Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 112 Killing Da Luo is like killing a chicken! Destroy another dynasty!


After Yuan Huo made his decision, he immediately took action, crossed the endless space, and soon arrived in the territory of another dynasty.

This dynasty is called "Lihuo Dynasty", and the leader of the dynasty is called Ancestor Lihuo. He is a powerful man in the early stage of Daluo Golden Immortal who controls the power of Lihuo.

Among many dynasties, this Lihuo Dynasty is not very conspicuous, but it is not weak either. After all, its leader is a Daluo Jinxian. Any Daluo, in the ancient times, is considered a strong person and should not be underestimated.

But Yuan Huo didn't care. He glanced at the huge imperial city in front of him and said calmly: "Ancestor Li Huo, since you already know that I'm coming, why don't you welcome me?"


Sure enough, at the next moment, light flashed in the void, and a figure appeared. It was fiery red and was three feet tall. Divine flames jumped around the body. The whole person exuded an extremely hot aura, which seemed to make the void even more intense. It melted, and it had a head full of fiery red hair, and there was an unruly flavor in its eyes.

"Apefire, what on earth are you going to do? It's not enough to destroy a Ziwei Dynasty just now, now you want to wipe out my territory? Although you are powerful, doing this will arouse public anger. When the time comes, even if you No matter how strong you are, you will be severely suppressed!"

Ancestor Lihuo said in a cold voice.

After all, he is the leader of the dynasty. Even though he knew that Yuan Huo was powerful, at this time, Ancestor Li Huo still maintained a neither humble nor arrogant attitude, and even spoke tit for tat.

Just now, Ape Fire and Ancestor Ziwei fought, and the battle range spread to billions of miles in radius, even causing the endless stars in the prehistoric sky to tremble. Therefore, the surrounding dynasties naturally felt it and paid attention to it, knowing what was going on. .

The leaders of these dynasties thought that after Yuan Huo defeated the Ziwei ancestor, they would retreat, return to their own clan, and then slowly devour the power of the Ziwei Dynasty. After all, the Ziwei Dynasty was so powerful that it could not be completely digested in a short period of time. .

However, who would have thought that Sarushuo would go on another expedition the next moment!

"That is not something you need to consider. There are two choices before you now. The first choice is to fight me, and then be killed by me, and then let me take over the entire Lihuo Dynasty. The second choice is to surrender to me and lead the entire Lihuo Dynasty to submit to my ape clan. By doing so, you can save your life."

Sarushuo spoke calmly.

In fact, he had already considered everything before doing this.

Previously, three envoys from the Qilin Clan, the Qiankun Dynasty, and the Taiji Dynasty came to the Ape Clan, asking him to surrender and giving him a Yuanhui, which was a period of 129,600 years to consider.

Naturally, it is impossible for Sarushuo to surrender, so when the time to consider which Yuanhui is up, he must find a way to leave and temporarily avoid the sharp edges of these three major forces.

And once they leave, there will be no opportunity like now to continuously devour other dynasties and increase their own strength.

Therefore, since we have started taking action now, we should naturally try our best to expand our power to the limit of what we can while there is still time, and reap the maximum benefits!

Moreover, in this process, he can also use the banners of the Qilin Clan, Qiankun Dynasty, and Taiji Dynasty. After all, he is a follower of the three major forces who have already been scheduled. In this way, even if he continues to conquer other dynasties , those more powerful forces will not take action against him because of this.

All in all, if you do this, there will be no danger, and there will be many benefits, and the monkey fire will naturally not be polite.

"Hmph, I am the Great Luo Jinxian. I have gone through many hardships to reach this level of cultivation. How can I become a slave? Even if you kill me, I will not surrender!"

Ancestor Lihuo smiled proudly, and there was a strong sense of unruliness between his eyebrows. It was obvious that he would not surrender even to the death.


Yuan Huo nodded. Since the other party was like this, he would not be polite. With a "chi", he directly used the Hongmeng Sky Measurement Ruler and slashed forward.

In an instant, purple light bloomed, illuminating the sky and the earth. Shocking murderous intent penetrated the sky, making the earth hundreds of millions of miles into a chill. The Hongmeng Sky Ruler moved at an astonishing speed, as if it transcended time, and came to the ancestor of Lihuo in one go. Before the eyebrows, pierce it hard.

Ancestor Lihuo was horrified. He had never expected that Yuanhuo would be so decisive. He would take action as soon as he said it. He roared and activated the magic power in his body. In an instant, infinite divine fire surged out of his body. There was Sun True Fire and Nanming Lihuo. Samadhi True Fire... In the ancient world, the endless flames all appeared at this moment and gathered together to form a magnificent sea of ​​fire, blocking the front of Ancestor Lihuo and forming the strongest defense.

However, the next moment, the Hongmeng Sky Ruler's sharp edge easily penetrated the sea of ​​​​fire, and murderous intent came out in a mighty manner. The sacred fires were extinguished one after another. In the blink of an eye, most of the flames were annihilated. In the end, it became unstoppable. With a puff, It penetrated the forehead of Ancestor Lihuo, and blood spattered everywhere!


Ancestor Lihuo screamed pitifully, and his soul left his body. There was deep fear in his eyes. He never thought that Yuanhuo would defeat him in just one move!

He is Daluo Jinxian!


At this time, the Hongmeng Heavenly Measurement Ruler glowed again and strangled. A deep fear of death appeared in the eyes of Ancestor Lihuo. The previous arrogance disappeared at this moment, and he quickly shouted in fear: "Wait a minute, I am willing - —”

He wanted to say, I am willing to surrender, but it was too late. Hongmeng Tianzhi flew over and was just a strangulation. Ancestor Lihuo's soul was annihilated, and he died and disappeared between heaven and earth.

Daluo Jinxian fell like this!

In the blink of an eye, Da Luo was slaughtered like a chicken. This was definitely an extremely terrifying scene. For a moment, in the imperial city of the Lihuo Dynasty below, countless strong men saw this scene. They were all horrified, and their faces turned as white as snow. They just felt Both body and mind are overwhelmed by endless fear. This is too terrifying. Facing a strong man like Saruhuo, they are no different from ants!

Yuanhuo looked calm, which was normal. After all, what he had just sacrificed was the Hongmeng Tianzhi, the most precious treasure of acquired merit and killing. The power of the killing was overwhelming, and it was not related to cause and effect. Even if the opponent was Daluo Jinxian, he was no more than Daluo Jinxian. In the early stage, how could he be his opponent? Being killed instantly is a sure thing.

"Are you going to resist or surrender?"

Aru Huo glanced downwards and spoke calmly.

"We are willing to surrender and from now on, we will go through fire and water for the ape clan."

The strong men of the Lihuo Dynasty, at this time, no longer had any courage to resist, and they all knelt down on the ground, trembling and honest.

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