Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 114: One against ten, a fierce battle with Da Luo!

Obviously, Yuan Huo's performance really frightened these Da Luo Jinxian, so they desperately abandoned the face of Da Luo Jinxian and joined forces to deal with the threat of Yuan Huo.

This is definitely an extremely terrifying scene. No one can imagine how terrifying it will be if the ten great Luo join forces. Even if the monkey fire is powerful, how can it be an opponent?

And if such a battle is lost, the consequences will be even more disastrous!

Although Sarufire himself can escape, the entire huge ethnic group under his command, as well as the vast territory, may be completely divided by these ten dynasties.

At that time, the Ape Tribe dynasty that Ape Fire had spent countless efforts to develop might collapse and disappear from the world completely.

However, in the face of all this, Sarushuo was extremely calm. He just glanced at them lightly and said, "You guys did a good job. It saves me from having to come to your door one by one and allows me to solve all the problems at once."

"Do you really think you are invincible?" When many Da Luo heard this, they all laughed angrily, thinking that Yuan Huo was too arrogant. You must know that they are ten Da Luo Golden Immortals, who can be their opponent?

"This person's defense is very strong. We should find a way to trap him first and restrain his movements, and then slowly find a way to deal with it." Chique suddenly raised his head to the sky and let out a long chirp, "Everyone, let's take action!"

As he spoke, the red sparrow suddenly spread its wings and activated its magic power. Ocean-like red fire surged out of its body, surging in the void, and turned into a huge fire net that stretched across the sky and the earth. Shrouded in ape fire.

"After killing this man, all the treasures on his body will be divided equally between us." A trace of fiery color appeared in the eyes of the three-eyed giant, and he also took action.

The coercion at the Daluo Jinxian level exploded, and the third eye suddenly brightened, shining like the sun above the sky. Wherever the gaze glanced, the void suddenly became stagnant, as if it had turned into a swamp, and any It becomes difficult for living beings to move.

The reason why these ten giants joined forces was not only because Yuan Huo was too much of a threat, but also because Yuan Huo had so many treasures on his body that they were jealous, and they all thought they could take this opportunity to take away all the treasures on Yuan Huo's body.

"Xutu Soaring Snake Formation!"

The Soaring Snake roared loudly, and its huge snake body erupted with rich earth-yellow light. It expanded violently. The ground shook instantly, and the power of infinite earth veins rose up, turning into a giant earth-yellow snake that was hundreds of millions of feet long. , suddenly entangled towards the ape fire, so heavy that the crushing void rumbled.


At the same time, other Da Luo Jinxian also used various trapping methods to try to trap Yuan Huo.

For a moment, the area was rioting with endless power, and it was as if it had turned into the most terrifying prison, trapping the ape fire and never being able to break free.

It has to be said that these Da Luo Jinxian do have some tricks. They are extremely clever when they make a move. They start from the most subtle point and restrain the ape fire's invincible defense.

Sarushuo felt that he was suddenly surrounded by layers of restraints. Although his body was not affected by any impact due to the protection of the Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower, if he wanted to move, it would be as difficult as climbing to the sky, as if he was trapped in amber. The insects in it are struggling.

If this continues, maybe we will really be trapped by them.


Thinking of this, Yuan Huo shouted low, activated the Nine Turns Mysterious Technique, took a step forward, and punched forward, directly colliding with the endless sealing power.


The world shook violently, as if it was about to explode. The bodies of the ten great Luo shook violently and were impacted. It felt like they were hit by a giant hammer of chaos.

Boom boom boom! ! ! !

Then, Sarufire continued to attack. His movements were very simple, just punching forward one after another, but the power contained in it was really terrifying. With each punch, the void seemed to be completely destroyed. Collapse, the various restraint methods also tremble violently, as if they will be annihilated in the next moment.

"What a strong body!"

Seeing this scene, the ten great Luo were all horrified. The scene of the monkey fire was simply terrifying, because it was the power of one person against the combined power of the ten great Luo. As a result, in such a confrontation, the monkey fire seemed to be still alive. Having the upper hand, no wonder this person was able to kill Ziwei Ancestor, his strength was terrifying.

"We must integrate all our methods and others so that we can turn it into the strongest ban, otherwise he will break free sooner or later." Chique shouted anxiously.

At this moment, the ten great Luo were all a little panicked. If the monkey fire was really allowed to break free, the consequences would be too terrible, and they must find a way to completely suppress it.


The Three-Eyed Giant, the Nine-Life Black Cat, the Dark Giant Rat, the Golden Bronze Bull, the Golden Eagle, the Black Fox, etc. all shouted loudly, and then simultaneously spit out a mouthful of vast mana and poured it into their own sealing methods.

Suddenly, the ten Great Luo seals melted at the same moment, gathered together, twisted and changed, and suddenly turned into six huge and thick air walls, with billions of runes densely packed on them shining, and there was a roar. When they were closed and connected, they turned into a cube, like a huge cage, and the monkey fire was restrained in it with a single blow.

"What method is this?"

At this time, even Yuan Huo was a little surprised. Each of the ten confinement methods has different energy attributes. When combined with each other, there will definitely be great conflicts. But now the entire cube cage is in perfect harmony. It seems that it should be like this by nature. Too Incredible.

"Hahaha, do you think we came here without any preparation? This kind of magical fusion method was discovered by me before. It was actually to deal with the ancestor Ziwei, because the ancestor Ziwei is an innate god and demon after all, and he is not interested in us. The threat was too big, but I didn’t expect that it would be used on you now." Chique laughed.

Boom boom boom! !

While speaking, the movements under their hands did not slow down, and they poured mana into the cube cage. In the end, the runes on the cage were densely packed, exuding a terrifying atmosphere, which was simply worse than those with innate restrictions. Even more terrible.

"Next we will capture it and slowly figure out how to kill it." Chique said fiercely.

Other Da Luo faces also showed excitement.

However, at this time, the monkey fire naturally couldn't let them get what they wanted. He activated his magic power and punched out one punch after another, trying to blast away the entire cage.

He punched out, and the void exploded. The area turned directly into chaos, and endless worlds emerged. In an instant, they were all annihilated. The phenomenon was horrifying, and it seemed to carry a majestic power that could destroy the universe.

But when the fist landed on the thick wall of air, the power was immediately weakened layer by layer, and among the densely packed runes shining, countless chains were formed, clattering, binding them, and annihilating them.

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