Pregnant Emperor

Chapter 15 - 14

"Look at me! Do I look so pretty that the emperor would fall for me? He likes my soup and I am to deliver it to him every night." Tie Lan said with a sigh.

"What? That's a miracle. The answer to our prayers. You mean,the emperor will become my brother-in-law?"

"When did I say that?" Tie Lan asked in shock. What was wrong with Gu Lan tonight?

"Buddy, do you have a fever?"

"No, I don't. Look,your thing is rising." Gu Lan pointed out in surprise and Tie Lan looked down. A bulge was seen around her lower part. It was so large and Gu Lan couldn't keep her eyes off it.

"OMG!" she exclaimed.

"You..." Tie Lan placed her hands at her crotch and blushed in shame.

"Aww! So cute!" Gu Lan teased

"Cute my ȧss. Go to sleep now or I'll leave the room."Tie Lan threatened but Gu Lan laughed it off.

"The emperor doesn't like you?"

"Ok fine! The emperor's also like me!"

"He likes you. Wow! The romance is gonna be... you know. I wonder who will be the husband in bed."

"Gu Lan! Enough." Tie Lan closed her eyes indicating that she'll say no more but that was the time Gu Lan went close to Tie Lan again.

"Hey! What are you doing? What's wrong with you tonight? Gu Lan."

"Ssh! Don't shout. You know that the males in the palace are eunuchs. Nobody to make love to you. Here, I am available to you today. Please, disvirgin me, husband."

The moment Tie Lan heard those words, she quickly got down from the bed and ran out.

She came back later with a bucket of water which she poured on Gu Lan.

"Budyy, are you okay now?"Tie Lan asked.

"Who poured me water? Tie Lan?"

"Did you drink wine?"

Gu Lan nodded and Tie Lan facepalmed.

"You pilfered wine again? Gu Lan, how could you?"

"Don't ever do that again"

"Tie Lan, i know you have that thing"said Gu Lan.

"You already told me in your drunk state. It's good you drank only a little wine or else i won't know how to handle you"

"Yeah!I know it's hard for you. You and the emperor are a pErfect match"

"Why did you say that?'

"I know that the emperor is like you. He has a pussƴ"said Gu lan.


"He must have shown you right? I saw him bend to pee accidentally. I won't tell you where. He bends down to pee and he also has periods like a woman. Gu Lan, i know that. You are his other half that he's been looking for and that makes him my future brother-in-law"

"I am tired. Let me sleep" Tie Lan walked to her bed and lay down.

"Not fair!" she whɨnėd but Tie Lan pretended not to see her.

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