Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 123 The ancestor of Qiankun plans! Personal panel, terrifying improvement!

In the southern continent, in the Nanming volcano, there is a huge sycamore tree, towering into the starry sky. The canopy blocks the sky and the sun. It is inhabited by countless phoenixes. It is extremely gorgeous.

And in the deepest part of the Nanming volcano, Yuan Feng was dormant, concentrating on practicing. As he breathed, his whole body was emitting extremely dazzling colorful light, reflecting millions of time and space like a glass world.

At this moment, she suddenly felt something in her heart. She opened her phoenix eyes and looked at the river of destiny. The shadow of the thirty-sixth grade chaotic green lotus was slowly swaying.

"Chaos Green Lotus." Yuanfeng's clear eyes bloomed with astonishing brilliance. As a legacy of Pangu, she could naturally sense the aura related to Pangu.

"What kind of existence appeared in the ancient wilderness?" Yuan Feng murmured to himself, and she vaguely felt that this might not be a bad thing for her.

The Ancestral Dragon in the Ancestral Dragon Palace and the Ancestral Qilin at the foot of Buzhou Mountain also sensed the Thirty-Sixth Grade Chaos Green Lotus at this moment, and had the same feeling in their hearts.

At the same time, ancestors Qiankun, Taiji, Kunwu and other powerful innate gods and demons had much heavier expressions in their eyes.

They established the dynasty and wanted to seek endless luck, so as to break through the shackles of the realm and prove the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian. Naturally, the fewer competitors, the better. Now this creature that suddenly appeared in the river of destiny must be extraordinary. If Growing up in the future may pose a huge threat to them.

"Now I have to speed up the time and quickly grow my dynasty. If I want to grow my dynasty, I need more strong men and more clan members, so that I can gather endless luck!

"Some time ago, the envoy said that he found a creature with extremely talented people who could defeat the Daluo Golden Immortal in the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal. Moreover, the Qilin Clan and the Taiji Dynasty also took a fancy to this creature."

"This person must not be allowed to join other forces. Although he has been given a Yuanhui time to think about it, there is no need to worry about this. Just kidnap him."

A deep ray of light flashed in the eyes of the ancestor of Qiankun, and suddenly there was a burst of light above his body. A figure exactly like him walked out of it, and an extremely powerful aura filled the whole body. It surged out overwhelmingly, almost overwhelming the entire Qiankun. The entire dynasty trembled.

This is clearly a dharma body of Patriarch Qiankun!

The so-called dharma bodies are good corpses, evil corpses, etc. similar to the practice of killing three corpses in later generations. They possess part of the magic power of the original body and are extremely terrifying.

An existence like the ancestor of Qiankun has reached the realm of Hunyuan Golden Immortal. He is so high up and standing at the top of the ancient pyramid that it is naturally impossible for him to take action himself.

However, the ancestor of Qiankun also paid great attention to the ape fire. He was worried that during the robbery, it would attract the attention of the Qilin clan and the Taiji Dynasty, so he simply decided to directly send one of his dharma bodies.

"This time when you go to the ape tribe, you must bring me the ape fire. In order to avoid accidents, you take this Qiankun Ruler. This thing is an innate high-grade spiritual treasure with infinite power. With your cultivation, If you activate it, even if you encounter the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, you can still resist it." Qiankun Patriarch said calmly.

While talking.

With a "buzz" sound, a small ruler flew out, emitting infinite light from its whole body. It seemed small in size, but it seemed to contain a vast world inside, which was extremely terrifying. It fell into the hands of the ancestor of Qiankun.

"rest assured."

Qiankun Patriarch Dharmakaya smiled, he is Dharmakaya, connected with the main body, basically equal to Qiankun Patriarch himself, holding Qiankun Ruler, taking one step forward, and in an instant he was hundreds of billions of miles away, towards the Ape Tribe Dynasty where Ape Fire is. And go.

On the other side, when countless strong men in the prehistoric era were shaken by the imprint of the fate of the ape fire, the ape fire soul returned to the physical body.

At this moment, his soul cultivation level has officially broken through to the realm of Daluo Jinxian. It can be said that earth-shaking changes have taken place. The aura that pervades his body almost makes the space and time collapse. It is terrifying to the extreme. His power is unknown before. How many times, it's like soaring into the sky.

"System, open the personal panel."

Sarushuo wanted to see how strong he was now, so he gave the order, and saw a flash of light in front of his eyes, and a curtain of light appeared.

…………Personal Panel…………

Host: Apefire.

Heels and Feet: Advanced Innate Sacred Heels and Feet

Ethnic group: ape tribe

Number of ethnic groups: 100 billion

Great merit: 20 million points

Realm of the physical body: Late stage of the fourth turn of the Nine Turns Xuan Gong, Daluo Jinxian reaches perfection

Realm of Yuanshen: the early stage of the fourth stage of the nine-turn Yuan Gong, the early stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal

Laws: Law of Force (13/100), Law of Time (15/100), Law of Space (15/100), Law of Cause and Effect (15/100), Law of War (15/100)

Supernatural powers: the pupil of time, seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune, escape from yin and yang and the five elements, thirty-six major magical powers, seventy-two minor magical powers, etc.

Lingbao: Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth, Hongmeng Heavenly Ruler, Twelve-grade Pure World White Lotus, thirty-six Dinghai Divine Pearls, Good Fortune Jade Disc (main fragment × 1, small fragment × 3), Kongtong Seal, Chaos Pearl, Big Dipper sword, Lihuo armor, laurel leaves, etc.

Rare treasures from ancient times: Destruction Dharma Plate, Willow Leaves

Spiritual roots: innate gourd vine, yellow plum, five-needle pine, innate banana tree, enlightenment tea tree, innate yin and yang peach tree, as well as many spiritual roots and elixirs collected from Kunlun Mountain and Shouyang Mountain.

Others: Origin of the Three-Light Chaos Demon God, Nine Heavens Breathing Soil


"I didn't expect that my strength has grown to this extent."

Seeing the data on the personal panel, Sarushuo was a little surprised, because it was so terrifying. Compared with before, it had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The first is the heel. Now his heel has reached the advanced innate and sacred level. Such heel is already considered the top heel in the world, comparable to the three pure saints such as Taiqing Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun.

Second only to the top innate gods and demons such as Hongjun and Luohu.

This kind of heel and foot can bring about heaven-defying understanding and terrifying luck. Cultivation is as simple as eating and drinking. If Yuan Huo is willing, he can easily become a saint of heaven in the future!

Of course, the Tiandao Saint is different from the real Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. The Tiandao Saint relies on the Heavenly Dao to become a saint and will be shackled by the Heavenly Dao. Naturally, Yuan Huo will not follow that path.

Instead, practice and understand the laws honestly, and comprehend the laws to 100%. In this way, you can realize the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Such Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is essentially much more powerful than the Heavenly Dao Saint, because it is not You need to rely on the way of heaven!

The second is the number of ethnic groups. As he digested the territories and populations of more than a dozen dynasties, the number of ethnic groups has now reached 100 billion.

This is definitely an extremely terrifying scale. Looking at the entire prehistoric period, it is considered pretty good, at least it can rank among the top one thousand.

What's more important is that the system binds the entire ethnic group. Such a huge ethnic group brings him cultivation, footwork, luck and other blessings every moment, reaching an unimaginable level, making Yuan Huo The speed of cultivation is thousands of times that of other creatures!

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