Of course, it was already a second-year thing at that time.

Moreover, there is another difference between this exam and the future exam.

In that partner exam, the second-year student was partnered with the first-year student, so he couldn’t figure out the details of his partner.

In this exam, although it is also a partner exam, the partner is a classmate, so he will naturally be able to know the roots, and it is almost impossible to have problems.

It is precisely because of this that Kiyotaka Ayakoji didn’t pay much attention to this partner exam, but in the partner exam in the second grade, he became a little worried.

In fact, in Haruki Yamauchi’s view, these two exams, on a certain level, have an essential place, which is the same.

That is, if a partner does not perform well, it can also lead to their own withdrawal from school, no matter who they are.

In this partner team test, it is the person with the good score and the partner with the bad score.

In this kind of exam, many people will subconsciously have a thinking 830-dimensional formula, that is, people with good grades will be safer, but in fact that is the wrong idea.

In this exam, as long as the partner’s performance is too poor, even if the other one has a good score, there is also a risk of two dropping out.

In other words, as long as another person scores zero in the test, and his or her score is full in the test, he will still be dropped out of school.

Of course, in reality, there will not be such an extreme thing, and the school may not allow this to happen if you deliberately get a low score.

However, this also shows that no one can rest easy in this exam, especially if you take the exam in a team with good and bad scorers, there will always be someone hovering on the edge of danger.

Therefore, according to Haruki Yamauchi’s idea, it may not be so easy to win in this kind of inter-class exam, or it may be difficult to change it.

After all, it is very difficult for anyone to improve their grades overnight.

On the other hand, if you target a specific person, there is a high chance that that person will drop out of school.

As long as the means are decisive and secretive, and no violations are detected, then this is a feasible tactic.

From this point of view, this approach is similar to the trap of Sho Ryuzono against Suzune Horikita at the sports festival.

Or rather, it’s not about who’s thinking, it’s about the rules that are designed to do so, and the exam is designed specifically to attack individuals.

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Whether it is the sports festival or this special exam, it is difficult to turn the overall situation around the class and change the result.

And once you target a specific individual, you immediately see that the rules are designed to do exactly that.

Perhaps, this is the purpose of the school.

At that time, Long Yuan Xiang probably quickly understood this, and then targeted Horikita Suzune.

Horikita Suzune didn’t react at all, and he didn’t think about the pertinence of the rules of the sports festival at all, but because it was difficult to change the specific result of the sports festival, and he felt confused.

This is the difference in the eyes of the two, and it is also the difference in vision.

Horikita Suzune has been a person all the way, she may be very strong and smart, but when it comes to many specific things, it will seem more rigid and stiff.

For this, only Horikita Suzune herself is not clear, and whether it is the people around her or her enemies, they can see it clearly.

Thinking of this, Haruki Yamauchi also sighed slightly, to be honest, in this exam, he didn’t have anyone he particularly needed to deal with.

Even if he has always wanted to target Haruki Yamauchi and want to find Haruki Yamauchi, Haruki Yamauchi will not want to deal with him, because Ryūnō Sho is also related to the points paid later.

But Haruki Yamauchi himself, in this kind of exam, may become the target of others’ attacks, which is not quite equal.

In particular, Sakura Airi is not such a person who is easy to rest assured, which increases the concerns in Haruki Yamauchi’s heart. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But worries are worries, Haruki Yamauchi is not a fool, and he will not say these things in front of Sakura Ai.

After the two had just spoken a few words, Haruki Yamauchi stood up, he didn’t want to waste any more time.

“Next, you just need to review it again and don’t put too much pressure on yourself. ”

“Tell me immediately if there’s anything you want, and I’ll take care of it for you. ”

Haruki Yamauchi emphasized this point in particular, not because he wanted to get closer to Airi Sakura, but because it was a very important thing.

After all, if Airi Sakura drops out of school in this exam, then Haruki Yamauchi will also drop out, and Haruki Yamauchi certainly doesn’t want to see that happen.

It’s just that,There’s a problem with Sakura Airi.,Haruki Yamauchi will also be affected by it.。。

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