Chapter 82

Naval Headquarters, Malin Fodder.

Under the attention of the public, the Whitebeard Pirate Group fleet finally appeared.

Confrontation with Marine’s full combat capabilities.

An atmosphere of horror hovered over Malinfodor.

The invisible warfare is pouring.

Crescent Bay, the bow of the Mothership Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment.

Whitebeard Haki, who has the name of the strongest man in the world, grinned.

The captain’s cloak behind him hunted in the wind.

“Wait for me, Ace.”


Whitebeard raised his hand and pierced the naginata into the bow of the whale, arms wide open.

He suddenly clenched his fists with both hands, then closed in front of him.

Lean forward slightly, maintaining a squat position.


Whitebeard let out a low drink, and his closed fists slammed to the sides.

“Ka Ka Ka”

It seemed that the sound of something shattering came into everyone’s ears clearly.

Every Marine in the square in Ling’s Bay opened his eyes wide in horror.

“The atmosphere… the atmosphere is cracked!”

“How come there is such a thing?”

“Is this what manpower can do?”

Following the fragmentation of the atmosphere, dramatic changes occurred in the waters around Malinfoudo.

The sea was boiling violently.

The sea rumbling under the clear sky.

The water level keeps rising, almost breaking through the sky.

“Sea shock! The Whitebeard bastard actually shook the sea!”

Sengoku exclaimed in anger.

“This is Whitebeard’s ability! How terrible it is!”

Even the Marine Fine 25 British General couldn’t help but feel scared at this time.

“Ace, sorry for letting you do such a dangerous thing.”

On the bow of the whale, Whitebeard looked at Ace on the execution platform and spoke softly.

Hearing that, Ace can no longer suppress his inner emotions.

He tried his best to leaned out and yelled: “No, at that time you clearly stopped…”

“No, I let you go!”

“You heard that too, Marco!”

Whitebeard stopped drinking, taking all his faults on himself.

“Yeah, I heard it too, it really made you suffer, Ace.”

The Captain of the First Division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco, the Phoenix, echoed.

“On this sea, everyone should know what the consequences will be if they dare to act on our companions!”

Foil Bista, the captain of the fifth division, smiled confidently.

“We will never let anyone hurt you, Ace.”

The third division Diamond Joz embraced his arms.

“Wait a little longer, Ace, I will save you now.”

“Enlightenment, Naval Headquarters.”

All the members of the Whitebeard Pirate Group and the affiliates of the White Group who raided the outer bay of the bay were all high-spirited, roaring loudly.

“Kula la la la”

At the bow of the whale, Whitebeard laughed boldly.

Step forward.




The ground sound exploded.

The entire island of Naval Headquarters vibrates and tilts at this moment with a magnitude visible to the naked eye.

The sea is full of waves and the water level is rising rapidly.

“It’s coming! The sea quake that the guy caused earlier turned into a tsunami and hit it!”

Garp yelled to remind.

Just when Garp’s voice fell.

A huge shadow shrouded toward the Naval Headquarters, which was an indescribably huge tsunami.

The force of a natural tsunami triggered by manpower.

This is what Whitebeard is capable of!

The power of Shock Fruit, which is the strongest sequence in Paramecia!


“Tsunami! It’s a tsunami!”

“The sea quake caused by Whitebeard turned into a tsunami!”

The marines who were in charge of observing the coastline lost their colors and shouted.(Read more @

If the terrible tsunami that day was allowed to fall to Malin Fodow, the consequences would be disastrous.

“Ah la la, it seems it’s my turn to go!”

At this critical juncture, one of Naval Headquarters’ highest combat forces, Admiral Aokiji Kuzan, came forward.

“Ice Age!!!”

Aokiji Kuzan leapt up from the execution platform, pointing his hands at the tsunami waves on both sides.

Logia Frozen Fruit’s abilities have exploded! ! !


The extreme freezing air was released, freezing the entire bay and the tsunami in the open sea.

The bright sunshine is shining and shining brightly.

Admiral Aokiji’s move also completely transformed the entire Gulf battlefield platform.

The flames of war began to spread.

The gunpowder was all over at once.

The Whitebeard Pirate Group has a total of 47 Pirate Fleet’s Pirate Army and the 100,000 Marine elites in its headquarters.

“It’s really scary~ war”

“But as long as that man doesn’t come, it’s fine!”

Right below the execution platform, after Admiral Aokiji, Marine is the second highest combat force.

Admiral Kizaru, the shining fruit capable person, turned into countless photons and dissipated.

Suddenly, he appeared directly above Whitebeard in the bay.

The dazzling golden laser shines.

Whitebeard didn’t realize the huge threat overhead.

He didn’t even lift his head.

