Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 189 The mystery of reincarnation, the mystery of reincarnation after earth incarnation!

Sarushuo recalled the various scenes he had passed along the way, and built a rough structure in his mind, and his understanding of this initial reincarnation became deeper.

After the creatures in the ancient wilderness fell, they gathered into the boundless sea of ​​blood, and then fell downwards into the ninety-nine layers of netherworld.

During this process, the souls of those creatures were continuously purified, and by the time of this initial reincarnation, they had become extremely pure.

This process is simply similar to the "Meng Po Soup" in the underworld of later generations, which washes away the memories of all living beings before they were alive, and then passes through this initial reincarnation to reincarnation.

Therefore, it is wrong to say that there was no reincarnation in the ancient world. This reincarnation has always existed and is constantly running.

However, after looking at the entire process of the monkey fire, we also found a problem, that is, this initial cycle was actually very rough and inefficient.

The soul has to pass through the boundless sea of ​​blood and the ninety-nine levels of netherworld before it can wash away all the impurities of the previous life.

And this place of initial reincarnation seems to be quite inefficient when it comes to accommodating these pure true spirits.

However, this is quite in line with the style of the Great God Pangu. The Great God Pangu created the world, so how could he care about so many small details? Having this thing is enough.

"No wonder future generations need reincarnation."

By this time, Sarufire also figured out the reason for the reincarnation of the earth body.

This initial reincarnation is very rough, and it is naturally enough in normal times, but the prehistoric era is not peaceful at all. In the future, it will experience a series of calamities such as the Longhan Catastrophe, the Conferring God Measuring Catastrophe, and the Journey to the West Measuring Catastrophe.

In every vast calamity, countless creatures died in the wilderness. At that time, endless creatures surged together. Naturally, it was difficult for this initial reincarnation to deal with all these souls in a short period of time.

By then, there will definitely be huge turmoil.

Then it was different after the earth body transformed into reincarnation. The entire place of reincarnation was arranged more perfectly, including Mengpo Tang, Huangquan River, and Six Paths of Reincarnation. Even in the event of a major event like calamity, when all living beings fell like a sea, But it can still be handled easily and maintain order in the wilderness.

When the later earth body was reincarnated, he received endless merit and virtue. I think this is why.

"However, although it is said that the reincarnation of the post-earth body will be of great benefit to the entire prehistoric era, why was it chosen at such a delicate time?"

Then, another question appeared in Sarufire's mind.

The timing of the reincarnation of the earth body is so strange!

At that time, it was the period of the Lich Tribulation, and the conflict between the Witch Clan and the Demon Clan became more and more intense. In the end, it directly started a decisive battle between the Lich Clan and the Demon Clan!

However, Hou Tu transformed into reincarnation before the decisive battle, causing the Wu clan to lose an important fighting force. As a result, the power of the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods Formation was greatly reduced!

It can be said that the reason why the Witch Clan and the Monster Clan perished together, and then reincarnated into reincarnation, which damaged the Witch Clan's combat power, was an important reason!

Although Hou Tu had great love and a big heart, he definitely valued the interests of his own clan more. No matter how he thought about it, he should not have left the Wu clan at that critical moment.

Yuan Huo had previously speculated that some Tiandao saints might be secretly planning and conspiring behind this, but now it seems that things may be even more complicated.


Ape Fire activated all his blood and feet, Qingyun appeared above his head, three Dao Lotuses swayed, and his whole person's wisdom was operating to the extreme.

While thinking like this, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

"If we must explain it, then the most likely reason is that Hou Tu discovered that there was a shocking opportunity in this initial reincarnation, and wanted to obtain this opportunity through reincarnation, so as to allow the Witch Clan to gain more power in the Witch Clan. They had the absolute upper hand during the Yao Liang Tribulation, but they failed in the end.”

Thinking of this, Sarushuo's eyes couldn't help but heat up. If this guess was true, maybe he could find that opportunity here.


Sarushuo took a step forward, preparing to search carefully in this initial reincarnation. He opened his eyes of time and searched like a carpet without missing any corner.

The initial reincarnation was very large and boundless, but the speed of the monkey fire was also amazing. In an instant, it passed through an unknown amount of vast areas.

ten years.



Thousands of years.

Sarenfire was very patient and kept searching during this initial cycle, but what disappointed him was that even though he dug almost three feet into the ground during the entire initial cycle, he still found nothing.

"Is my guess wrong?"

Saruhuo frowned. At this time, he had mastered the astonishing magical power of the Eye of Time, and at the same time had the heel and legs of the intermediate Chaos Demon God. His luck was astronomical. Logically speaking, if he wanted to find something, it should be very simple, but even so. , after searching for so long, still can’t find it.

"Book of the Netherworld!"

Yuanhuo shouted in his heart, and activated all three spiritual treasures, namely the Netherworld Book, the Underworld Flag, and the Reincarnation Disk, hoping to use these three high-grade chaotic spiritual treasures for induction.

He had tried this many times over the years.

However, the result is still the same as before, with no effect. Obviously, it is the entire initial reincarnation that resonates with these three spiritual treasures, not others.

If you want to find that opportunity, you need another method!

Yuanhuo thought for a moment, then sat down cross-legged, circulated the blood in his body and feet, immersed himself in it, and mobilized the power of the avenue. Perhaps, with the blessing of the power of the avenue, things would go much smoother.

The avenue has gone into seclusion. If it were other creatures in this primitive world, it would be impossible to perceive the avenue. However, Yuanhuo is different. He is the heel of the intermediate Chaos Demon God and has an extremely close connection with the avenue. Therefore, he stirs up the avenue. Strength is not a difficult thing.


Sure enough, in the next moment, Apefire felt that infinitely far away, an unknown amount of time and space away, the majestic avenue was churning, and a surging force spanned the inner chaos, passed through the entire starry sky, and passed through the earth. The fetal membrane then passed through the boundless sea of ​​blood and the ninety-nine levels of netherworld to arrive here.

Buzz! !

Aru Huo's body suddenly bloomed with a dazzling light of the avenue.

And with this blessing, Yuan Huo felt that his luck had skyrocketed!

In the dark, it is as if he has become a son of the great road!

This time, he once again activated the Eye of Time and looked forward. He immediately saw that in the deepest part of the initial reincarnation, a light flashed and a chaotic restriction emerged. It looked extremely complicated. Just one glance made people feel... Feeling a little dizzy.

"Found it!" Saruhuo was suddenly surprised and happy.

It seems that his judgment is correct. The reason why Hou Tu transformed into reincarnation must be because of a huge opportunity here.

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