Cha Wuyin has been observing the Cangjing people for more than ten days. It's almost the New Year, but he still can't figure out what's going on.

He feels that the Cangjing people are doing inexplicable things.

What about registering the old, weak, sick and disabled, arranging different groups to patrol every day to ensure that people will not freeze to death in the cold winter.

What about centralized food, eating together in the canteen every day.

Jicheng is all theirs, but with so few people like them, they can't eat big chunks of meat and drink big bowls of wine, which is really not enough!

They even have to wait until the beginning of next spring to spread the news to attract the people in Jicheng before, and then open up wasteland and farm together.


What kind of land? How can a warrior farm?

I have military power, of course I will rob other people's food!

Jizhou is gone, isn't there Jiangling?

Jiangling is gone, there are other big cities!

The Jianghu is so big, do they still need them to farm?


Yes, he thinks Shi Feizhe is crazy.

Sure enough, he is worthy of being the person that Shi Jiaozhu has chosen, he is extraordinary.

At the moment, he has contacted people in other cities around him and is ready to take Jiangling together.

Let's leave Jicheng, a place without any fun, to this crazy Zangjingren.

Thinking of this, he flew out of Jicheng and went out to the agreed place outside Jiangling.

As soon as he left the city, Cha Wuyin saw Shi Feizhe sitting on the side of the road.

"Where are you going?" Shi Feizhe asked softly.

"It has nothing to do with you!" Cha Wuyin said, "Zangjingren, if you want Jicheng, Jicheng will be given to you. We don't interfere with each other."

"You are going to Jiangling, right?" Shi Feizhe said.

"It still has nothing to do with you." Cha Wuyin didn't want to waste time because of Zangjingren's crazy.

But a sword energy appeared in front of Cha Wuyin.

"Hmm?" Cha Wuyin frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

"You can't go!"

" want to stop me!" Cha Wuyin sneered, "Are you from Jiangling Dajiang Sword Sect?"

Dajiang Sword Sect is the largest sect in Jiangling City, with real warriors in charge.

"I have nothing to do with them, and their life and death have nothing to do with me. But the life and death of the people of Jiangling has something to do with me." Shi Feizhe shook his head and said, "The Jianghu is sick, but there is still hope!"

"What's wrong with it? I think you are the one who is sick!" Cha Wuyin listened to Cang Jingren's nonsense, and didn't say anything. Niu Mo Zhenwu Dharma Image appeared behind him and punched Shi Feizhe.

He had long disliked Cang Jingren, this psychopath.

White sword energy also appeared out of thin air, rolling towards Cha Wuyin like a sword wave. In the sword wave, there was a faint sword energy hidden.

That was "cutting fat intestines".

Shi Feizhe had learned about Cha Wuyin's past from Cha Wuyin and others.

He was a rich young master who inherited the family business, but was set up in a trap. He lost his home, his wife was lost to someone else, and his child was thrown to death. He had nothing left. He also owed a huge gambling debt, and he barely survived by selling himself as a warrior.

His experience deserves sympathy, but what he did is not worthy of forgiveness!

When the Sacred Heart Cult took over Jicheng, Cha Wuyin went on a killing spree in the city. He not only killed the city lord, the Chamber of Commerce that had designed the trap before, but also the person who bought his house.

After that, he killed aimlessly in the city, killing one by one until he was tired of it. He also knocked down the wall of Jicheng. Until now, the corpses under the wall are smelly and have not been cleaned up!

It can be said that the large-scale escape of the people of Jicheng was caused by Cha Wuyin.

Later, Cha Wuyin also followed his temper and made the whole Jicheng a mess, until Shi Laomo came in person to restrain Cha Wuyin from killing people again and take good care of Jicheng.

Such an experience really made Shi Feizhe difficult to understand.

What he couldn't understand was that the people in the martial arts world seemed to have no sympathy or mercy for the weak!

Shouldn't people who have been caught in the rain hold an umbrella for others when they have one? Isn't this the basic sympathy of being a human being?

