That night, Shi Feizhe was afraid of another setback, so he stood half asleep and half awake until dawn.

His eyes were dry, and there were only two feelings in his mind.

First, if you rush on the road from now on and miss Sutou, he will be a pig!

Second, any idea that standing meditation can activate internal energy and replace sleep is a lie.

Third, it is useless to have too many pile stations! Forcibly standing in the stance will not increase your true energy but will only tire you out!

When he was standing, he was so sleepy that he couldn't even open his eyes, and he almost fell down several times.

In fact, he didn't know that masters who condensed their true energy through "blood energy spirit" normally. You really don’t need to sleep and can meditate all night long.

He, a newbie in martial arts with a demonic background, just wanted to stand still and not sleep. In fact, he just wanted to run when he couldn't walk. He was so ambitious!

Rubbing his eyes, Shi Feizhe put out the bonfire and continued walking towards the west.

I felt really dizzy along the way, and I felt like I was going to fall asleep when I closed my eyes. I munched on dry food while walking, and finally saw an inn on the side of the road until around the afternoon.

He arrived at the inn, asked for a single room, got hot water, washed his face and feet, and slept until the next morning.

Only then did I feel alive!

Feeling distressed, Shi Feizhe retired from the single room and continued on his way. He used to sleep in Datong Shop, where he paid three cents a night. This single room costs 20 yuan a night, which is as much as what he earned in a month at the medical clinic!

I was really tired yesterday and it was a rare luxury. I didn’t want to squeeze into Datong Shop and be disturbed.

Wherever you have money, you are a master! He sighed and walked westward along the avenue.

Along the way, there were many people from Jianghu, carrying baggage and weapons, and heading west together. There are also some horse caravans heading towards Sancai Town.

Those people from the world traveled together and didn't care about Shi Feizhe at all. While walking, we chatted, mostly about trivial matters.

Lijiazhuang is fighting with Wangjiazhuang again. I, Shanjianhu, was invited by Lijiazhuang to help with boxing. I am so awesome.

Other people praised me one after another, "Brother is awesome!"

After he finished speaking, others also talked about how his eight-armed ape supported others, how majestic and loyal he was.

Their voices were very loud, which really made Shi Feizhe listen all the way. He had a weird look on his face, is this what Jianghu is all about?

No matter how you feel, it's all the work of some unscrupulous gangsters.

Shi Feizhe continued to hear noon, and then figured out the taste. Emotional people are also newbies who have stepped into the world!

In their hometown, they can fight hard and show off their power, and they can also make a living without having to work for others like Shi Feizhe to avoid starvation. It's just that they don't have any internal skills and no other way to obtain martial arts secrets, so they plan to go to Sancai Town to try their luck like Shi Feizhe.

If you are lucky, you will get a secret book and practice your Qi from then on, becoming a Qi master.

If that doesn't work, you can also join some sects. They looked very old, but in fact they were only in their early twenties.

People who seek life early will look older!

When people are in the arena, they are all carried in sedan chairs. You brag and others praise you. When others brag, you should naturally brag too.

There are back and forth, this is the world!

The most useful thing I heard was that after Huang Tian moved into Yiyang City, the people in the city fought hard. High rewards will be given to those who help.

So these people who usually relied on their reputation to earn a living in the countryside quickly ran away.

If they want to take this money, they have to die!

You miss his money, and he misses your life!

Such a slippery and demanding character really made Shi Feizhe take a high look at them. Think about it, you can still hang out in the world, how many fools can there be?

After walking for two days with this group of braggarts, we finally arrived at Sancai Town.

Sancai Town is a town leaning on a small lake and running east to west. There are no archways or gatehouses in the town, but there is a stone tablet outside the town with the word "Sancai" on it.

There is a main street in the middle of the town, which is very lively beyond Shi Feizhe's expectation. It was bustling with people coming from north to south, and Shi Feizhe had already heard three or four of them just by their accents.

Whether it is a facade facing south or north, there are small restaurants, inns and studies everywhere on the street.

At the western end of Sancai Town, the large manor facing north and south is Sancai Village. Others naturally settled in the town.

When people get together, eating, drinking, and eating are indispensable. It’s hard to say that all the properties in this town come from Sancaizhuang!

Therefore, the small restaurants and inns in the town were as expected by Shi Feizhe. After all, so many people came to Sancaizhuang to read martial arts secrets for free, and it was impossible for Sancaizhuang to take care of food and housing.

Only the study and bookstore exceeded Shi Feizhe's expectations.

Whenever he sees people from the world coming from the east, the book boy standing at the door of the study will shout: "Jingxinzhai's exclusive "Detailed Explanation of Martial Arts", which covers the latest progress in cracking secrets in recent years! Three taels of silver can't buy you a loss, you can't buy a scam." ! Help you to crack the martial arts as soon as possible, succeed in 'seeing the truth', step into the 'escape', and be proud of the world!"

Hearing those people bragging along the way, Shi Feizhe also knew it. In martial arts, there are "Enter the Mortal Realm", "Escape from the Dust Realm" and "Real Person Realm".

There is a higher realm beyond the realm of real people. People like them only know about the higher realm, but they don’t know how to call it.

Entering the mortal realm is divided into three stages: "blood energy level", "spiritual level" and "seeing the true level". These three levels are called the "three levels of dust removal."

After passing these three levels, you will reach the realm of detachment!

As for whether there are three stages in the realm of transcendence, these braggadocios still don't know, saying that there is an explanation in Sancaizhuang.

From what the study boy said, it seemed that they had collected the cracking results of people who had entered Sancaizhuang over the years.

To be honest, Shi Feizhe was a little moved. Watching these cracking results and finding cracking ideas will be very helpful for him to enter the bank!

It’s just that three taels of silver are too expensive!

As he continued to walk inside, he heard someone shouting: "Fang Xinzhai's exclusive "Detailed Explanation of Martial Arts", compiled by the master himself! You will suffer a loss if you can't buy it with two taels of silver..."

Hey guys, you are all starting to roll!

It seems that this thing is not valuable!

When he entered Fangxinzhai, he saw the book boy saying enthusiastically: "Young hero, wouldn't you like a copy of "The Detailed Explanation of Martial Arts"?"

How pitiful God is, this is the first time in his life that Shi Feizhe has been called a young hero!

Sure enough, no matter where the sales staff are, they are all sweet-talking!

After entering Fangxinzhai, it was quite big. As soon as I entered, I saw several mahogany lacquerware shelves with pens, inks, paper and inkstones. There are also shelves in the surrounding corners, stacked with papers, books, stationery, etc.

In one corner, there was a flat-top desk, and a tall man in a gray robe with a sinewy face was sitting there, copying books with a serious look on his face.

"No, I'll buy some pens, ink, paper and inkstones." Shi Feizhe shook his head and looked at the shelves carefully.

He really needed to buy something to copy with.

"The pens we have here include high-quality wolf hair and sheep hair. The paper includes peach blossom paper, porcelain blue paper, flower curtain paper, etc. The ink includes yellow ink, Xuan ink..." the book boy introduced eloquently.

"Is there the cheapest one?" Shi Feizhe felt that these things were so expensive and couldn't help but ask.

The study is very busy!

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