
Beautiful Mind

“What's with the glasses? ”

“I tried intellectual coding with suits. Do you want to try it?”

Minho's eyes started to melt, so she scrunched her glasses at home.

Shortly after, the director and cast sat down one by one around the round table in the meeting room. Minho greeted the actor in the left seat.

“I'm Kang Min-ho. ”

“It's called peer-2 exclusion. ”

In Bae Jae-hoon's hand was a script. He immediately understood the role of Minho, who memorized the entire script before coming here.

“Oh, you're the one arguing with me, aren't you? Please take good care of him.”

And Bae Jae-hoon said, "Is there such a thing? ’Then I started going through the script.

Minho turned his gaze to Oshora on the right, who was pretending to be modest instead of being generous. When I put on my glasses and checked my emotions, I thought I was nervous, but it seemed uncomfortable.

Is that the day you get enchanted once a month? ’

If you ask her yourself, Minho brought up another topic because she might have to deal with the cheap nature of it.

“Sora, have you seen the script? ”


Oshora shakes his head.

“That's your line, and it's all action scenes. ”

“For me?”

“Yes." Great chess players look forward to five numbers. ’Here's how it starts. Then I'll take it. You two are fighting again. Throwing chess. ”

“Phew. What's the matter? ”

“I don't know. It's in the script. ”

Minho told me the line until the next ambassadors, and Bae Jae-hon's eyes, which were reading the script next to Oshora, widened even more.

“Conch, you're not sick? ”


“You look pale. Is that BB cream?”

“It's usually white. ”

Minho spoke with Osora and realized that her discomfort had disappeared, and it wasn't that day.

In the meantime, the head of the PR department, Minseo, grabbed Mike.

“Everyone, please take your seats. From now on...”


The door opened and Min Woo Park and Young-chul Ji entered. Park Min-woo whistled and enjoyed his gaze for a while.


He frowned as if he felt like Oso, mainly because of Park Min-woo who was smiling at the woman.

“Have a meeting. Don't mind us. This way, Park Min-woo. ”

Park Min-woo was escorted to his seat as Ji Commerce was escorting his boss. He had a joyful smile on his mouth, and he was proud that he had brought a star to his back who was popular with his people.

“You're slowing me down. ”

Bae Jae-hoon muttered a little, but Min-ho also heard it.

Half of the officials sitting outside the table looked forward to the stadium or hard-to-find national representatives and noticed that the other half were as disappointed as Bae Jae Hoon.

Meanwhile, Minho's point of interest was what was the capability of the national champion.

I thought it would be fun to experience the skills of the active force because I was a midfielder with a kick that I was able to sweat and cheer on during the last World Cup.

‘I'll ask him if he has any favorites. ’

The meeting that was adjourned immediately started.

The leader glared at the employee in the back. The lights of the meeting hall darkened and a new product image appeared on the screen on the wall.

“This ad is the three main laptop lines, the concept of three special agents taking advantage of our new products in their respective missions. Smart Performance Edge Line # 1, Monster Line # 2 for maximum performance and Compact Line # 3 for portability in a colourful design. ”

Advertising plans and product image descriptions followed by announcements about the filming plan. The amount of time has also increased since it changed from a simple photograph to a volumetric one.

48-hour hold? ’

Minho was surprised and muttered as he watched the timetable being shot tightly from tomorrow.

“Are you all asleep? ”

“You have to accept that. It's kind of crazy.”

“You must be exhausted. ”

“Oh, you have two days? ”

Minho gave a round of applause to Osora, who was trained as a busy event because it seemed nothing.

“It's okay to keep your eyes peeled when you're moving in the car. There will be time between filming. ”

Minho sighed briefly at the tip, not Osora's tip.

“I'm the Pentathlon finalist on Sunday. I heard you had an event that day. ”

“Right, the 17th. ”

If I filmed all night until the day before the finals, I would actually only have time to practice finishing today. One day grew to two days, but the problem was the attractive conditions of thick contracts and TV commercials in the golden age of the public wave.

