If they just use the general method, I am afraid it will not be able to achieve the effect they expect.

If it’s just that level of move, whether it’s against Haruki Yamauchi or Kiyotaka Ayakoji, I’m afraid it won’t cause them any trouble.

In fact, the most scrupulous thing about Long Yuanxiang is his control over Class C.

The advantage of numbers is always indelible, everyone is human, and the impact of one more and one less is not so insignificant.

Otherwise, no one would care about the people in the class.

It is precisely because of the advantage of numbers that it has a real effect that this point is taken seriously.

Compared with Haruki Yamauchi and Kiyotaka Ayakoji, who are strong in their own right, Long Yuanxiang, who can freely mobilize the manpower of Class C, is undoubtedly also a powerful existence.

If you balance the relationship between the individual and the collective, and succeed in surviving to the end in the exams again and again, and ascend to the final Class A, who will become the winner.

In a trance, Haruki Yamauchi seemed to feel a gaze watching him, and he knew who that person was without looking at him.

Kiyotaka Ayakoji…

Although Haruki Yamauchi has been trying to eliminate his sense of existence, people like Kiyotaka Ayakoji will not doubt their own vision and suspect that they are wrong.

The countless experiences in the past have brought Kiyotaka Ayakoji an extraordinary self-confidence, and he can’t feel that he will make a mistake and see the wrong person casually.

Ever since he became aware of the extraordinaryness of Haruki Yamauchi, Kiyotaka Ayakoji has basically never given up his observation of Haruki Yamauchi.

It’s just that after Haruki Yamauchi didn’t make the next move for a long time, Kiyotaka Ayakoji didn’t care so much about this.

The series of things that are happening in Class C now obviously make Kiyotaka Ayakoji nervous, at least a little more serious than in the past.

Because he was stopped by Haruki Yamauchi, Kiyotaka Ayakoji didn’t have the opportunity to get on the line with those people in Class C, so he naturally lost the opportunity to insert eyeliner in Class C, and it was impossible to understand the internal affairs of Class C.

In this regard, to put it mildly, there is no difference between the predicament faced by Kiyotaka Ayakoji and Haruki Yamauchi, both of whom are ignorant of the situation in the outside world.

No matter how smart a person is, if he doesn’t even know what kind of opponent he will face and what kind of environment he will face, even if he is strong, he will be substandard.

Kiyotaka Ayakoji and Haruki Yamauchi, of course, are no exception.

It can also be said that this is a disadvantage of Class D.

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Compared to the rest of the classes, only Class D is currently in a split state.

Although Yosuke Hirata and Suzune Horikita can be considered class leaders, their appeal is actually limited.

Yosuke Hirata has a greater influence on girls, because he is a very gentlemanly person.

But because of this, Yosuke Hirata provoked the jealousy of the boys, and he didn’t have so much appeal among the boys.

Horikita Suzune is unapologetic to everyone, everyone admires her and respects her, but also rejects and dislikes her, which is needless to say.

The rest, such as Koenji Rokusuke, Ken Sudo, including Haruki Yamauchi, are people who go their own way, only care about their own comfort, and don’t care about the class.

It can be said that Class D is not a class full of defects, and it is simply full of loopholes.

There are also hidden people like Ayakoji Kiyotaka of unknown origin and unknown thoughts.

With such a D class, to face other classes, if it weren’t for Ayakoji Kiyotaka’s previous strange moves that had a certain effect, it is estimated that it would have been a big defeat now.

Even so, in such a situation, it is difficult for Class D to go for a long time, and some changes must be made to make it possible.

This may be the reason why Horikita Suzune has been pestering Haruki Yamauchi, just like Kiyotaka Ayakoji took a fancy to her ability and wanted her to lead Class D to A.

It is estimated that Horikita Suzune also has a similar idea, and she believes that Haruki Yamauchi can play an important role in Class D in this process.

Haruki Yamauchi is different from what they think, he has a personal panel, of course, one person’s point acquisition is the priority, and the importance of the class will decline again.

And the rest of the outstanding people in the class, such as Kushida Kikyo, are now thinking about how to keep their secrets and drop Horikita Suzune out of school.

People like Goenji Rokusuke don’t care about anything, and watch the rest of the class work hard as if they were watching a play.

Ken Sudo is still confused, and without what happened in the original plot, he has not grown to a level that is gratifying enough, and he is becoming more and more reticent. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yosuke Hirata seems to be the perfect character, but he has a shadow of the past, and his personality has unknown flaws.

Not to mention, Megumi Karuizawa also has secrets that she doesn’t want anyone to know.

Class D is such a detached class, and the outstanding people in it still have one problem after another, not to mention the others.

If someone can grasp the situation of Class D, and hit it with the right fit, maybe Class D will be more vulnerable and easier to deal with than expected.

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