Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 131 Hongmeng’s Sky Measurement Ruler breaks the Universe Ruler!

"Qiankun Ruler!"

Then, the ancestor of Qiankun did not hold back. With a roar, he fiercely sacrificed the Qiankun Ruler into the billions of worlds. In an instant, the infinite light of Qiankun burst out and swept through the endless worlds. These billions of worlds seemed to have gained some kind of power. Like a blessing, the solidity instantly increased hundreds or thousands of times.

Boom boom boom~~~

Therefore, for a moment, the speed of the long river of force's forward thrust actually slowed down a bit.

But, it's only a trace.

Yuan Huo looked calm, and just activated his power. In an instant, the long river of law of unification burst out with light, and moved forward again. At once, it penetrated the entire world of endless universe that had received countless blessings, and fiercely bombarded the dharma body of the ancestor of universe. above.


This dharma body couldn't withstand it at all and exploded in just one blow.

"Damn, damn, damn!"

A crazy roar came out, and all the body fragments of the dharma body glowed, flying out with a whooshing sound at the same time, and reorganizing their bodies in the distance.

Although it is just a dharma body, he is the ancestor of Qiankun after all. The current dharma body is in the perfection state of Daluo Jinxian, but it is more perfect than the ordinary Daluo Jinxian. It is countless times more terrifying, even if it is controlled by the law of force. Such a horrific attack shattered his body, but he didn't die.

"This time, even if I fail, I will definitely make you regret it when I know about it."

Qiankun Patriarch Dharmakaya spoke with a ferocious look. By this time, he already knew that he was no match at all. If he continued to fight, he would only die.

If you want to condense the dharma body, you must separate a part of the original soul. Therefore, once the dharma body dies, it will be a huge loss for the ontology. It is unacceptable no matter what. Therefore, at this time, Qiankun Lao Zu Dharmakaya had no other thoughts, so he turned around and ran away.


He took one step forward, and the mighty laws of the universe around him actually formed a blessing force, causing his speed to increase suddenly, as if he traveled through billions of time and space in an instant.

In just an instant, he arrived at the edge of the chaotic space, used the Qiankun Ruler, and blasted forward, trying to create a passage so he could escape.

However, something terrible happened. When the Qiankun Ruler hit the edge of the chaotic space, endless chaotic airflow suddenly surged out. Every ray of chaotic airflow had the power of the Great Luo Jinxian level. They were densely packed and dense. I don't know how many rays there were, all of them hit the Qiankun Ruler at once.


Even though the Qiankun Ruler is extremely powerful, it was unable to withstand this powerful and terrifying attack and was blown away in one fell swoop.

Ancestor Qiankun also seemed to have seen a ghost, quickly retreated, and shouted out loud: "What kind of space is this?"

He had no idea that the chaotic space created by the ape fire would be so terrifying. He wanted to get out of here, but it ended up attracting endless chaotic airflow. How could he escape?

Sarufire looked calm when he saw this scene.

This chaotic space is an ability that he only possesses after refining the first Chaos Restriction of the Chaos Bead. Once he uses it, let alone the Qiankun Patriarch's dharma body, even if the Qiankun Patriarch's body comes here, he can't even think of breaking through it!

Of course, this space cannot be used to attack the enemy, but can only be used to trap the enemy. The most important function is to isolate the secrets of heaven, and it can only last for three days.

But no matter what, this is very terrifying, which means that as long as Sarushuo wants to fight someone, once this chaotic space is sacrificed, that person can only fight, there is no other way, and he can't escape.

"Just accept your death."

Ape Fire spoke calmly, and as he spoke, the mana surged in his body, and suddenly a huge purple brilliance erupted, sweeping across the vast chaotic space.

A ruler emerged.

The ruler was crystal clear, with patterns such as the sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, and trees on it. As the ape fire was activated, endless murderous aura erupted, turning the area into a killing place. It seemed that one could hear the shrill screams coming from countless creatures. With a roar, the ruler buzzed and flew straight towards the ancestor of Qiankun.

It is the treasure of acquired merit and virtue, Hongmeng's measuring ruler!

At present, after Yuan Huo broke through to the Da Luo Jinxian realm, this Hongmeng Heavenly Measurement Ruler has been refined with thirty-six restrictions, and its power has increased by countless times than before.

As the ape fire activates, endless murderous aura sweeps across. This chaotic space seems to have returned to the time when the ferocious beasts calamity was at its peak. Between heaven and earth, there is endless evil aura everywhere, full of endless murderous intent. The human soul will tremble.

Almost as if it transcended time, the Hongmeng Heavenly Ruler flew out and appeared in front of Qiankun Patriarch's dharma body, stabbing hard towards his eyebrows.

Ancestor Qiankun's hair stood on end instantly.

He had been seriously injured when he resisted the law of force before, but now the Hongmeng Heavenly Ruler is not weak at all. If he withstands it again, can he survive?

"What is the origin of this guy? Not only does he master the law of force, but he also possesses such an offensive treasure. His murderous aura is no less than the God-killing Spear in the hands of the Beast Emperor God Ni during the period of the fierce beast calamity!" For a moment, the ancestor of Qiankun felt a strong death threat as his whole body was frozen with ice.

Almost without thinking, the ancestor of Qiankun roared in frustration and chose to burn the origin of his own universe.

With a bang, a terrifying aura erupted, and around the body of the ancestor of Qiankun, layers and layers of visions of billions of worlds once again appeared.

Ancestor Qiankun is a creature that was transformed from the origin of the Demon God Qiankun when it fell into the wilderness. Its Dharma Body also contains a heavy source of origin. Before, Ancestor Qiankun had been unwilling to use it. At this moment, there was really no choice but to start burning. In this way , although it can be exchanged for powerful power, this source is a permanent loss, which will have a huge impact on the cultivation path of Qiankun Patriarch.


The ancestor of Qiankun roared, and used this majestic original power to activate the Qiankun Ruler. It flew out with a whoosh and collided directly with the Hongmeng Sky Measurement Ruler.

"We can't break the Qiankun Ruler."

Seeing this scene, Yuan Huo's heart moved. You must know that the most precious thing on the Dharma Body of the Qiankun Patriarch is the Qiankun Ruler. It would be a pity if it was broken into pieces at once.

Thinking of this, he slightly restrained the power of the Hongmeng Heavenly Measurement Ruler, and then only heard a loud "dang" sound. Even though the source of burning was activated, the Qiankun Ruler still flew out, even on the surface. On the top, cracks appeared directly, and the light dimmed.

"There are still injuries."

For a moment, Sarufire showed a distressed expression on his face.

"what do you mean?!!"

Ancestor Qiankun noticed that he was so angry that he didn't even have time to feel heartbroken, but the other party had a look of pity on his face. How could it be unreasonable.

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