With such a tight schedule, I could not guarantee 100% of the finals. Fortunately, the finals are at 7 p.m. I'll be able to recover as much as I can with the boats on my way to Busan.

Minho asked his subordinates to start texting in the chat room thinking that we should run at night.

[Hell training tonight. Shoot the beef when you're done.]

As I was writing, I heard Oshora's voice.

“But I just need to close my eyes while I go to Busan. You should be used to sleeping in your car by now. ”

“Phew, I hope so. ”

“It's a long way to be as I am. ”

Minho smiles at Osora, shrugged.

“That, too. Conch, how do you expect to be able to sleep with drool everywhere like you? ”

Minho asked a joke, and his left side also smiled with his mouth closed.

“When did I? ”

After Osora's determination, Minho looked at the decent concept she had chosen today.

“Anyway, I never did. ”

“Let me see.”

Minho clicked on the photo tray icon on his phone.

“There must have been a dazzling photograph...”


Oshora grabs Minho's arm. It was a reflexive action, but soon he looked around and said softly.

“The meeting isn't over yet. Mind your manners, brother. ”

She adds, "I think I'll die when I'm done."

Minho, of course, closed his mouth and nodded only because he received it through his eyes.

‘This is what a cow looks like. ’

When I met her again, Minho smiled as if she had met a comrade who had been separated from the war.

* * *

AM 6: 30.

Friday morning, I would have enjoyed thinking of it as the last schedule of the week. Minho entered the scene with a yawn. After practicing until dawn, I only opened my eyes for two hours, so I was tired of not being able to cover my appetite.


Spring, the CF director, who spoke to her after yesterday's meeting, called Minho. He was a sensual videographer, famous in the CF world.

“Please take good care of me!”

“Take good care of him, Director. ”

For this thirty year old, it looked like a child's voice, but it was a cute impression on a round face.

After Minho's greeting, the supervisor asked him to prepare right away.

“I'll start with the introduction cut and work with the stunt team. Minho's movements will focus on the face and posture rather than the difficult ones, so don't worry too much. See you at rehearsal!”

Minho nodded as she watched the studio repairing the set.

His role in advertising smart laptops among the three products was to be a gentleman spy, according to the movies. The feeling of a warrior emphasizing the sexiness of Osora. Minho was more excited about the outfit Osora was wearing than she was filming. For two days, my eyes looked full.

“Kang Min-ho?”

Two able-bodied men approached Minho.

“Are you with the stunt team? ”

“Yes, I'm Kim Woo Hyuk. This is steel.”

The two of them were well-trained at first glance.

“You haven't done any exercises like Min-ho, right? ”

Min-ho nodded in response to Kim Woohyuk's question. After just ten days of physical training, it was nothing compared to those downward muscles.

Lee, who looked up and down Minho, told Kim Woo Hyuk.

“I can't be rude. You're not an actor, so you must be exhausted. ”

“Let's go inside B. ”

Min-ho, who doesn't know much, just nods.

You followed them to a large place and looked at the set where you would shoot a portrait cut.

A bar somewhere in Gangnam.

What I'm going to do now is pretend to enjoy drinking with the target in there, meet two of the target's bodyguards, lay them down in one fell swoop of wings at the woman next to them.

“If we attack first, Minho is like this. ”

Kim Woo Hyuk prayed for Lee Steel's body and step-by-step explained.

“Block, fist out, body swirl. ”

It was a very exaggerated gesture when Kim Woo Hyuk stretched his fist and Lee Steel fell splendidly on his own.

“Again, elbows. Then this time I'm going down. ”

Minho listened quietly because he had heard somewhere that 'Fighting Scene should be done better by the right person.'

He said as the steel fell on the floor stood up.

“You can be a little scared because we have guns. It's a prop, but it's painted real. It has a similar structure.”

Since both stuntmen were already dressed as bodyguards, Minho's gaze was toward the hollow of his chest. Minho took the ring out of his pocket and put it on his finger.

