Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 198 A shocking battle! The collision of two generations of prehistoric overlords!

"Brother, are we going to endure it?" Zhu Rong stopped, with an aggrieved look on his face. Although he has eliminated evil spirits, condensed his soul, and is wise and clear, as a witch clan, Zhu Rong still has a kind of kindness. With a fighting heart, if I really have to endure it, I will definitely feel uncomfortable.

The character of the Wu clan has always been one of no taboos. They have no respect for heaven or earth, and only respect Pangu. In the future, even if they saw the saint of heaven, they would not be afraid, and even dared to take action, with a fighting spirit that would split the sky forever.

However, in Zhu Rong's heart, Yuan Huo was his real brother. Even though he was not convinced in his heart, he still stopped obediently. If Yuan Huo really decided to endure it, he had no choice but to obey.

The other ancestral witches also looked at Yuan Huo at this moment.

"There are seven creatures outside. How can you go out alone? Let's go together." Aruhuo smiled faintly.

"Brother, that's what you meant. I understand." Zhu Rong burst into laughter and turned to look at Di Jiang, Hou Tu and other ancestral wizards. "Brothers, I'll go first."


Zhu Rong stepped on the ground with the sole of his foot, and his entire huge body flew out. Even though there was overwhelming pressure in Pangu Palace, his physical body was so powerful that it was not affected at all, and he disappeared in an instant.

"Brother, we are going too."

Di Jiang and other ancestral wizards were also eager to try at this time. They couldn't wait and used their own methods to rush out one after another.

They all exuded extremely terrifying coercion, almost making the entire Pangu Palace shake. Their unparalleled divine power was enough to make the God of Heaven tremble!

The Ancestral Qilin, the Yin-Yang Qilin, and the five Qilins of Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth were waiting outside the Pangu Hall. They had not seen any movement in the Pangu Hall for a long time, and their faces showed cold expressions.

"Father, let me go in and investigate." Jin Qilin stepped forward, his whole body filled with Geng metal aura, splitting the sky, the aura was very terrifying, shaking the boundless earth.

"Don't worry, wait slowly, they will come out sooner or later." Zu Qilin said indifferently. However, despite this, it was obvious that the ferocious aura in his eyes was getting stronger and stronger.

Obviously, the anger of Zu Qilin has been accumulated to a very terrifying level. Once it breaks out, it will burn all the wastelands and make the world tremble!


Suddenly, a terrifying figure jumped out from the Pangu Palace, its whole body was fiery red. As soon as it appeared, its body swelled. In the blink of an eye, it stood up to the sky and the ground, almost as high as Buzhou Mountain. The sun, moon and stars were as small as dust under his majestic body. A strong aura spread between heaven and earth, and divine fire surged up.

"Are you just disturbing a pure person like me? Die!"

This figure is naturally Zhu Rong. He is strong and domineering. As soon as he appears, he roars and punches Zu Qilin hard.

The vast energy and blood exploded, filling the space between heaven and earth, almost turning the whole world into a sea of ​​blood. There was an unimaginable power on the fist. Wherever it passed, the void collapsed layer by layer, and nothing could resist it. , the laws of the great avenue are breaking and shattering.

The sky and the earth change color, and the wind and clouds surge.

The expressions of the several big Qilins changed. No one expected that the other party was so strong and would take action as soon as he appeared. Zu Qilin reacted the fastest, a look of indifference flashed in his eyes, and the huge Qilin's body shone brightly. Illuminating the past and present, trampling on the empty land, rushing towards Zhurong.

The power of infinite energy and blood surged out, filling the world. Zu Qilin was most proud of his physical body. As a legacy of Pangu, his physical body was not inferior to the ancient ferocious beasts. In the past, he had killed countless powerful ferocious beasts with his own body.

Seeing Zhu Rong charging at this moment, Zu Qilin rushed out directly, trampling the ground, as if he was going to explode the whole universe, and collided with Zhu Rong's fist fiercely.


A sound like the destruction of the universe suddenly exploded, and the two burst out, triggering a terrifying shock wave that instantly swept across trillions of trillions of miles in radius, shaking the boundless earth, the void collapsed, and the earth sank. This world seemed to be ushered in. Like death, the extremely stable prehistoric void cannot bear it at all.

"So strong!"

The Yin Yang Qilin and others all changed their colors, and their bodies suddenly retreated away from the battlefield.

The many innate gods and demons, those with great supernatural powers, and the strong men of all races in the ancient world who were watching the battle were also shocked. Zu Qilin is now the top strongman in the ancient world, and the opponent's performance, compared with Zu Qilin, seems to be insignificant. How much, this newly emerged strong man from the ancient world is frighteningly powerful!

Sure enough, the next moment, the two figures separated and stood in the eternal sky. They faced each other from a distance. They were evenly matched, with no winner or loser.

"Just born, he is so powerful that he can compete with me!" A trace of ice flashed deep in Zu Qilin's eyes.

After he was born, he had practiced for who knows how many years. When the fierce beast calamity broke out, he had to kill many fierce beasts before he broke through and reached the level of Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

But the other party has just been born, and his cultivation level is comparable to his. This is too terrifying. It is simply a treatment that only the protagonist of the world and the overlord of the ancient world can have!

How could such a terrifying existence appear in this era?

"Haha, you have some strength." Zhu Rong laughed, his eyes became excited, and there was a sense of fanaticism. Zu Wu was warlike by nature, and Zu Qilin was a good opponent.


He didn't say much. He was very strong and wild. He stepped on the ground with his feet and rushed out again. Although he stood tall and huge, his movements were frighteningly agile. He appeared in front of Zu Qilin in an instant, and again A punch landed hard.

The power of energy and blood surged out, turning into giant dragons in mid-air, roaring and roaring, shaking the world. This is a terrifying vision that can only be possessed by the most powerful body. Under a punch, nothing can resist it. , can destroy everything.

"This is the territory of our Qilin clan. Any living being who dares to invade will be doomed." Zu Qilin's voice was indifferent, like an invincible emperor, with scales all over his body shining brightly and sacredly, dimming the sun and surging with overwhelming pressure. Surging out, the endless stars outside the fetal membrane of the ancient earth began to shake.


His whole body seemed to be on fire, the divine light was fierce, and two terrifying and vast power fluctuations suddenly erupted, like a volcano erupting and the vast sea roaring. The two spiritual treasures shined with dazzling brilliance, illuminating the universe, shining brightly for eternity, and suddenly flew away came out, with a slight shock, it turned into a core, constructing two shocking killing formations, covering Zhu Rong.


Then, Zu Qilin roared and attacked with all his strength.

The Qilin clan is the protagonist of the world during the Longhan era, and the Wu clan is the protagonist of the world during the Lich Calamity period. They would never have met each other, but at this moment, these powerful overlords of the world collided with each other, setting off a shocking event. The battle of the world shook the world!

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