Lee Seol!”

Minho reached out his head through the window and waved his hands. As Yoon Lee Seol approached with a happy face, he suddenly twisted his feet.


You hear a short, high scream. Her cheeks tighten, almost centered. I stumbled again, covering my face with my hands like that. I noticed why, but I was wearing women's shoes with heels.

“Watch your step. ”


Why do you wear sneakers all of a sudden? Minho laughed. Yoon Il-sul, who opened the door of the passenger seat, put the guitar in the back room.

“Hello, Minho. ”

“Nice to meet you.”

When Yoon Lee Seol got on board, even though it was a hot summer, I felt a fresh spring breeze.

Min-ho asked, leaving the car.

“What's with the title song? If you're stuck for two weeks, isn't that really the problem? ”

“It's not like that. I'm not sure how I feel. ”


Minho hadn't heard the melody yet, but he thought of four more produced songs through ONCE until last week.

At the age of twenty, Yoon Iseol, who writes by hand, mainly produces songs that express her emotions directly. When she can relate, the expressiveness of the song becomes richer and the melody sticks to her ears.

“What's the title? Has that been decided yet? ”

“Oh, that...”

Yoon Lee Seol glanced at Minho. And then Nazik said,

“Eye contact." ”

Eye contact? ”


“Why don't you know that? ”

As soon as she stopped at the traffic light, she looked into Yoon's eyes. In a flash, Yoon Yi Seol ‘took a breath’ and stopped breathing.

“Shouldn't we just use what our eyes feel like fighting? ”

“Oh, oh, it's hard for you! ”

Seeing Yoon Yiseong, who was stiffened, she shook her head as if she didn't know. I thought ONCE would help me figure out what the song meant.

“Tell me when you're done. ”

The signal changed and I was about to leave the car, but I heard a "grunt" sound somewhere.

Minho looked at his boat. I was not sure because I didn't feel anything, but when I saw Yoon Yi Seol start the hiccups because he was so embarrassed, I said with a straight face.

“I haven't had breakfast yet, let's eat something delicious at the rest stop. I'm hungry.”

“… Yes, brother. ”

Yoon Iseol, who wanted to find a rat hole, jumped out of his heart with anxiety if only Minho wanted to do really funny music.

Minho secretly smiled as she covered her mouth and mumbled “air, air."

Minho faced an unexpected situation at the rest stop, where he arrived for the first time on the highway for more than 20 minutes.

“Kang Minho!”

“Kang Min-ho or smarter? ”

Second time last week, the number of viewers again increased, and people were more likely to recognize it. The second time, though it was second, was higher than the # 1 poll, which resulted in an increase in real-time search queries throughout Saturday.

“Please sign! ”

“Me, too!"

During the holidays and the holidays, the rest area was crowded. Minho had to be surrounded within a few steps. Each one of them held a cell phone and took a picture first.

Minho followed and told Yun Iseol who was surprised.

“It must be hard to eat. I need you to go buy me something to eat. ”


Yoon Iseol nodded his head and went into the rest stop.

Minho prepared a calm smile for the approaching people. I've heard a lot about the fan-management tips from the ball manager, but I didn't expect the day to come so soon.

Is this the power of the Fixed Pros? ’

In addition to the popularity of 'The Smart’, recognition has also increased rapidly. Minho was a little overwhelmed by the delightful and spectacular situation.

“Slow down, I'm not going anywhere. ”

“What was your third round? ”

“I didn't fail. ”

“Ahhhh, just a little more. ”

Minho smiled roughly because the third outcome taken a few days ago was a secret until Friday's broadcast.

In the third round, he was more obsessed with calculating with his ten-year pen than he was with the game. I wasn't expecting much this week.

I drew a Visa next to the girls who took selfies and kindly signed the pen and paper and waited for Yoon Iseol.

“Min-ho. ”

Yoon Lee Seol quickly went to see the bag of baked potatoes, fish cakes, and walnut cakes shaking.

“Huh? Hongdae? ”

Among the crowds, there were those who recognized Yoon Lee Seul. Minho grabbed Yoon Iseol's hand and put it next to him, because it would be completely chaotic if he held on any longer.

“This is Miss Yoon Yi Seul. We're launching an album soon as Starpeace's first singer, so love it! The" Stars "video that we shot is heading for a million, so be sure to check it out. ”

Minho said to Yoon Iseol, “Smile, smile.” Like ventriloquism, I waved to people. Then I went straight to the car.

You close the car door and leave the rest stop with a smile full of manners.


He said to Minho who sighed deeply as if he admired Yoon Lee Seol.

“Jonathan, that was just like Jules. ”

“You did?”

Yoon Lee Seol smiled, shaking his head up and down greatly. Min-ho laughs as she puts the fish bar she bought into her mouth.

“I know all the celebrities in hats and masks, but now I know why they do it. ”

* * *

Three hours later.

A classic sports car stopped in a public parking lot across the calibration of University K. The appearance of a car, which is not commonly seen in the province, attracted the attention of students on campus.

Minho confirmed that the auction had 10 minutes to start and said to the radio.

“Well done, banda. He's taking good care of her, too. ”

[Passenger seat driver protection is not included.]

“I know, I know. That's what I'm saying. ”

On his way, Minho turned his eyes to sleepy Yoon Yi Seul. He said it would be like air, and he was asking me to sleep really quietly.

