Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 121: Finally become Daluo, all time and space are eternally at ease!

Indeed, in the ancient world, nine was the ultimate, but above this, there is a level of perfection, and the twelve levels represent perfection!

Could it be said that with the power of this great merit and virtue, this level of smallpox can actually break through the ultimate realm and reach the level of perfection?

This is a legendary level!

For a moment, Yuan Huo couldn't help but feel excited. The power of the Great Dao's merits was really extraordinary. If he could really elevate Tianpo to the twelfth level, he would get too many benefits from it.


At this time, the day flower bloomed again, and its momentum rose to its peak. Accompanied by the sound of some kind of confinement breaking, it finally crossed the last layer of obstacles and reached the level of the twelfth level, above the ten thousand acres of Qingyun. , the boundless clear light surged, a blue Dao Lotus emerged, and the infinite Dao rhyme surged out from it, drowning Yuan Huo's entire body. Bathed in the light of that rhyme, Yuan Huo only felt that the thoughts of his soul became... Incomparably sharp, the whole person's cultivation speed suddenly increased tenfold based on the previous basis!

"Is this the Twelfth Grade Three Flowers?!"

Yuan Huo was pleasantly surprised. The magnitude of this blessing was so terrifying. It could speed up his practice by a large margin and make it countless times smoother.

For a moment, the ape fire was excited, and even if it was running, it was filled with mana again.

So, not long after, the second three-flowered "ground flower" began to bloom.

First grade.

Second grade.

Third grade.

Fourth grade.

Fifth grade.

Sixth grade.

Seventh grade.

Just like the smallpox, when the earthly flower blooms to the seventh level, its speed slows down and reaches the limit. Without any hesitation, the monkey fire grabs another ten million points of great merit and pours it into it, taking advantage of the trend. , the earth flower's light surged, its power became great, and its level rose again.

Eighth grade.

Ninth grade.

Tenth grade.

Eleventh grade.

Twelve grades.

In the Infinite Dao Rhyme, this earth flower has also reached the perfection level, stepping into the realm of the twelfth grade. The Infinite Dao Rhyme has become mighty, and the speed of Yuan Huo's practice has skyrocketed again.

"The next thing is the human flowers."

Yuan Huo took a deep breath, and unceremoniously poured in 10 million points of great merit. The human flower bloomed, and the level quickly improved, and then broke through the limit, reaching the twelfth level again.

The three flowers of heaven, earth, human beings have reached perfection at the same time!

Among the vast Qingyun, three crystal lotus flowers swayed, showing peerless beauty. Each Dao lotus was filled with endless Dao charm, intertwined together, and its scale was terrifying, no less than the jade dish of good fortune. The Taoist charm exuded is so great that it is completely conceivable that these three twelfth-grade and third-grade flowers will be extremely frightening to Ape Fire's practice in the future. From now on, his practice will become smoother.


Even in the end, when the three Dao Lotuses came into contact with each other, a terrifying change occurred. Faintly, in the Qingyun, a shadow of a thirty-sixth-grade chaotic green lotus appeared, exuding an aura It seemed to shake the entire prehistoric world, but it only appeared for a moment and then disappeared.

"This is?"

Sarushuo was a little surprised when he saw this astonishing scene. As he was thinking about it, he suddenly felt an extremely powerful force coming and pulling his soul out. The world was spinning for a while, which seemed to be an instant and an eternity. When his consciousness became clear again, Sarushuo found that he had suddenly arrived in a strange space.

In this vast space, there is an eternal river, flowing out of nothingness, rolling and spreading to infinity.

In that river, there are endless pictures. In each picture, there are billions of endless creatures in it. It seems like a vast era, one picture, one wave, and the whole long river. It contains these endless creatures.

This kind of magnificence and majesty is hard to describe in words. Even the ape fire, after seeing it, can't help but suffocate, as if eternal time is overwhelming and boundless and heavy oppression is coming. It is a kind of power of destiny and a kind of life. The heaviness and existence of countless numbers are all contained in it.

"Could this be the legendary river of destiny?"

Sarufire muttered to himself.

He opened his eyes of time and looked towards the long river ahead. He could see endless creatures struggling in the long river.

Among them, many creatures exude powerful and terrifying auras, have reached the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal, and want to jump out of this long river and break free from the constraints.

However, all failed.

Even if you reach the Taiyi Golden Immortal, you can't break free from the constraints at all. Only by cultivating to the Daluo Golden Immortal can you leap out and volley above like ape fire.

And this is the long river of destiny!

The River of Destiny is a place where all the destinies of countless ordinary creatures in the prehistoric era are gathered together. The endless destinies are all intertwined here, converging into a vast river that is so huge that it is unimaginable. The so-called practice is Break free from these shackles of fate and jump out!

However, only those who have cultivated to the level of Daluo Jinxian can do this.

This is also one of the essential differences between Daluo Jinxian and Taiyi Jinxian.


It was at this time that beneath the ape fire, the entire river of destiny began to vibrate. Infinite pictures suddenly appeared in it. Each picture showed the life trajectory of a living being, forming billions of endless hours. Line, the scale is majestic to an extremely terrifying level.

Sarushuo opened his eyes of time and looked carefully, and then he discovered that all of these pictures were of himself!

There are various scenes of his life in the Blue Star in his previous life.

There is a scene where he has just traveled to the prehistoric times and become an ape.

There are also life trajectories in various other worlds.

For a moment, a sudden realization came to Sarushuo's heart, "This is Da Luo. The so-called Da Luo, all time and space, eternal and free, is to gather these endless branches of destiny into one. From then on, I will it's me."


With this kind of realization, the infinite picture below boiled instantly, turning into billions of endless light points, whizzing out, all integrated into the body of the monkey fire, causing the aura of the monkey fire to continue to surge, suddenly strengthening unknown. How many times.

He could feel that the mana in his body seemed to be endless at this moment, with no end at all.

Because now, he has infinite dimensions, infinite timelines, and a terrifying creature formed after all his selves are merged together. In this way, he can naturally have endless power!

Moreover, Apefire also felt that with a single thought, he seemed to be able to penetrate the infinite time and space and all the worlds. Even if he died, he could be resurrected from the smallest time scale and the deepest depth of space, and he would be immortal. , has an immortal quality.

The terrifying power of a body is simply an earth-shaking change, a complete sublimation.

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