Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 141 The origin of chaos, the essence and blood of Pangu! !


Ape Fire stepped out and came to the place where the source fluctuations were emitting. He opened his eyes and saw that in the chaotic air flow, there was a mountain-like mass of source fluctuations, surrounded by chaotic energy and filled with strong energy fluctuations. There seemed to be a chaotic demon lurking inside.

"This seems to be the origin of chaos?"

Sarufire suddenly gasped, shocked.

In the era of chaos before the prehistoric times, there were three thousand Chaos Demon Gods, but in fact, these "three thousand" were just an imaginary number, representing the three thousand strongest Chaos Demon Gods!

In addition to these three thousand Chaos Demon Gods, there are billions of endless Chaos Demon Gods, all of whom are powerful.

The origin of chaos is something related to the Chaos Demon God. It is the original power left behind after the death of the Chaos Demon God who practiced to the level of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

This source of chaos has endless magical uses. It is similar to the merits of the Great Dao. It is almost an omnipotent thing. It can be used to improve heels and feet, to refine spiritual treasures, to cultivate spiritual roots, and can be used to do almost anything.

A piece of Chaos Origin is equivalent to a Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, which shows how terrifying it is!

"Big money."

Yuan Huo was pleasantly surprised, and without any hesitation, he grabbed the source of chaos in his hands. With this source of chaos, he would be able to practice much more smoothly in the future.

"Well, it seems there is more?"

After taking away this source of chaos, Ape Fire continued to look into the depths of the chaotic airflow, and discovered that even deeper there, there seemed to be surging power of the source.

He was suddenly pleasantly surprised. He took a step thousands of miles deep into it, and immediately found the source of chaos as huge as a mountain, filled with a strong energy aura.

"I previously obtained the top-quality innate spiritual root Five-Needle Pine from an overseas fairy island, but the Five-Needle Pine was damaged and had a huge ax mark. Now that I have this source of chaos, I can restore the Five-Needle Pine's speed. Faster!"

"At the same time, I also have innate top-quality spiritual roots such as the innate gourd vine and yellow plum. With the origin of chaos, if I cultivate them, their maturity speed will also become faster!"

"That's a huge gain."

Ape Fire was excited, and immediately put away the source of chaos. Then, he continued to search, and finally found a total of ten groups of source of chaos in this area!

A piece of Chaos Origin is equivalent to a Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

Chaos Great Luo Jinxian, what level of existence is that? You must know that Hongjun and Luohu, the highest realms on the ancient continent, are only the perfection of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal. They are still some distance away from the level of the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

If these ten origins of chaos were obtained, it would be enough to drive everyone crazy. Countless dynasties would fight for it, and it would be possible to start a terrible battle on the scale of the previous ferocious beast calamity.

After all, the reason why the ferocious beast calamity happened before, and the reason why many innate gods and demons ended up, was because killing the ferocious beast could bring endless luck.

And the effect of this source of chaos is definitely no less powerful than the power of luck.

This level of preciousness is difficult to describe in words. It is an extremely huge resource. Even the ape fire will probably take an extremely long time to slowly digest it.

Previously, as the number of clan members continued to increase, he had been worried about insufficient resources. Now that he had obtained the Cauldron of Creation and the ten origins of chaos, he could breathe a sigh of relief.

With these two things, it can continue to support it for a long time, allowing the entire ape family to enjoy the best cultivation conditions!

The ape tribe and many of its affiliated tribes are more powerful, and he himself will naturally become more powerful!

"Look what else is in here."

After the search was completed, Yuan Huo continued to search, all the way to the deepest part of Huangzhou, where the chaotic airflow was extremely dense.

Looking around, hundreds of millions of chaotic air currents are churning, forming a very grand scene, like a vast ocean, turbulent and tumbling, with huge waves towering into the sky.

A terrifying aura came out, carrying an incomparable danger.

Sarushuo opened his eyes and looked towards the chaotic ocean. Suddenly, under the sight of the Eye of Time, he saw a little red light, which flashed away.

"Well, what is that?"

Sarushuo's heart moved. He didn't know why. At this time, his instinctive spiritual sense was beating crazily, as if he was extremely excited. This should be the result of his luck reaching a certain level. A premonition.

Even when he encountered the Cauldron of Creation and the Origin of Chaos, he had no such reaction. Could it be that the things inside were more precious than the Cauldron of Creation and the Origin of Chaos?

For a moment, Sarushuo's heart started beating loudly, and he was a little excited. Without any hesitation, his whole body emitted a faint green light and walked towards the chaotic ocean.


The moment he entered the ocean of chaos, the ocean was in riots, and huge waves, like mountains, hit him fiercely.

Every ray of chaotic air was like a peerless sword, extremely sharp, slashing hard at his body. For a moment, sparks flew everywhere and the sound was loud.

This is definitely an extremely terrifying attack. I am afraid that a ray of chaotic air is enough to be equivalent to a Daluo Golden Immortal.

However, Yuan Huo's physical body was too strong and he didn't care at all. With just one random step, he easily broke countless chaotic air currents. In a few flashes, he had reached the deepest part of the ocean.

Then, he saw that in this infinite chaotic airflow, there was a mass of blood essence the size of a human head. It was bright red, flowing with red light, and almost illuminated the entire area red.

Although there was no aura coming out, at this moment, Yuan Huo actually felt a palpitation in his heart, as if he was facing a supreme powerhouse, whose power was countless times more terrifying than that of Hongjun and Luohu.

Moreover, the aura it exuded gave Sarufire a sense of familiarity, making his heart beat loudly.

"Could it be that this is actually..."

A guess popped up in his mind, but he still couldn't believe it. He took a few deep breaths, calmed down, and reached out to grab the ball of essence and blood.


A group of information suddenly poured into Yuan Huo's mind, making Yuan Huo know its origin. He immediately opened his eyes wide, with infinite shock in his eyes.


"This is actually a drop of Pangu blood!"

Yuan Huo's heart was filled with huge waves, and his eyes were filled with ecstasy. He had never expected that this trip to Huangzhou would lead to such a shocking harvest.

Pangu’s essence and blood!

Twelve drops of the essence and blood of the Great God Pangu gave birth to the twelve ancestral witches. From this, it can be seen that the terror of this essence and blood is definitely one of the most heaven-defying things in the ancient world.

Such a drop of essence and blood is definitely infinitely more powerful than the essence and blood he got from the Wu Clan blood pool before. If it can be refined, there is no telling how much benefit it can get, and it is even more powerful than the chaos origins he just got. , and infinitely more precious!

After all, this is something related to the great god Pangu.

Anything related to the Great God Pangu is definitely a supreme treasure.


Even Saru Huo took a long time to calm down, and then, a frightening look flashed in his eyes.

"Next, let's refine this drop of Pangu's essence and blood right here in Huangzhou!"

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