Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 213 The law of cause and effect is further deduced, Chaos Qinglian!

Hongjun's terrifying and boundless power bombarded Ape Fire across endless time and space, but he only rushed halfway before losing his target.

In Hongjun's perception, a heavy fog seemed to suddenly rise in front of him. Even if he used all his magic power to see clearly what was behind the fog, he couldn't.

In desperation, Hongjun had no choice but to disperse his attack. A look of solemnity appeared on his face that was usually neither sad nor happy.

"Who is spying on me secretly? And his methods are so clever that even I can't track his whereabouts! Is it Luo Hu?"

He whispered in his mind.

"The current situation in Hongjun is too chaotic. It seems that everything is beyond my control and cannot be grasped. I can no longer see clearly the future trend."

After a long while, he sighed.

Originally, Hongjun saw his future path very clearly and was full of confidence. However, with the birth of Ape Fire, he continued to rise, disrupting every cause and effect in the prehistoric world, causing a butterfly reaction. Now the entire prehistoric situation is in great danger. Change, even Hongjun felt unable to control it.

"Faced with such a situation, there is only one way, and that is to seize the time to make arrangements without any negligence." Finally, Hongjun made up his mind.


Above his head, eight jade disc fragments of good fortune shed endless light, shrouding him, and a perfect aura of Hunyuan Golden Immortal spread out, which was boundless in terror.

Hongjun's current realm has reached the level of perfection, and he is not far from the next realm of "sub-sage", which is many times more powerful than the ancestral Qilin.

On the other side, Ape Fire restrained all the fluctuations of cause and effect, and pictures related to the jade plate of creation appeared in his mind.

"It turns out that after the jade plate of creation fell into the ancient world, there were only thirty-six fragments in total. Now I have four pieces on my body, Hongjun has eight pieces on his body, and the others are scattered throughout the ancient world."

Apefire said to himself.

As for the whereabouts of the jade plate of creation, through the inference of cause and effect, he now knows it in his heart, and is ready to leave Pangu Palace and go out to find it.

However, just as he made a move, Sarufire stopped.

"In addition to the jade plate of creation, the chaos treasures that fell into the wilderness include the thirty-sixth grade Chaos Green Lotus. The Chaos Green Lotus can transform into even more treasures!"

After the Thirty-sixth Grade Chaos Green Lotus fell into the wilderness, the lotus leaves turned into the Innate Five Directions Flag, the lotus seeds turned into the Innate Five Directions Lotus Platform, the roots turned into the God-killing Spear, and the lotus pods turned into the Fortune Cauldron and the Universe Cauldron. The petals turned into the Three Books of Heaven, Earth, and Man, all of which are top-notch treasures.

Now Yuan Huo has the Pure World White Lotus, one of the five innate lotus pods, and the Fortune Cauldron, one of the innate treasures transformed from the lotus pod, as well as the plain cloud world flag obtained from Santian.

If one could collect all the treasures transformed from the thirty-sixth grade Chaos Green Lotus, it would be a very terrifying harvest.

"The way of cause and effect, derivation!"

At that moment, Yuan Huo did not hesitate, and took out the White Lotus of Pure World and the Cauldron of Creation, fully activating the path of cause and effect, and suddenly the dense threads of cause and effect reappeared in his mental perception.

From the White Lotus of Pure World and the Cauldron of Creation, threads of cause and effect spread out in an instant, penetrating through billions of time and space, and the ape fire stimulated the power of cause and effect, tracing upwards to the source.

Suddenly, he saw a picture scroll that seemed to contain endless mountains and rivers in the wilderness, in the hands of an old man with a strange appearance.

A giant cauldron that spurts out endless energy of creation is also in the hands of this old man.

A twelve-grade golden lotus plant is still in the hands of this old man.

A snow-white, crystal clear lotus lantern was also in the hands of this old man.

"This Hongjun has too many collections." Yuan Huo naturally saw at a glance that this old man was Hongjun, and he was suddenly surprised.

Good guy, most of the many treasures transformed by the thirty-sixth grade Chaos Green Lotus were searched by Hongjun.

Now in this prehistoric world, in terms of the number of spiritual treasures in hand, Yuan Huo can be said to be the first, and this Hongjun can undoubtedly be ranked second.

And if it weren't for Ape Fire, Hongjun would undoubtedly be the person with the most treasures in the wild!

"You actually spied on me again!" On the other side, Na Hongjun was angry. He felt the prying eyes again, and suddenly a terrifying aura erupted all over his body, making the world tremble and the starry sky tremble.

Yuan Huo smiled slightly, withdrew his gaze, and activated the law of cause and effect to hide himself so that Hongjun could not find any trace of him.

"It seems that we must have a fight with Hongjun in the future." Then, a sharp look appeared in Yuan Huo's eyes.

Nothing else.

There are too many treasures in Hongjun's body, and they are all needed by Yuan Huo. In this case, how can he just ignore them? Naturally, they all have to be searched for!

If it were in the past, when Sarushuo was not strong enough, he would not have such an idea, but with his current strength, he can do this.


As a result, Ape Fire continued to deduce and search for traces of other treasures transformed by Chaos Qinglian.

Soon, he saw a blood-red lotus floating in the boundless sea of ​​blood, which was the Twelfth Grade Fire Red Lotus.

Under a ginseng fruit tree that reaches the sky, a volume of books blooms with misty brilliance. It is the Book of Earth among the three books of heaven, earth and man.

In a majestic mountain, a black spear exuded a terrifying murderous aura. It was the god-killing spear transformed from the roots of the Chaos Green Lotus.

In the vast ocean, a black chess piece made a hunting sound. It was the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag, one of the Five Innate Flags.

Pictures flashed by, making Yuan Huo know the whereabouts of these many spiritual treasures.


With a thought, he converged on the path of cause and effect, and then grew taller.

"Next, I will first collect the fragments of the jade disk of creation scattered throughout the ancient world, and understand the laws of the Great Dao in them, so that my strength can be further improved."

"Then, slowly plan for the spiritual treasures in the hands of top powerhouses like Hongjun and Luo Hu."

Sarufire quickly made a plan in his mind.

As soon as he finished practicing, all the Tao Yun in his body was restrained, and Hou Tu and Xuan Ming, who were practicing with the help of his Dao Yun next to him, also woke up.

"Brother, do you want to go out?" Hou Tu asked.

"Well, I have something to do next, and I'm going to travel around the wilderness." Yuan Huo said.

"Then can we follow?" Hou Tu and Xuan Ming's eyes suddenly lit up.

"No." Yuan Huo refused directly. The cultivation of these ancestral witches has not been completely consolidated. The next thing to do is to strengthen their own strength in Pangu Palace.

"Oh, okay then." After hearing this, Hou Tu and Xuan Ming couldn't help but feel disappointed.

"Don't worry, when there is an opportunity in the future, the whole wilderness will be free for us to roam." Saruhuo smiled, comforted him a few words, and left.


When he came to the outside world, he followed the whereabouts of the jade plate of creation deduced through the law of cause and effect, and began to search everywhere in the wilderness.

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