Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 200 Zhu Rong defeats Zu Qilin! Shock in the wild!


A small wisp of chaotic air, but as heavy as a giant hammer of chaos, hit Zhu Rong's body hard, making a loud noise, penetrating his body-protecting divine light, and blasting his body out. A huge bloody pit.

Zhu Rong himself was also knocked backwards, and with every step he took, a terrifying abyss opened in the earth.

"This is just the beginning."

A cold smile appeared at the corner of Zu Qilin's mouth, feeling heartbroken and proud at the same time.

The heartbreaking point is that whether it is the innate Five Elements Spiritual Bead or the whisk, they are all innate top-quality spiritual treasures. If they explode themselves in this way, the loss is too heavy. Even if he is the ruler of the Qilin Clan, he cannot bear it. It is almost heartbreaking. Blood.

Proudly, after paying such a price, the power obtained in exchange was strong enough. The formation shone brightly, instantly showing the terrifying power to suppress Zhu Rong.


Zu Qilin shouted loudly and used all his strength to activate the Yin Yang Five Elements Destruction Formation. Suddenly the formation shook, exuding a terrifying aura, and chaos continued to surge.

Tsk tsk tsk! ! !

In that endless chaos, wisps of chaotic air were conceived. In the blink of an eye, there were tens of thousands of them, filling the formation, exuding invincibility.

The aura they exuded was extremely compelling, giving people an irresistible feeling. The whole world was rumbling, as if it was about to collapse at the next moment, unable to withstand this force.

Even those innate gods, demons, and people with great supernatural powers who were watching the battle had completely changed their colors.

Just now, just a wisp of chaotic air was able to injure Zhu Rong, but now there are thousands of them coming at once, how can we fight against it? This formation is so incredible.


The terrifying aura spread out, the heaven and the earth shook, even the Buzhou Mountain rumbled, the whole body shone with light, and the world-destroying Qi machine was majestic in the sky and the earth.

Tens of thousands of chaotic air currents are violent, each blooming with terrifying chaotic brilliance, rumbling like a torrent rushing towards Zhu Rong, with the potential to kill.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, instead of showing fear on Zhu Rong's face, he was full of excitement and enthusiasm. He suddenly looked up to the sky and let out a loud roar, laughing loudly, "Have fun, have fun!"

At this moment, Zhu Rong felt a power that could threaten his life.

If it were an ordinary creature, faced with such danger, there would probably be an instinctive fear, but the Wu Clan is different. The Wu Clan can be said to be the most warlike ethnic group in this world. If they are caught in such a dangerous situation, Not only will he not be afraid, but he will become more and more eager to fight.


Zhu Rong's body suddenly erupted with a shocking law fluctuation.

In an instant, his entire majestic body burned up, turning into a majestic giant of flames, roaring across the heaven, earth, and universe.

One after another, red scales sparkled in the fierce fire, covering the whole body.

The flames condensed and turned into two fire snakes, piercing Zhu Rong's earlobes.

The boundless sea of ​​fire surged, and the sound of dragon roars shook the Three Thousand Worlds. Two majestic and sacred fire dragons emerged and appeared under Zhu Rong's feet, supporting his entire body.

A terrifying flaming figure that towers over the sky and seems to penetrate the universe is condensed. The boundless law of the great avenue surges out from this flaming body. It is so majestic that all the creatures who pay attention to this battle, even if they are separated by endless time and space. , all felt a burning and overwhelming smell.

The ancestral witch's physical body is strong enough, but it's not just the physical body!

They also have the power to master the divine principles of the Great Dao!

What's more, Yuanhuo taught all the ancestral witches the soul method, allowing them to condense the soul, so that when any ancestral witch displays the true divine law of the great road, the power will be countless times more powerful than before.


The terrifying aura was exuding. At this moment, Zhu Rong was no weaker than this chaotic formation.

He roared, and rushed towards the thousands of chaotic air currents. As he charged, fires from heaven and earth emerged around his body, including Samadhi True Fire and Nanmingli Fire. , there is the true fire of the sun, the fire of yin and yang, the fire of the five elements, the flame of the void, the fire of darkness... all the top-ranking divine fires in the ancient world were condensed by Zhu Rong at this moment.

In the great formation, a sea of ​​fire formed by the gathering of thousands of fires emerged, with various colors intertwined and brilliant, illuminating the entire universe and shaking the ancient and modern times.

As Zhu Rong collided, the endless divine fire collided with the chaotic air flow, the strongest versus the strongest, without any fancy.


There was a terrifying sound between the heaven and the earth, as if the prehistoric land was exploding and the universe collapsed. Immediately, infinite light surged out violently, filling the heaven and earth, and rushed straight into the universe. The entire territory of the Qilin clan shook at this moment, and it seemed that the next It seems like everything will collapse in an instant.

The destructive aura spread across the boundless area. Everyone felt a world-destroying terrifying wave, and their colors changed one after another. This was too terrifying. If such a force was not restrained and spread unscrupulously, I don’t know how many people would be destroyed. No matter how many worlds there are in time and space, nothing can resist it.

The world shook violently, and even Mount Buzhou seemed to be trembling. Amidst the endless brilliance, a clear and crisp sound suddenly came out, and a hole was opened in the chaos-breaking formation, and then there was a "boom", and a The big foot stepped out of the infinite chaos and landed on the ground.

Zhu Rong came out and killed him.

His body was still burly, but it was covered with endless scars. However, these scars did not damage his majesty, but instead added a sense of ferocity and terror.

His fighting spirit seemed to have been refined, and it was a hundred times more terrifying and condensed than before, exuding endless oppressive power.


Finally, behind him, the Five Elements Yin and Yang Destruction Formation was completely shattered, and chaos overflowed. In the collision just now, Zhu Rong condensed ten thousand fires and successfully wiped out all the chaotic airflow. In the strongest collision, Zu Qilin was destroyed. The large formation was directly blown up, and they rushed out.

Heaven and earth are silent.

At this point in the battle, the outcome has been decided. Zu Qilin used all his methods but failed to suppress Zhu Rong. It can be said to be a disastrous defeat.

Many innate gods, demons, and people with great supernatural powers gasped.

Zu Qilin is one of the three ancestors of the prehistoric era, and the Qilin clan led by him can be called the overlord of the prehistoric era, much more powerful than most dynasties founded by innate gods and demons.

But now such a domineering Zu Qilin was defeated by a creature that was just born. This is so shocking that it is bound to cause an uproar in the ancient world and shake all the forces.

"Damn it!" A gloomy look flashed through Zu Qilin's eyes. This was the first time he had suffered such a failure since he was born. No matter what, it was unbearable.

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