Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 136 The number of ethnic groups increased exponentially!

This breakthrough in the physical realm is of great significance to the improvement of Yuan Huo's combat power. It is a qualitative change, and he does not know how many times he is stronger.

If he encounters the dharma body of the Qiankun Patriarch again, Yuan Huo does not need to use other means, but only needs to use pure physical power to kill it easily.

The physical body at the level of Hunyuan Golden Immortal, even if placed in the period of ferocious beasts, would not be any weaker than those ancient ferocious beasts.

"Next, continue practicing."

Yuan Huo looked at the Wu Clan blood pool in front of him, with a trace of fiery color in his eyes.

At present, in the wilderness, many dynasties stand side by side, not to mention the Qilin Clan, Dragon Clan, Phoenix Clan, and the Demon Ancestor Luo Fengchuyu behind them. There are turbulent undercurrents between them, and no one knows when a war will break out.

But this Pangu Palace is extremely hidden, and no one can find it. From now on, he can hibernate here, use the witch blood pool here, slowly practice, and raise his physical realm to a higher level. level.

It is extremely difficult to practice the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique, but from another perspective, it is also very simple. As long as you have enough training resources, you can continue to improve.

The essence and blood in this witch clan blood pool is almost endless, and it is impossible to know what level of cultivation Ape Fire can reach.

Of course, this kind of practice will definitely take a very long time, but now Ape Fire doesn't care too much. It has evolved into thirty-six heavens, and placed the ape clan and affiliated clans among them, allowing them to slowly To reproduce, he himself is completely detached and does not need to be involved in the prehistoric disaster.

Boom boom~~

Thinking of this, Yuan Huo continued to close his eyes, run the Nine Revolutions Xuan Gong, and began to practice using the essence and blood in the Wu Clan's blood pool.

However, suddenly, the system voice rang in Yuan Huo's ears: "Ding dong, congratulations to the host, the number of the population has reached 150 billion."

As soon as these words came out, Yuan Huo, who was about to plunge into practice, was instantly startled.

Not long has passed since he integrated many ethnic groups and the number of ethnic groups exceeded 100 billion. How come the number of this ethnic group has grown so horribly, to 50 billion more all at once?

This is too exaggerated.

With a thought in Saruhuo's mind, there was a "boom", and the thirty-six heavens emerged, turning into thirty-six black holes, hanging behind his head, slowly rotating.

An extremely terrifying coercion emanated from it, making the void in Pangu Palace buzz, as if it could not bear it.

After all, these thirty-six heavens are all equivalent to the elementary world!

With all their strength, even the Hunyuan Golden Immortal would be unable to bear it in its early stage!

The center of Yuanhuo's eyebrows glowed, and the power of the soul condensed into shape. With one step, he entered the world of thirty-six heavens. Looking around, these thirty-six heavens are extremely vast, with endless universes and dense universes. Stacked together, they form a massive world system.

Especially among them, there is a Jianmu tree!

This building tree is huge and boundless. It is rooted in the center of the thirty-six heavens. It penetrates an unknown number of universes and supports the space within it.

This is clearly the piece of Jianmu that Yuanhuo got before. When Yuanhuo moved away from the cave of the ape clan, he naturally did not forget this Jianmu. You must know that although this is just a fragment, the Jianmu itself was originally However, the level of existence that held up the heaven and earth together with the Great God Pangu surpassed the concept of innate spiritual roots. With these fragments of building wood, the world of the thirty-six heavens will be stronger, more stable, and more capable of growth.

The ape tribe and many affiliated tribes of the ape tribe live in those many universes.

Although the number of 150 billion creatures is terrifying, when they are scattered in this endless universe, they appear to be very sparse.

In fact, any small race can occupy thousands or hundreds of universes and rule endless territories under their command.

"The Eye of Time."

Ape Fire looked down at the vast and endless space and time in the thirty-six heavens, opened his eyes of time, and scanned away.

Now, his magical power of the Eye of Time has been cultivated to an extremely high level, and his eyesight is astonishing. When he glances at this moment, even a speck of dust in the thirty-six heavens is clearly reflected, among which Everything that happened appeared in front of his eyes.

And with one glance, Yuan Huo understood clearly.

"I see!"

"This is the exponential growth that a race will experience after it reaches a certain stage of development!"

These thirty-six heavens are the evolution of the Qiankun Ruler and the thirty-six Dinghai Divine Pearls. Their interiors are filled with endless spiritual energy, which is equivalent to a huge cave heaven paradise.

In such a blessed land, the cultivation environment is naturally excellent.

After the ape tribe and many affiliated tribes entered this environment, they immediately took advantage of this excellent cultivation habitat to develop.

In addition, Sarufire attaches great importance to the number of groups, so these groups also have children openly without any restrictions.

There is no shortage of resources or territory, and the number of ethnic groups has reached hundreds of billions. The increase in their number is naturally no small matter, and it is directly exponential growth.

Therefore, in a short period of time, the number of ethnic groups has reached 150 billion.

Boom boom boom~~~

At this moment, Yuan Huo could completely feel that the mighty power transmitted from this group bound through the system was all blessing him.

Cultivation, heeling, luck, magical power, etc. are all improved by this blessing at an astonishing speed. After all, the more the group is, the larger the scale is, and the blessing for him is also It's even more amazing.

The benefits are unimaginable!

However, Sarufire foresees a problem at this time.

"The number of this ethnic group is growing too fast now. The current thirty-six heavens and worlds can naturally bear it, but if it takes tens of millions or hundreds of millions of years, it will be too difficult to say."

"Either find a way to improve the level of the Thirty-Six Heavens World!"

"Or limit the number of ethnic groups!"

"There are only two ways to go."

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Saruhuo's mouth. He did not expect to encounter such an accident. To a certain extent, this could be regarded as a happy trouble.

He is unwilling to limit the number of ethnic groups in any case, because that would limit his own strength.

Therefore, next, he must find a way to let these thirty-six heavens continue to grow and be promoted to the level of the intermediate world, or even the advanced and top world!

"Ding dong, the number of ethnic groups has reached a new level, and the host will be rewarded with a top-notch Cave Paradise."

At this time, the system's rewards were also issued, and with a "buzz" sound, a map appeared in the system space, pointing to the depths of the prehistoric starry sky.

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