Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 170 The number of apes is 200 billion! New reward in the system, Inner Chaos Map!

"Next, I will practice slowly in this Pangu Palace. On the one hand, I will improve my spiritual cultivation, and on the other hand, I will improve my physical cultivation."

Sarushuo took one step forward, left this ventricle, passed through the endless pool of Wu Clan blood, and returned to the shore.

After the breakthrough, it is a matter of hard work, bit by bit, and you need to slowly practice and improve.

Although his strength has broken through to a whole new level, Yuan Huo did not think about doing anything in the wilderness, but decided to hibernate here.

After all, the current situation in the prehistoric era is quite complicated. There are many dynasties standing in line, the three clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn are competing against each other. Luo Hu is planning everything behind the scenes. Maybe an earth-shattering catastrophic war will break out at some point.

Even if you have unparalleled cultivation, you may still fall.

Therefore, he naturally puts stability first and slowly improves his strength here. This is the royal way and the safest. After all, with his current cultivation qualifications, even if he does nothing, he can easily practice to chaos. Yuandaluo Jinxian has attained enlightenment and become a saint. Why go out and take risks for no reason?

"This evil spirit purification formation is also working well."

Yuanhuo looked up and saw twelve huge formations covering the twelve giant bloody cocoons, blocking out all the evil energy from the ancient times and at the same time constantly purifying the evil energy accumulated in the bodies of the twelve ancestral witches.

So far, it has been quite fruitful, and the dirty and violent atmosphere that spread out every moment has dissipated a lot.

In the giant blood-colored cocoon, the twelve ancestral witches condensed their hazy wills, and these hazy wills conveyed a relaxed mood.

Hou Tu, in particular, has the most lively and agile thinking, and has obviously recovered the best. After all, she was the least corroded by evil spirits before.

"Next, as long as there is enough time, the Twelve Ancestral Witches will no longer be affected by the evil spirit of the ancient times. But, how can we get them to be born as soon as possible?"

While Yuan Huo was satisfied, he was also constantly thinking that if he wanted the Twelve Ancestral Witches to be born in advance, it would definitely require a terrible expenditure of resources.

He had already used the ten sources of chaos before. What would he need to use next?

Although he has three innate top-grade spiritual roots in his hand, the fruits produced by these top-grade innate spiritual roots are different from the origin of chaos and the merits of the great avenue. They are not omnipotent and cannot help the twelve ancestral witches to be born in advance.

"Now it seems that there are two ways."

"One is to use the method of elixirs to gather many spiritual roots and refine an elixir that can be used by the Twelve Ancestral Witches in this state."

"The other is to find more sources of chaos, or to find ways to obtain enough great merits. With these two things, the twelve ancestral witches can be born in advance."

Yuan Huo kept thinking about these two methods, refining the elixir was the most feasible, but finding the origin of chaos and the merits of the great road was very difficult.

He still has 20 million points of great merit in his hand, but he is reluctant to use them on the Twelve Ancestral Witches, because the great merit is so rare that it will be gone once he uses it. No one knows when he will be able to get it again.

"In this case, let's practice for a while first, and when we are fully prepared, we can start refining the elixir to help them be born early."

Finally, Sarufire made a decision.

To refine the elixir that would allow the Twelve Ancestral Witches to be born early, the resources consumed were absolutely staggering, but Ape Fire didn't care, and felt that it was worth it.

After all, these are the Twelve Ancestral Witches. Once they are born, they will at least be at the Hunyuan Golden Immortal level, and they can directly form an extremely terrifying force!

But, at this moment, a systematic voice suddenly came to his ears.

"Dingdong, congratulations to the host. The number of clan members has exceeded 200 billion. As a reward, you will receive a map of inner chaos."

As the voice fell, a map appeared in Yuan Huo's mind, filled with the aura of chaos, pointing to a place located in the deepest part of the prehistoric starry sky.

There are several strange symbols on the map, one is a book, the other is a small flag, and the other is a roulette wheel.

"The number of clan members has exceeded 200 billion!" Yuan Huo was delighted, but he was not too surprised. After all, not long ago, when he opened his personal panel, it showed that the number of clan members had reached 199.9 billion. It has reached a critical point, and it is normal to break through now.

Afterwards, Sarushuo focused his attention on the chaotic map within.

"Before the Great God Pangu created the world, all the chaotic matter in the Sea of ​​Chaos poured into the prehistoric world, and the prehistoric world took shape. The sea of ​​chaos dried up, shrank, and finally even collapsed into the interior of the prehistoric world. This is internal chaos."

"According to legend, the Great Dao is hidden in the inner chaos!"

"This is definitely the most mysterious and dangerous place in the ancient world. Even though it is the product of the Sea of ​​Chaos drying up and shrinking, it still contains endless secrets."

"Now, this system actually gave me a map of inner chaos?"

Yuan Huo originally wanted to continue practicing in Pangu Temple, but at this time, he couldn't sit still and wanted to go and take a look at the chaos there.

After all, the system has never tricked him. Any map he takes out is of astonishing value. There are definitely terrifying opportunities in this chaos.

"Forget it, with my current cultivation level, although I still need to act steadily, I won't always be cautious. Let's go take a look at the inner chaos now."

Yuan Huo thought for a while, then without hesitation, he stood up, changed his plan, and flew out of Pangu Hall.

This time, his cultivation level skyrocketed. Even though the pressure in Pangu Palace was terrifying, the time it took was much shorter than before. It only took a few years for him to fly out of Pangu Palace.


Then, he activated his magical power to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune, quietly passing through the territory of the Qilin clan, flying into the high sky, passing through the earth's membrane, and flying deep into the prehistoric starry sky, leaving vast star fields behind. behind.

He had been to the depths of the ancient starry sky in search of Huangzhou before, but this time the chaos within was different. It was located in the deepest part of the ancient starry sky, so he needed to go further.

At the end, Yuan Huo discovered that in the deepest part of the starry sky, the chaotic air flow became more and more dense and dense, filling almost every inch of space, and it actually had terrifying power!


Suddenly, a terrifying aura erupted, and billions of chaotic air currents intertwined together to form a vast ocean, overwhelming the sky and the earth, completely submerging Ape Fire and bombarding his body wildly.

Ape Fire's physical body moved independently, and the protective divine light bloomed. However, it only resisted for a moment, and was torn apart by billions of chaotic air currents. Then the infinite air flow clanked, like a fairy sword, and it fiercely moved toward Ape Fire's body. Cut off the body!

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