In this exam, if you are not a preferential candidate, as long as you do nothing is the best choice.

Because as long as you don't do anything, you won't get any credit or lose anything.

Because of this, most students are able to enjoy their time on a luxury cruise ship with peace of mind, and they just have to wait until the end of the exam.

Even if you're a privileger, it's best to do nothing, and you'll be able to earn a lot of personal points if you don't find out who you are.

Saying nothing, doing nothing, and tacitly cooperating when A is silent is a tactic, which is also very effective.

According to common sense, there was nothing wrong with Haruki Yamauchi's answer, but Sae Sae was not very satisfied.

"I've done so much for you, but I don't want to hear such an answer from you, you should know that if I don't help you... What will happen to that thing? "

Just like the character of Saeda Chazuki, now she is so openly using this matter to threaten Haruki Yamauchi, and she has no scruples about being a teacher at all.

"While it's not convenient to talk about these things here, I would like to remind you that if you expose that matter, you will only be the one who will be distressed."

Haruki Yamauchi smiled, he had long considered the possible threat of Sae Sae, and he had already thought of a way to deal with it, so he approached Sae Sae at this moment and deliberately lowered his voice.

"I've looked at the spending of class points, and there's nothing wrong with it, and that's the biggest problem, don't you think?"

Haruki Yamauchi exchanged the class points for a digital camera, but the class points did not decrease, ruling out the possibility that the school made a calculation error or helped cover it up, and the only fact was that the digital camera was provided by Sae Chazhu himself.

Teachers are explicitly forbidden to participate in students' special exams, and if this matter is exposed, the best punishment for Saeda Chazhu is to leave immediately, and depending on the situation, he may be punished or even leave a stain on his resume.

In order to keep the class points as much as possible, he took out his digital camera privately, which is indeed something that Sae will do.

850 "Hey, so I lost the digital camera I was carrying to take some pictures, did you pick it up?" "

With a contrived sigh, Sae Chazhu also approached Haruki Yamauchi, staring into his eyes.

"As a student, but threatening your class teacher, is this how you treat your benefactor?"

"I will also remember your help to me, but please don't threaten me easily, this is just my advice and reminder to you, I don't want another time!"

Haruki Yamauchi did not waver because of Sae's words, but solemnly warned.

"Now I kind of believe that Class D can be promoted to A, because there is an existence like you among the first-year students!"

Saeda was not angry at Haruki Yamauchi's threat, but walked downstairs with a smile as if he was pleasantly surprised.

"Is this a recognition of my abilities?"

Haruki Yamauchi also has some understanding of Saeda Chazuki, and she has a strong obsession with being promoted to A, and she has reached the point of unscrupulous means, even threatening her students as if nothing happened.

In this way, Chazhu Sae not only didn't mind any disrespect for Haruki Yamauchi, but as if he felt Haruki Yamauchi's ability, he gave it recognition, and it made sense.

"Forget it, let's follow my steps, the teacher is still too far away from my current position!"

If it is the existence of the student council, even the class leader of each class must maintain a considerable degree of respect, because the opinions of the student council will be carefully considered by the school.

In particular, the student council of this school has a lot of power, can participate in the trial of disputes between classes, can also participate in the formulation of special examination content for students, and even has the ability to suggest and change school rules.

This is also an important reason why the previous student presidents will graduate in Class A, which means that the power of the student presidents is so great that they can influence and decide many things.

It's a pity that Haruki Yamauchi hasn't decided to enter the sight of the student council now, which will also cause many people to be alert to him.

"It's not the time yet, but there's always an opportunity for me to step in!"

Haruki Yamauchi is very sure of this and is convinced.

Whether it is from the perspective of personal needs or from the idea that Haruki Yamauchi wants to climb higher in this school, the student council president is obviously a good target.

It's just that those things are still a little far away from Haruki Yamauchi, and he doesn't think about these things for the time being.

After casually strolling outside for a while, considering that the discussion of those people might not end for a while, Haruki Yamauchi went to the underground movie theater that he frequented recently.