“Yellow monkey, how can you get in touch with our leader so easily!”

The captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, Marko, ignited a blazing phoenix fire and volleyed into the air.

A “Phoenix Upside Down Golden Hook” kicked Admiral Kizaru 100 meters away.

On the other side, facing the terrifying slash of the cracking sea sent by the eagle eye.

Diamond Joz, the captain of the third division of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, quickly rushed out, turning his body into a diamond.

With a sturdy body, the eagle eye’s slash was turned 90 degrees to the sky.

Then Joz didn’t retreat but advanced, punching his right hand on the ice.


Joz yelled and put his hands in the ice.

He picked up a huge block of ice weighing more than tens of thousands of catties and threw it towards the execution platform of the square in the bay.

“One and two are like this. If you are gone, who will guard the execution platform.”

The last Marine Admiral Akainu Sakazuki touched his small flat head and stood up.

“The Great Spitfire”

The huge magma fist touched the huge ice block thrown by Joz.

Countless scorching water mist evaporated in an instant.

Then Akainu’s magma fist exploded and turned into countless bolides.

Both the Pirate and the Marine are affected by the indiscriminate aoe of Akainu.

The scene was tragic.



The screams became the only melody of this battlefield.

You can see the spray of blood everywhere, swords and swords.

every moment.

Marine, pirates keep falling down.

‘Boom boom boom’

Suddenly heavy footsteps sounded on the ice on the coast, like a war drum beating, making the gravel and ice blocks on the ice jump.

In the depths of the mist, that huge figure gradually revealed its true face.

The whole body is green, and the devil who is comparable to the size of several large warships-Little Oz appears.

Holding a huge saber-cutting sword, he took a heavy step and walked firmly towards the execution platform step by step.

Just like the straw hat friendship between Shanks and Luffy.

There is also a unique feeling of straw hat between Ace and Oz.

Little Oz looked rough in appearance, with a green face and fangs enough to scare any child in the world into tears.

But there is also a unique tenderness in such a little Oz.

The feeling of forming a hat into a hat at the beginning has now turned into a driving force for Oz to move forward.

Qiang Zi endured countless artillery fire erosion, always firm footsteps.

“Ace, wait for me, I will definitely save you!”

Little Oz blasted off the last giant Marine Lieutenant General who was blocked in front of him, and burst into the last bay.

However, at this moment, the atmosphere fluctuates strangely.

Unlike the previous Whitebeard’s atmospheric shock, this time, the atmosphere is compressing.

“That’s Shichibukai Bassoromiu Bear!”

“What does he want to do?”

“Could it be… little Oz be careful.”

The pirates on Whitebeard’s side shouted for reminders.

Little Oz lowered his head after realizing it.

What I saw was the expressionless bear with his hands folded and opened like a turtle-style qigong.

A small bear’s palm-shaped ball exuding a devastating aura slowly drifted towards his belly.


The stunt of Shichibukai tyrant bear-the power of the bear’s impact, broke out at this moment.

The massive atmosphere previously compressed by the ability of the flesh ball fruit in the bear’s hand expanded in an instant.

The unparalleled impact of the explosion started from Oz’s abdomen and diverged in all directions.


Wherever the shock wave touched, the screams were endless.

Whether it is a pirate or a Marine, they all fly out under this terrifying power.

Staggered marks appeared on the thick ice.

The ice cube where Oz was standing dropped a few meters.

A circular ice cave with a radius of 100 meters appeared.

Little Oz, who was hit by the tyrant bear with all his strength from the front, was covered in scars, and his big eyes rolled blankly.

There was blood splashing all over the body.


Little Oz raised his head, kneeled weakly on his knees, and smashed two holes in the ice, almost unconscious.

Little Oz

“Captain Oz”

Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates screamed in anger.

“Oz, you idiot.”

“But… even such a foolish son, I can’t leave it alone.”

On the bow of the whale ship, Whitebeard cursed in a low voice.

With a blow of anger, a lieutenant admiral of the giant tribe was blown away.

However, it did not wait for Whitebeard to take further action.

Suddenly, there was a sense of inexplicable depression in the air.

Whitebeard, Marco, Foil Vista, Sengoku, Garp, Three Admiral, etc.

In the entire Naval Headquarters battlefield, people who are good at Observation Haki all raised their heads in unison, looking towards the sky behind.

“Something seems to be moving in the mist?”

The seaman who was in charge of observing the battlefield from a height reported loudly.

“Is it a demon again?”

“No…no, it’s an island!”

“The island is approaching the headquarters!”

The marines screamed in horror.

“Wait a moment”

“Is that man…”

“And the two people on his left and right, seem to be… legendary…”

“Five emperors…Five emperors Qi Yu and legends are here!”


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