Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 191 Horrible inheritance, a small success in opening the sky!

At this moment, Yuan Huo's heart was filled with huge waves.

Without him, the harvest in front of me is really amazing.

Needless to say about Pangu's essence and blood, Yuan Huo had obtained Pangu's essence and blood before. It was precisely because of the refining of Pangu's essence and blood that his heels were upgraded to the level of the intermediate Chaos Demon God's heels!

And it was precisely because of the improvement in heel and foot that he was able to receive the blessing of the power of the avenue, enter the inner chaos, find the Netherworld Book and other three treasures, and at the same time, he also figured out a new terrifying method, the increase of the intermediate avenue!

Moreover, there is a huge power of essence and blood in his body, which is stored in the deepest part of his body. As his cultivation level improves, it will be continuously released, causing his physical body cultivation level, bloodline and feet to continue to improve. Become stronger.

All in all, this Pangu essence and blood, for him, can be said to be the existence that allows him to be reborn. It is of extremely great significance, and its preciousness is unimaginable!

Moreover, ten more drops of Pangu blood appeared in front of me!

If it were all refined, to what level could his heels and feet be improved to? To what level will his physical cultivation reach? Unimaginable!

This benefit is great!

At the same time, Yuan Huo also understood at this time why Hou Tu spent so much money and had to reincarnate. It seemed that the purpose was to find the Pangu essence and blood!

This is the purest Pangu essence and blood, which has not been disturbed by any turbidity or evil spirits. If the ancestral witch can refine it, he does not know what level he can reach, and it is possible to prove the Tao with his strength.

At that time, not to mention the demon clan, even the saints of heaven and earth may be defeated by the ancestral witches.

It's a pity that the success fell short!

At the same time, there is another opportunity here, which is the origin of the Kaitian Divine Ax. The value of this origin is not even much weaker than Pangu's essence and blood.

The God-Opening Ax is a weapon in the hands of the Great God Pangu, which has reached the level of the treasure of chaos. It was with this God-Opening Ax that the God Pangu split the boundless chaos, opened up the heavens and the earth, and shaped the prehistoric world.

Then, the God-Opening Ax fell into the wilderness, broke into pieces, and turned into the Three Treasures of Opening the Sky, namely the Pangu Flag, the Tai Chi Diagram, and the Chaos Bell.

These Three Open Heaven Treasures are the three most powerful innate treasures in the ancient world. They are so prestigious that they have staged countless legends.

The origin of the mass in front of me is the part that did not integrate into the Three Treasures of Kaitian after the Kaitian Divine Ax was broken.

From this, we can know its value. After all, this is part of the origin of a chaos treasure!

"According to legend, if the three treasures of the Open Sky are reunited, it is possible to re-fuse and turn into the Divine Ax of the Open Sky. Now it seems that it is unlikely to be possible because the origin is incomplete."

"However, if you have this ball of origin in your hands and gather the three treasures of Kaitian, it might really be possible for the Kaitian Divine Ax to reappear in the world."

At this time, Sarushuo's eyes became extremely hot, and just thinking about that situation made people unable to help but feel excited.

After all, that is the God's Axe, the most powerful treasure of chaos, and its power is unknown!

"The current three treasures of Kaitian, the Tai Chi Diagram is in the hands of Tai Chi Patriarch, the Chaos Bell should be in the Sun Star, and is the accompanying treasure of Emperor Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi. As for the Pangu Banner, it probably fell into the hands of Hongjun , Next, I have to find a way to collect all the three treasures of Kaitian!"

Sarushuo thought hotly in his heart.

In the prehistoric times, no living being could refuse such a treasure of chaos as the God's Axe!


After the initial excitement, Yuan Huo quickly calmed down, reached out his hand, and first collected the ten drops of Pangu blood essence, preparing to return to Pangu Palace and slowly refine it.

Then, he grabbed the source of the Kaitian God Ax, but at the moment of contact with it, the source of the Kaitian God Ax seemed to sense something, and suddenly the light shined brightly, and a terrifying wave enveloped the ape fire.

In just a moment, Apefire felt his will spin around, and then he came to a strange space, which was a vast and endless chaos.

"Pangu, do you really want to kill them all?"

An extremely shrill roar sounded, and a demon god was seen, with extremely rich time fluctuations all over his body. He crazily went back upstream of time, and had already arrived at the source of time, hiding in the tiniest time scale. among.

However, there was an ax light chasing after him, piercing through all time and cutting through eternity. It easily caught up with the demon god and killed it.

Afterwards, another picture appeared.

There is a space demon, hiding in the deepest layers of endless space, but he is still obliterated by the light of the axe.

There is a causal demon who turns himself into a causal line in chaos, and then erases it bit by bit, completely cutting off all causal connections with the world, and hiding in a no-man's land.

However, Ax Light ignored all of this and still cut off the cause and effect easily. He chased the cause and effect demon to his hiding place and killed him.

Demon gods kept falling one after another, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

"Is this...the sky-opening strike of Great God Pangu?"

When Sarushuo saw this scene, he was surprised at first, and then understood it all at once. He was suddenly excited, knowing that this should be a terrible inheritance!

When he was fighting the ancestor of Qiankun before, his potential was fully stimulated and he understood the mystery of the sky-opening strike. Therefore, at this time, he could see the profound meaning contained in this picture at a glance.

Obviously, this is a legacy!

It records the wonder of the Sky-Opening Strike!


Apefire did not hesitate, and activated his blood and feet to the extreme. He stared at the scenes with his eyes, constantly trying to figure out the mystery of the ax light.

"The ax light of Great God Pangu is extremely miraculous. It cannot be resisted by time, space, cause and effect, destiny, or reincarnation."

"This ax light seems to be something that is above all the laws of the great road. No matter how mysterious the power is, it can be easily cut off with one axe!"

"Is this the true meaning of Kaitian Yiaxe?"

Sarushuo said to himself. During this continuous observation, he gradually figured out the true meaning of the Sky Opening Strike, and his understanding of this move became more and more profound!


At the end, all these images were shattered, and the monkey fire was separated from the inheritance, and a faint green light filled the whole body, giving people a powerful feeling.

"Open the sky with one strike, Xiaocheng."

Yuanhuo said to himself, and as soon as he thought, an ax light appeared next to him, exuding a breathtaking smell, as if once it broke out, it would be enough to open up the world!

Before, when he fought with the Patriarch of Qiankun, the Heaven-Opening Strike he had comprehended could only be regarded as an introduction at best, but now, it is a real success, and its power is much more powerful than before!

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