Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 144 The Battle of Kaitian, killing three thousand with one axe! Pangu is invincible!


The terrifying aura came out, and the entire Chaos Sea seemed to explode. That avenue millstone was too terrifying and extremely powerful.

The fusion of the three thousand avenues seems to have undergone some kind of sublimation. Even the Time Demon God, the Space Demon God, etc. did not expect such a thing, and there was a look of shock in their eyes.

However, in the face of all this, the Great God Pangu remained extremely calm.

"The Law of Force."

He just spoke lightly, and a layer of faint green light bloomed from his body, covering it.

The terrifying avenue millstone suddenly bombarded his body, and when it touched those green divine lights, it was like ice and snow meeting the sun, suddenly melting and disintegrating.

Silently, the strongest attack from these three thousand Chaos Demon Gods suddenly collapsed and annihilated, dissipating in the sea of ​​chaos.


In the minds of all the Chaos Demon Gods, there was a huge wave of shock, and there was a deep look of horror in their eyes. They were extremely shocked. This was so terrifying. They attacked with all their strength, and they were defeated by the Great God Pangu in an understatement. .

"Is this the strength of the Great God Pangu?"

The ape fire is even more shocking. You must know that the great god Pangu is at the most critical moment of the creation of the world, and the power he can use is probably less than one billionth.

As a result, even so, God Pangu still easily defeated the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods with all their strength.

This is too strong!

"According to legend, the Great God Pangu fell under the siege of three thousand Chaos Demon Gods. Now it seems that this is not true."

"With the strength of the Great God Pangu, these three thousand Chaos Demon Gods cannot do this at all." A thought passed through Yuan Huo's mind.


On the other side, the Chaos Demon Gods let out shrill screams. They were all shocked by this scene, with endless fear in their eyes and no desire to fight.

Even the Chaos Demon Ape, who practices the Way of War, has eyes full of fear at this moment. No matter how much he loves fighting, facing an existence like the Great God Pangu, there is only fear left.


But at this moment, an ax light lit up, and silently, it swept towards the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods.

In an instant, the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods all felt a strong aura of death covering themselves. Without thinking, they burned their own origins, mobilized all their means, and fled crazily.

The Time Demon fled to the source of time and hid in the tiniest time scale.

The space demon also escaped to the deepest layer of billions of spaces.

Destiny, cause and effect, good fortune, etc., each exert their own methods.

But it's completely useless!

When the light of the ax passed by, no matter where these Chaos Demon Gods were hiding, their bodies would split into two parts in an instant, and everything they owned would be destroyed. In an instant, they would die.

With one strike of the ax, all three thousand Chaos Demon Gods were wiped out.

The vast sea of ​​chaos fell into calm just like this.


Monkey Fire was once again shocked by the scene in front of him. God Pangu was so powerful that it was beyond imagination. Killing three thousand Chaos Demon Gods was easier than trampling on ants.


And at this moment, a force was generated, and all the corpses of the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods were involved in the prehistoric world. Their origins were extracted and filled in various places in the prehistoric world.

The long river of time roared and flowed down, and the concept of time suddenly appeared in the prehistoric world.

The long river of space is vast and turbulent. In the prehistoric world, layer upon layer, there are billions of endless spaces, forming an extremely complex world system.

There are also creation, cause and effect, destiny, five elements, etc.

The origins of each of the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods were extracted and filled into the prehistoric world, forming a prehistoric law system.

Suddenly, the huge prehistoric world was perfected again, almost reaching the level of perfection.

"Time is up."

At this time, the Great God Pangu had extremely deep eyes and murmured to himself.

"One day, when I return, it will be the day of enlightenment."

He spoke lightly, and his voice echoed throughout the Chaos Sea, and then his huge body suddenly collapsed, losing all the breath of life.

Then, his eyes turned into the Sun Star and the Lunar Star, the two supreme stars.

His spine turned into the majestic Mount Buzhou in the wilderness, supporting the heaven and earth.

The blood of his body turned into mountains, rivers, lakes, and endless creatures.

After this, the huge primitive world began to evolve slowly, with endless vitality rising from it.

"Is this the truth behind the fall of the Great God Pangu? This does not seem to be a kind of fall, but a kind of practice. What is he practicing? When he returns in the future, what level will the Great God Pangu reach?"

Huge waves arose in Yuan Huo's heart.

The Great God Pangu actually fell naturally when he reached the end of the world. However, he did not die because of any external force. Instead, he seemed to be trying to follow a strange path of cultivation!

"There are too many secrets in the ancient world. Maybe one day in the future, I will be able to unlock the truth." Saruhuo thought to himself.


At this moment, a majestic suction force came, and the consciousness of the monkey fire returned to the physical body. Along with all this, there was also the infinite understanding in this process, the great god Pangu's understanding of the law of force. Insight, the inheritance contained in the essence and blood, etc., all poured into Yuan Huo's mind.

"This is a huge benefit."

Yuan Huo was excited, feeling the many messages surging in his mind. These things, after being completely digested, would be of great help to his practice!

But this is only one of the benefits.


Ape Fire's physical body was constantly roaring. After completely refining the essence and blood, his level of strength did not improve, but another deeper change occurred.

His heels have improved!

At this moment, his heels directly broke through the limitations of the top innate divine heels and reached the level of the junior Chaos Demon God's heels!

Above the innate sacred heels are the chaotic heels, which were used to divide the Chaos Demon God in the chaotic era.

In the age of chaos, there are billions of infinite demon gods, and "three thousand" is just a false finger.

However, the top three thousand Chaos Demon Gods actually exist.

Among them, among the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods, the one ranked relatively low is the Junior Chaos Demon God.

Ranking among the top one thousand are the mid-level Chaos Demon God Heels.

Ranking among the top 100 are the high-level Chaos Demon God Heels.

Ranking in the top ten are the top Chaos Demon God heels!

Ape Fire has now directly broken through the limitations of the heel level in the prehistoric world and reached the level of the Chaos Demon God. Even Luo Hu and Hongjun cannot compare with it.

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