“Lee Seol.”


Yoon Lee Seol opened his eyes in anger at Minho's call. Minho pulled out the car keys, put them in her hands, and said,

“Time is running out and I have to go. I'll call you as soon as I'm done. If you're bored, go to a cafe somewhere in here. ”

“Yes, brother. Have a nice day."

As soon as Minho came out, he ran to the Cultural Hall of K University. A grey building, three stories tall, caught my eye after crossing a stone wall with a thick canopy.

Five minutes!

Luckily, I arrived just in time. I caught my breath and followed the signboard to the seminar room.

A private charity auction that is invited only by acquaintances of the tenacious' Professor of Huanglongbing ’.

“How can I help you? ”

When I opened the door, a man in a suit with the label 'Teacher Park, Chil-ho’ came to my chest. Minho said, looking at the participants who were right in front of the auditorium.

“I'm Kang Min-ho. I'm here to participate in the auction. ”

Park Chil-joo, who had checked the list on his desk, asked.

“You're Kang Yoon-hwan's representative, right? ”

“Yes, this is my father. ”

“Come on in. You can sit 29. ”

Minho sat down trembling with a number 29.

At 10 o'clock, Professor Park stood on the auditorium.

“This auction was made specifically in accordance with Professor Hwang's will. To dispose of all the goods and furniture that Professor Hwang collected in his lifetime and donate the proceeds to a psychotherapy center for teenagers... ”

Minho was a beam projector, throwing his gaze at the data screen that was shooting at the screen.

After examining the footsteps of Professor Hwang, there were numerous papers involved because it is psychological health medicine. Nowadays, I've studied a lot, but I can't feel it at all.

‘By the way, you have an artifact, right? ’

Even if you are a scholar with advanced abilities, items will not be created unless you have a passion for them. He said this information and did not confirm that he would be able to find the artifact.

Minho waited for the auction to start, hoping that only 2,000 pieces of information would not vanish in vain.

“Yes, let's begin the auction in earnest. ”

The first item was a pottery collection that Professor Hwang used to collect as a hobby.

“The starting price is 2 million won. ”



The prices were in succession, adding the fundamental appraiser's contribution to the charitable auction.

“Yes, I'm up to 250. ”



“350. Anything else? One, two, three. ”

Professor Park rang the bell. The winning item was packaged and placed on one side. The next item was also Professor Hwang's handicraft collection.

After about 30 minutes, Minho, who had not seen the subtle light up to the tenth item, began to feel a little anxious.

Is it really not there? ’

The eleventh item, unfortunately, appears on the table in the auditorium.

“The glasses worn by Professor Hwang, which he loved as a luxury gift from his students. Starting price is KRW 500,000. ”

Minho's eyes flashed. The glasses that came up were light young.


He shouted unknowingly, then cleared his throat and lifted his voice 29 times.



Minho confirmed that the bidder was following him, as he had been sweeping the goods from before and raised it high.


The other participants turn their heads to Minho at the end.

“Here's 200. ”


“Yes, 220. Is there any more?”

You're following me again? Aye. '


I dared raise the prize money I received last week. I'm not in the pursuit of Nobles Oblige, but I didn't feel it was a waste to donate to the charity auction.

The crowd rumbled.

Twenty times higher than the base price, the middle-aged man who was competing in front of the front shook his head.

“1000. One, two, three. You won the auction.”

Minho looked at his glasses lovingly, calling out cheerfulness in his heart ‘Huh?’ and rubbed my eyes.

Do you want me to come in? Why are they different colors? ’

The light of a small faint light on a normal cosmetic item was a white light with a yellow light that felt like the sun had soaked in it. But those glasses were a darker shade of sunlight.

Anyway, look closely, Al.

Minho was so excited that the auction was over.

“Here you go. ”

1 hour after the auction starts. The glasses were in Minho's hands in the case.

“Thank you."

A middle-aged man who was competing for a short time at the auction when he was about to leave greetings approached. An ordinary impression in his 50s. Although it is not an expensive looking suit, a man dressed appropriately laughed and spoke.

“It's Kang Min-ho, right? I wanted to auction off the same face as Yoon Hwan. ”

“Do you know your father? ”

“Well, I met a lot at the auction house. It's Yoo-hoon. Nice to meet you. ”

Yoo-hoon Yoo-hoon's business card had the name "antiques from Seoul."

“Yoon Hwan didn't want to see him for a few years, but he handed the family business over to his son. Anyway, I guess I'll be seeing a lot of you. Let's get you out of the face. ”

Minho shakes his hand and finds a faint light leaking out from the inside pocket of Yoo-hoon's suit. It's an antique specialist's favorite.

“I'll meet up with you later and say hello. ”

“Whatever. It's on the Insadong side, so it should be easy to find. ”

"It's hard to find, but you will! ’

Minho insisted on leaving the building. Then I walked to the parking lot and looked at the glasses in my hand.


I opened the lid with a lot of expectations.


I thought I was mistaken, but I was. The young light across the glasses was clearly orange, not a subtle color.

“Items have grades, too... Ta-da! ”

I was furious when I touched my glasses and felt a tingling sensation. Minho realized that he almost dropped it on the floor and made a face that he had endured for ten years.

Can't you touch it? ’

Minho's next behavior naturally led to a phone call with his father.

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