Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 161 Yuan Huo’s identity is exposed, Wang Shu is shocked!

Hearing Sarushuo's question, Wangshu's beautiful eyes showed a trace of sadness. Three days was indeed a huge threat. If she was alone, then it would be a small problem. Just leave here and find a place to hide.

However, there are her two younger sisters in the Taiyin Star who are being pregnant. If she leaves like this, they may be discovered by San Santian and taken as their own, so she must stay anyway.

"To be honest, the origin in the Taiyin Star gave birth to two more creatures. I treat them like sisters, so I plan to stay here. I won't feel relieved until they are born." Wangshu said.


When Sarushuo heard this, he couldn't help but be surprised.

After Wangshu's death, two more goddesses were born in the Taiyin Star, namely Chang Xi and Xihe.

According to the legend passed down in later generations, these two goddesses were derived from the splitting of their origin into two after the death of Wangshu. Unexpectedly, they were actually sisters!

"This is a bit difficult to handle. I wonder if you can take me there to have a look?" Sarufire asked.

"Okay." Wangshu nodded. When she was in a desperate situation, it was the Apefire Divine Soldier who descended from the sky and rescued her from destruction. She also had a lot of trust in Apefire in her heart.

She led the ape fire all the way deep, and soon came under the lunar laurel. She stretched out her slender hand and flicked it, and an innate restriction suddenly appeared.

In the innate restriction, two huge masses of origin are gestating. Faintly, you can see that there are two girls in the origin. Although their faces are still very immature, you can also see that they have extremely beautiful looks.

"There are two goddesses again. If they can be included in my clan, they will naturally make the ape clan stronger." When Sarushuo saw them, his heart moved.

Chang Xi and Xihe are not weak people in future generations. Becoming a member of the ape tribe will definitely greatly increase the ape tribe's luck.

However, these two creatures are still in the process of being gestated, so it is not easy to move. If they stay here, it will be dangerous. They might come here in three days.


Ape Fire opened his pupils of time and looked at the innate restriction. His pupils glowed, and the infinity symbols on the restriction appeared, becoming extremely clear.

It can be seen that this innate restriction is connected with the origin of Taiyin Laurel, and the origin of Taiyin Laurel is connected with the origin of the entire Taiyin Star.

The three of them are like one body.

If you want to shake these two goddesses, you need to shake the origin of the entire Taiyin Star. It is extremely difficult. Even ordinary Hunyuan Golden Immortals cannot do it at all.

Moreover, if the connection between the two goddesses and Taiyin Laurel were to be forcibly broken, I am afraid that they would be affected, completely annihilated, and die before they were born.

"During the pregnancy process, they are as one with the Taiyin Star and cannot move. This is why I can't leave." Wang Shu felt helpless.

However, in her beautiful eyes, she was extremely determined. She valued these two sisters very much, and she must protect them even if it cost her own life!

Sarushuo looked at it for a while, but suddenly said: "Maybe, I have a way."

"Really?" Wang Shu was surprised. This is the top innate restriction that breeds innate gods and demons. It is not too difficult to break it violently, but if you want to remove it perfectly, it is almost impossible!

"If I can move them away, would you like to leave the Lunar Star with me? It can be considered as a temporary escape from the three days of sharpness." Saruhuo smiled.

Hearing this, Wang Shu was startled. For some reason, her face turned a little red. She didn't know what she was thinking, but she quickly concealed this look.

"In that crisis just now, fellow Taoist saved my life. I am very grateful, but I don't dare to trouble fellow Taoist anymore. Since fellow Taoist is willing to take in the little girl, I am naturally willing." Wangshu said softly. .

Since Wangshu was born, he has been staying on the Taiyin Star. It can be said that he has been lonely for dozens or tens of billions of years. He only has a very small amount of time to travel in the ancient world, so his temperament is quite simple.

During her previous travels, she had a good relationship with Yuan Huo, and she had a good impression of Yuan Huo in her heart.

Not long ago, Santian forced her to fall into a desperate situation. At the moment when all her thoughts were lost, Yuanhuo suddenly appeared and did not hesitate to make enemies of giants like Santian for her. Naturally, she felt extremely grateful in her heart.

Due to the intertwining of various factors, at this moment when Sarushuo made a request, instead of resisting, she felt faintly happy and agreed without much thought.


When Ape Fire heard this, he felt quite excited. Since Wang Shu agreed to leave with him, the first step would be completed. Then he would be able to gradually let her join the ape clan.

"It's quite difficult to break through this innate restriction. With my current ability, I can't do it. So, you need to wait for me for a while and let me understand it first." Aruhuo smiled.

"Well, no problem." Wang Shu nodded, "But how are fellow Taoists going to break this restriction?"

"Innate prohibition is also a type of formation. I have some experience in formations, so I am ready to completely crack it from the perspective of formations." Yuan Huo said.

The jade disk of creation he obtained contained the Great Way of Formation. This Great Way of Formation contained almost all mysteries related to the formation!

In particular, it also records the top ten formations in the ancient world, such as the Twelve Capital Gods Formation, Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, Zhuxian Sword Formation, Yuxu Yuanshi Heavenly King Formation, etc.

Sarushuo never had time to understand it before, but now he can practice it.

With his current cultivation qualifications, it is not difficult to do this.

"Just wait a moment."

Having said that, Yuan Huo walked over to the Taiyin Laurel and sat down cross-legged, offering four fragments of the jade dish of creation. A vast celebrating cloud appeared above his head, with three Dao Lotuses swaying in it.


Endless Dao rhyme, from this jade plate of creation and the three perfect flowers of the twelve grades, surged out into the sky, so vast that it almost submerged this area, turning it into a top cultivation place.

At the same time, Ape Fire urged his primary Chaos Gods and Demons to follow and kick. The blood in his body roared, his soul glowed, and his thoughts suddenly became extremely sharp.


Then, his spiritual thoughts penetrated into one of the jade plates of creation and began to understand the avenue of formations.

He did all this openly and did not hide it in front of Wang Shu. After all, he would be accepted as a clan member in the future.

Seeing this scene, Wang Shu's beautiful face could not conceal his surprise and was extremely shocked.

"It's him!"

Wangshu's heart stirred up huge waves. Before, she had seen a thirty-sixth-grade chaotic green lotus appear in the river of destiny, representing the twelve-grade perfect three flowers.

It can be said that Sanhua of this level surpasses all living beings in the ancient world, even the top innate gods and demons cannot compare!

In the ancient world, countless top creatures were extremely shocked by the owner of the Twelfth Grade and Three Flowers. They all wanted to find out who he was, but no matter what methods they used, they all failed in the end.

Unexpectedly, this mysterious existence turned out to be Sarushuo!

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