At this time, in the movie theater, an urban emotional movie is playing, which tells the story of men and women who have separated and gathered together after graduating from college.

Haruki Yamauchi only glanced up a few times before losing interest, and when he came to the more advanced position, he saw a person with his head down and reading a book on his lap.

It's Shiina Hiyori, even on a luxury cruise ship, she doesn't seem to have been out much, and Haruki Yamauchi didn't expect to meet her here, a little surprised.

After thinking about it for a while, Haruki Yamauchi still sat down in the position he originally wanted to sit in, he controlled his movements as little as possible to make a sound, but Hiyowa Shiina was obviously not as cute as he looked, and soon discovered the existence of Haruki Yamauchi.

"Yamauchi-san, are you here to watch a movie?"

"No, I'm just occupying the dormitory, so I'm just here to pass the time."

It's afternoon, when the sun is still strong, many people are busy playing in the pool, and there are not many people in the movie theater.

In the corner, you can see the men and women gathered together whispering, obviously they are not coming to see the movie, they are just looking for a place to date, and their attention is not on the movie at all.

Even if he talks here, he won't disturb the others, otherwise Shiina Hiyori wouldn't have sat in the front seat and asked questions.

"I'm for the same reason as you, I'm not used to living with other people, and I'm getting a little uncomfortable!"

Shiina Hiyowa tilted his head, took back the book on his lap, looked at the big screen in front of him, and began to sigh.

"It's a few days before I can leave the ship, and it's a bit unbearable to be around people you don't know during this time!"

Having said that, as a regular visitor to the library, Haruki Yamauchi knew that there were almost no familiar people in this school.

Or it can be concluded that there is no one who can make her happy to get along with her.

So after hearing this, Haruki Yamauchi didn't say anything more, because it was just Shiina Hi and his own opinion, and he wouldn't do anything like persuasion or deliberate refutation, and he didn't care about it at all.

"I'm sorry to say that to you, because I think you're kind of familiar to me."

Shiina Hiyori was probably worried that Haruki Yamauchi would misunderstand, so he said it as if he was justifying. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Haruki Yamauchi raised his head in some surprise, a little surprise in his eyes.

"I thought I was a passerby in your eyes, but I didn't expect you to treat me as a familiar person..."

"Passerby characters... That's true at first, but don't you often play with Daeg? Gradually, I got used to your presence. "

Shiina Hiyori said simply, in an unexpectedly flat tone, as if to say whether Haruki Yamauchi was a passerby or a familiar person, she was not interested at all.

Maybe that's the case, Haruki Yamauchi never remembered Hiyori Shiina and cared too much about herself, and if it weren't for Satoru Kaneda, she probably wouldn't have known Haruki Yamauchi.

Speaking of Satoru Kaneda, Haruki Yamauchi only contacted him on his mobile phone at the beginning, and the rest of the time the two tacitly agreed not to meet, even if they met by chance, they wouldn't speak.

The reason is very simple, in this special examination, everyone is an enemy, and the identity of the preferential person must be kept secret, otherwise it will be very troublesome if it is leaked.

Although they all knew that the other party was not the kind of person who would spy on their own intelligence, they still tacitly kept a considerable distance, and to a certain extent, it could be regarded as a kind of avoidance.

There are also students in other classes who don't care about this and continue to play together, but those are not things that Haruki Yamauchi can manage.

"In the uninhabited island exam, Class D won the first place, I don't know what you think of Yamauchi-san?"

Haruki Yamauchi didn't want to continue talking, he and Shiina Hiyori weren't very familiar, and it wasn't the kind of relationship that they could meet and chat with.

But now Shiina Hiyowa keeps asking questions, and he meets Haruki Yamauchi at the underground cinema that Haruki Yamauchi has been frequenting recently, and this situation finally makes Haruki Yamauchi a little vigilant.

Is it really a coincidence that I met Shiina Hiyori here?

Or is it that someone in Class C has already started to notice him, and the fact that Shiina Hiyo and coming here is a sign?