Why are you still holding an umbrella and kicking people in the rain?

The feudal dynasty under the rule of Confucianism at least had a clear benevolence, righteousness, and courtesy. This chaotic martial arts world is so dark that it is even worse than the feudal dynasty!

So, he felt that he was too gentle to the warriors before.

He thought that the cow and horse warriors would resonate with ordinary people because of their cow and horse experiences, and would sympathize with ordinary people who are weaker than them.

As a result, the cow and horse warriors have only one goal, not to be cows and horses.

In other words, as long as they don't become cows and horses, what does the life and death of others have to do with him?

Why do you still sympathize with ordinary people when you practice martial arts? You are no longer on the same level as ordinary people. How can you sympathize with ordinary people?

Ordinary people who don't become warriors are because they don't work hard, don't struggle, have no luck, and don't have a good father.

Ordinary warriors are like declining gentry. Warriors and sects with inheritance are like aristocratic families.

In today's Jianghu, there are no poor families in the upper class and no noble families in the lower class.

If you are not a warrior, there is naturally no voice for you in Jianghu.

The inertia of thinking accumulated by Jianghu people for a thousand or even thousands of years cannot be easily changed by Shi Feizhe alone!

Just like old man Fan, the thinking accumulated over decades cannot be easily changed by taking a few classes or listening to a few words.

If Shi Feizhe had not traveled through time, when he was sixty or seventy years old. Someone told him that the feudal dynasty was restored, and he could follow someone to rebel and make a meritorious service. Shi Feizhe looked at that person with eyes that he might as well be looking at a fool.

The gap between him and old man Fan in terms of ideology is so big, and the gap between him and the martial arts world is so big!

Shi Feizhe thought carefully that even in his previous life, some bosses were unwilling to buy social security, let alone raise wages, and they had to take out hundreds of yuan from their wages as full attendance bonuses.

At the end of each month, they would find ways to deduct points here and there, and take it for granted to exploit employees. If you tell such a person to improve employee benefits, he will think you are sick, and that is all his money!

In the previous life, no one knew martial arts, and in the 21st century, the gap between people is quite large.

Not to mention in the martial arts world, he used to think that martial artists in the martial arts world were too simple!

Shi Feizhe thought that the cow and horse martial artists were cows and horses, but he didn’t know that the cow and horse martial artists thought they were martial artists, not cows and horses.

Maybe after a long period of subtle influence, old man Fan's thoughts may change, but that time is too long!

The Jianghu no longer allows Shi Feizhe to bring changes around him one by one. He needs a faster and more efficient way to change the Jianghu!

Whether it is criticism of thoughts or criticism of weapons, he is now lacking.

So, he should deal with the current affairs first.

No matter how many bad things there are in Jiangling City, it is better than you few real warriors going on a killing spree!

After killing Cha Wuyin, go and kill all the real warriors!

The surging white sword energy did not make Cha Wuyin feel dangerous. He keenly noticed that there was a special sword energy in it.

But, when he noticed it, it was too late.

Shi Feizhe's injuries have been fully recovered. There is no need for him to hold back against Cha Wuyin!

Cha Wuyin only felt a faint coolness passing through his body, and then he was cut in half.

"How is it possible!" Cha Wuyin didn't dare to believe that Shi Feizhe was so strong!

He couldn't resist a single move.

"You have practiced the Sacred Heart Mirror for so long, but you don't know the origin of the Sacred Heart Mirror!" Shi Feizhe looked at him and said, "You have broken through the realm of real people, but you don't know why!"

"I am the real creator of the Sacred Heart Mirror!"

"I am the real Shi Feizhe of amazing wisdom!"

Cha Wuyin stared at Shi Feizhe with wide eyes.

The bitter history of working: the boss obviously has no money, but he still deducts 300 yuan of full attendance bonus. If you take a leave once, you will lose the salary and full attendance for the day, and your salary will be much less. You dare not take leave even if you have something to do, and you have to insist on being sick. Great sorrow. (No matter where you are, it is difficult to understand each other if you are not of the same class!)

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