“You'll get used to it if you actually do it. I have more sense for spies than I do. ”

Just so you know, Lee Steel smiled. Then I sent some kind of eye toward Woohyuk Kim.

“Well, a lot of people blink when they look at you. Like this...”

Lee Kang-chul pulled his pistol out of the gun and shouted, "Chug!" Suddenly, I rushed towards Minho's face.

Screw you.

Minho instinctively grabbed the top of the approaching pistol and swung down. Lee Steel, who didn't expect to fight back, said, "Wow!” While moaning, Minho's left palm digs up the opposing team's flank.


Steel that staggers with a short shock to the liver. Minho left him lying on the ground, then turned to Kim Woohyuk, who was pulling out his pistol later.

It only took a second to get here.

Minho sensed that his reflexes were maximized and Kim Woo Hyuk was still unresponsive after raising his gun. I grabbed the part of the gun and clenched it with a murmuring sound. Then, I put out Kim Woohyuk's glance with my right fist.


Kim Woo Hyuk closed his eyes, swallowing his groaning.

Minho paused just as soon as the danger disappeared. Then, his gaze remained on Lee, who had fallen to the ground.


Immediately after feeling the crisis, Minho was overwhelmed by the instincts of the agent expressed through the ring. Fortunately, this was an oppressive technique, not a lethal one. Nevertheless, Minho had no choice but to wear his tongue on his insides as he watched the steel that was hurting and grabbing his side.

“Cuck.Hum. ”

Minho clears his throat and retreated. Kim Woo Hyuk opened his eyes, thinking he would get beaten constantly.

“Block, fist out, body swirl. This is it, right? Just because you taught me. As expected, they are the best action schools in the country. ”

Whether it was the best in the country or the best in the world, Min-ho did some research first.

“Well, that's...”

Kim Woohyuk was speechless, and Lee Steel stood up suddenly even though he wasn't ashamed.

Minho asked Lee Steel.

“Are you all right?"

“Of course. This is normal. ”

Kim Woohyuk woke up and said.

“Minho's moves are very agile, but I think I can go inside A. ”

“Is that so?"

Afterwards, the training was a triumph. Minho remembered and mimicked the more complex combinations, but he was more agile.

Kim Woohyuk and Lee Steel were amazed.

“Get ready for rehearsals! We'll start in 10 minutes. Minho, make up. ”

One step of training is over.

“Min-ho. ”

Oshora was in a make-up room on one side of the studio.

“Huh? It's a conch. ”

Minho was surprised to see that her eyes were bruised because she said she was a cipher, but when she saw that it was dark circles again, she asked.

“You didn't sleep at night? My eyes are blue.”

“It was Thursday. It was 1: 00 a.m. when I went to the lodge. ”

Minho sat down next to Oshora. As he sat down, the stylist came right over and started touching his head.

“You look tired, too. ”

“Whew, I slept for two hours, too. Today is hard from the beginning. ”

It was a moment that reminded me of the day when the old man at Uchiri held a banquet in the village and stretched out together.

“Hey, did... did you see the article yesterday? ”

“Huh? What? ”

“No, it's not.”

I ordered a stylist named Osora to curl my left hair more reluctantly.

Minho wanted to ask something more, looking at Oshora's particularly pale face, "5 minutes left!” I had to move to change my clothes in an external voice.

AM 7: 00.

Song Do-ha's gaze turned towards Kang Min-ho, checking the camera's rehearsal route.

“He took your gun? ”

Seeing the two successors of Songdo, the prominent stunt director and head of Action School 'SSONG’, he asked if they were true.

“Speed was no joke. I mean, it was crazy fast. I felt like I had learned to use my hands effectively. ”

Kim Woo Hyuk shook his head in Lee steel's words.

“It wasn't that bad. ”

“Blink of an eye. ”

“I was lost. ”

I laughed as I mourned the five-year quarrel between the juniors of my stunt career.

“And you two were both taken away at the same time. ”

Song Do-ha's gaze was again on Kang Min-ho. You can see whether or not the words of the two successors are true.

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