Or is Ayakoji Kiyotaka already secretly making a move, drawing the attention of Class C to himself without a trace?

In fact, there is another possibility, that is, Kushida Kikyo has been in contact with Long Yuanxiang, so he wants to find out about Class D from himself, and by the way, he can also get some information about Kushida Kikyo.

Or, after Kushida Kiyotoshi mentioned Ayakoji Kiyotaka in front of Long Yuan Xiang, Long Yuan Xiang tried to get a breakthrough from his side, wanting to figure out the internal situation of Class D and Kushida Kikyo's intentions.

The intimate relationship between Haruki Yamauchi and Kushida Kikyo is not a secret, and it is very possible for someone to contact Haruki Yamauchi based on this and find out some information about Kushida Kikyo.

It's just that Shiina Hiyori came into contact with Long Yuanxiang at this time?

Haruki Yamauchi has the impression that Shiina Hiyori only began to appear in the field of vision of other classes after the sports festival in the second semester, and began to act with Sho Ryuen.

But Long Yuanxiang's attitude towards Shiina Hiwa has always been very abnormal, he is rampant and domineering in Class C, but he is very respectful to Shiina Hiyowa.

If Shiina Hiyowa acts according to Sho Ryuzono's request, this is undoubtedly a very likely thing.

At this moment, in Haruki Yamauchi's heart, he has already hooked up Shiina Hiyowa and Ryuyuan Sho, and in the future, he will pay more attention to his performance in front of Shiina Hiyori, so as not to inadvertently reveal something about himself.

"The uninhabited island exams are all arranged by Horikita-san classmates, and those have nothing to do with me, and I don't know what's going on."

Having already thought about how he was going to deal with Shiina Hiyori, Haruki Yamauchi shook his head very dryly, and pushed all the things about the uninhabited island to Horikita Suzune, who was not present, which is also the most common opinion from the outside world.

Because in addition, many people will not think that there are other possibilities, maybe only Long Yuanxiang is not convinced by this conclusion.

"But I heard that Yamauchi-san's performance on the uninhabited island is also very good, and some people in the class have also changed their opinion of you!"

Shiina Hiyori seemed to suddenly become curious about Haruki Yamauchi, and kept asking questions, completely lacking the appearance of Haruki Yamauchi as an inconsequential existence that she initially showed.

Haruki Yamauchi suddenly laughed, as if he had thought of something funny, and seemed to be speechless.

"I just turned down the opportunity to contact those girls, did anyone change their impression of me? Then this kind of change is really a bit cheap! "

Feeling Haruki Yamauchi's disdain, Hikazu Shiina was visibly stunned, as if she hadn't considered that this would be the kind of thing related to Haruki Yamauchi.

After all, even if others mention these things, they will mention them casually at most, and they may not tell the details of the matter, and it is normal for Shiina Hiwa not to fully understand it.

"It's true that Kushida-san is cute and has a good figure, and for Yamauchi-san, having Kushida-san is enough, right?"

After being stunned for a moment, Shiina Hiyozu immediately reacted and made a joke.

"You're right!"

Haruki Yamauchi did not smug denial as Shiina Hiwa expected, but stopped very dryly, and Shiina Hiyori was shocked again.

Chatting with Haruki Yamauchi, the topic was terminated twice, and even Hiyowa Shiina had a feeling of helplessness and surprise.

In fact, Shiina Hiyori is not bad at communication, she just doesn't want to do it, and doing meaningless things with meaningless people is tantamount to a meaningless waste of time.

But now facing Haruki Yamauchi, Shiina Hiyori found that there was such a difficult person in the world to communicate with, and he couldn't pick up his words at all, and he couldn't keep up with his thinking.

Many times, a man will have difficulty communicating, simply because he is dealing with people who do not want to communicate.

Shiina Hiyowa quickly thought of this as well, and immediately stood up, carrying the books, as if to leave the place.

"I'm really disturbing, Yamauchi-san! I'm a little hungry now, so let's go first! "


Haruki Yamauchi didn't even get up, so he said goodbye.

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