Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 211 The top Chaos Demon God follows suit!

"Go back. You have just transformed and your cultivation has not yet reached its peak. Don't go out casually. You must hone your skills in Pangu Hall for a while."

After announcing the great road and successfully establishing the clan, Yuan Huo returned to Pangu Palace with the twelve ancestral witches.

The current Twelve Ancestral Witches are already very powerful, and there is basically no opponent in the prehistoric era. However, there are always accidents. If Hongjun or Luo Hu jumps out, the consequences will be disastrous.

Moreover, now the situation of the prehistoric era has changed drastically, the three clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn dominate the world, and the cultivation level of the three prehistoric ancestors has skyrocketed to the level of Hunyuan Golden Immortal Perfection, which should not be underestimated.

Yuanhuo is stable by nature. Not only is he unwilling to take risks, he is also unlikely to let those around him take risks. Therefore, he requires the cultivation of the twelve ancestral witches to reach a higher level before he can go out.


Di Jiang, Zhu Rong and others were helpless, but since Yuan Huo had spoken, they had no choice but to obey.

"Next, let's have a good discussion and discussion in Pangu Hall."

Then, they all became excited again, grinned, and rushed into the deepest part of Pangu Palace to fight with each other.

For a time, there was a constant roar in the Pangu Palace, and the Wu Clan's blood pool set off hundreds of millions of feet of violent waves, causing endless turmoil.

The Witch Clan is warlike by nature, and they have just transformed, so naturally they cannot stop.

However, Hou Tu and Xuan Ming, as the only female ancestral witches, were relatively quiet. They did not leave to fight with Di Jiang and Zhu Rong. Instead, they stayed by Yuan Huo's side to understand the methods of Yuanshen.

"Practice well. The path of the soul has a bright future. If you practice well, you may be stronger than your brothers." Saruhuo smiled.

The Wu Clan's physical body is strong, but their soul is not weak either. Before, it was just because their physical body was too strong that it crushed their soul, causing the fragments of their soul to be completely integrated into their flesh and blood.

Now through the practice of Yuan Shen Law, the Yuan Shen condensed by each ancestral witch is very powerful, with unlimited cultivation potential, and will not be much weaker than those top innate saints, innate gods and demons.

If Hou Tu and Xuan Ming achieve great achievements in the path of Yuanshen, they might really be able to surpass Di Jiang and the others.

"Don't worry, brother, we will work hard!" After hearing this, Hou Tu and Xuan Ming were all very interested.

"Okay, just stay by my side." Sarushuo smiled and activated his own skills. Suddenly, a vast cloud of joy appeared above his head. Three Dao Lotus swayed in it, and the endless charm of the Dao fell down. At the same time, four pieces of good fortune jade The disk is suspended, and it also produces endless Taoist rhyme.

In just an instant, the place where Yuanhuo stood was transformed into a top holy land of cultivation, with a strong Taoist charm, as if the Taoist world had come to the world.

Hou Tu and Xuan Ming had just begun to practice, and they were enveloped by the infinite charm of the Tao. In an instant, endless insights emerged in their minds, and they were immersed in the enlightenment of the Tao.

At this time, Yuan Huo took out ten drops of Pangu blood essence and drank it in one breath.

This time, he received three rewards from the system: Pangu Essence and Blood, Chaos Origin, and Great Dao Merits.

After some thought, Yuan Huo decided to use the origin of chaos to cultivate four innate spiritual roots: the five-needle pine, the yellow middle plum, the innate gourd vine, and the flat peach mother tree.

Any innate top-quality spiritual root has endless magical uses, such as Bitter Bamboo and Innate Gengjin Bodhi. It can even be transformed into a living being. Later, it can successfully achieve enlightenment and become a saint of heaven, that is, Zhunti and Jieyin.

If these four innate top-quality spiritual roots are cultivated, they will bring endless benefits to Ape Fire.

As for the merits of the Great Dao, Yuan Huo has not thought of a suitable use for the time being. After all, he lacks nothing now, but this thing is an omnipotent thing, no matter what he does, he will naturally have the opportunity to use it in the future.

Finally, there is the Pangu essence and blood, which naturally needs to be directly refined. By refining this Pangu essence and blood, Yuan Huo's heels and feet can be improved again, and the benefits of improving the heels and feet can be said to be endless.


A majestic and vast power immediately exploded in the body of the monkey fire, surging out like a vast ocean, pouring into the limbs and bones, as if it was going to burst the body of the monkey fire.

Roaring sounds like waves crashing on the shore came from Yuanhuo's body and resounded throughout the Pangu Palace. It was the surging energy and blood, and the sound was extremely loud, like the roar of chaotic wind and thunder, the rolling of dark clouds, and the roar of lightning.

Ape Fire's body suddenly swelled up and became billions of feet tall. His body was stretched so round that it almost exploded.

However, Yuan Huo was very experienced in refining essence and blood. He was very calm and unflustered. He started to use the Nine Revolutions Xuan Gong and slowly began to absorb the majestic power of essence and blood.


As time goes by, his body gradually shrinks, and the power of essence and blood is gradually refined. Most of it is hidden in the deepest part of Yuan Huo's body, and will spurt out when his cultivation level is higher.

By this time, Yuan Huo has refined nearly thirty drops of Pangu's essence and blood in total. The power of this essence and blood dormant in his body is also very scary. Once it spurts out in the future, it will be earth-shaking. Who knows if Yuan Huo will be able to rise to the level of What level.


When the refining was completed, Apefire's whole body was shaken, exuding a terrifying aura, and he felt that his whole body had undergone amazing changes.

When you understand the law of the great road, it becomes easier and simpler.

When the mind is running, it can penetrate more secrets in an instant.

The connection with that avenue has become even closer. It seems that with just a thought, one can mobilize a hundred times or a thousand times the vast power.

“My heels have improved again.”

At this moment, Sarufire suddenly realized that his heel was upgraded from a high-level Chaos Demon God heel to a top-level Chaos Demon God heel.

What are the top Chaos Demon God heels?

Among the three thousand most powerful Chaos Demon Gods, only the top ten Chaos Demon Gods have top-level Chaos Demon Gods. In other words, Sarufire's talent and qualifications are now comparable to those of the top ten Chaos Demon Gods!

"This is the power of Pangu's essence and blood."

Sarufire was also shocked at this moment. Just thirty drops of Pangu blood essence could actually elevate his heels to the top level of Chaos Demon God.

Moreover, these are only part of the power of essence and blood. The larger part is still dormant deeper in his body, and can only emerge when his cultivation level is higher.

The power of the Great God Pangu is unimaginable!


At this moment, in Yuan Huo's mind, he only briefly recalled the many laws of the great path that he had understood, and his understanding of them suddenly improved rapidly.

In an instant, nearly four hundred long rivers appeared behind him, each of them hundreds of millions of miles long, running through the sky and the earth, surging with surging waves that shook the Pangu Palace.

The strong aura of the avenues was overwhelming, and his understanding of the nearly four hundred avenues actually improved overall at this moment.

Sixty-one percent.

Sixty-two percent.

Sixty-three percent.

Seventy percent.

It increased by nearly ten percentage points. This rapid progress ended when the speed slowed down slightly, but not by much.

Now that Yuan Huo has understood the laws of the great road, his speed is much faster than before.

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