Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 220: Blessed by the top avenue, the power increases ten thousand times!

The mighty power of the heaven-opening merits, shining with the clear light of merits, merged with the black and yellow energy, instantly erupting into a shocking storm.

The divine light was dazzling, and the defensive power of the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth suddenly increased a thousand times. The bright sword could no longer move forward an inch and was completely blocked.


Finally, with a crisp sound of the sword, the heavenly sword was pushed back.

The Xuanhuang Tower hangs above Yuan Huo's head, its merits shine brightly, and there is a faint aura of Kaitian. It is extremely powerful, showing unparalleled defensive power.

"The strike of the bright sword just now inspired the power of merit contained in the deepest part of the Xuanhuang Tower. The power of this meritorious deed to open the sky is even more terrifying than the Xuanhuang Qi."

Yuan Huo understood clearly, he had seen this kind of scene before, when the Hongmeng Heavenly Ruler collided with the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth, the power of opening the sky appeared.

The power of this Xueliang Heavenly Sword is so powerful that it can actually force the Xuanhuang Tower to such an extent, which shows that its power is world-shaking.

A sharp look flashed across the eyes of the monkey fire. Naturally, it was impossible to sit still and wait for death. Mana surged, and an aura suddenly erupted around him.

His entire body seemed to be on fire, the blood was gushing into the sky, and his soul was as bright as the scorching sun. All his power was mobilized to the extreme at this moment.

Qingyun emerged, three Dao Lotuses swayed, and endless Dao light was shed. The blood in Yuan Huo's body also roared, and the power of the top Chaos Demon God's heels was fully activated.

"The top avenue increases!"

Then Aruhuo gave a soft drink.


Along with this sound, a vast Taoist rhyme as vast as the sea suddenly erupted from Yuanhuo's body, stirring up the long river of Taoism located outside infinite time and space.

The Great Dao has completely retreated into seclusion, sleeping in the deepest part of the inner chaos. It is impossible for any creature in the ancient world to awaken the power of the Great Dao.

But Sarufire is an exception.

He is the heel of the top Chaos Demon God, surpassing all living beings in the prehistoric era, towering over countless sentient beings, and his bloodline is earth-shattering.

At this moment, the power of this bloodline is activated, and even though Dao Dao has gone into seclusion and fallen asleep, he is still stimulated and wakes up.

In an instant, the entire prehistoric universe seemed to tremble. In the inner chaos beyond the endless time and space, a huge power awakened, and then a torrent of great avenues spanned billions of time and space, using a method that is unimaginable for any living being. In the blink of an eye, he arrived here and blessed Aruhuo.

The avenue is full of light and rain.

The Tao Yun on Yuan Huo's body was instantly stronger by thousands of times, and his aura suddenly surged, constantly breaking through, and he simply didn't know what level he had reached.


This battlefield of heaven collapsed once again, and even the power of heaven could not repair it. Pieces of time and space collapsed, and chains of order broke.

The coercion coming out of Yuan Huo's body was really terrifying, like a sea of ​​chaos surging forward, breaking through all obstacles, even the way of heaven could not stop it.

This is the growth rate of top avenues!

The increase in primary avenue can increase a person's strength tenfold.

The increase in the intermediate avenue can increase a person's strength a hundred times.

The increase in the high-level avenue can increase a person's strength a thousand times.

And this top-level avenue increase can increase a person's strength ten thousand times!

The power of ape fire increased ten thousand times!

There was originally no emotion of any living thing in the Eye of Punishment, but at this moment, there seemed to be a flash of deep panic. The avenue had already gone into seclusion, and the ape fire was still able to mobilize the power of the avenue. How could this be possible?

The road is above the way of heaven!

Therefore, Tiandao has an instinctive fear of the Dao. Now that he senses the power of the Dao blessed by Yuan Huo, he naturally has a fear.

However, this mood only lasted for a moment, and the Eye of Punishment returned to its indifference, and seemed to be even more intimidating, with a ferocious flavor that chose others to devour.

Tiandao has just awakened, and actually has no consciousness of its own. Everything is acting instinctively based on rules.

Facing the monkey fire, such a rule instinct felt an even more terrifying threat at this moment. Facing such a threat, its biggest idea was to use all the power it could use to strangle it in the cradle. It must not Let it go.


The Eye of Heaven's Punishment suddenly became blazing, and the long river of heaven behind him became more and more real and magnificent, as if it would really come here in the next moment.

The endless power of heaven was used crazily from the vast and endless time and space, and was mobilized by heaven and concentrated to kill the ape fire.

In the end, the place where the Eye of Punishment seemed to have turned into chaos, distorted time and space, and turned into dust for eternity, leaving only the purest destructive power.


The sharp sword became more and more dazzling, condensed into substance, shining with a metallic cold light. It was simply more powerful and terrifying than the innate treasure.

In the void, endless pictures appeared, which were the fate of all living beings. They flashed by one after another. From the past to the future, everything was shrouded in a huge net and bound by a rule.

And this is the way of heaven!

It wants to control everything, and everything that may escape its control will be destroyed without mercy!

The snowy sky sword vibrated, and the light of the sword split the universe, as if it was about to cut through the sea of ​​chaos, turning into a dazzling galaxy, a rolling torrent, and slashed straight towards the ape fire again.

Ape Fire's eyes were indifferent. With the blessing of the Great Dao, his strength increased ten thousand times, reaching the peak in his life. Endless power filled every inch of his flesh and blood and soul.

Seeing the sword light approaching, Saruhuo made a very simple action, stretched out his hand and shook it gently.

"A strike that opens the sky."


A long river of laws suddenly roared, setting off huge waves.

This is the long river of the Law of Power!

At this moment, Ape Fire activated his ultimate power, a sky-opening strike!

This is a peerless killing method that Yuan Huo has learned from Pangu's essence and blood inheritance. He condenses the sky with an axe, cuts through the chaos, and the three thousand chaos demon gods will wither.

If you want to activate this sky-opening strike, you must have an extremely deep understanding of the law of force. Yuanhuo has understood the law of force to the late stage of Hunyuan Golden Immortal, and displays it. The power is higher than before. How much!

At the beginning, the Great God Pangu opened up the sky and the earth in the sea of ​​chaos with one strike of his axe. Now Ape Fire is also going to use this strike to open up the sky and strike at the supreme way of heaven!

Infinite divine light surged out, outlining the shape of the giant axe. In the blink of an eye, it materialized and was held by the ape fire. Then it slashed forward towards the bright sword.

The top avenue is increased, the power is increased ten thousand times, the sky is opened with a strike, the great god Pangu kills the magical power, and the ape fire at this moment activates his ultimate power to launch the strongest collision!

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